List of prisoners released by Israel in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange

This is the list of the prisoners released by Israel as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange agreement with Hamas in exchange for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier Gilad Shalit.

The agreement is implemented in two stages – In the first stage, Gilad Shalit was transferred from the Gaza Strip to Egypt and from there to Israel; concurrently, Israel released 477 prisoners.[1] In the second stage, which took place during December 2011, another 550 prisoners were released.[2]

The 1,027 prisoners released were mainly Palestinians and Arab-Israelis, though among the prisoners released there was also a Syrian,[3] Ukrainian[4][5] and a Jordanian.[6] 280 of these were sentenced to life in prison for planning and perpetrating various terror attacks against Israeli targets.[7][8] The military Hamas leader Ahmed Jabari was quoted in the Saudi Arabian newspaper Al-Hayat as confirming that the prisoners released as part of the deal were collectively responsible for the killing of 569 Israeli civilians.[9][10]

In October 2012, data compiled by the Israeli government indicated that dozens of the released Palestinian prisoners in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange had resumed terrorist activity. Many of them have joined the leadership of Hamas, other Palestinian prisoners have instead developed weapons and fired rockets at Israeli population centers, and some have recruited members to new terrorist cells in the West Bank. One of these cells in Hebron planted a bomb and plotted to kidnap an Israeli soldier. Prisoners in the West Bank have also engaged in violent acitivty, and Israel arrested 40 of them for rioting, hurling Molotov cocktails, handling funding for terrorism, and other acts.[11]

First phase: 477 prisoners released on October 18, 2011

In the first stage of the prisoner swap deal Israel released 477 prisoners after Gilad Shalit was transferred from Gaza to Egypt and from there to Israel.[1]

The official list, which includes the crimes the prisoners were convicted of, was published by the Israel Prison Services and is available in Hebrew only,[12] though a Google Translate version into English has been placed online as well.[13]

Name Home Year of Birth Date of Arrest Sentence Destination4 Notes
'Asi, Mahdi Shukri Khalil Nablus1975December 13, 200220 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
A'biyat, A'isha Muhammad Bethlehem1986August 13, 20093 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Abayat, Ayad Musa Salem Bethlehem1971November 2, 200321 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Fatah (Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades) member[14] convicted of two shooting attacks in 2000 and 2002.[14]
Abd al-Haq, Nidal Sabhi Mamduh Nablus1982June 25, 20031 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Abd al-Samed, Muid Abd al-Rahim Asad Tulkarm1962June 14, 19874 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank?
Abd Dabel, Hafez Mahmud Gaza1966September 20, 199025 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
abd Hanaini, Abd al-Hakim Abd al-Aziz Nablus1965April 28, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad Convicted of making bombs for militant groups. Deported to Qatar.[15]
abd Najib, Zaqariyah Lutfi East Jerusalem1956October 14, 199422 years, 8 monthsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Abd Rabbah, Nasser Musa Ahmed East Jerusalem1967February 9, 198837 years, 8 monthsSecurity Arrangement3 – Jerusalem Convicted of killing a Palestinian prisoner suspected of collaborating with the Israeli authorities. Abd Rabbah was rearrested during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict. He was accused of being in contact with a terrorist group and ordered to serve the remainder of his sentence.[16]
Abdallah, Abdalhalim Mahmud Hasan Gaza1967February 15, 19901 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Abdallah, Tawfiq Ibrahim Muhammad Qalqiliya1955March 8, 19861 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Abu Aadi, Yussuf Dhib Hamed Ramallah1976December 28, 20051 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of stabbing Israeli soldier Nir Kahana in 2005.[10]
abu al-Jadiyan, Hassam Suleiman Fiyad Gaza1968February 9, 198832 years, 6 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu al-Rabb, Ashraf Khalil Husain Jenin1976March 26, 200235 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
abu al-Rub, Wahib Abdullah Khalil Jenin1969November 30, 19941 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Abu Alba, Halil Muhammad Muhammad Gaza1965February 14, 20018 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Amar, Bilal Ibrahim Salim Nablus1979September 5, 20022 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Abu Armila, Marwan Muhammad Ayub East Jerusalem1971September 30, 19932 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad?
Abu Arqub, Amjad Ahmad Muhammad Hebron1982October 9, 200225 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of recruiting the perpetrator of a 2002 attack on Karmei Tzur, in which three people were killed.[10]
Abu Arqub, Hamza Hussein Hassan Nablus1979August 16, 20022 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank?
Abu Asb, Atiyah Hassam Sarhan Hebron1965August 17, 19942 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Asneina, Bassam Ibrahim Abd al-Qader East Jerusalem1973February 8, 20001 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad With Riyad Asila, murdered yeshiva student Chaim Kerman in 1998.[17]
Abu Asnina, Umar Hamdan Taha Hebron1981February 26, 20022 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Asnina, a Hamas activist, was re-arrested in April 2012 and accused of plotting an abduction.[18]
Abu Attayah, Muhammad Abdulkarim Salah Gaza1969July 30, 199216 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza Hamas (Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades)[19] member who carried out attacks in Gaza[19]
Abu Awid, Muhammad Ahmad Ismail Nablus1979April 7, 200325 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Ayish, Muhammad Agmiyan Jama'a Gaza1967July 30, 19924 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza One of three members of a cell of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades accused of the murders of David Cohen, Moshe Beno and Amikam Salzmann, who worked in agriculture in Gaza, as well as the murders of 20 Gaza Arabs accused of collaborating with Israel.[20]
Abu Ayyash, Fatina Mustafa Khalil Nablus1985July 21, 200615 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Abu Dara'a, Latifa Muhammad Nablus1964December 9, 200325 yearsHome1 – West Bank took part in an attempted bombing by smuggling a suicide belt from the West Bank into Israel[21]
Abu Daud, Ayman Yusuf Ahmad Hebron1982July 28, 200436 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank Convicted of membership in a terrorist cell that conducted four shootings, Abu Daud was re-arrested in February 2012.[22]
Abu Eid, Salman Ahmed Salman Ramallah1964May 13, 20031 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Abu Funun, Ayyad Ata Ahmad Bethlehem1979October 24, 200329 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Abu Hasana, Mustafa Ayyad Ahmad Gaza1973March 15, 198930 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Hud'a, Muhammad Salame Hamad Gaza1976March 6, 19761 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Hujla, Ibrahim Abd al-Qadir Mahmud Qalqiliya1958December 31, 200224 yearsHome1 – West Bank Was re-arrested in June 2012.[23]
Abu Jalala, Muhammad Mustafa Hassan Gaza1965August 4, 19914 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Jalbus, Waal Kamal Ahmed Jenin1980October 12, 20021 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Abu Jamus, Muhammad Salman Marzuq Gaza1978April 23, 200227 years, 8 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Karash, Maher Hussein Muhammad Gaza1972April 20, 19934 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Kashk, Nahed Assam Sharif Tulkarm1978May 8, 20011 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Khalil, Ayman Muhammad Abd al-Rahim East Jerusalem1972December 8, 19943 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad Convicted by an Israeli military court of participating in the kidnapping and murder of two hitchhiking soldiers, Shahar Simani and Arye Frankenthal. The group also planned an attack on the residence of Ariel Sharon.[24]
Abu Labda, Rayid Amar Abdulhamid Gaza1971March 16, 20011 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Mariam, Tarek Muhammad Abd al-Latif Qalqiliya1980April 7, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Murkhiya, Ashraf Abd al-Qadir Tawfiq Hebron1975May 28, 200223 years, 6 monthsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Mustafa, Taleb Ismail Ibrahim Gaza1972May 18, 19932 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Nasar, Walid Ibrahim Muhammad Bethlehem1973September 21, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Qatish, Majid Hassan Rajab East Jerusalem1970May 6, 19933 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad took part in the murder of the Israeli policeman Nissim Toledano in 1992.[25]
Abu Ramuz, Ma'edh Said Yaqub Hebron1986August 13, 200418 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Abu Rukab, Murad Abdallah Ismail Gaza1983March 20, 200327 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Saif, Sulaiman Salim Hamdan Hebron1968September 14, 199420 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Abu Salah, Abd al-Rahman Hassan Abd al-Fatah Jenin1954June 25, 200225 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Abu Salah, As'ad Fahmi As'ad Gaza1964March 19, 200825 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Saleh, Jamal Hamad Hussein East Jerusalem1964August 20, 19901 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – Jerusalem While serving time in prison, Abu Saleh was convicted of murdering a fellow Palestinian prisoner suspected of collaborating with the Israeli authorities. During the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, Abu Saleh was rearrested by Israel and accused of violating his parole by being in contact with terrorists. Abu Saleh was ordered to spend the remainder of his sentence in prison.[16]
Abu Samra, Ramyah Rateb Hassan Hebron1980December 17, 20101 year, 6 monthsHome1 – West Bank?
Abu Sarhan, Amir Sa'ud Salih Bethlehem1972May 11, 19903 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad killed three Israelis with a knife in 1990.[26]
Abu Sariya, Mahmud Abdallah Abd al-Rahman Hebron1976October 5, 200238 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Abu Sariya, Mahmud Abdallah Abd al-Rahman Jenin1977January 30, 19961 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Seif, Abdallah Ahmed Mahmud Hebron1983May 9, 20032 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Shabb, Salim Husain Khalil Gaza1964April 20, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
abu Shalbaq, Abdullah Juda Muhammad Ramallah1968February 14, 19911 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Abu Sharakh, Maedh Waal Taleb Hebron1980November 3, 200319 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad One of the organizers of the attack on bus No. 37 in Haifa in 2002 and other attacks (17 killed, more than 50 wounded).[27]
Abu Shukhaidim, Firas Walid Hebron1980November 6, 200113 years, 4 monthsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Abu Sir, Samer Ibrahim WadadEast Jerusalem1965January 22, 19881 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Abu Sitta, Hani Muhammad Sulaiman Gaza1974January 21, 19941 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Taha, Ahmed Abdulkarim Ali Gaza1980April 2, 200227 yearsHome1 – Gaza Abu Taha was involved in preparing explosives for Hamas terrorists in Ramallah, including a 29 July 2001 Jerusalem car bombing. A member of the Ibrahim Abu Rub and Ballal Baraguti organizations, he transported suicide bomber Ra'ad Baraguti from Ramallah to Jerusalem, where he exploded on Hanevi'im Street on 4 September 2001 and injured 14 people.[28]
Abu Turki, Nadir Radwan Hebron1974November 10, 200215 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Abu Turki was convicted of membership in Hamas' military wing, as well as conspiracy to commit murder, throwing stones, and planting a bomb. After his release, Abu Turki opened a pastry shop in Gaza with another former inmate.[29]
Abu Ukal, Nabil Mudayris Muhammad Gaza1973June 1, 200221 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu Zina, Nasrin Tulkarm1984August 18, 20092 years, 10 monthsHome1 – West Bank?
Abu-Assaf, Abd-Al-Rahman Umar Sadeq Jenin1954April 29, 19922 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank?
abu-Gaben, Jihad Jamil Mahmud Gaza1970August 9, 198830 years, 6 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu-Hasira, Ahmad Abd-Al-Rahman Husein Gaza1952February 18, 198635 years, 1 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu-Hasira, Muhammad Muhammad Said Gaza1971October 29, 19933 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Abu-Naim, Kamal Abdallah Suleman Gaza1969February 18, 19923 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Abu-Naim, Tawfiq Abdallah Suleman Gaza1962May 15, 19891 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Abu-Rayan, Imad Ali Aballah Gaza1973March 21, 199141 years, 6 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu-Taqiya, Ayad Jamil Abd-Al-Salam Gaza1971November 27, 199240 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Abu-Tuyur, Suleman Naef Hasan Ramallah1967February 9, 199125 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Adawidar, Nasser Gazi Muhammad Gaza1967January 20, 199211 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Afanah, Mustafa Ghazi Mustafa Gaza1977August 13, 200125 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Ahmad, Mu'jn Abd al-Malik Muhammad Jabaliya1965June 4, 200410 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Ajuli, Majdi Atiya Suleman Tulkarm1961October 16, 19891 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Akari, Musa Daud Muhammad East Jerusalem1971July 25, 19933 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad took part in the murder of the Israeli policeman Nissim Toledano in 1992.[25]
Al-Achras, Anwar Muslem Naserallah Gaza1973March 16, 199325 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
al-Ak, Ramzi Ibrahim Muhammad Bethlehem1981March 24, 200330 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of involvement in attempted bombings and of involvement in sniper attacks on the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo[10]
al-Akhras, Murid Salim Mansur Gaza1982November 20, 200120 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
al-Amudi, Ali Muhammad Ali Gaza1975February 24, 19943 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
al-Aqad, Muanes Ahmed Hussein Gaza1976June 21, 20021 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
al-Asafra, Ali Izzat Muhammad Hebron1982October 29, 20024 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Awaiwi, Safwan Muhammad Yasri Hebron1981April 30, 20022 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank?
al-Awaiwi, Shakib Baher Shakib Hebron1983January 12, 20068 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Member of a four-person group that carried out a series of attacks including the June 2005 murders of Aviad Mantzour and Avichai Levy at a bus stop near Beit Haggai, a July 2005 shooting attack on Israeli soldiers in Hebron which left an Arab passerby dead, the October 2005 murders of Matat Rosenfeld Adler, Kinneret Mandel and Oz Meir and the December 2005 killing of Yossi Shok.[30]
al-Bandak, Kris Adel Ishaq Bethlehem1979February 6, 20034 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Tanzim[31] member convicted of perpetrating several shootings in 2002 which left two Israelis dead and a third seriously wounded. The only known Christian Tanzim member.[31]
al-Barghuti, Jasser Ismail Musa Ramallah1973December 20, 20039 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, al-Barghuti was a member of a Hamas cell in the West Bank village of Kobar and was the liaison between the cell and Hamas' command. This cell carried out two shooting attacks that each resulted in the death of one Israeli soldier and also made two failed attempts to bomb an Israeli checkpoint.[32]
al-Bass, Wafa' Samir Gaza1984June 20, 200812 yearsHome1 – Gaza attempted to commit a suicide bombing at the Erez Crossing by detonating an explosive device hidden in her pants but the bomb malfunctioned.[33]
al-Bazyan, Alaa al-Din Radha East Jerusalem1958April 20, 19861 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – Jerusalem Convicted of perpetrating sniper attacks and belonging to a terrorist group.[34]
Al-Chatib, Bahaa Al-Din Sadeq Ali Gaza1980December 21, 200124 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Al-Chawajah, Yaser Mahmud Muhammad Gaza1971August 7, 19881 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
al-Dawik, Fadi Muhammad Jamal Morteza Hebron1983June 14, 20025 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Din, Harun Mansur Ya'aqub Nasser Hebron1970December 15, 19921 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
al-Fakhuri, Nahid Abd al-Rauf Hebron1977June 6, 200222 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of recruiting suicide bombers in Hebron.[10]
al-Far, Muhammad Afif Ashur Gaza1965August 16, 19932 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza In an interview with the BBC, al-Far stated that he had been a senior figure in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and that he "planned and co-ordinated attacks against Israeli targets."[35]
Al-Ghul, Umar Mahmud Jaber Gaza1961October 13, 19874 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza According to his family, Al-Ghul was convicted of involvement in attacks on Israeli targets in Gaza before the First Intifada and for membership in a secret armed group.[36]
al-Halisi, Abd al-Nasser Daud East Jerusalem1959October 16, 19861 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Halisi, Tarek Daud Mustafa East Jerusalem1966October 16, 19861 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Harub, Dharar Muhammad Abdallah Bethlehem1976June 5, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad in 2002 delivered a suicide bomber to his destination.[37]
al-Hashlimun, Mus'ab Ismail Hebron1982September 9, 200417 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Involved in the planning of the double attack in Beersheba in 2004 (17 killed), which killed 16 people.[31]
Al-Hatu, Ahmad Ata Chalil Gaza1969October 11, 199325 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
al-Haymuni, Bassel Hashem Abd al-Fatah Hebron1979October 16, 200423 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Jaaba, Fadi Muhammad Ibrahim Hebron1982March 7, 200318 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad One of the organizers of the attack on bus No. 37 in Haifa in 2002 (17 killed, more than 50 wounded).[27]
al-Jaaba, Majid Muhammad Yunes Hebron1970April 16, 19952 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Jaabari, Muammar Rashad Muhammad Hebron1985June 20, 20031 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
al-Jaabari, Waal Kamal Saleh Hebron1977December 12, 20002 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Jabbur, Safwat Jibril Jabr West Bank1975October 8, 20022 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank?
Al-Jisrawi, Zakariya Muhammad Falah Hebron1974February 25, 19961 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
al-Julani, Muhammad Ishaq Ali Hebron1982January 21, 20064 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Member of a four-person group that carried out a series of attacks including the June 2005 murders of Aviad Mantzour and Avichai Levy at a bus stop near Beit Haggai, a July 2005 shooting attack on Israeli soldiers in Hebron which left an Arab passerby dead, the October 2005 murders of Matat Rosenfeld Adler, Kinneret Mandel and Oz Meir and the December 2005 killing of Yossi Shok.[30]
al-Ka'bi, Allam Ahmad As'ad Nablus1974April 28, 20039 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Al-Kabash, Talal Yusif Ahmed Abu Jenin1955June 25, 198534 years, 6 monthsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Karki, Raja'i Saadi Suleiman Hebron1977December 12, 20002 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Karnaz, Luayy Yunus Sha'ban Ramallah1984April 23, 200430 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Khalis, Yusuf Musa Mahmud East Jerusalem1973August 19, 19911 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Kilani, Zayd Arsan Hafez Jenin1973January 3, 20011 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Luh, Imad Mustafa Khamis Gaza1980December 28, 200319 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
al-Maghribi, Ali Yusuf Ahmad Gaza1986May 27, 20022 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza took part in the coordination of several suicide attacks, including the Café Moment bombing[37]
Al-Mahariq, Rasmi Saleh Muhammad Hebron1962September 14, 199420 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Al-Maqadmeh, Hasan Ahmad Chaled Gaza1960May 19, 198930 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
al-Masalma, Muhammad Badawi Khalil Hebron1966August 29, 20024 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Al-Masri, Imad Hamad Ahmad East Jerusalem1972March 5, 19911 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Masri, Rami Zaki Ibrahim Gaza1980November 6, 200640 yearsHome1 – Gaza Convicted of participating in the 2000 Ramallah Lynching by inciting a mob to enter a police station where two Israeli reservists were being held and by kicking one of the captured soldiers in the shoulder. The two soldiers were beaten to death by the crowd.[38]
Al-Mughir, Chaled Saleh Jaber Gaza1970August 13, 19923 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
al-Musulmani, Ali Badr Raghab East Jerusalem1957April 28, 19861 life sentenceHome1 – Jerusalem?
al-Na'imat, Mahaush Salame Mahaush al-Qadhi Gaza1973September 8, 2007Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – Gaza?
Al-Nahal, Mazen Muhammad Suleman Gaza1974July 6, 19924 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
al-Najar, Ahmed Mustafa Saleh Hamed Ramallah1976December 20, 20037 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Hamas member[31] who served as a lookout during shooting attacks that killed six Israelis.[31] After release, he ran the terror cell responsible for the 2015 Shuvat Rachel shooting.
al-Namura, Akram Mahmud Taleb Hebron1978December 14, 20011 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Namura, Anis Mahmud Taleb Hebron1976July 16, 20012 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Nasser-Yataima, Nasir Sami Abd al-Razzaq Ali Tulkarm1977October 4, 200229 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad convicted of planning the Passover massacre (2002) in which 30 civilians were killed and 140 were wounded.[27][39]
al-Natsha, Bassam Naim Izhaq Hebron1969December 30, 19991 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
al-Nimla, Nasr Umar Muhammad Gaza1959November 22, 19901 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza Arrested for stabbing to death Zvia Gvirtz, a 28-year-old resident of Bat Yam. Al-Nimla had a romantic relationship with Gvirtz and killed her for personal, rather than political reasons.[40]
al-Nims, Ghazi Juma Muhammad Gaza1958November 30, 19851 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
al-Qadhi, Ali Muhammad Ali Ramallah1986September 25, 20051 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Member of a Hamas[41] cell responsible for kidnapping and killing Israeli businessman Sasson Nuriel in 2005.[41][42]
al-Qadhi, Nasser Yussuf Mahmud Gaza1973June 9, 19938 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
al-Qadhmani, Assam Talaat Ahmed East Jerusalem1975December 8, 19941 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
al-Qaram, Muhammad Taher Mahmud Jenin1972July 12, 200115 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad directly involved in the planning and execution of a bus attack in Haifa in which 15 Israelis were killed.[26]
al-Qaram, Yussuf Taher Mahmud Jenin1976July 12, 200115 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Arrested for helping to plan the 2001 suicide bombing of a bus in Haifa which killed 15 people. Al-Qaram transported the bomber into Israel.[43]
Al-Qasrawi, Fahed Fuad Muhlas Hebron1975January 1, 200315 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Al-Qatshan, Sami Chaled Suleman Gaza1981February 13, 200320 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
al-Qawasimi, Muayyad Sulaiman Muhammad Hebron1986February 28, 20081 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Rajbi, Amar Rabah Muhammad Hebron1982August 13, 200430 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
al-Rajub, Murad Awadh Yunes Hebron1979May 10, 200238 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Rayis, Mahmud Shakir Mahmud Gaza1979February 18, 200322 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
al-Razem, Fuad Qassam Arafat East Jerusalem1957January 30, 19813 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Razem, Muhammad Ayman Nazmi Abd al-Jalil East Jerusalem1972March 27, 19962 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad One of eleven Hamas members in East Jerusalem arrested after the Jaffa Road bus bombings. According to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, five of the eleven admitted to having assisted in carrying out the bombings.[44]
al-Sa'di, Fatin Jenin1984May 8, 20084 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
al-Sa'idi, Akram Zaki Muhammad Gaza1980June 27, 200320 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
al-Sakran, Muhammad Awda Muhammad Gaza1971May 10, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
al-Sarkaji, Nidal Jawad Taher Nablus1979June 2, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
al-Sarsur, Salem Rajab Mahmud Hebron1969October 19, 19983 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad?
al-Shakhshir, Ayman Hatem Afif Nablus1978March 5, 200216 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Shalabi, Abd al-Rauf Amin Abdallah Jenin1970September 15, 19951 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Shaludi, Fahed Sabri Barhan East Jerusalem1971September 28, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad took part in the kidnapping and murder of the Israeli soldier Yaron Chen.[17]
al-Sharatha, Muhammad Yussuf Hassan Gaza1957May 9, 19893 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza head of the militant squad that kidnapped and murdered the Israeli soldiers Ilan Saadon and Avi Sasportas during the first intifada. Originally sentenced to three consecutive life sentences.[45]
Al-Shawa, Ayman Asaad Shaaban Gaza1964September 3, 19935 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
al-Shawish, Dawud Khalil Dawud East Jerusalem1974December 31, 200024 yearsHome1 – Jerusalem?
Al-Sinwar, Yihia Ibrahim Hasan Gaza1962January 21, 19884 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza took part in kidnapping and murder of Nachshon Wachsman. Founder of the Hamas security apparatus in Gaza. His brother organized of the abduction of Gilad Shalit in 2006.[46] After the release called for further kidnappings of Israeli soldiers.
al-Sufi, Muhammad Salama 'Abid Gaza1977June 9, 2007Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – Gaza?
Al-Suwaiti, Mahmud Muhammad Ismail Hebron1974January 10, 200015 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
al-Takruri, Ahmed Jibril Othman Jericho1964October 31, 19881 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Carried out firebomb attack on a bus in Jericho, in which a mother and her three children, and a soldier who tried to rescue them, were killed.
al-Tal, Amin Yussuf Ismail Bethlehem1979January 13, 19991 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
al-Tamimi, Ahmad Yusuf Mahmud Ramallah1961November 11, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
al-Tamimi, Nizar Samir Mahmud Ramallah1973November 9, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank Convicted for participating in the 1993 kidnapping and murder of an Israeli settler.[47]
al-Za'al, Rabia Salame Muhammad East Jerusalem1975October 9, 199827 yearsRelocation2 – Abroad One of five members of a Hamas cell accused of carrying out an attack in Tel Aviv that wounded 16 people and an attack in the Mount Scopus neighborhood of Jerusalem that wounded one Israeli soldier.[48]
al-Zin, Rajab Muhammad Shehada East Jerusalem1968October 29, 19981 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – Jerusalem?
al-Zir, Nasri Yussuf Khalil Bethlehem1968April 19, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, al-Zir was a leader of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in Bethlehem.[49]
Alajrab, Rateb Abdallah Jidan Ramallah1966November 10, 19912 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Alawi, Mazin Mustafa Yusuf East Jerusalem1970August 23, 199140 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Ali, Abd al-Rahman Ahmed Hafez Tulkarm1977August 17, 20011 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Ali, Hamd Allah Faiq al-Hajj Qalqiliya1978September 5, 200220 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Ali, Hanan Ahmed Bethlehem1969October 11, 2010Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – West Bank?
Ali, Imad Abd-Al-Rahim Abd Al-Hafez Husein Nablus1966November 21, 199230 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Almasri, Aatef Suleman Daud Gaza1968November 3, 19935 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Alnatsha, Arafat Salem Ibrahim Hebron1973August 29, 19941 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Alrajbi, Tareq Zayad Yusef Hebron1982September 3, 200321 yearsRelocation2 – Abroad?
Alzr, Alyan Abd Al-Karim Salamah Gaza1965May 2, 200320 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Amar Ali Ahmed AsaidaNablus1979October 4, 20024 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Amar, Abd-Al-Aziz Muhammad East Jerusalem1960September 27, 20044 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad took part in the execution of the Café Hillel bombing (2003).[26]
Amariya, Ali Abd Allah Salem Israel1975November 24, 198840 yearsHome1 – Israel Convicted of throwing a fragmentation grenade into a Haifa crowd in 1988.[50]
Amasha, Wassem Mahmud Golan Heights[3]1981November 8, 199920 yearsGolan Heights Forming a militancy cell, planning to kidnap an Israeli soldier.[3]
Amira, Ahmed Rabah Ahmed East Jerusalem1968October 25, 198837 years, 8 monthsSecurity Arrangement3 – Jerusalem?
Amr, Majdi Muhammad Ahmed Hebron1979October 3, 200319 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad In July 2001 shot to death 28-year-old David Cohen in front of his wife and children, in 2002 was of the organizers of the attack on bus No. 37 in Haifa (17 killed, more than 50 wounded). developed and manufactured new types of explosive devices.[27]
Amrin, Fuad Muhammad Abdulhadi Gaza1973May 24, 19921 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza fatally stabbed 15-year-old schoolgirl Helena Rapp on her way to school in the Israeli city of Bat Yam.[46]
Amru, Abir Isa Hebron1981February 20, 200115 years, 3 monthsHome1 – West Bank?
Amru, Ayman abd al Majid Taleb Hebron1978August 2, 200322 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Anajas, Walid Abd al-Aziz Abd al-Hadi Ramallah1980September 9, 200236 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad took part in the execution of the Café Moment bombing in 2002 (11 killed, 54 wounded – 11 of them seriously), the Hebrew University bombing in 2002 (9 killed, more than 100 injured) and the Rishon LeZion bombing in 2002 (16 killed, more than 60 injured – 20 of them seriously). Originally sentenced to 26 consecutive life sentences.[27][39][46]
Anjatz, Abd al-Rauf Mahmud and al-Rauf Ramallah1982October 10, 200329 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Aqel, Khamis Zaki Abd al-Hadi Gaza1966November 6, 199221 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza Hamas (Qassam Brigades)[19] member arrested in 1992 for being member of Qassam Brigades, which carried out series of bombings and other attacks[19]
Aqel, Walid Zakariya Abd al-Hadi Gaza1963January 20, 199216 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad?
Ar'ir, Ayyad Salem Hussein Gaza1974November 17, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Arafa, Wa'el Sulaiman Ali Tulkarm1979January 21, 200220 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Arar, Abdallah Nasser Mahmud Ramallah1976July 10, 20071 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Member of the Hamas[41] cell responsible for kidnapping and killing Israeli businessman Sasson Nuriel in 2005.[41][42]
Arida, Kifah Jamil Sadiq West Bank1978August 19, 199924 years, 9 monthsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Arqiq, Jamal Amar Muhammad Gaza1971December 23, 198935 years, 3 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Aruqi, Rafat Ali Muhammad Gaza1970May 19, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza Convicted of murdering Ian Feinberg, a lawyer for an international aid organization in Gaza.[51]
Asayla, Hazem Muhammad Sabri East Jerusalem1961October 21, 19864 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad?
Asayla, Riyadh Zakariya Khalil East Jerusalem1973March 8, 20001 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad murdered yeshiva student Chaim Kerman in 1998 together with Bassam Ibrahim Abd al-Qader Abu Asneina.[17]
Ashtiya, Sahir Nabil Muhammad Nablus1978May 14, 200120 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Asneina, Shaib Salah Tawfiq Abu East Jerusalem1967October 25, 19981 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Atwan, Mahmud Muhammad Ahmed East Jerusalem1970March 6, 19933 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad took part in the murder of the Israeli policeman Nissim Toledano in 1992.[25]
Awad, Awadh Ziad Awadh al-Salaima Hebron1977December 17, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Awada, Salah al-Din Taleb Jabar Hebron1970April 14, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Awadah, Ahmad Chalil Muhammad Hebron1966December 14, 199923 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Awadh, Muhammad Salem Muhammad Hebron1985May 4, 20051 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Awana, Mona Jaud Israel1976January 20, 20011 life sentenceRelocation2 – Turkey[52] lured over the internet the 16-year-old Israeli high school student Ofir Rahum, pretending to be a young American tourist, managed to drive him to a remote area in the outskirts of Ramallah where three Palestinian gunmen showed up and shot Rahum at close range.[46][53]
Awd, Kamal Abd al-Rahman Arif Nablus1978February 13, 200119 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of perpetrating an unsuccessful bombing in Netanya in 2001 and participating in several shootings.[10]
Awda, Abir Mahmud Hasan Tulkarm1982July 9, 2009Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – West Bank?
Awdat, Ashraf Muhammad Yunis Gaza1979November 4, 20031 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Awwad, Muhammad Issam Muhammad West Bank1979November 19, 20021 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Awwad, Ziyad Hassan Khalil Hebron1971April 10, 200027 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank Initially convicted of murdering Palestinians who had collaborated with Israel, Awwad was re-arrested in 2014 for shooting at civilian vehicles traveling on a road near Hebron. A police official was killed and two children were injured. In July, 2014, Israeli forces demolished Awwad's house.[54][55]
Ayida, Zaher Suleiman Salem GazaunknownJanuary 7, 199030 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Ayidi, Hazem Ali Salam Gaza1967October 28, 19914 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Az al-Din, Tarek Ibrahim Muhammad Jenin1974June 19, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Badarina, Mustafa Kamil Yusuf Ramallah1964February 13, 200330 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Badarina, Sa'id Mahmud Yusuf Jenin1970April 16, 19945 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad?
Badawi, Alaa Khaled Ibrahim Bethlehem1980February 28, 200325 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Badawi, Musa Nazir Rubhi Gaza1979May 1, 200226 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Badran, Husam Atif All Nablus1966August 11, 199217 years, 8 monthsRelocation2 – Abroad the former head of Hamas' military wing in the West Bank, who orchestrated the 2001 Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing, 2001 Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing (15 killed, more than 100 injured) and in the 2002 Passover massacre.[17]
Bahit, Ismail Musa Hussein Gaza1973April 11, 199312 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza Popular Resistance Committee[31] member who killed six Palestinians he believed to be collaborating with Israel. Attempted to kill four others. Killed one Israeli civilian in a terrorist attack.[31]
Balanwah, Shadi Talaat Awad Tulkarm1984June 25, 200322 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Baluji, Ahsraf Hassan Yusuf Gaza1972July 2, 19913 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Balut, Muhammad Abd al-Latif Ahmed Ramallah1979September 22, 200322 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Bani jame, Jihad Muhammad Abd- Al-hadi Gaza1968February 14, 199125 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Bardini, Tayasir Salam Mansur Gaza1969November 29, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Barghal, Makhlas Ahmed Muhammad Israel1962September 11, 198740 yearsHome1 – Israel Convicted of involvement in a failed plot to attack a bus in Tel Aviv in 1987.[50]
Barghuti, Faher Asfur Abdallah Ramallah1954June 23, 19781 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank Member of a militant cell that kidnapped and killed an Israeli.[47]
Barghuti, Na'al Salah Abdullah Ramallah1957April 4, 19781 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank Longest-serving Palestinian prisoner. Convicted of murdering an Israeli security officer.[17]
Barik, Sanabil Nabigh Yusuf Nablus1989September 22, 20083 years, 4 monthsHome1 – West Bank?
Barkat, Muhammad Naif Muhammad Tulkarm1979January 30, 200025 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Basharat, Aiyad Muhammad Suleiman Hebron1983November 4, 200225 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Basharat, Muhammad A'aref Muhammad Nablus1972September 22, 19922 life sentencesSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Basharat, Rabhi Suleiman Mahmud Nablus1977November 9, 20031 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
Basharat, Said Muhammad Said Nablus1978March 6, 20024 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Baz, Jamil Ismail Abdulqadr Gaza1958July 20, 19911 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Berri, Husam Yussuf Mustafa Jenin1966February 7, 20031 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Bisharat, Bilal Khalil Ahmad Tubas1981June 1, 200220 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Daamsah, Yihya Ibrahim Abd al-Hafez Bethlehem1962August 7, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad took part in the coordination of several suicide attacks, including the Café Moment bombing[37]
Daghusa, Nimr Ibrahim Nimr Nablus1969May 29, 200325 yearsRelocation2 – Abroad?
Dahan, Muhammad Abdulfatah Hassan Gaza1972November 4, 19933 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Dahashan, Munzir Sha'aban Halil Gaza1964January 26, 19943 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Dahbur, Mahniud Ibrahim Muhammad Nablus1978November 4, 200224 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Darbiya, Ra'id Muhammad Jamal Gaza1973April 18, 20021 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Daud, Yasser Taysir Muhammad East Jerusalem1970October 13, 199160 yearsHome1 – Jerusalem?
Dawa'a, Jiwasi Ziyad Tulkarm1979June 7, 20023 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank took part in the Netanya Market bombing by leading the suicide bomber to his destination[56]
Dawib, Salem Ali Ibrahim Bethlehem1981May 24, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of assisting in a failed Hamas suicide bombing.[57]
Dawud, Ibrahim Asad Ibrahim Qalqiliya1983July 3, 20031 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Dhamra, Muhammad Awadh Tawfiq Ramallah1961September 5, 2006Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – West Bank?
Dihliz, Nizar Khidr Muhammad Gaza1972June 13, 20021 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Dirawi, Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Gaza1978March 1, 200130 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Diriya, Ahmed Ayad Muhammad Bethlehem1968May 13, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Douglas,[58] Muhammad Waal Muhammad Nablus1979April 9, 200115 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad Took part in the execution of the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing in a Jerusalem in August 2001 (15 killed, more than 100 injured).[17]
Dudin, Musa Muhammad Salem Hebron1972December 20, 19921 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
Fajjam, Ahmed Suleiman Ahmed Gaza1974May 31, 20025 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Falana, Ata Mahmud abd al-Rahman Safa1966November 28, 19921 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Fanunah, Wael Makin Abdallah Gaza1966December 12, 19893 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Faqha, Mazen Muhammad Suleiman Nablus1979May 8, 20029 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of planning the 2002 Meron Junction Bus 361 attack (9 killed, 38 wounded).[31]
Farr, Ayman Mustafa Halil Gaza1972June 1, 199035 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Fawakhiriya, Arif Khalid Yunis West Bank1965April 24, 200228 yearsHome1 – West Bank Was re-arrested in May 2012.[59]
Fayad, Hassan Ismayil Gasser Gaza1981March 27, 200327 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Fidhi, Fares Fawzi Salim Nablus1976November 25, 20025 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Gaidi, Khaled Matawa Muslem Gaza1965December 24, 19862 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Ganem, Hudifa Rahsid Muhammad Ramallah1981September 2, 20041 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Gazzawi, Iman Muhammad Nablus1975August 3, 200113 yearsHome1 – West Bank Gazzawi was arrested while carrying a bomb which, according to police, she planned to detonate in the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station[60]
Ghanim, Abd al-Hadi Rafa Gaza1965July 6, 198916 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza The surviving perpetrator of the Tel Aviv Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack, in which Ghanim seized the steering wheel of a crowded Egged commuter bus No. 405 and managed to pull the bus into a ravine near Qiryat Ye'arim, causing the bus to catch fire. Passengers who could not escape the bus were burned alive. (16 killed, 27 injured)[45][46]
Ghanimat, Abd al-Rahman Ismail Abd al-RahmanSurif near Hebron1972November 13, 19975 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Hamas member[41] convicted of firing a machine gun at cars near Beit Shemesh in 1996. Efrat and Yaron Ungar were killed in the attack and their infant son was injured.[41]
Ghawadire, Mu'ammar Murshid Fayiz Jenin1983November 27, 20031 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Hajabi, Mahmud Ibrahim Muhammad Tulkarm1979September 20, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Haleq, Raid Ahmed Salim Gaza1973October 16, 19942 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Halifa, Farsan Mahmud Abdullah Tulkarm1983April 17, 200324 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Hamad, Ahmed Taleb Khadher Ahmed Nablus1979March 18, 200229 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Hamad, Majdi Ahmad Abd alrahim Gaza1965December 26, 19916 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Hamada, Muhammad Ibrahim Musa East Jerusalem1977August 15, 199733 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of planning a rocket attack on Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem[17]
Hamada, Yasser Hassan Muhammad Ramallah1977December 26, 20036 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Hamaida, Nimr Raqi Jamaa Ramallah1975December 20, 20036 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hamaida was a member of a Hamas cell operating out of Mizra'a Sharkiya. The cell was responsible for the April 2003 killing of Hikhmat Yassin, a Palestinian suspected of collaborating with Israel, a May 2003 shooting attack on an Israeli vehicle that left one Israeli, Gideon Lichterman, dead and two injured and an October 2003 attack that left three Israeli soldiers dead.[32]
Hamaida, Rabia Khadher Muhammad Ramallah1977December 20, 20035 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hamaida was a member of a Hamas cell operating out of Mizra'a Sharkiya. The cell was responsible for the April 2003 killing of Hikhmat Yassin, a Palestinian suspected of collaborating with Israel, a May 2003 shooting attack on an Israeli vehicle that left one Israeli, Gideon Lichterman, dead and two injured and an October 2003 attack that left three Israeli soldiers dead.[32]
Hamed, Anwar Ahmad Abd Al-Chaleq Gaza1984December 5, 200120 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Hamed, Faraj Ahmed Abd al-Hamid Ramallah1976January 4, 20043 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hamed was a member of a Hamas cell based in Silwad. This cell carried out a series of shooting attacks on Israeli vehicles, including a November 2002 attack in which Esther Gallia was killed, a June 2003 attack near Ofra in which Zvi Goldstein was killed and an August 2003 attack near Kafr Mayer in which Shalom Har-Melekh was killed.[32]
Hamed, Khaled Abd al-Maz Zin al-Din Amar Ramallah1975December 20, 20038 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hamed was a member of a Hamas cell based in Silwad. This cell carried out a series of shooting attacks on Israeli vehicles, including a November 2002 attack in which Esther Gallia was killed, a June 2003 attack near Ofra in which Zvi Goldstein was killed and an August 2003 attack near Kafr Mayer in which Shalom Har-Melekh was killed.[32]
Hamid, Nidal Abdarrahim Muhammad Ramallah1982June 4, 20041 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Hanani, Ahmad abu al-Saud Abd Al-Razeq Nablus1956May 23, 19872 life sentencesRelocation2 – Syria[61]?
Hanani, Ashraf Khalid Husain Nablus1981July 17, 200627 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted for carrying an explosive belt in Jerusalem's Old City in 2006.[10]
Handi, Ibrahim Muhammad Sha'aban Ibrahim Gaza1980July 26, 200611 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Harasha, Aayid Mahmud [Muhammad] Khalil Tulkarm1965October 16, 19891 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Hariz, Salah Muhammad Yusuf Ramallah1960August 22, 19861 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Harz, Muhammad Ali Muhammad Gaza1958July 30, 19928 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Harz, Nafez Ahmed Taleb Gaza1955November 25, 19851 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Hasayin, Tarek Ahmed Abd al-Karim Qalqiliya1977March 11, 20031 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Palestinian Islamic Jihad member[14] who carried out the shooting attack on Highway 6 in June 2003, in which the seven-year-old girl Noam Leibowitz was killed.[14][17]
Hasni, Muhammad abd Muhammad Gaza1960March 4, 198630 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Hassan, Ahmad Hasan Ahmad Nablus1969November 22, 199230 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Hassan, Muhammad Muhammad Shhada Gaza1956October 13, 19873 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Hasuna, Shaaban Salim Abdallah Gaza1969July 10, 19901 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Hijaz, Hisham Abd al-Qader Ibrahim Ramallah1975December 20, 200310 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad Hamas member[31] who was involved in terrorist acts which claimed the lives of 10 people.
Hijaz, Yasser abd al-Qadr Ibrahim Ramallah1968February 11, 19901 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Hijazi, Ismail Abdallah Musa East Jerusalem1981October 16, 20071 life sentenceHome1 – Jerusalem Hijazi was convicted of purchasing and importing weapons, and murder. He was rearrested during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict. Israeli authorities accused Hijazi of receiving funds from Hamas and maintaining contact with terrorists, in violation of his parole. He was ordered to serve the rest of his original sentence in prison.[16]
Ibrahim, Abdalrahim Abdallatif Abdalrahim Qalqiliya1985March 22, 200420 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Ibrahim, Fahim Ramadan Sirhan Tulkarm1968June 20, 19891 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Ibtisam, Issawi Abd Faiz East Jerusalem1966October 24, 200115 yearsHome1 – Jerusalem?
Idris, Mahmud Taleb Muhammad East Jerusalem1972October 29, 19981 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Iskafi, Zuhair Khairi Hashim Hebron1974December 17, 200022 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Ismayil, Khatem Ibrahim abd al-Rahman Gaza1970August 20, 199520 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Ja'abri, Aliaa' Muhammad Yhya Jaadallah Hebron1979February 15, 20111 yearHome1 – West Bank?
Jabar, Hani Badawi Muhammad Said East Jerusalem1964September 3, 19851 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
Jabar, Hani Rasmi Abd al-Rahim Hebron1975November 22, 19932 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank Convicted of stabbing an Israeli seminary student to death in Kiryat Arba in 1993.[62]
Jabar, Hitham Seif Mustafa Radhwan Ramallah1977December 20, 20035 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Jabarin, Muhammad Ahmed Tawfiq Israel1965October 6, 198830 yearsHome1 – Israel Convicted of killing a Palestinian who had collaborated with Israel.[50]
Jaber, Ibrahim Fadel Naji HebronunknownSeptember 1, 19821 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Jalad, Muayed Saada Saleh Tulkarm1972November 27, 199419 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Jandal, Issam Salih All East Jerusalem1954April 30, 19861 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – Jerusalem?
Jarad, Mazen Muhammad Ismail Gaza1973April 30, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Jaradat, Mahmud Said Ahmad Jenin1963October 17, 19891 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Jarar, Assam Muhammad Najah Jenin1973June 22, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
Jarar, Muhammad Najah Muhammad Ahmed Jenin1982June 23, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
Jarradat, Hilal Muhammad Ahmad Jenin1966September 24, 198745 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Jawdah, Hasan Abd-Al-karim Hamed Nablus1960August 9, 200215 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Jawwad, Ahmad Dib Jenin1982July 1, 200220 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Jefri, Hasan Yusef Mahmud Ramallah1971March 2, 19901 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Jibril, Jibril Ismail Jibril Qalqiliya1979December 12, 20022 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Jibril, Zaher Ali Musa Nablus1968January 4, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad Hamas member[63] who helped found the Hamas military wing in the West Bank. Convicted of killing Israeli soldier Giti Avishar in 1993. Considered one of the leaders of the Hamas prisoners. According to Haaretz, Jibril expressed opposition to any prisoner exchange that didn't include all of the most significant Palestinian prisoners and Israel placed Jibril and Yihye Sanwar in solitary confinement in order to prevent them from campaigning against the prisoner swap agreement.[63]
Jidan, Haled Muhammad Mahmud Ramallah1962August 25, 19952 life sentencesSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Julani, Yusri Ibrahim Yusri Hebron1983July 16, 200325 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Jundiya, Ibrahim Abd al-Rahman Muhammad Bethlehem1984January 18, 200312 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Participated in the planning of a 2002 suicide bombing that killed 11 Jerusalem bus passengers.[31]
Kallab, Uwaida Muhammad Sulaiman Gaza1963May 31, 19891 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Kamil, Muhammad Ahmed al-Haj Jenin1976June 11, 19941 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Kared, Bassem Muhammad Ashritah Gaza1968July 31, 19928 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Kared, Tayir Mahmud Jamil Gaza1971August 8, 198830 years, 6 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Karsu, Muhammad Muhammad Husain Gaza1974May 14, 200224 years, 6 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Khattatiba, Zahir Wajih Ayash Nablus1976September 26, 199422 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Khizran, Ayad Dhiab Ahmed Abu West Bank1971October 3, 19911 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Kilani, Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Radhwan Zayd Nablus1980November 25, 200235 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Kiyal, Salim Ali Ibrahim Gaza1952May 30, 19831 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Kraja, SamudRamallah1988October 25, 2009Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – West Bank Convicted of stabbing an Israeli soldier at a checkpoint.[64]
Lanan, Abu Golmi Youssef Nablus1980July 15, 2010Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – West Bank?
Luh, Jalal Kamel Halef Gaza1974November 9, 19941 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Lui Muhammad Ahmed AwdaEast Jerusalem1978April 6, 200228 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Tanzim[10] member convicted of organizing an unsuccessful suicide bombing in Jerusalem.[10]
Lutfi Muhammad Hassan al-DarabiyaHebron1976December 29, 199325 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Ma'ruf, Tal'at Mustafa HasanBeit Lahia1968April 26, 2008Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – Gaza?
Mabruk, Amir Ahmad Muhmmad Tulkarm1981April 19, 200320 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Madina, Ahsan Ali Muhammad Nablus1975August 23, 20011 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Mahmud, Amal Fayiz Jum'a Nablus1969May 10, 200411 yearsHome1 – West Bank arrested while planning to detonate a 15-kg bomb in Tel Aviv.[65]
Mahrum, Samer Assam Sallam Jenin1966January 12, 19861 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Makhamira, Khalid Musa Id Shahada Hebron1973July 27, 20061 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank A Fatah activist convicted of participating in shooting attacks, Makhamira left Fatah and joined Hamas while in prison. Makhamira was re-arrested in March 2012 and accused of smuggling money for use in terrorist activities.[66]
Mallah, Muhammad Bassam Yusuf Tulkarm1980March 9, 200222 yearsRelocation2 – Abroad?
Mansur, Akram Abd-Al-Aziz Said Qalqiliya1960February 8, 197935 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Mara'i, Salame Aziz Muhammad Qalqiliya1972January 4, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
Maragha, Adnan Muhammad Atta East Jerusalem1969June 20, 199045 yearsHome1 – Jerusalem Maragha was convicted of the murder of a Palestinian suspected of collaborating with Israel. He was rearrested during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict. Israeli authorities accused Maragha of active participation in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and ordered him to serve out the remainder of his sentence.[16]
Mardawi, Chaled Yusef Abd-Al-Rahman Qalqiliya1965August 28, 19923 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Mardawi, Mahmud Mustafa Saleh Qalqiliya1968August 28, 19923 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Masalme, Ismayil abd al Hadi abd Raba Hebron1960December 14, 199927 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Masri, Abdulaziz Muhammad Abdulaziz Gaza1972February 4, 19933 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Masri, Ibrahim Yusef Abd Al-Halim Ramallah1971September 23, 19952 life sentencesSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Mataua, Muntesar Rabhi Hamadan Nablus1981June 25, 200330 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Matawa, Asmat Abd al-Aziz Amar Hebron1976April 29, 20022 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Mishal, Ibrahim Abdalrazzaq Ahmad East Jerusalem1964March 27, 19901 life sentenceHome1 – Jerusalem?
Muhaisin, Khalid Ahmad Dawud East Jerusalem1965April 30, 19861 life sentenceHome1 – Jerusalem According to Muhaisin's family, he was convicted of shooting an intelligence officer to death and belonging to a terrorist group.[34]
Muhammad, Nimr Sadqi Nimr al-Haj Nablus1963August 28, 200635 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Muhammad, Samir Tariq Ahmad East Jerusalem1979April 11, 200226 yearsHome1 – Jerusalem?
Muqbil, Amir Abd al-Rahman Tulkarm1983April 16, 200321 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Muqdi, Mutasim Sabri Maslah Tulkarm1971March 11, 19941 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad?
Musa, Ibrahim Muhammad Yunus Dar Ramallah1982September 14, 200417 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Distributed videotapes of two suicide bombers to the media in 2003. Convicted of having foreknowledge of the attacks.[10] Also planned the Café Hillel bombing.[67]
Musa, Imad Yasir Ata' Jenin1978May 23, 199824 years, 8 monthsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Musalah, Utman Ali Hamadan NablusunknownOctober 15, 19821 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Mushtahi, Ruhi Jamal Abd-Al-Nabi Gaza1959February 13, 19884 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza Hamas member.[68] Cofounder of Al Majd, a predecessor of Hamas' military wing. Convicted of "murder through an act of terror, military exercises, manslaughter and incitement."[68]
Musleh, Ayid Abdallah Abd-Al-Hadi Gaza1965February 13, 19928 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Musulmani, Mustafa Mahmud Muhammad Nablus1964November 1, 20012 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of shooting to death two Israeli settlers in 2001.[69]
Naasan, Majdi Muhammad Abdallah Ramallah1976October 12, 20037 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Nasser, Fawaz Mahmud Ali Ramallah1979October 21, 200336 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Nawahida, Kifah Ahmad Amin Jenin1982October 16, 201127 years, 7 monthsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Nawfal, Lu'ayy Rajih Ahmad Nablus1973May 25, 20011 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Nawful, Hassan Mahmud Abd al-Rahim Gaza1971August 9, 198830 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Nazal, Nasser Abd al-Fatah Abdallah Qalqiliya1969December 26, 20022 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nazal was the leader of Hamas' military wing in Qalqiliya and was involved in several suicide bombings.[70]
Nazzal, Basim Muhammad Aqqad Jenin1965September 16, 19921 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Plit, Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed Gaza1973May 27, 19921 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Polishchyk, Iryna Mykolaiv, Ukraine[5]/West Bank1977May 23, 200220 yearsHome1 – West Bank Ukrainian citizen who came to Israel as an illegal immigrant,[71] worked as a prostitute and married one of her johns, the Palestinian-Arab Ibrahim Sarahne. She was imprisoned for delivering a number of suicide bombers to their destinations.[37][71][72][73][74] She was originally arrested with her husband. Sarahne remains in prison.[37]
Qabha, Taher Rabhi Yussuf Jenin1970April 22, 199430 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Qaflsha, Lu'ay Nafid Ismail Hebron1981May 2, 200219 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Qahara, Al-Saadi Said Ali Ramallah1976May 8, 20021 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank participated in the King George Street bombing by leading the suicide bomber to his destination[56]
Qaisi, Farid Muhammad Mahud Gaza1974January 3, 19941 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Qanan, Ihab Hashem Muhammad [Fatan]Gaza1980March 7, 20025 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Qapaisha, Alaa Muhammad Fayad Hebron1973September 27, 200430 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Qapaisha, Ayman Muhammad Hussein Hebron1970May 4, 199735 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Qaraush, Mustafa Mahmud Musa Tulkarm1954March 10, 19861 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Qasim, Muhammad Salim Khalil Gaza1982June 10, 200425 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Qassem, Akram Abdullah Muhammad Gaza1976April 3, 200227 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Qawasme, Amar Ahmad Mahmud Hebron1966January 22, 19881 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Qawasme, Muhammad Ali Hassan Hebron1980October 26, 200420 years, 6 monthsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Qiq, Abd al-Rahman Fadel abd al-Rahman Gaza1963December 18, 19861 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Rabi', Husain Ilyas Husain Ramallah1980May 30, 200128 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Rabia, Yassin Suleiman Muhammad Ramallah1971December 22, 20032 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Rad'uan, Naif Yussuf Ibrahim Ramallah1973September 23, 19952 life sentencesSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Radi, Khidr Sulaiman Mahmud Bethlehem1979March 27, 200320 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Rajbi, Adris Ahmad Muhammad Hebron1982March 11, 200330 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad carried out attacks in which 22 Israelis died.[26]
Rajbi, Ala Hamdi Hamed Hebron1982August 13, 200445 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Ramadan, Khuwailid Ismail Abd al-Jalil Nablus1978October 20, 19982 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Member of a Hamas cell that shot and killed Shlomo Liebman and Harel Bin-Nun, two Yeshiva students, as they were guarding a security fence at the Yitzhar settlement in the West Bank. The cell also planted several bombs.[75]
Ramadan, Muhammad Salim Mahmud Qalqiliya1979March 5, 200220 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Ramadan, Mustafa Ali Hussein Gaza1973August 17, 19943 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Ramadan, Nizar Muhammad Taysir Nablus1975October 20, 19982 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad ambushed and killed Harel Bin- Nun, 18, and Shlomo Liebman, 24, who were on patrol at the Yitzhar settlement[52]
Riyan, Mansur Atef Hader Nablus1975June 7, 19941 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Ruma, Daragmeh Rawad Hussein Jenin1984July 28, 200425 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Sa'er, Ahmed Salam Hamdan Gaza1982December 18, 200118 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Saad, Mahmud Ghasub Mahmud Ramallah1985December 20, 20037 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saad was a member of a Hamas cell operating out of Mizra'a Sharkiya. The cell was responsible for the April 2003 killing of Hikhmat Yassin, a Palestinian suspected of collaborating with Israel, a May 2003 shooting attack on an Israeli vehicle that left one Israeli, Gideon Lichterman, dead and two injured and an October 2003 attack that left three Israeli soldiers dead.[32]
Sabaana, Jawad Taysir Hassan Jenin1981August 22, 20029 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Said, Akram Salamah Atiyah Gaza1979February 25, 200224 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Said, Ali Said Ahmad [Bilal]Nablus1980unknown25 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Sakhal, Nael Saadi Abd al-Fatah Nablus1977April 15, 20031 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Sakhla, Muhammad Abdallatif Muhammad Gaza1985January 18, 200819 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Sakik, Said Muhammad Aashur Gaza1973November 3, 19933 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Salamah, Akram Abd Al-Rahman Husein Gaza1973April 21, 199630 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Saleh, Hamuda Said Abd al-Rahim Nablus1976July 30, 200022 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years A Hamas member, Saleh was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder, planting a bomb, and committing a shooting. After his release he opened a pastry shop in Gaza with another former inmate.[29]
Saleh, Yasser Muhammad Ramallah1980September 29, 20057 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank Hamas member[41] who led the Hamas cell that was responsible for kidnapping and killing Israeli businessman Sasson Nuriel in 2005.[41][42]
Salehi, Abd al-Aziz Yussuf Mustafa Ramallah1981June 16, 20011 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad participant in the 2000 Ramallah lynching who was iconically photographed displaying his blood-stained hands to the Palestinian mob after having beaten to death an IDF reservist who had accidentally entered the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Ramallah.[27][46]
Salmi, Ziyad Salim Husni Gaza1974unknown1 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Sana'a, Sh'hadeh Muhammad Hussein Israel1975May 24, 20021 life sentenceHome1 – Israel participated in the King George Street bombing by leading the suicide bomber to his destination[56]
Saqr, Jalal Lutfi Abd-Al-Nabi Gaza1963August 4, 19924 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Sarim, Talal Ibrahim abd al-Rahman Qalqiliya1959December 26, 200222 yearsRelocation2 – Abroad According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sarim was the head of Hamas in Qalqiliya and was involved in several suicide bombings.[70]
Sawafita, Samir Faisal West Bank1979February 12, 200330 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Hamas member[10] convicted of hiding an explosive belt and driving two attempted suicide bombers.[10]
Sawalma, Amir Jabar Sharif Nablus1974April 28, 20036 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / AbroadPerpetrated a shooting at an Israeli checkpoint in the West Bank, killing two Israeli soldiers and injuring three others. Planned two suicide bombings of Israeli troop positions which killed two soldiers and injured eight. Planned a suicide bombing of a civilian target, which led to the death of a security guard.[31]
Sha'ablu, Kabel Sami Mustafa Nablus1973March 13, 200325 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of involvement in a 2002 suicide bombing in Ariel, which resulted in three fatalities.[10]
Shabbana, Abbas Abdallah Hebron1971December 25, 199223 years, 5 monthsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Shahatit, Randa Muhammad Yusuf Hebron1985January 6, 20094 years, 2 monthsHome1 – West Bank?
Shahshir, Taha Aadel Saada Nablus1965January 12, 19921 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Shalabi, Hana Jenin1982September 14, 2009Released prior to sentencing or convictionHome1 – West Bank?
Shalalda, Said Ibrahim Muhammad Ramallah1986December 7, 20051 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Member of the Hamas[41] cell responsible for kidnapping and killing Israeli businessman Sasson Nuriel in 2005.[41][42]
Shalash, Ibrahim Abd Al-Aziz Shalash Ramallah1969September 23, 19952 life sentencesSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Shalbi, Kamal Muhammad Halil Tulkarm1980June 5, 200325 yearsRelocation2 – Abroad?
Shamasna, Mansur Yusef Hasan Ramallah1970March 24, 19961 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Shammasina, Ibrahim Sulaim Mahmud Ramallah1964December 29, 19933 life sentencesRelocation2 – Abroad took part in the murder of Israeli boys Ronen Kramni and Lior Tuboul, taxi driver Rafi Doron and soldier Yehushua Friedberg. Shammasina was deported to Qatar.[15]
Shaqir, Abd al-Latif Ismayil Ibrahim Tulkarm1957July 23, 19861 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Shaqirat, Nasir Hamidan Ali East Jerusalem1971March 22, 199382 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Shashaniyah, Zuhir Salah Anis Gaza1967September 22, 19901 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Shawamra, Naif Hussein Muhammad Hebron1958March 14, 19952 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank?
Sheor, Mahdi Omar Muhammad Hebron1974May 23, 200221 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Shibli, Rabi' Samir Rajih Ramallah1980May 31, 200527 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Shihab, Abd-Al-Rahman Rabi Abd-Al-Rahman Gaza1968May 9, 198935 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Shukhaidim, Nidal Akram Rajab Abu Hebron1982February 28, 20081 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Shukri, Ahmed Hussein Mahmud Ramallah1963September 9, 198950 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Shurbagi, Omar Muhammad Ahmed Gaza1980July 15, 20031 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Slamah, Hasan Ali Nimer Ramallah1958August 8, 19821 life sentenceHome1 – West Bank?
Stut, Mamun Ismyail Salame Tulkarm1974April 17, 200325 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Convicted of involvement in a 2002 bombing in Beersheva as well as several shootings. After being released, Stut was rearrested in January, 2011, with the IDF claiming that he posed a security threat. Stut is the first prisoner to be rearrested.[76][77]
Suleiman, Taysir Muhammad Hamdan East Jerusalem1973September 28, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad Suleiman, a Hamas operative, was convicted of the kidnapping and murder of an Israeli soldier. Suleiman was sent to Turkey after his release.[78]
Ta'ma, Abd-Al-Munem Uthman Muhammad Tulkarm1969October 28, 19891 life sentenceSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Tabanja, Salim Rashid Rajib Nablus1984February 17, 200320 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Tah, Barake Rajah Abd al-Mokhsen Hebron1981August 14, 200434 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Taha, Chaled Rajeh Abd Al-Muhsen Hebron1987August 30, 200416 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Taha, Khalid Muhammad Shafiq East Jerusalem1965unknown1 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Tamimi, Ahlam Aref Ahmad Jordan1980September 14, 200116 life sentencesHome1 – Jordan Was recruited by the Hamas, posed as a tourist, and took part in the execution of the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing in a Jerusalem in August 2001 (15 killed, more than 100 injured).[27][46][53]
Taqatqa, Muhammad Musa Hussein Muhammad Bethlehem1971September 21, 19931 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad According to The New York Times, Taqatqa was convicted of "murder by terror operation, military training, attempted murder and membership in an unregistered organization". Taqatqa acknowledged that he was a Hamas militant and had participated in attacks on Israelis.[79]
Tarabin, Miryam Salim Jericho1986January 24, 20058 years, 2 monthsHome1 – Gaza?
Tarahan, Jamil Khamis Muhammad Gaza1958August 16, 19936 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Udah, Shadi Saleh Mahmud Qalqiliya1982August 2, 200223 yearsHome1 – West Bank?
Ulayyan, Ibrahim Husain Aliyy East Jerusalem1964February 8, 19871 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Utman, Muhammad Mustafa Ali Gaza1973June 27, 19962 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Wavi, Ashraf Gazi Mahmud Tulkarm1973November 9, 19932 life sentencesHome1 – West Bank?
Wazuz, Musa Ibrahim Fahed Hebron1982January 21, 20068 life sentencesRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad Member of a four-person group that carried out a series of attacks including the June 2005 murders of Aviad Mantzour and Avichai Levy at a bus stop near Beit Haggai, a July 2005 shooting attack on Israeli soldiers in Hebron which left an Arab passerby dead, the October 2005 murders of Matat Rosenfeld Adler, Kinneret Mandel and Oz Meir and the December 2005 killing of Yossi Shok.[30]
Yaghmur, Jihad Muhammad Shaker East Jerusalem1967October 14, 19941 life sentenceRelocation2 – Abroad took part in the murder of Nachshon Wachsman. Originally sentenced to life imprisonment.[45]
Yassin, Shadi Yassin Mahmud Tulkarm1977March 9, 200232 yearsRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Yunes, Sami Khaled Salame Israel1932January 5, 198340 yearsHome1 – Israel Convicted of involvement in the 1980 kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldier Avi Bromberg.[80]
Yusif, Yasir Talal Ali Gaza1979March 27, 200625 yearsHome1 – Gaza?
Za'areb, Imad al-Din Ata Qassam Gaza1973April 11, 19931 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Zaid, Yakub Adnan Ishmail Jenin1979March 1, 200016 yearsSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank?
Zaidan, Zaidan Muhammad Said Nimr Jenin1983June 19, 20021 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Zakut, Maher Humis Abdulmaati Gaza1966October 29, 19933 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Zakut, Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Muhammad Gaza1963March 21, 19891 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza Tel Aviv construction worker who stabbed three Israelis, murdering two, on the holiday of Purim, March 21, 1989.[81][82]
Zakzuk, Fahed Sabhi Masud Gaza1975September 30, 19923 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Zalum, Nidal Abd al-Razzaq Izzat Ramallah1964March 5, 19892 life sentencesSecurity Arrangement3 – West Bank Convicted of murder, conspiracy, attempted murder and attacking a civil servant in a 1989 stabbing attack in Jerusalem. Two Israelis were killed in the attack and three wounded.[83]
Zara'a, Bilal Ismail Muhammad Kafr Ni'ma1980February 16, 20041 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Zard, Marwan Muhammad Mustafa Gaza1975February 10, 19933 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?
Zawidi, Hamdi Amin Muhammad Gaza1972unknown1 life sentenceHome1 – Gaza?
Zayid, Hamza Naif Hassan Jenin1966January 22, 19861 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Zaytawi, Abdullah Muhammad Mahmud Nablus1975August 23, 20011 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad?
Zeid, Hassan Yussuf Hassan Jenin1983April 29, 20031 life sentenceRelocation2 – Gaza / Abroad – 3 years?
Ziada, Muhammad Mansur Abd al-Majid Israel1954September 10, 19871 life sentenceHome1 – Israel Convicted of involvement in a failed plot to bomb a bus in Tel Aviv in 1987.[50]
Ziyada, Sharif Hussein Rashid Gaza1971October 6, 20052 life sentencesHome1 – Gaza?

^ Home – means the prisoner will be returned to their homeland and, if their destination is the West Bank or Jerusalem, will be allowed to travel within those areas.[7]
^ Security Arrangement – means the prisoner's movement will be restricted, and they will be required to report to the Israeli military once a month.[7]
^ Relocation – means the prisoner will not be returned home, but rather deported to Gaza or to a foreign country. Deportation period will either be 3 years or indefinitely.[7] A total of 42 prisoners have been relocated abroad: 16 to Syria, 15 to Qatar and 11 to Turkey.[61]
^ Destination – The "destination" for each prisoner is determined by the Israeli government.[7]

Second phase: 550 prisoners released in December 2011

The 550 remaining prisoners were released in December 2011. Israel alone determined the list of prisoners to be released, though in consultation with Egypt. The list consisted of 300 Fatah prisoners, 50 PFLP members, and 20 DFLP members, with the rest having no political affiliation. According to Israeli criteria, none of those selected for release had "blood on their hands".[84]

See also


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  2. Quinn, Ben (18 October 2011). "Gilad Shalit freed in exchange for Palestinian prisoners". The Guardian (London).
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