List of Ouran High School Host Club episodes

Ouran High School Host Club is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title by Bisco Hatori. It began broadcasting on April 4, 2006 on Nippon Television, and ended on September 26, 2006. The series was directed by Takuya Igarashi and written by Yōji Enokido (Revolutionary Girl Utena, The Melody of Oblivion), while the character designer and chief animation director for the series was Kumiko Takahashi (Cardcaptor Sakura). It also features a different cast from the audio dramas, with Maaya Sakamoto starring as Haruhi Fujioka and Mamoru Miyano portraying Tamaki Suou. Ouran High School Host Club finished its run on September 26, 2006, totaling to twenty-six episodes.

The series is licensed for distribution in North America by FUNimation Entertainment, set for release across the region in summer 2008. Caitlin Glass is the ADR director of the series. FUNimation announced two cast members every Friday on their website for the series which led up to the main cast announcements at Anime Expo 2008. The first anime DVD set containing the first thirteen episodes was released on October 28, 2008 in North America; and the second volume became available on January 6, 2009 containing the last thirteen episodes.

Episode list

No. Title Original air date
01 "Starting Today, You Are a Host!"
"Kyō kara Kimi wa Hosuto da" (今日から君はホストだ) 
April 4, 2006
Scholarship student Haruhi Fujioka arrives at the elite private school Ouran Academy where she is mistaken as male due to her boyish appearance. Haruhi stumbles upon the Host Club (in Music Room 3) while looking for a quiet place to study and, while trying to escape, accidentally breaks an expensive vase. To pay off the debt, Haruhi is forced to work for the club. After a while, the hosts realize Haruhi's potential as a host and change her means of repayment from errand boy to a Host-in-Training who must obtain one hundred "requests" from customers. One by one, the other club members come to realize that Haruhi is of female sex, except for club leader Tamaki Suoh. On her first day as a host, Haruhi gets into a fight with Princess Ayanokoji, one of Tamaki's jealous customers. The fight is broken up when Haruhi and Ayanokoji are doused with water, requiring Haruhi to change into a dry uniform. Tamaki walks in on her while she is partially undressed and discovers her sex. 
02 "The Job of a High School Host!"
"Kōkōsei Hosuto no O-shigoto" (高校生ホストのお仕事) 
April 11, 2006
The Host Club finds out that one of their regular customers, Kanako Kasugazaki, one of the few that skips from host to host regularly, is having trouble with her fiancé, Toru Suzushima. The group cooks up a plan to help them reunite at the upcoming Dance Party. As part of the club's plan, they make Haruhi dress up as a girl. Haruhi approaches Toru in a darkened classroom, pretending to be an admirer. Toru tells her that he's flattered but that he cares for someone else and is leaving Japan to study abroad to better himself for her sake. Kanako finds them together and flees, in tears. Toru catches up to her and they reaffirm their feelings for one another. At the end of the party, a "queen" is chosen to receive a kiss on the cheek from Tamaki. However, just as Kanako is chosen as the queen, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin announce that Haruhi will be giving the kiss. Tamaki realizes this will be Haruhi's first kiss and, jealous, runs to stop her and accidentally pushes her, instead. Haruhi ends up kissing Kanako on the lips, embarrassing both parties. Kanako's fiancee, Toru, decides that the kiss does not count and all is well. 
03 "Beware the Physical Exam!"
"Shintai Kensa ni Go-yōjin" (身体検査にご用心) 
April 18, 2006
The time has come for the school's annual physical examinations and the Host Club must find a way to protect the nature of Haruhi's gender or lose her as a host. Their attempts, including Tamaki disguising himself as Haruhi, fail miserably until Kyoya Ootori steps in with a doctor who promises not to reveal her secret. Meanwhile, a disoriented doctor named Yabu (or Quack) is searching for his daughter and is accused of "making a pass" at one of the female students. Dr. Yabu is distraught at the accusations and equally distraught that his wife and daughter left him due to financial problems. Kyoya points out that if the man's family is really that poor, the girl would be attending Ouran Public High School, rather than the prestigious and very expensive Ouran Academy. Tamaki gives him directions, explaining that, even though he might get hurt later, it's up to him to find out if his daughter and he can still have a relationship. Haruhi is quietly impressed and decides to stick by the Host Club a bit longer. 
04 "Attack of the Lady Manager!"
"Joshi Manējā Shūrai" (女子マネージャー襲来) 
April 25, 2006
The Host Club must deal with their new self-appointed manager, Renge Hoshakuji, a French otaku who claims to be Kyoya's fiancée because he looks like an anime character she adores. She decides to enhance the roles of the host club and convinces them to cosplay as the "dark" side of themselves. The parts she gives out are: Tamaki Suoh - the lonely prince, Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka - the baby-faced thug, Haruhi Fujioka - the bully's target, Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka - Honey's childhood flunkie, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin - the neurotic sports stars. Kyoya is not given a part since Renge deems him perfect just as he is. Eventually, this leads to Renge making a movie featuring the Host Club, with each host acting out their new roles. She enlists two students to play villains in this movie; however, since they never agreed to do such a thing, they resist her direction. As Haruhi attempts to protect Renge from their physical push-back, she dislodges a contact lens, causing her to appear as if she's crying in pain. Tamaki hurries over, angry at the thought that someone has hurt her, only to find out that it was her contact that fell out. Haruhi finally helps Renge understand that accepting people for who they are is what's important and not who you assume or want them to be. Kyoya breaks the camera lens just before the end of the shoot, but edits the footage and sells the film, for a profit, and to apparent universal acclaim. Renge switches her crush from Kyoya to Haruhi because of "his" bravery. 
05 "The Twins Fight!"
"Futago Kenkasuru" (双子ケンカする) 
May 2, 2006
Hikaru and Kaoru beg to be allowed to visit Haruhi's home, but she refuses. Hikaru and Kaoru offer to play the "Which one is Hikaru?", in exchange if she gets it wrong, the Twins will pay her a visit. Haruhi guess and the Twins tell her she is wrong, but knowing that they are trying to trick her, Haruhi comments about the differences between Hikaru and Kaoru, which triggers a fight between the inseparable siblings, even making them dye their hair different colors (blue and pink) in order to be told apart. The feud between the twins carries into the classroom and later, the refectory where everyone sees them. Haruhi learns that the twins have never had a fight before and wonders if they'll know when to quit. Back in Music Room 3, Kaoru is about to use the Beelzenef curse doll obtained from Umehito Nekozawa, the president of the Black Magic Club, and threatens to write Hikaru's name on the back of the Beelzenef doll, completing the curse. Haruhi intervenes and snatches the Beelzenef doll from Kaoru, chastising them both for carrying things too far, adding that if they don't apologize immediately she will never let them visit her at her home. She then turns the Beelzenef doll over and, seeing that "blank" was written on its back, realizes that it was all a ploy by the twins to be allowed to visit Haruhi's house. Haruhi knows that was clever, but she is still quite angry. 
06 "The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type!"
"Shōgakusei Hosuto wa Yancha-kei" (小学生ホストはやんちゃ系) 
May 9, 2006
An elementary school brat, Shiro Takaoji, seeks help from the Host Club to win the hearts of girls. Renge helps develop a role for him, being a shota of the naughty type. However, Shiro denounces the whole club as idiots and runs away. The Host Club infiltrates the elementary school, disguising Haruhi as a middle-school student and Honey as an elementary-school student. There, they discover that Shiro has a crush on only one girl who would soon be moving away and that she and Shiro were supposed to play a piano piece together, though Shiro is woefully unprepared, having spent most of his time watching and listening with adoration to Hina as she played alone. Tamaki brings Shiro back to Music Room 3 and sets up a training schedule, revealing in the process that he himself is a gifted pianist. The Host Club ends up hosting a command performance which allows Shiro and Hina to have a small concert in the Host Club lounge. 
07 "Jungle Pool SOS!"
"Janguru Pūru SOS" (ジャングルプールSOS) 
May 16, 2006
The Host Club drags Haruhi to an artificial tropical water park, but an accident involving the wave pool separates Honey from the rest of the gang. Haruhi and Mori separate from the rest of the group to look for him, and Mori carries Haruhi due to the fact that she's creeped out by the jungle fauna. Haruhi wonders aloud about Honey and Mori's relationship and the twins explain that they're cousins by marriage. Meanwhile, Kyoya hires his family's private police force (The Black Onion Squad) to look for Honey as well as to arrest any suspicious people. The squad mistakes Haruhi for Honey and Mori as a suspicious person. Honey swings in on a vine, amazing Haruhi with his martial arts ability before he subdues the guards who apologize profusely for attacking Haruhi and Mori and claim to be honored to be beaten by the great Mitsukuni Haninozuka, nationally-renowned martial artist. The Host Club reunites and Haruhi mentions that she would prefer visiting an actual beach. 
08 "The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!"
"Taiyō to Umi to Hosuto-bu" (太陽と海とホスト部) 
May 23, 2006
The Host Club, along with some of their customers, visits a beach in Okinawa upon Haruhi's request. Hikaru and Kaoru devise a game to find out Haruhi's phobia. Kyoya hypes up the competition by offering up photos of Haruhi in middle school, refusing to explain where he got them. In turn, the hosts attempt to scare Haruhi, unsuccessfully. Meanwhile, Haruhi confronts two drunken thugs who threaten some of the girls and she's tossed into the ocean. Tamaki rescues, then rebukes Haruhi for being so reckless, causing them to avoid each other for the remainder of the day. Seeing that Haruhi doesn't understand verbal messages, Kyoya threatens to molest Haruhi in order to demonstrate her vulnerability and is successful in having her realize what everyone was worried about. Tamaki wins the competition discreetly in the end, finding out she has brontophobia, the fear of thunder and lightning, when he sees Haruhi hide inside a wardrobe following a clap of thunder. When the rest of the Host Club walks in an inopportune moment, they see Tamaki covering Haruhi's ears and eyes to help deal with the phobia, but misperceive that Tamaki involving Haruhi in deviant sexual activity. 
09 "A Challenge from Lobelia Girls' Academy!"
"Roberia Jogakuin no Chōsen" (ロベリア女学院の挑戦) 
May 30, 2006
Benio "Benibara" Amakusa, head of the Zuka Club at St. Lobelia Girls' Academy, chances upon Haruhi and, instantly recognizing that she is a girl, tries to convince her to join her school and her club. Along with two of her clubmates, they disparage the Host Club and men in numerous ways, revealing their lesbian natures. Tamaki's half-Japanese/half-French background is revealed and Haruhi learns that one of her personal belongings was auctioned off on the Host Club's online auction site and is annoyed, leaving them all for the day. Convinced that Haruhi will leave them to go to St. Lobelia, the boys dress up as girls to show Haruhi that she can be around boys and girls at the same time if she remains at Ouran. Haruhi finds them ridiculous, but shares that she came to Ouran Academy for a reason and never planned on leaving. The Zuka Club girls leave but refuse to give up, warning the club that they will be back for Haruhi. 
10 "A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!"
"Fujioka-ke no Nichijō" (藤岡家の日常) 
June 6, 2006
Tamaki Suoh awakens in the second mansion in a cold sweat, having just had a nightmare in which he sees Haruhi living in squalor. With this in the forefront of his mind, he enlists the company of the other hosts and they go to the apartment complex where Haruhi lives. Haruhi resigns herself to letting them in and serving them tea. Tamaki endlessly warns the twins to be careful about what they say or do and make themselves generally unwelcome, asking for things no matter how much Tamaki chides them. When Honey asks Haruhi to prepare lunch, she agrees. They all prepare to go to the commoners supermarket, but Tamaki lags behind to pay his respects to the shrine of Haruhi's late mother, Kotoko. He and Haruhi exchange a moment of empathy but then, as he rises, he trips and falls on top of Haruhi. At this point, Haruhi's father (Ryouji "Ranka" Fujioka) arrives home from work. Upon seeing his daughter pinned, he conveniently dislodges Tamaki from Haruhi and into the wall. Later, he reveals that he's a professional transvestite named "Ranka" and has been in contact with Kyoya all along. Haruhi is thoroughly annoyed and leaves to go shopping, by herself. Ranka invites the hosts to stalk Haruhi with him, partly to keep an eye on his daughter and partly so that he can be seen with a group of handsome boys. Tamaki tries to impress Ranka with his appreciation for Haruhi, but Ranka calls him "the enemy." 
11 "Big Brother is a Prince!"
"Onii-chama wa Ōji-sama" (お兄ちゃまは王子様) 
June 13, 2006
A small girl, Kirimi Nekozawa, wanders into Ouran Academy searching for her older brother who attends the school. Her brother is Umehito Nekozawa. She chances upon the Host Club and calls them "a reverse harem," which the hosts find startling. When Kirimi sees Tamaki's blond hair, she mistakes him for Umehito. Two servants from the Nekozawa household appear to retrieve her and, while with the hosts, explain that Kirimi is afraid of the dark while Umehito is afraid of the light. With his black cloak, black wig and Beelzenef cat puppet, Umehito frightens Kirimi who clings to Tamaki, causing Umehito to leave, dejected. After the siblings leave, Tamaki enlists the help of Renge to coach Nekozawa into become the princely figure his sister is convinced that he is. She lives her life waiting for her princely brother to save her from the monster in her house, who is actually Nekozawa in his cloak and wig, having to cover his skin and hair due to photophobia. Tamaki and Renge help him to learn to act princely and to avoid occult references, as well as help him give up his cloak and wig, convincing him that his phobia is just psychological. Eventually this leads to him saving Kirimi from a large unfriendly cat, since she also has ailurophobia, the fear of cats, and convinces her of his bravery. Despite his overcoming his photophobia, Umehito succumbs to his skin's true sensitivity to sunlight and collapses. This makes the Host Club believe that they were unsuccessful when, in reality, the Nekozawa siblings have forged a bond that transcends appearances. 
12 "Honey's Three Bitter Days"
"Hanī-senpai no Amakunai Mikkakan" (ハニー先輩の甘くない三日間) 
June 20, 2006
A brief introductory bit has Honey's adored stuffed bunny, Usa-chan, stained with tea, with Tamaki and the twins being terrified of Honey's reaction. Haruhi learns more about Honey's great power in martial arts and that he has type AB blood, just like Kyoya. She, too, becomes afraid although Mori is able to defuse the entire situation with a few words. During club hours, Honey experiences sudden tooth pain and it's learned that he has a cavity; the number one rule until the cavity is fixed is no desserts or snacks. A very depressed Honey attempts many strategies to be able to eat sweets, but to no avail. He ultimately takes his frustration out on Mori by judo-throwing him, as Mori is being the strictest with him. Haruhi realizes that Mori wanted to be punished by Honey because he blames himself for not telling Honey to brush his teeth. When Honey hears this, he's very sorry and they make amends. A few days later, Honey's cavity is repaired, thereby allowing him to eat desserts and snacks again, which makes him happy but Kyoya, very unhappy; the reason being that purchasing all those snacks cost the club money and Kyoya, after all, is the "Shadow King" who keeps the club afloat financially while Tamaki is the obvious "King" who keeps the guests happy. 
13 "Haruhi in Wonderland!"
"Fushigi no Kuni no Haruhi" (不思議の国のハルヒ) 
June 27, 2006
Haruhi's dream about the day of her admission into Ouran High School becomes an illusionary Alice in Wonderland fantasy. She meets Shiro Takaoji as a mouse, Kyoya Ootori as the Caterpillar, and Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin as twin Cheshire Cats. She seems to recognize something about all of them in her dream like the fact that the "one" Chesire cat is actually the twins or that Kyoya always writes in a black notebook. She also runs into a Mad Hatter that resembles Tamaki, a March Hare that resembles Honey and a Dormouse that resembles Mori, as well as a Duchess that resembles Renge, a Dodo that resembles Kanako and a Cook that resembles Ayanokoji. Throughout the dream, they all try to give Haruhi advice, but she only realizes it when she stands before the royal court in defense of the Duchess. The king turns out to be Ryouji and the queen, Kotoko (her late mother), who tells Haruhi to enjoy her life as it occurs instead of just focusing on the future. Haruhi wakes up with tears in her eyes and sees the Host Club dressed up in costumes similar to the ones they wore in her dream. She ends the episode by commenting on how the Host Club has too much fun, but her smile declares that she's glad that it does. 
14 "Covering The Famous Host Club!"
"Uwasa no Hosuto-bu o Shuzaise yo" (噂のホスト部を取材せよ) 
July 4, 2006
The ailing Newspaper Club wants to obtain an interview with the popular Host Club in order to save it from being disbanded due to the lack of public interest when the real story is that the newspaper has lost all credibility by publishing only gossip and scandals. The newspaper club president, Akira Komatsuzawa, is especially interested in finding something he can use against the Host Club's president, Tamaki, because he believes that Tamaki is using his parents' power to control the popular students, and he wants to exploit that information for his own benefit by revealing it to the entire student body. Hard as they try as they observe the Host Club playing outdoor children's games, they're unable to "scoop" evidence about Tamaki's supposed dark side. Akira decides he'll make up something just to smear Tamaki, but is thwarted by the Host Club. When Haruhi inquires about Tamaki's parents, she learns for the first time that Tamaki's father is the Chairman of Ouran Academy, the benefactor of her scholarship. 
15 "The Refreshing Battle of Karuizawa!"
"Karuizawa Sawayaka Batoru" (軽井沢さわやかバトル) 
July 11, 2006
During summer vacation, Haruhi gets a part-time job in a pension in the rustic resort town of Karuizawa. She feels guilty at first for not saying anything about it to the rest of the Host Club. Tamaki freaks out because he can't get a hold of Haruhi and calls in the Host Club to locate her. Tamaki panics to the other host club members that she has been kidnapped. Kyoya tells Tamaki that she went to Karuizawa for the summer. Thinking that she was still kidnapped Tamaki gets the Host Club to go and find her. Hikaru and Kaoru are surprised by the news and are desperate to find her. When the club arrives, a "refreshment" contest erupts when they realize there is only one remaining room at the pension and they all want to stay. The owner of the pension, Misuzu Sonoda, agrees to the contest because it entails getting chores done around the pension, as well as having the handsome hosts visible on her property where they will draw in more customers. Honey is disqualified as being too babyish which also eliminates Mori. The twins have the upper hand as Tamaki struggles to be refreshing. Kyoya sits out the competition but assists Tamaki, who charms Misuzu by playing the piano. In the end, however, it's Hikaru and Kaoru who win by inadvertently demonstrating their "brotherly love." The brothers share the room and in the morning, are grumpy and rude to Haruhi. Just then, a friend of Haruhi's from middle school appears as a summertime delivery boy and things take an interesting turn. 
16 "Operation Haruhi and Hikaru’s First Date!"
"Haruhi to Hikaru Hatsu Dēto Daisakusen" (ハルヒと光 初デート大作戦) 
July 18, 2006
Hikaru gets jealous of Haruhi's middle school friend, Arai, while at the pension, after learning that Haruhi's classmate used to have a large crush on Haruhi. Kaoru wants to make up for Hikaru's rude behavior, so he offers to take Haruhi out on a date. Kaoru pretends to be sick for the date and sets up the date for Hikaru and Haruhi. He does so because he believes that Hikaru is interested in Haruhi but, being clumsy in genuine social situations, doesn't know how to act properly and that Haruhi can help him learn how to think of others first. During their date, Hikaru runs off somewhere due to another unpleasant encounter with Arai, and a thunderstorm occurs. Worried about Haruhi, Tamaki calls Hikaru, accuses him of selfishness, and tells him that Haruhi is afraid of thunder, letting everyone know Haruhi's weakness. Acknowledging Tamaki's words, Hikaru sets off to find her in the midst of the storm. In the end, Hikaru comforts Haruhi, who is hiding under the altar in a church, sitting beside her and giving her his headphones to drown out the sound. He apologizes for the way he acted and Haruhi forgives him. At the end, Kaoru remarks to Kyoya that Hikaru will not notice his feelings for Haruhi because he's a dummy while Kyoya comments that their club is full of dummies. 
17 "Kyoya’s Reluctant Day Out!"
"Kyōya no Fuhon'i na Kyūjitsu" (鏡夜の不本意な休日) 
July 25, 2006
Kyoya, half-asleep, is dragged into a department store and abandoned by the Host Club, who aim to study the life of the commoners, and therefore understand more about Haruhi. When he wakes up, Kyoya notices that he is without a wallet and a cell phone, and that he's quite hungry. Luckily, he ends up meeting Haruhi there, alone, and they spend the day learning about one another. Kyoya reveals that he is the youngest of three sons of the Otori family and, as such, finds it a challenge to surpass his exemplary brothers in order to meet his father's expectations. While wandering around, they encounter a vendor who is advertising fake pottery as genuine artwork. A woman is about to purchase something from him when Kyoya steps in and reveals both his knowledge of art and the vendor's trickery. They reunite with the other hosts and Tamaki has purchased a dog which he names Antoinette. As Haruhi leaves to go home, she comments to Kyoya that he really is a lot like Tamaki in his dedication to helping people even though he (Kyoya) pretends to not care. Kyoya is impressed, yet again, by her insight. 
18 "Chika’s “Down with Honey” Declaration!"
"Chika-kun no Hanī Datō Sengen" (チカ君のハニー打倒宣言) 
August 1, 2006
Honey has a younger brother named Yasuchika "Chika" Haninozuka. Chika is known to hold a grudge against Honey because of Honey's loli-shota ways. When they meet, family tradition demands a martial arts duel and, typically, Honey wins. Chika demands that Honey steer clear of him at school. After he leaves, Haruhi learns how Honey quit being the Captain of the Ouran Karate Club in order to join the Host Club. Tamaki insists that they help the brothers reunite and so, they go to the dojo where Chika is now Captain of the Karate Club. Chika confronts them outside and calls his brother an "alien" because Honey eats three cakes for dessert every night and holds a weekly midnight cakefest; this, without ever gaining weight. Honey apologizes to Chika for causing so much pain and suffering for him, but won't give up being true to himself. To settle the score, Honey and Chika have a martial arts duel, the stakes being that if Honey loses he will give up his weekly midnight cakefest. Mori thinks Honey will throw the fight and is devastated when Honey beats his brother soundly. In the end, Honey considers Haruhi's opinion that if he loves cake more than his brother, he's really a terrible person; and also Tamaki's opinion that true strength means being true to yourself. Honey's response is to hug Usa-chan tightly saying, "I love you." 
19 "Lobelia Girls’ Academy Strikes Back!"
"Roberia Jogakuin no Gyakushū" (ロベリア女学院の逆襲) 
August 8, 2006
The Lobelia girls finally manage to kidnap Haruhi and bring her to St. Lobelia Girls' Academy where they dress her in uniform and invite her to join the Zuka Club because a fellow performer "broke a leg" and can't perform in their show that day. She refuses until she learns that Benibara's late mother would be disappointed in Benibara for cancelling the show. Meanwhile, the Host Club freaks out when they visit Ryouji and learn that Haruhi is with the Lobelia girls. They infiltrate St. Lobelia, spy on Haruhi's rehearsal and pretend to be fans of Lady Benibara in order to get close enough to Haruhi to rescue her. During the actual show, Tamaki overhears that there's to be a "kiss scene" and when Benibara speaks lines about revenge, the spotlight shines on the Hosts and Ryouji. Kyoya, in the meantime, has charmed his way into the control room and taken command of the technical console, having the image of Haruhi kissing Kanako at the Dance Party projected onto a large onstage screen for the world to see, thereby thwarting Benibara's hope to steal Haruhi's first kiss. The episode ends with the Zuka Club and the Hosts chasing Haruhi around the stage and everyone slipping on banana peels. 
20 "The Door the Twins Opened!"
"Futago ga Aketa Tobira" (双子があけた扉) 
August 15, 2006
A prequel that tells the story of how Hikaru and Kaoru are convinced to join the Host Club. As youngsters, they had a maid who they adored but who, in reality, was a thief they found trying to rob the family safe in the middle of the night. The toddler twins tell her that if she can tell who is who between them, they'll give her the combination to the safe (which they keep hidden in their piggy bank). Unable to tell them apart, the maid breaks open the piggy bank after they fall asleep and robs the family. As she descends a rope ladder from the upper stories of the mansion, the twins wake up and go to her, asking why she broke her promise to them. She says that she can't tell them apart and, perhaps, no one ever will. This leads to a dysfunctional view of others as being untrustworthy unless they can tell the twins apart; of course, no one can. When they meet Tamaki in middle school, he asks them to join the Host Club and they agree, provided Tamaki can figure out which twin is which, giving him a month to do so. Over time, they grow bored and annoyed with Tamaki and tell him to get lost. They go back to being mean and selfish, playing tricks on girls who like them and isolating themselves from others. Tamaki, despite being dismissed, remains determined and finally figures out which twin is which. They dislike his reason of "intuition," but Tamaki helps Hikaru and Kaoru to understand that it's okay to be who they are, just as they are; but if they keep themselves shut off from everyone, they'll never ever meet the person who really can tell them apart. The first host club meeting is held on Opening Day and the twins enter the Host Club, as usual, together. 
21 "Until the Day it Becomes a Pumpkin!"
"Itsuka Kabocha ni naru Hi made" (いつかカボチャになる日まで) 
August 22, 2006
Haruhi's Class 1-A has a Halloween event called "The Halloween Test-of-Courage Tournament," in which teams do their best to scare each other. The losing team will be featured on the front page of the school newsletter with the headline, "The Captains of All Cowards." Class 1-A president, Kazukiyo Soga, isn't so keen on this idea, as he reveals to Haruhi that he has nyctophobia, a fear of the dark. He begs for Haruhi's help and wishes her to keep it a secret, but the twins find out and the four of them become Team B. On the night of the event, Soga reveals that he has a crush on Momoka Kurakano, Class 1-A's vice-president and the twins reconsider their teasing of him because he's "pure-hearted." Nekozawa and the rest of the Host Club join forces to scare Team B and use Tamaki dressed as the Clocktower Witch to terrify them. Haruhi and Hikaru run in one direction, tripping a net that traps them above ground while Kaoru and Soga run in the opposite direction only to be shoved and locked in an empty room by Kuretake and Kadomatsu, Nekozawa family servants. There, Kaoru muses to Soga about "the carriage being turned back to a pumpkin" which Soga doesn't understand. To Kaoru, though, it means that Tamaki's dream of keeping everyone together must end one day and that his "special relationship" to his twin, Hikaru, must also end. Haruhi and Hikaru manage to break free of the trap courtesy of Haruhi's hidden sewing kit and they reunite with Kaoru and Soga and, eventually, all of Class 1-A. Nekozawa frightens everyone by casting a shadow of Beelzenef on the domed skylight, thus earning Class 1-A the title of "The Captains of all Cowards." 
22 "Mori-senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate!"
"Mori-senpai ni Deshiiri Shigan" (モリ先輩に弟子入り志願) 
August 29, 2006
When the son of a gangster, Ritsu Kasanoda, seeks out Mori for tips on how to change his scary image and gain friends, the Host Club immediately jumps at the opportunity to change his image, making many humorous mistakes along the way, including messing with Kasanoda's name by calling him Casanova and Bossanova, as well as dressing him in ridiculous outfits. When Kasanoda meets Haruhi, he's attracted to her which leads to confusion about his sexuality, since he believes her to be a boy. When two rival gang members attempt to hurt Kasanoda, Honey and Mori intervene. The thugs demand that Tetsuya Sendo, one of Kasanoda's 'fellas, be returned but Tetsuya appears and demands they leave before sharing with the hosts how he came to serve his young lord. Kasanoda is touched by everyone's good will and goes to find Haruhi, who is changing in Music Room 3 and, just like Tamaki, he learns about Haruhi's gender by accident. 
23 "Tamaki’s Unwitting Depression!"
"Tamaki no Mujikaku na Yūutsu" (環の無自覚な憂鬱) 
September 5, 2006
After Kasanoda realizes that Haruhi is a girl, his feelings deepen. His 'fellas are quite confused because Tetsuya says Haruhi is a boy. When Kasanoda next visits the Host Club as a customer, he requests Haruhi; and because the other guests also think Haruhi is a boy, they become quite excited about the possibilities. Tamaki is in shock about the thought of Haruhi getting married to a gangster and Kyoya is thrilled because attendance at club is way, way up. The twins are furious with them both. Kasanoda tries his best to tell Haruhi how he feels about her, but can't because of his shyness and also because he would be seen as gay, which he's not. Just as he plucks up the courage to tell Haruhi, she cuts him short and says that they'll be great friends, causing the girls present to feel sorry for Kasanoda. They're so moved by the moe drama of it that they rush to him and glomp him with friendly overtures. Tamaki, however, confronts Kasanoda as an irate "parent," but Kasanoda is blunt about Tamaki not being Haruhi's father, a fantasy Tamaki has held from the outset in order to sublimate his own romantic feelings towards Haruhi. When Haruhi says Tamaki does act like her father, Tamaki rejoices and seizes the opportunity to reclaim his familial place in her life. Haruhi, herself, is oblivious to everything. 
24 "And so Kyoya Met Him!"
"Soshite Kyōya wa Deatta" (そして鏡夜は出会った) 
September 12, 2006
Kyoya recalls when he first met Tamaki two years ago, and how he only became friends with him because his father, Yoshio Ootori, insisted that it would be good for business. Kyoya explains how he perceived his familial role at that time and set out to please his father by befriending the new transfer student, Tamaki Suoh. Tamaki first meets Kyoya, who is the class president representative of middle school homeroom. Kyoya initially puts up with Tamaki's odd requests, travelling all over Japan while trying to wrap his head around the effluvient Tamaki, but can neither anticipate nor control him, which he finds eminently frustrating. One Sunday, Tamaki shows up at Kyoya's house unannounced, but before Kyoya can politely eject him, he's mesmerized by Tamaki's soulful musicianship (as are the other three Ootori siblings). Afterwards, as they share tea, Tamaki manages to push every button Kyoya has, who snaps at the blond for not appreciating his easy path to his family's patriarchy. Tamaki parries by telling Kyoya that the only one holding Kyoya back is Kyoya, himself. At that point, Kyoya sees the ironic truth and laughs, demolishing the barriers between them and setting them up for a true friendship. Later that year, they sit under a kotatsu together and make plans to form the Host Club. 
25 "The Host Club Declares Dissolution!"
"Hosuto-bu Kaisan Sengen" (ホスト部解散宣言) 
September 19, 2006
It's time for the annual Ouran Fair, a chance for the school's clubs to showcase student leadership skills and a talent for upward mobility. The Host Club has won the honor of using the Main Salon to entertain their visitors and they manage to charm every one of them, except for a mysterious diva who watches everything through opera glasses. Tamaki's father, Yuzuru Suoh, meets Haruhi for the first time and Haruhi notes that while they don't look alike, they share a flair for flirting. Yoshio Ootori confronts Kyoya and slaps his cheek, chastising him for wasting his time on such a frivolous club. Haruhi defends Kyoya, but begins to see the down-side of wealth. Her education in this regard is furthered when Tamaki's grandmother, Shizue Suoh, arrives. She curt and dismissive to Tamaki, but introduces him to the Lady Éclair, the mysterious diva who his grandmother commands he chaperone for the rest of the fair. Éclair is revealed to be wealthy and powerful, but also haughty and selfish. Tamaki ends up engaged to Éclair and the Host Club is declared dissolved as of the end of the festival, at which point Tamaki will leave Japan with Éclair. Haruhi also learns of Tamaki's family history and his entrance into the Suoh family. 
26 "This is Our Ouran Fair!"
"Kore ga Oretachi no Ōran-sai" (これが俺たちの桜蘭祭) 
September 26, 2006
Kyoya tells Haruhi that her debt has been repaid by the Lady Éclair; therefore, she's able to leave the Host Club. She declines the offer, realizing that she has made friends in the Host Club and doesn't want to lose them. As the final parade of the Ouran Fair gathers, Kyoya learns that Tamaki is already on his way to the airport to leave for France with Lady Éclair. The hosts must race against time to recover Tamaki and prevent him from making a terrible mistake. They try to commandeer Kyoya's limo, but are angered to find out that Yoshio Ootori has ordered the Black Onion Squad to keep them from interfering. Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru end up using a horse-drawn carriage to pursue the couple while Kyoya, Honey and Mori stay behind to battle with the Ootori family police. Hikaru gets hurt in a carriage crash and Kaoru stays behind to care for him, leaving Haruhi to continue on, alone. She catches up to the car carrying Tamaki and Éclair as they are both crossing a bridge. Haruhi begs Tamaki to return to the Host Club and reaches for his hand, but Tamaki is stopped by Éclair. Haruhi tumbles from the carriage and off the bridge. Éclair, realizing where Tamaki's heart truly lies, releases him and Tamaki thanks her before jumping from the car to save Haruhi. Lady Éclair looks down upon them and reveals that the house maid talks about her son who loves to play the piano for people is actually Tamaki's mother. At the Ouran Ball, Haruhi dances with all the members of the Host Club, in turn, while Yuzuru and Yoshio agree to being friendly with one another until they get into a spat about whose son will marry Haruhi. The Host Club stands together under fireworks blazing. The final scene returns to the open doors of Music Room 3, rose petals swirling, as all seven hosts thank the viewers for watching and to remember that they'll be waiting. 
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