List of RadioWest Episodes (2010)

Genre interviews
Running time 52 minutes
Country United States
Language(s) English
Home station KUER
Syndicates Public Radio International, XM satellite radio
Host(s) Doug Fabrizio
Producer(s) Elaine Clark and Benjamin Bombard
Recording studio Salt Lake City, Utah
Air dates since May 21, 2001
Website Radio West
Podcast Podcast RSS

This is a list of guests and topics of the RadioWest radio show and podcast during 2010. RadioWest is a daily radio show and podcast hosted by Doug Fabrizio.

Lists of Guests by Other Years: 2012, 2011, 2009

January 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
January 4Doug FabrizioAlun AndersonAfter the Ice
January 5Doug FabrizioLaura MillerThe Magician's Book
January 7Doug FabrizioBeth Wohl, Charles Morey, Kelly Hutchinson, Alex Podulke Touch(ed)
January 11Doug FabrizioGreg GrandinFordlandia
January 12Doug FabrizioJason Chaffetz, Steve Wolff, Karen McCreary, Amos Guiora Rethinking Airport Security
January 13Doug FabrizioWalter Russell MeadThe Carter Syndrome
January 14Doug FabrizioKen SilversteinThe Cost of a Two-Dollar T-Shirt
January 18Doug FabrizioMatthew LaPlanteSickened by Service
January 19Doug FabrizioWilliam Berger, Leann Sandel-Pantaleo, Ari Pelto Bizet's Carmen
January 25Doug FabrizioJohn Heilemann, Mark Halperin Game Change
January 26Doug FabrizioChristy Karras, Jamie Wyeth Seven Deadly Sins
January 27Doug FabrizioSean Means, Stanley Nelson, Jim Zwerg Freedom Riders
January 28Doug FabrizioAbraham VergheseAbraham Verghese and "Cutting for Stone"

February 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
February 1Doug FabrizioRachel DretzinDigital Nation
February 2Doug FabrizioEugene JareckiMove Your Money
February 3Doug FabrizioKen VerdoiaWilderness: The Great Debate
February 4Doug FabrizioJennifer BurnsAyn Rand and the American Right
February 5Jennifer Napier-PearceSusan HoughPredicting the Unpredictable
February 9Doug FabrizioEthan WattersCrazy Like Us
February 10Doug FabrizioJames FallowsProblems of Government
February 11Doug FabrizioPaul Kiernan, Lou Liberatore, Bob Ari, Alan Campbell, Nancy Marder, John Going Twelve Angry Men
February 12Jennifer Napier-PearceD'Vera Cohn, Nicholas Wolfinger The New Economics of Marriage
February 16Doug FabrizioHelen WhitneyForgiveness
February 17Doug FabrizioBarbara FreeseThe History and Future of Coal
February 18Doug FabrizioCharles KennyRevolution in a Box
February 19Jennifer Napier-PearceHoward Berkes, Dianna Douglas, Ron Judd Vancouver 2010
February 22Doug FabrizioJudi Hilman, Jenny Brundin, Carl Wimmer, Matthew Burbank Opting Out of Health Care Reform
February 23Doug FabrizioJohn AvlonWingnuts
February 24Doug FabrizioAlain de BottonThe Working Life
February 26Jennifer Napier-PearceBryant SimonEverything but the Coffee

March 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
March 1Doug FabrizioEdward Mazria, Ashley, Soren Simonsen Architecture and Solutions
March 2Doug FabrizioJim WallisMorality and the Economy
March 3Doug FabrizioJerry Rapier, Carleton Bluford, Richard Scharine, Ken Sanders, Amritjit Singh, Jenifer Nii Wallace
March 4Doug FabrizioThomas RicksThe Gamble in Iraq
March 5Jennifer Napier-PearceRandi Hutter EpsteinA History of Childbirth
March 8Doug FabrizioJames Thalman, Philip Howard, Charles Thronson The Price of Malpractice Suits
March 9Doug FabrizioAaron David MillerThe Much Too Promised Land
March 10Doug Fabrizio Jim Matheson, Tim DeChristopher, Quin Monson, Jesse Fruhwirth The Progressive Case Against Matheson
March 11Doug FabrizioMitt Romney, Susan Page Kirk Jowers Thomas Burr Mitt Romney's No Apology
March 12Jennifer Napier-PearceHenry Fradella, Pat Reavy, Howard Zonana Understanding the Insanity Defense
March 15Doug FabrizioAngie Drobnic HolanMeasuring the Truth of Health Care Reform
March 16Doug FabrizioAmos GuioraFreedom from Religion
March 17Doug FabrizioKristen HawkesGrandmothers and the Human Species
March 18Doug FabrizioMark Spragg, Laura Bell Writing the West
March 19Jennifer Napier-PearceShannon O'Neil, Blake Hounshell, Chris Lopez Mexico's Drug War
March 22Doug FabrizioMichael SandelJustice
March 29Doug FabrizioLouann BrizendineThe Male Brain
March 30Doug FabrizioTom ReganAnimal Rights, Human Wrongs
March 31Doug FabrizioGary KnellMuppet Diplomacy

April 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
April 1Doug FabrizioMaggie Jackson, David Strayer Distracted
April 2Jennifer Napier-PearceSusan Dworkin, Ronnie Coffman Saving the World's Harvest
April 5Doug FabrizioDavid Grubin, Mark Epstein The Buddha
April 6Doug FabrizioRandy OlsonDon't be Such a Scientist
April 7Doug FabrizioKen Sumsion, Dave Kopel, Chip Ward, Alison LaCroix The Push for States' Rights
April 8Doug FabrizioEric Samuelson, Deena Marie Manzanares, Mark Fossen, Jerry Rapier, Matthew Ivan Bennett, Kirk Bateman,Amerigo
April 12Jennifer Napier-PearceDavid DowThe Autobiography of an Execution
April 13Bill AllredJohn Saltas, Tim Redmond, Amy Mitchell Another Voice: The Role of Alternative Newsweeklies
April 14Doug FabrizioDeborah AmosEclipse of the Sunnis
April 15Doug FabrizioPhilip Gura, Jayne Luke, Nicholas Wuehrmann, Brik Berkes, Robert Scott Smith, Cheryl Gaysunas, Kathleen Cahill, Keven Myhre Margaret Fuller and "Charm"
April 19Doug FabrizioKrista TippettEinstein's God
April 20Doug FabrizioJoel KotkinThe Next Hundred Million
April 21Doug FabrizioDavia Nelson, Nikki Silva The Hidden World of Girls
April 22Doug FabrizioKimberly Butler, Juan Williams The Medium is the Message
April 28Doug FabrizioEamon JaversBroker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy
April 29Doug FabrizioCharles BowdenMurder City
April 30Jennifer Napier-PearceMegan Smolenyak, Ron Bishop Filling in the Family Tree

May 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
May 3Doug FabrizioGarret KeizerA World of Noise
May 4Doug FabrizioBrady UdallThe Lonely Polygamist
May 6Doug FabrizioJesse Fruhwirth, Alison Keleher, Matthew Burbank, James Humphreys Utah Log Cabin Republicans
May 7Jennifer Napier-PearceChristy KarrasRemarkable Utah Women
May 11Doug FabrizioLisa Riley Roche, Robert Gehrke, Kelly Patterson, Jim Matheson, Claudia Wright After the Conventions
May 12Doug FabrizioRoy Morris JrLighting Out for the Territory
May 13Doug FabrizioMark Potok, Robert Churchill, Catherine McNicol Stock The Return of the Militia Movmement
May 14Jennifer Napier-PearceSusan VogelPablo O'Higgins
May 17Doug FabrizioDavid ShenkThe Genius in All of Us
May 18Doug FabrizioStephen Sandstrom, Gary Gerstle Immigration and America's Identity
May 19Doug FabrizioShelton JohnsonGloryland
May 20Doug FabrizioJoseph CirincioneThe Future of Nuclear Weapons
May 21Jennifer Napier-PearcePaul BloomThe Moral Life of Babies
May 25Doug FabrizioNathaniel PhilbrickThe Last Stand
May 26Doug FabrizioBob BoilenNew Music of 2010
May 27Doug FabrizioMark KurlanskyThe Food of a Younger Land

June 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
June 1Doug FabrizioRoxana SaberiBetween Two Worlds
June 3Doug FabrizioSheena IyengarThe Art of Choosing
June 4Jennifer Napier-PearceMeghan DaumThe Quest for Four Perfect Walls
June 7Doug FabrizioSebastian JungerWar
June 8Doug FabrizioDavid Boaz, Jennifer Burns Libertarianism
June 9Doug FabrizioCatherine Weller, Ken Sanders, Betsy Burton 2010 Summer Book Show
June 10Doug FabrizioMorris Thurston, Reed Cowan Reed Cowan's "8: The Mormon Proposition"
June 11Jennifer Napier-PearceLily Havey, Eric Rosenberg Utah Artist Lily Havey
June 15Doug FabrizioJim Matheson, Claudia Wright Matheson/Wright Debate
June 16Doug FabrizioMichael Quinn, Robert Kirby Death Penalty, Part I
June 17Doug FabrizioAlan Clarke, Robert Blecker Death Penalty: Pro and Con
June 21Jennifer Napier-PearceJames TaborBlind Descent
June 22Jennifer Napier-PearceDonna DeyhleChronicling Navajo Education
June 24Matthew LaPlanteMark Yost, Kurt Kragthorpe, James Metherall The Benefits and Risks of the Pac-10
June 25Jennifer Napier-PearceBrent Baker, Brooke Harrington Faith and Fraud
June 28Jennifer Napier-PearceCharles SiebertThe Growing Fight Against Animal Cruelty
June 29Doug FabrizioRobert BaerThe Devil We Know
June 30Doug FabrizioOliver Lewis, Greg Midgley, Robert Carl, Patrick Munger, Charlie Lewis, Dan Thomas, Matt Dixon In C

July 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
July 7Doug FabrizioDiarmaid MacCullochChristianity - the First 3,000 Years
July 8Doug FabrizioEarl FryLament For America
July 12Doug FabrizioTara Parker-PopeFor Better - The Science of Good Marriage
July 13Doug FabrizioWill BagleyBlazing the Trails Westward
July 14Doug FabrizioDavid deVries, Richard Reeves The George Shultz Years
July 15Doug FabrizioRita MorenoA Conversation with Rita Moreno
July 16Jennifer Napier-PearceScott RosenbergWhy Blogging Matters
July 19Doug FabrizioLee Davidson, Mark Shurtleff, Eli Cawley, Tony Yapias, Robert Gehrke Immigration and "The List"
July 20Doug FabrizioAlan RichmanEating Ethically
July 21Doug FabrizioDan BaumHappiness is a Worn Gun
July 22Doug FabrizioKevin Cantera, Kevin Kraut Bishop John Koyle's "Dream Mine"
July 26Matthew LaPlanteBill Oram, Stuart Brown The Way We Play
July 27Jennifer Napier-PearceJeffrey RosenThe End of Forgetting
July 28Jennifer Napier-PearceHoward Berkes, Robert Benincasa Coal Mine Safety
July 29Jennifer Napier-PearceEben WeissBike Snob

August 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
August 9Jennifer Napier-PearceAshley Merryman, Po Bronson The Creativity Crisis
August 10Doug FabrizioVanessa WoodsBonobo Handshake
August 11Doug FabrizioTyler Measom, Jennilyn Merten Sons of Perdition
August 12Doug FabrizioEric Jay DolinFur, Fortune and Empire
August 16Doug FabrizioMarcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan The First Paul
August 17Doug FabrizioLibby SpearsPlayground
August 18Doug FabrizioPaul BloomHow Pleasure Works
August 19Doug FabrizioCraig ChildsFinders Keepers
August 20Jennifer Napier-PearceKathryn SchulzBeing Wrong
August 23Doug FabrizioKen Doctor, Joel Campbell, Josh Loftin The Future of Utah Journalism
August 24Doug FabrizioStephen Brown, Sam Wessels, Julie Jensen SLAC's "Fearless" New Plays
August 25Doug FabrizioGary GreenbergThe War on Unhappiness
August 26Doug FabrizioEdward KohnRoosevelt and the Heat Wave of 1896
August 27Jennifer Napier-PearceMichelle Anthony, David Nelson Mean Little Girls
August 30Doug FabrizioMary RoachPacking for Mars
August 31Doug FabrizioAndrea Seabrook, Joanna Brooks, Robert Jensen Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor'

September 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
September 1Doug FabrizioJeff YeagerLiving the Frugal Life
September 2Doug FabrizioClark Gilbert, Rick Hall,Paul Starr The Deseret News
September 7Doug FabrizioPaul GreenbergFour Fish
September 8Doug FabrizioAmos GuioraImplementing Peace
September 9Doug FabrizioJon KrakauerWhere Men Win Glory
September 10Jennifer Napier-PearceSam KeanThe Disappearing Spoon
September 13Doug FabrizioFred DonnerMuhammad and the Believers
September 14Doug FabrizioSpike LeeFilmmaker Spike Lee
September 15Doug FabrizioTom Moon, Linda East Brady, Ryan Shupe, Roger Archibald, Ryan Tilby, Nate Smeeding, Craig Miner Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband
September 16Doug FabrizioJill LeporeThe Battle Over American History
September 17Jennifer Napier-PearceTimothy NoahThe Income Gap
September 21Doug FabrizioJennifer JordanThe Last Man on the Mountain
September 22Doug FabrizioDave Levinthal, Andrew Goldman The Billionaire Koch Brothers
September 23Doug FabrizioJoanna Brooks, Claudia Bushman Mormon Feminism Today
September 24Jennifer Napier-PearceKen Dychtwald, Robert Weiss The Changing Face of Retirement
September 27Doug FabrizioJeremy WhittleBad Blood
September 28Doug FabrizioJeff SharletC Street
September 29Doug FabrizioJad AbumradRadiolab
September 30Doug FabrizioMichele NorrisThe Grace of Silence

October 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
October 1Jennifer Napier-PearceBill HeaveyWhy We Hunt
October 4Doug FabrizioJames D'ArcWhen Hollywood Came to Town
October 5Doug FabrizioMark FeldsteinNixon, Anderson and the Rise of Scandal Culture
October 6Doug FabrizioAlicia ShepardNPR Ombudsman Alicia Shepard
October 7Doug FabrizioDavid CrystalA Little Book of Language
October 11Doug FabrizioPeter Corroon, Gary Herbert Utah's 2010 Race for Governor
October 12Doug FabrizioMichael Sullivan, Marilyn Mellowes God in America
October 13Doug FabrizioKristine Haglund, David Huebner Elder Packer and the LDS Church on Homosexuality
October 14Doug FabrizioDavis GuggenheimWaiting for Superman
October 15Jennifer Napier-PearceJennifer AckermanAh-Choo!
October 18Doug FabrizioCurt Bench, Steve Mayfield, Ken Sanders Mark Hofmann 25 Years Later
October 18Doug FabrizioChristopher SmartMark Hofmann 25 Years Later
October 20Doug FabrizioJason Chaffetz, Karen Hyer 3rd Congressional District Debate
October 21Doug FabrizioThomas BuergenthalA Lucky Child
October 22Jennifer Napier-PearceReza AslanBeyond Fundamentalism
October 25Doug FabrizioMorgan Philpot, Jim Matheson Utah's 2nd Congressional District Debate
October 25Doug Fabrizio Utah's 2nd Congressional District Debate
October 26Doug FabrizioRick Peay, Pete Earley, Sheri Wittwer, Nancy Green On the Edge - Mental Health in Utah
October 27Doug FabrizioRep. Rob Bishop, Morgan Bowen 1st District Congressional Race
October 28Doug FabrizioTony Kushner, Keven Myhre, Trey Graham, David Savran Angels in America
October 29Jennifer Napier-PearceElizabeth Miller, Charles Morey Dracula

November 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
November 1Doug FabrizioJon Alpert, Matthew O'Neill Wartorn: 1861-2010
November 2Doug FabrizioRon ChernowWashington: A Life
November 3Doug FabrizioFrank Pignanelli, Lisa Riley Roche, Dan Jones, Kirk Jowers, Quin Monson Who Won and Why 2010
November 4Doug FabrizioWill Roscoe, Jerry Rapier, Julie Jensen, Joe Debevc, April Fossen She Was My Brother
November 8Doug FabrizioDavid CampbellAmerican Grace
November 9Doug FabrizioBruce MachartThe Wake of Forgiveness
November 10Doug FabrizioJessica Davis, Cathy Foy Local Musicians S.L.F.M. and Cynthia Foy
November 11Doug FabrizioTerry Tempest WilliamsThe Gulf Between Us
November 15Doug FabrizioJohn Donvan, Caren Zucker Autism's First Child
November 16Doug FabrizioMichael Brennan, Susan Block The Way We Die
November 17Doug FabrizioGreg Wrubell, Joe Prokop, Bill Marcroft, Brad Rock, Phil Miller The Holy War
November 23Doug FabrizioDonald SturrockRemembering Roald Dahl
November 24Doug FabrizioRichard WolffeRevival - The Struggle for Survival Inside the Obama White House
November 30Doug FabrizioHoward Stephenson, Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh, Joe Williams Teachers Unions and Education Reform

December 2010

Date Host Guest Topic
December 1Doug FabrizioJohn CassidyWhat Good is Wall Street?
December 2Doug FabrizioRobert GottliebThe Life of Sarah Bernhardt
December 3Jennifer Napier-PearceNoah FeldmanScorpions
December 6Doug FabrizioMatthew LaPlante, Raymond Kesner, Rick Miller Memory and the Fog of War
December 7Doug FabrizioPaul SullivanClutch
December 8Doug FabrizioCatherine Weller, Ken Sanders, Betsy Burton 2010 Holiday Book Show
December 9Doug FabrizioStacy SchiffCleopatra
December 10Jennifer Napier-PearceIsobel ColemanHow Women Are Transforming the Middle East
December 13Doug FabrizioJohn-Charles Duffy, Wendy Ulrich, Jenny Brundin, Pat Reavy, Michael Nielsen Looking Back on the Elizabeth Smart Case
December 14Doug FabrizioBob BoilenBest Music of 2010
December 15Jennifer Napier-PearceHank StueverTinsel
December 16Doug FabrizioJoseph Thorndike, Steven Hill, Brian King A History of American Taxes
December 17Jennifer Napier-PearceDeborah Chen Pichler, Ashley Gosselin, Will Garrow, Flavia Fleischer, McCall Cannon American Sign Language
December 21Doug FabrizioSiddhartha MukherjeeThe Emperor of All Maladies
December 22Doug FabrizioTed Gup Hal Cannon Phillip Bimstein Charlotte Bell Kate MacCleod A Secret Gift


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, November 14, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.