List of rivers of Quebec

This is a list of rivers of Quebec.
In all, Quebec counts at least a million lakes and 130,000 streams of which 4,500 are rivers. Quebec holds 2 percent of all freshwater on the planet.[1]
Hudson Bay watershed
James Bay
Rivers flowing into James Bay, listed from south to north:
- Harricana River
- Turgeon River
- Missisicabi River
- Nottaway River
- Waswanipi River
- Bell River
- Kitchigama River
- Broadback River
- Rupert River
- Nemiscau River
- Marte River
- Pontax River
- Temiscamie River
- Eastmain River
- Opinaca River
- Conn River
- Rivière du Vieux Comptoir (Old Factory River)
- Poplar River
- Maquatua River
- Rivière au Castor (Beaver River)
- La Grande Rivière (The Big River)
- Sakami River
- Kanaaupscow River
- Piagochioui River
- Roggan River
- Corbin River
- Anistuwach River
- Rivière au Phoque (Seal River)
Hudson Bay
Rivers flowing into Hudson Bay, listed from south to north:
- Vauquelin River
- Grande Rivière de la Baleine (Great Whale River)
- Saint Denys River
- Coats River
- Kwakwatanikapistikw River
- Petite Rivière de la Baleine (Little Whale River)
- Richmond Gulf
- De Troyes River
- Clearwater River
- Rivière du Nord
- Nastapoca River
- Longland River
- Kikkerteluc River
- Kongut River
- Innuksuac River
- Koktac River
- Kogaluc River
- Povungnituk River
- Iktotat River
- Chukotat River
- Kovik River
Hudson Strait watershed
Rivers flowing into Hudson Strait, listed from west to east:
- Naujaat River
- Nauyok River
- Guychaud River
- Foucault River
- Nausarisiq River
- Gatin River
- Deception River
- Jacquere River
- Wakeham River
- Latourette River
Ungava Bay watershed
Rivers flowing into Ungava Bay, listed from west to east:
- Arnaud River
- Vachon River
- Lepelle River
- Brochant River
- Lefroy River
- Saint-Fond River
- Rivière aux Feuilles (Leaf River)
- Charpentier River (Carpenter River)
- Vizien River
- Koksoak River
- Rivière aux Mélèzes
- Rivière du Gué
- Delay River
- Rivière du Gué
- Caniapiscau River
- Rivière Bras de Fer (Iron Arm River)
- Rivière du Sable (Sandy River)
- Goodwood River
- Rivière Sérigny
- Rivière Pons
- Rivière Beurling
- Rivière de la Mort (River of Death)
- Rivière Châteauguay
- Swampy Bay River
- Situraviup River
- Forbes River
- Rivière aux Mélèzes
- False River
- Baleine River (Whale River)
- Wheeler River
- Marralik River
- Qurlutuq River
- George River
- De Pas River
- Koroc River
Saint Lawrence River/Gulf of Saint Lawrence watershed
Rivers flowing into the Saint Lawrence River and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, listed in downstream order:
- Ottawa River (Rivière des Outaouais)
- Rigaud River
- Rivière du Nord (North River)
- Rouge River (Red River)
- Macaza River
- Jamet River
- Macaza River
- Saumon River (Salmon River)
- Rivière de la Petite Nation (Little Nation River)
- Blanche River (Thurso) (White River)
- Rivière du Lièvre (Hare River)
- Mitchinamécus River
- Blanche River (Gatineau)
- Gatineau River
- Kazabazua River
- Rivière Désert (Deserted River)
- Rivière de l'Aigle (Eagle River)
- Rivière d'Argent (Silver River)
- Notawassi River
- Choaurt River
- Rivière du Canot (Canoe River)
- Bazin River
- Rivière aux Bleuts (Blueberry River)
- Fortier River
- Rivière du Canot (Canoe River)
- Gens de Terre River (Native River)
- Wapus River
- Belinge River
- Quyon River
- Coulonge River
- Noire River (Black River)
- Schyan River
- Dumoine River
- Fildegrand River
- Rivière l'Ours (Bear River)
- Kipawa River
- Kinojevis River
- Lavallée River
- Little Blanche River
- Rivière à la Loutre (Otter River)
- Laverlochère River
- Châteauguay River
- Rivière de la Tortue (Turtle River)
- Rivière des Prairies (Prairie River)
- Rivière des Mille-Îles (Thousand Island River)
- Rivière l'Assomption (Assumption River)
- Richelieu River
- Bois-Blanc River (Whitewood River)
- Maskinongé River
- Yamaska River
- Saint-François River
- Rivière aux Écorces (Birch River)
- Nicolet River
- Nicolet River Southwest
- Bulstrode River
- Gosselin River
- Saint-Maurice River
- Rivière Wabano
- Weymontachingue
- Manouane
- Little Rock
- Little Flamand
- Windigo
- Flamand
- Coucoucache
- Grande Pierriche (Great Pierriche)
- Petite Pierriche (Little Pierriche)
- La Trenche
- Vermillion
- Croche
- Rivière-au-Lait
- Bostonnais
- Little Bostonnais
- Small Stream
- Mountain
- Caribou
- Rivière-aux-Rats
- Wessonneau
- Little Batiscan River
- l'Oiseau (Bird)
- Bête Puante (Beast Puante)
- Mattawin
- Mekinac
- River "au Lac des Pêches"
- Shawinigan River
- Bécancour River
- Blanche River
- Bourbon River
- Noire River
- Champlain River
- Rivière à la Fourche (Forked River)
- Batiscan River
- Sainte-Anne River
- Sainte-Anne-du-Nord River
- Jacques-Cartier River
- Chaudière River (Cauldron River)
- Etchemin River
- Montmorency River
- Boyer River
- Rivière du Sud (South River)
- Gouffre River
- Ouelle River
- Malbaie River
- Rivière du Loup (Wolf River)
- Saguenay River
- Ashuapmushuan River
- Mistassini River
- Mistassibi River
- Peribonka River
- Rivière des Aulnaies
- Métabetchouan River
- Ouiatchouane River
- Betsiamites River
- Rivière aux Outardes
- Tartigou River
- Manicouagan River
- Mouchalagane River
- Sainte-Marguerite River
- Moisie River
- Magpie River
- Matane River
- Saint-Jean River (disambiguation)
- Saint-Jean River (Minganie)
- Saint-Jean River (Gaspé)
- Saint-Jean River (Saguenay)
- Saint-Jean River (Kamouraska)
- Romaine River
- Nabisipi River
- Aguanus River
- Natashquan River
- Olomane River
- Petit Mécatina River
- Saint-Augustin River
- Saint-Paul River
- Restigouche River
- Assemetquagan River
Saint John River watershed
Rivers flowing into the Saint John River listed in downstream order:
- This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
See also
- ↑ "Du Québec à la Louisiane, sur les traces des Français d'Amérique, Géo Histoire, Hors-série, Éditions Prisma, Paris, October 2006
- ↑ Lacolle River
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