List of Royal Military College of Canada people

This is a list of notable individuals who have been, or are involved with the Royal Military College of Canada.

Many RMC alumni have served Canada in war and peace. Billy Bishop was a leading ace of the First World War, won the Victoria Cross and helped to create the Canadian Flying Corps. Charles Merritt was a lawyer and militia officer who won the Victoria Cross at Dieppe during the Second World War. Leonard Birchall, the "Saviour of Ceylon", discovered the approach of the Japanese fleet during the Second World War and showed courage and leadership as a prisoner of war in Japan. Ex-cadets also helped with the peace process. John de Chastelain was twice Chief of Defence Staff and helped to monitor the Peace Accords in Northern Ireland. Romeo Dallaire headed the United Nation forces in Rwanda. Many former cadets gave their lives during both world wars, and in Afghanistan.

Many RMC alumni have had careers in the public or private sectors. Marc Garneau was the first Canadian in space and now is a Member of Parliament. Chris Hadfield became a test pilot, astronaut, the first Canadian to walk in space and the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station. Jack Granatstein became a historian and headed the Canadian War Museum.

Old Eighteen

The term "Old Eighteen" refers to the first class of cadets accepted into the Royal Military College of Canada.[1]

Alfred George Godfrey Wurtele Harry Cortlandt Freer Henry Ellison Wise
William Mahlon Davis Thomas Laurence Reed Septimus Julius Augustus Denison
Lukin Homphrey Irving Frederick Davis Charles Albert DesBrisay
Victor Brereton Rivers James Spelman Charles Oliver Fairbank
Aylesworth Bowen Perry John Bray Cochrane Francis Joseph Dixon
George Edwin Perley Harold Waldruf Keefer Duncan MacPherson


# Name Quotation
General Maurice Baril (RMC 2007)
  • "Thousands of young officers have marched off its [RMC's] parade square and gone on to great achievements in politics, business and most importantly, on the battlefield"
7269 Robert E. Brown (RMC 1968) interviewed by Konrad Yakabuski
  • "A well-aged dankness in the Stone Frigate, the oldest dormitory at Kingston's Royal Military College, is reputed to be ideally suited to the cultivation of spiders, the common cold and a strong character. Residents of the 180-year-old former naval warehouse, which is separated from the other dorms by Parade Square, have long seen the ability to endure their barracks' inhospitable clime as a mark of fortitude."[2]
Sir Andrew Clarke, British inspector-general of fortifications, deceased
  • [RMC is] "one of the best of its class in the world . . . And the Americans themselves, I understand, say better than at West Point.” In 1893 Clarke commented that RMC graduates were better than those from the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.[3]
H22982 Twenty-sixth Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
  • "You will be called upon to take your place in modern Canada and in the modern world.... You will also be called upon to lead...and a leader must stand for something. You must not only be aware of who you are. You must also be defined by what you do."
Brooke Claxton, former Defence Minister, deceased
  • "The role of the officer in modern war can only be properly discharged if they have education and standing in the community comparable to that of any of the other professions as well as high qualities of character and physique.” In 1947, Claxton reopened RMC as a 3-service cadet college offering a 4-year academic program.
H24263 Dr. John Scott Cowan
  • "[T]his is an exercise in Nation Building: In the way that water transforms into ice by building around a single crystal, perhaps the new Canada could do worse than to build around the experiences and values of the new RMC."..."We educate those who pass through this place Royal Military College of Canada exactly so that they will fully understand and be a part of the culture they are called upon to defend."[4]
749 General Harry Crerar CH, CB, DSO, KStJ, CD, deceased
  • "I am confident that The RMC Battalion of Gentlemen Cadets, which will be re-born after this war is over will typify in the future all the best College tradition we have known in the past"
Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Currie, deceased
  • the "spirit" of the Royal Military College of Canada's graduates, "no less than their military attainments, exercised a potent influence in fashioning a force which, in fighting efficiency, has never been excelled."
Captain A.G. Douglas, deceased
  • Suggested, in 1816, the establishment of a Canadian military college in Trois-Rivières to unify the population, "to begin to work upon young minds of different... parties and persuasions" so "old prejudices would vanish not only among the students, but even among their relations, and a common interest would ensue"
Henry Charles Fletcher[5] deceased
S140 Robert J. Giroux C.M., M.Sc.
  • "A degree from the Royal Military College is a living testament to the value of service and dedication."
S147 Hon. Bill Graham, Defence Minister
  • “RMC has a proud history of excellence and is fundamental in training future leaders of the Canadian Forces,”
19033 Major Nick Grimshaw (RMC’93)
  • "Overall, the training that I was involved in since graduating from RMC prepared me very well for my tour in Afghanistan. I found myself constantly relying on the basic principles of leadership. Leading by example was by far the most important aspect."
Hon Albina Guarnieri, P.C., (MP, Minister of Veterans Affairs
  • "...the Royal Military College where the Veterans of the future are being schooled in our military history and are being prepared to make history themselves." October 17, 2005[6]
Hon. Laurie Hawn (MP Edmonton Centre, Conservative Party of Canada)
  • "The professionalism of the Canadian Forces is, in large part, founded on learning and knowledge. The Canadian Defence Academy, the Military and Staff Colleges and the Royal Military College of Canada, all play a critical role in creating and ensuring knowledge in the defence community."[7]
S148 General Rick Hillier, Chief of the Defence Staff (Canada)
  • "[At] the Royal Military College where a bulk of our new officers start their career, start their education, we have 200 spots open for August [2007]. We have 1,500 people who have applied and completed the application process to go to those 200 spots. That is a 7½ to one ratio and we get the opportunity to select the very best from it. As a result, our quality of applicants and the quality of the recruits, the level of fitness and the imagination and the success in completing the courses has skyrocketed in a way that we couldn't even dream about before." 2007 Speech at the National Managers' Forum[8]
22862 Captain Jeremy A. Hiltz (RMC ‘04)
  • "…RMC never taught me how to lead a platoon attack or conduct a Shurah with local Afghan elders, but it has taught me three vital ideas that all officers should adhere to. Truth means leading soldiers from the front and being honest to them at all times. Duty means being there at the front when the bullets start flying because the private soldier that I have just told to assault an enemy position needs to know that I am committed to achieving the mission with him. Valour means taking the difficult orders and making them my own, in spite of the fear of the unknown or the chances that we are taking." Veritas article July 2007, p38[9]
Sir John Keegan OBE, *[Canada's Royal Military College of Canada at] Kingston, ..., is pure British imperial. ... Watching cadets parade there, I saw them perform a drill movement I knew only from sepia Victorian photographs - it has long been abolished in Britain - while I listened to a running stream of criticism from a sergeant in bottleglass-brilliant boots of their minor imperfections in marching. He hated, he told me after the parade, the adoption by Canada's army of the naval salute - 'the wave, I call it' - he hated the universal green uniform, he hated the use of common ranks - 'How can the captain of a ship be a colonel?' - he hated the disappearance of polished brass - the metal of his pacestick glittered with burnishing - he hated rubber soles, non-iron shirts, nylon uniforms and being mistaken by civilians for an airman. Kipling and he would have got on like a house on fire: 'Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where ... a man can raise a thirst' were almost the next words I expected to hear at the crescendo of his relentless tirade. Spiritually he belonged with the Royal Canadians who had gone to fight the Boers for Queen Victoria; his cadets were unlikely to be allowed to forget that her great-great-granddaughter was Queen of Canada or that he had learnt his drill at the depot of her Foot Guards.' -[10]
Lt. Col. John McCrae (RMC 1893)
  • "...I have a manservant .. Quite a nobby place it is, in fact .. My windows look right out across the bay, and are just near the water’s edge; there is a good deal of shipping at present in the port; and the river looks very pretty.’ letter while on an Artilleryman course[11]
Prime Minister Alexander Mackenzie, deceased
  • Wrote Governor-General Dufferin, in 1878 "This belief led me to propose the establishment of a Military College modelled on existing similar institutions in England and the United States, with the expectation that when the first batch of Graduates were leaving the College. Means would be found to employ the Graduates in the Canadian Military Service"
490 Brigadier F. H. Maynard (RMC 1901), deceased
  • "I have always remembered with pride that I was a graduate of the RMC. What I learned there carried me through many dangers and difficulties and I wish to record here my gratitude to all who taught me and with whom I served at the RMC, Canada."
Hon. Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence
  • "The Royal Military College is a higher education institution that plays an essential role for the Canadian Forces and for our country ... Throughout the ranks, the leadership of the Canadian Forces is smart, flexible and adaptive. And a good deal of the credit for this should go to the Royal Military College ... This is a vital national institution. Here, today, much of tomorrow’s military leadership is being forged ... RMC will continue to provide the professional development that the CF needs to successfully face the challenges that surely lay ahead."[12]
Twentieth Governor-General Roland Michener, P.C., C.C., C.M.M., C.D., LL.D. deceased
  • "RMC, which is only nine years younger than Confederation, has been a powerful factor in the growth and security of the country"
Colonel Sir Frederick Dobson Middleton[13] deceased
  • “there are very few institutions of a similar character equal to it [Royal Military College of Canada at Kingston] in Europe and none that are better.”
S149 Hon Peter Milliken, Member of Parliament 2001
  • The motto of the Royal Military College is (as you well know), "Truth, Duty, Valour". Your admission to the ranks of this institution, whether it occurred this year or two decades ago, as cadets or as staff, presupposes that you are already possessed of these qualities. That having been said, there is always room for improvement, and the College's role in this regard is to inculcate in its cadets a sense of integrity, responsibility, self-discipline, teamwork, and leadership.[14]
8850 Rear Admiral (Ret'd) David C. Morse (RMC 1971)
  • "We have a lot to be proud of and the graduates are making a tremendous contribution to Canadian society. We need to tell this story again and again. We need to make sure the graduates who have reached levels of prestige are recognized."
  • "RMC makes engineers literate and artsmen numerate."[15]
S157 Honourable Gordon O'Connor
  • "RMC is one of the best military colleges in the world, and it takes motivation and discipline to succeed here."
13511 Bernard JG Ouellette (CMR ‘78), RMC’s Director of Cadets
  • "I’m very proud of these young men and women. They put in months of rigorous training on top of an already demanding schedule, and today, their dedication, fitness and teamwork paid off"
H16511 Dr. Richard A. Preston (former professor), deceased
  • "The supreme test of a military college is the success of its graduates in war ... There were some who believed that the stronger academic program must inevitably have weakened the old military spirit and efficiency. But the success of the graduates who went directly to Korea quickly disabused them."
Dr. Michael Sullivan (former Kingston mayor), deceased
  • 1872 petition recommended the military college for Kingston "remarkable healthfulness...not without historical fame in the annals of the country which would render it the more proper site for a military college"
Kevin Sylvester, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Radio, Sounds Like Canada 2007/07/26
  • "Like its counterparts Sandhurst in the U.K, West Point in the U.S. and l'École militaire in France, Canada's Royal Military College is the school of choice for many of this country's future military leaders."
Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Tupper (1886), deceased
  • "I regard the Canadian Military College as one of the best of its class in the world. The training and results are in every way of a high order, and the Americans themselves, I understand, say better than at West Point."
2951 General (Ret'd) Ramsey Muir Withers
  • "... The College must also promote a common vision of the profession of arms, the common military ethos underpinning leadership in the CF and the increasingly joint nature of all foreseeable operations."
  • By 1900, hardly a Canadian "bridge, road, or railway line was built without the assistance of an engineering graduate of RMC."[16]

Alumni who were Knighted

William Throsby Bridges
Sir Charles Macpherson Dobell

During the Convocation Ceremony on Wednesday May 14, H24263 Dr. John S. Cowan said to the Class of 2008 “Of the first 170 cadets who entered RMC from 1876-1883 eight received knightships for feats of leadership in many fields of endeavor on at least four continents.” After 1919 [ by a Canadian decision] Canadian were no longer eligible for knighthood. Those ex-cadets serving in the British forces were not under any such restriction and so we have the later appointments.

# 25 Major-General Sir William Throsby Bridges KCB, CMG; # 88 Major-General Sir Philip Geoffrey Twining KCMG, CB, MVO;
# 123 Major-General Sir Dudley Howard Ridout, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G.; # 138 General Sir George Kirkpatrick K.C.B., K.C.S.I.;
# 147 Sir Edouard Percy Cranwill Girouard K.C.M.C. D.S.O.; # 151 Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald Cameron Macdonell K.CB., C.M.G., D.S.O.;
# 162 Major-General Sir Casimir Cartwright van Straubenzee, K.B.E., C.B.E., C.M.G.; # 168 General Sir William Charles Giffard Heneker K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O.;
# 221 Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Macpherson Dobell, K.C.B., C.M.G.. D.S.O.; # 246 Major-General Sir Henry Edward Burstall, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.;
# 323 Lieutenant-General Sir George Norton Cory, K.C.B., K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O.; # 665 Brigadier-General Sir Godfrey D. Rhodes, C.B.E., D.S.O., R.E.;
# 703 Brigadier Sir Charles Frederick Carson, C.B.E., M.C., R.E.; # 729 Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Edward Grassett, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.;
# 758 Sir Edward Oliver Wheeler M.C., R.E.; #1246 General Sir Charles Loewen, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O.;
#2585 Captain Sir Edwin Hartley Cameron Leather M.P.;

Notable graduates

Royal Military College of Canada is prestigious and has had many notable alumni (Shown with college numbers).

Lt-General 'Tommy' Burns
Henry Edward Burstall
General de Chastelain (top left)
Hon. Roméo Dallaire
Chris Hadfield
Major-General Garnet Hughes
Major-General Rod Keller
Paul David Manson
Hon Philip Primrose
Major General John Hamilton Roberts
A/C Arthur Dwight Ross
General Guy Simonds
Capt. William Grant Stairs
The Hon. George and Ruth Stanley
Brigadier Robert Moncel and Major-General Christopher Vokes
Royal Military College memorial
# Name Grad Significance
6508 Major General John L. Adams (Ret'd) 1965 Chief, Communications Security Establishment
626 Major Augustus Waterous Agnew 1904 Canadian soldier, Died September 17, 1916, during the Great War[17]
Lieutenant Wallace Lloyd Algie VC c 1898 – 1902 Victoria Cross citation, The London Gazette, January 31, 1919
2510 Brigadier General Edward Amy ‘Ned’ (Ret'd) DSO, an OBE, MC, Canadian Decoration, American Bronze Star, Legion d'honneur 1936 one of Canada's most decorated soldiers
Captain Frederick Anderson (1868–1957) 1890[18] chief hydrographer of Canada
1266 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Henry Anderson MC 1916 Canadian soldier, died May 15, 1918, during the Great War[19]
433 Major General Thomas Victor Anderson, DSO, CD 1900 Canadian soldier, Chief of the General Staff, head of Canadian Army 1938–1940
951 Captain Edward Davey Ashcroft 1912 Canadian soldier, died on November 30, 1917, during the Great War[20]
1007 Captain Frederick Graeme Avery MC 1913 Soldier died April 13, 1918, during Great War;[21]
427 Captain Edward C Baker 1900 Canadian soldier, died on September 19, 1916, during the Great War.[22]
7632 Lieutenant Colonel Gunars Balodis (Ret'd) 1968 co-founder of (c) Music for Young Children (MYC) with his wife Frances Balodis
1828 Brigadier Ted G.E. Beament, CM OBE, GCStJ, ED, Czechoslovakian MC 1925–1929 lawyer, Officer Commanding Khaki University during World War II(principal).[23]
2671 Lieutenant Duncan Peter Bell-Irving 1913 BC Land Surveyors Roll of Honour[24][25]
Brigadier-General George Gray Bell, OC, M.B.E., CD, Ph.D. (May 24, 1920 – October 15, 2000) 1943 Canadian soldier, civil servant, and academic
765 Staff Captain James Knowles Bertram 1909 [26]
940 Captain Henry Ewart Bethune MC 1912 Killed September 30, 1918, during the Great War[27]
1472 Judge Sherburne Tupper Bigelow 1918 Canadian Horseracing Hall of Fame, (1991)[28]
2364 Air Commodore Leonard Birchall C.M., O.B.E., DFC, CD, OofO(Ret'd)(1915–2004) 1933 Second World War hero, "Saviour of Ceylon", Executive Officer at York University
6219 Dr. Robin Boadway 1964 economist, author, Rhodes Scholar 1964
543 Lieutenant Colonel Howard L Bodwell Companion of the CMG DSO 1901 soldier, died January 15, 1919, during the Great War.[29]
1016 Captain William Otway Boger DFC 1913[30] soldier, died August 10, 1918, during the Great War.[31]
845 Captain Hedleigh St George Bond RMC 1912 soldier, died August 15, 1917, during the Great War.[32]
1434 Dr. Hugh Samuel Bostock RMC 1918 geologist[33]
2310 Colonel Harry Fitz-Gibbon Boswell, OBE 1933–1937 Awarded War Cross with Sword (Nor: Krigskorset med Sverd), highest ranking Norwegian gallantry decoration:[34]
8790 General Jean Boyle (Ret'd) CMM, CD 1971 fighter pilot, short-term Chief of the Defence Staff, and businessman.[35]
2375 Lieutenant-Colonel Norman Buchanan MC with 2 bars 1934 soldier, politician
1032 Lieutenant-General E. L. M. Burns C0C, DSO, OBE, MC, CD (Ret'd) (1897–1985) 1914 World War II Corps Commander, 1981 recipient of the Pearson Medal of Peace
246 Major General Sir Henry Edward Burstall CB, 1887–1889 Canadian general, Burstall, Saskatchewan is named in his honour.
Brigadier General James Sutherland Brown Canadian military officer who drafted a contingency war plan in 1921 to invade and occupy several American border cities.
1325 Captain Lorne Carr-Harris 1917 goalie on the Britain team which won the bronze medal at the 1924 Winter Olympics.
82 Wallace Bruce Matthews Carruthers 1883 militia officer; founder of the Canadian Signal Corps; governor of Queen’s College School of Mining and Kingston General Hospital
703 Brigadier Sir Charles Frederick Carson, CBE, MC, 1905–1909
18095 Dr. Sylvain Charlebois 1992 Dean, Professor, Researcher, Food distribution, policy, University of Guelph, Dalhousie University
2272 Brigadier General Arthur G. Chubb DSO, CD 1932[36] Soldier, Author, Senior Military Advisor of the Canadian Delegation to the International Truce Commission in Vietnam
6523 Ambassador Terence Colfer (Ret'd) 1965 former Canadian Ambassador to Iran 1999–2003 and to Kuwait 1996–1999
323 Lieutenant-General Sir George Norton Cory KBE, CB, DSO 1891–1895
851 Colonel Lawrence Moore Cosgrave DSO 1912 Representing Canada, signed WWII Japanese Instrument of Surrender (1945)[37]
749 General, The Honourable Harry Crerar PC, CH, CB, DSO, KStJ, CD 1909 army officer, Chief of the Defence Staff (Canada) in 1940[38]
2277 Alexander R. (Sandy) Cross 1932 rancher, Rothney Farm became Ann and Sandy Cross Conservation area - a 4,800-acre (19 km2) day use natural area south west of Calgary, Alberta.[39]
7860 Lieutenant General (Ret'd) the Hon. Roméo Dallaire O.C., CMM, G.O.Q., C.S.M. CD, LL.D. 1969 Senator, Awarded Vimy Award by the Conference of Defence Associations, June 1995. Awarded the United States Legion of Merit, January 1996; author, academic[40]
676 Captain Robert Clifford Darling 1907 He was the first Canadian soldier to be killed overseas (19 April 1915 aged 28) during the Great War, but buried at home. He died on 23 March 1915 of wounds sustained in defence of Ypres, Belgium.[41]
Lieutenant (ret) Coningsby Dawson 1914 Novelist and Soldier, Canadian Field Artillery
7543 Senator Joseph A. Day 1968 retired from Royal Canadian Air Force; lawyer, Liberal Senator for New Brunswick 2001.10.04 -
268 Lieutenant Colonel (ret'd) Count Henry Robert Visart de Bury et de Bocarmé C.B.E., 1892 soldier, nobleman, academic, Director of Canadian Ordnance Services, France
4860 General (Ret'd) John de Chastelain O.C., CMM, CD, CH 1960 former Chief of the Defence Staff; participant in Northern Ireland peace process; Scouts Canada's National Council and Substance Abuse Task Force. former Canadian Ambassador to the United States.[42]
221 Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Macpherson Dobell 1886–1890 Major-General with the Royal Welch Fusiliers of the British Army.
17324 Sharon Donnelly, CD 1990 2000 & 2004 Olympic teams, triathlon
2082 Honorable Brigadier General C. M. (Bud) Drury PC, QC, C.B.E., DSO 1929 former soldier, businessperson, politician
20743 Alex Dumas 1997 CEO Quebecor Corp
19828 John-James Ford 1995 diplomat, author 'Bonk on the Head' which won 2006 Ottawa Book Award
8276 Doctor Marc Garneau C.C., CD, Ph.D., F.C.A.S.I. 1970 served as first Canadian astronaut (1984) aboard space shuttles Challenger and Endeavour, logged nearly 700 hours in space; NASA Exceptional Service Medal in 1997,[43]
805 Lieut.-Colonel the Honourable Colin W. G. Gibson PC, MC, VD, Croix de guerre (Belgium), LL.D. 1909–1911 lawyer, Member of Parliament, Judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal
147 Colonel Sir Edouard Percy Cranwill Girouard, K.C.M.G. 1882–1886 National Historic Person of Canada (1938); military engineer, constructed railways in Africa


22458 Captain Nichola Goddard, MSM (1980–2006) 2002 First female Canadian soldier killed in action, in Afghanistan, Nichola Goddard scholarship in her honour
599 Lt. Col. Leroy F. Grant (Entered RMC 1902) 1905 inducted in 1998 into Kingston and District Sports Hall of Fame as Builder Sailing


Major General Garnet Hughes CB; DSO 1909 Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914–1918 1st Canadian Division; 5th Canadian Division


23350 Captain Simon Mailloux 2006 First Canadian soldier amputee to deploy on a combat mission. Was previously injured on a tour as platoon commander in Kandahar.
2087 Senator John Morrow Godfrey 1929 Canadian lawyer and politician
1681 Walter L. Gordon 1926 public servant, politician, author


5105 Doctor Jack "JL" Granatstein O.C., Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S.C. 1961 Canadian historian
729 Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Edward Grassett CB, DSO, MC 1906–1909 Royal Engineers, Knighted 1945
8816 Ambassador Marius Grinius 1971 Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland[47]
13738 Colonel Chris Hadfield CD (Ret'd) 1982 Canadian astronaut[48]
8919 Ronald Halpin 1971 former Ambassador to Hungary[49]
313 George Henry Ronald Harris, C.E. 1894 mining engineer, lived at Eldon House
Hon John Gabriel Hearn 1884 businessman and political figure in Quebec
1976 Hon George Hees PC, O.C. (1910–1996) 1927 former Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada, Ambassador-at-large for the Canadian International Development Agency Food Aid Program
1104 Wilfrid Heighington K.C. 1915 lawyer, poet, soldier
Lt. Alexis Helmer was killed in action the Second Battle of Ypres. His burial inspired John McCrae to write the poem, In Flanders Fields, which was written on May 3, 1915.
168 General Sir William Charles Gifford Heneker 1884–1888 [50]
2XX Colonel (ret'd) William Josiah Hartley Holmes 1891 Canadian soldier, surveyor, civil engineer; Holmes Inlet on the coast of British Columbia was named in his honour in 1934.[51]
2162 Brigadier General John Richard Hyde (15 November 1912 – 15 July 2003) 1930 to 1934. Canadian soldier, lawyer, provincial politician, judge.
21364 Captain Jeremy Hansen 1999 Canadian astronaut, CF-18 fighter pilot
175 Brigadier General George Napier Johnston CBCMG, DSO 1888 Canadian Army officer, New Zealand General,
Major-General Rod Keller CD, C.B.E. Canadian Army Officer, 3rd Canadian Infantry Division;Kelowna, British Columbia alderman
138 General Sir George Macaulay Kirkpatrick K.C.B., K.C.S.I. 1882–1885 Canadian soldier, Royal Engineers knighted
Lawrence Lambe 1883 Invertebrate Palaeontologist, Geological Survey
2399 Rear-Admiral William Landymore 1934 Canadian naval officer
2774 Bert Lawrence 1952 Canadian politician and lawyer.
2585 Sir Edwin Leather KCompanion of the Order of St Michael and St George, KCVO 1937–1939 Former Governor of Bermuda, former Chair of the Executive Committee of Canadian Red Cross
313 John "Jack" Edwards Leckie, DSO, French Croix de Guerre 1889–1893 soldier (WWI), mining engineer, explorer, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society[52]
14872 Lieutenant Colonel Pierre Lemieux 1985 federal politician, Conservative Party Whip
87 Lieutenant Colonel Reuben Wells Leonard 1883 soldier, civil engineer, railroad and mining executive, philanthropist[53]
1246 General Sir Charles Loewen, GCB, KBE, DSO 1916–1918 military leader, knighted
151 Major Gen Sir Archibald Cameron Macdonell KCB, CMG, DSO 1883–1886 military leader, knighted, police officer, soldier[54]
2102 [[Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. John Keiller MacKay] DSO, VD, QC, DCL, LL.D.] (RMC 1909) 1909 Lawyer, Judge, Justice of Appeal, Former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario [Decided pioneer Ontario Civil Rights decision In re Drummond Wren [1945] O.R. 778]
236 Brigadier General Duncan Sayre MacInnes DSO CMG[55] 1887–1891 military leader, aviation engineer, Duncan Sayre MacInnes scholarship
3528 General Paul David Manson O.C., CMM, CD (Ret'd) 1956 military leader, business executive and volunteer; former Chief of Defence Staff
Paul C. Marriner Director, Fly Fishing Canada; Team Canada member at 10 World Fly Fishing Championships
H17417 John Ross Matheson, O.C., CD, QC, LL.M., LL.D. 1936 Canadian lawyer, judge, and politician who helped develop Canadian flag & Order of Canada.
Brigadier George Arnold McCarter C.B.E. 1916
  • CBE for recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy (30 December 1944).
  • Mentioned in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in North West Europe (4. April 1946).
1921 Commissioner George McClellan 1929 former Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1963–1967
Colonel Charles Wesley Weldon McLean D.S.O. 1899 Member of Parliament, UK
1865 Lieutenant-Colonel (Ret'd) Theodore Meighen 1925 Lawyer and philanthropist
1925 Maxwell Charles Gordon Meighen, 05216 financier, businessman[56]
2290 Brigadier General (Ret'd) Dollard Ménard (1913–1997) 1932 Story of bravery at Dieppe inspired a Canadian WWII poster “Ce qu’il faut pour vaincre”
H1866 Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) Cecil Merritt, VC (1908–2000) 1925 Politician, awarded a Victoria Cross
1800 Hartland Molson, O.C., OBE, D.C.L. 1924 Former brewer, owner of the Montreal Canadiens
7301 Earle Morris 1967 3-time Brier representative, coach of the Australian national curling team
G0053 Lieutenant Colonel Alex Morrison, MSC, CD (Ret'd) 1980 awarded 2002 Pearson Medal of Peace
4393 Doctor Desmond Morton O.C., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. 1959 Canadian historian, awarded the first RMC degree Rhodes Scholar 1959
Lieutenant-General John Carl Murchie CB, C.B.E., CD (1895–1966) 1915 Canadian Chief of the General Staff
Leonard Nicholson C.M., MBE Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
G0957 Doctor Lynette Nusbacher 1994 Canadian military historian
2592 Edmund Boyd Osler (1919) 1937 Pilot, Squadron Leader, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg, Manitoba South Centre 1968–72 Insurance executive, writer
13 Commissioner/Major General Aylesworth Bowen Perry 1876 Commissioner North-West Mounted Police Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1890–1923
5__ Frederic Hatheway Peters O.B.E. 1904 Surveyor-General of Canada (1924 to 1948); Mount Peters, BC and Lake Peters, AB named in his honour
2184 Rear Admiral Desmond Piers C.M., CD, DSC, Mil, KLj, RCN[57] 1930 first RMC graduate to join the Royal Canadian Navy
1649 Lieutenant-Governor Edward Chester Plow, C.B.E., DSO, CD, (September 28, 1904 – April 25, 1988) 1921 a Canadian soldier and Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia.
1309 Mr Richard Porritt 1917 inducted into Canadian Mining Hall of Fame
6757 Mr Mike U. Potter 1966 CMR RMC businessman founded Cognos and philanthropist who founded Vintage Wings of Canada .
126 Philip Primrose Former police officer, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta
14344 Captain Bruce Poulin (Ret’d) 1992 Queen's Jubilee Medal for volunteerism
E1855 Lt. Col David N Quick, SMV, CD, 2003 Star of Military Valour, Afghanistan
665 Brigadier Sir Godfrey D. Rhodes CB, CBE, and DSO 1903–1907 knighted
123 Major-General Sir Dudley Howard Ridout, KBE, CB, CMG (1866–1941) 1881–1885 Boer War and World War soldier knighted
891 Major General John Hamilton Roberts CB, DSO, MC 1914 Second World War General
62 William H. Robinson 1883 first Royal Military College of Canada alumnus KIA[58]
1874 Major Edward Britton Rogers 1925–1929 athlete, soldier killed in action at Caen, France, on July 23, 1944.[59]
2802 Robert Gordon Rogers 1940 Former Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia
1815 Air Commodore Arthur Dwight Ross GC CBE CD (Ret'd) (1907–1981) 1928 Second World War George Cross recipient
Arthur Leith Ross 1896 awarded the Queen's South African Medal with 4 clasps. Died on 26 August 1906, of blackwater fever

in Nigeria, where he served as Chief Transport Officer, with the Northern Nigeria Regiment, African Frontier Force.

Jeffrey Russell 1920 inducted into Canadian Football Hall of Fame
Major Henri-Thomas Scott 1903 soldier, educator, businessperson, advocate for physical education, playgrounds, and camps[60]
Brigadier Gordon Sellar 1943 served with the Calgary Highlanders during the battle of Walcheren Island, battle of the Scheldt Estuary; command of the Black Watch's 1st Battalion in April 1963
2420 General Frederick Ralph Sharp 1934 former chief of the defence staff
1596 Lieutenant General Guy Simonds C.C., CB, C.B.E., D.S.O., CD 1925 Commander of the 2nd Canadian Corps in NW Europe, 1944–45. Former Chief of the General Staff. For a lifetime of military service to Canada.


52 William Grant Stairs 1882 Explorer
1089 Major-GeneralCharles Ramsay Stirling Stein 1915 Commanding Officer of the 5th Canadian Armored Division from January 1943 to October 1943
William J. Stewart 1883 Canada's first Chief Hydrographic Surveyor, 1863–1925. Stewart Island, Algoma and Stewart Rock, Owen Channel, Manitoulin were named after him.
Lieutenant-General Kenneth Stuart
Major-General Herbert Cyril Thacker (1870–1953) 1890 Canada's first military attaché, sent to the Far East during Russo-Japanese War 1904[62]
RCNSE54 Rear Admiral Robert Timbrell 1937 Awarded Distinguished Service Cross during World War II
995 Captain George Evelyn Tinling MC 1913–1915 KIA 4 October 1917 during the Great War[63]
Brigadier-General Kenneth Torrance MC, OBE 1896–1948 1913–1914
88 Major General Sir Philip Geoffrey Twining KCMG, COB, MVO 1880–1883 Canadian soldier, knighted
162 Major-General Sir Casimir Cartwright van Straubenzee 1883–1886
14164 Lieutenant Colonel Michael Voith CMR 1979–1981 RMC 1981–1983 engineering adviser and the DART commanding officer.
1633 General Christopher Vokes, CB, CBE, DSO, CD (1904–1985) 1925 World War II operational commander

Christopher Vokes (RMC 1925)[64]

1940 Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Alexander Vokes 1926–1930 Soldier, Commanding Officer of the 9th Canadian Armoured Regiment wounded in action and died in hospital on September 4, 1944.[65]
11027 Brigadier General Ken Watkin 1976 Judge Advocate General
2357 Brigadier General Denis Whitaker DSO, C.M., ED, CD 1933 leader in military, sport, business and community service, co-author of 2 Canada's military history books
96 James White, Geographer, deceased Produced 1st edition of Atlas of Canada
758 Brigadier General Sir Edward Oliver Wheeler, 1907–1910 Military Officer, surveyor, adventurer, 1921 Mount Everest expedition
2951 General Ramsey Muir Withers CMM, CD (Ret'd) 1952 Military Officer[66]
352 Lieutenant Charles Carroll Wood 1896 died on 11 November 1899 of wounds suffered in action during the Boer War.
Commissioner Stuart Taylor Wood 1912 former Commissioner of Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1938–1951|-
Zachary Taylor Wood[67] 1882 office holder, militia officer, and Royal Northwest Mounted Policeman
1 Alfred George Godfrey Wurtele 1875
  • RMC instructor in mathematics and geometrical drawing and lieutenant of cadets, RMC 1882–97
  • The “Number 1 Fund”, which commemorates AGG Wurtele and all of the other Wurteles who have graced this College, is used for the annual maintenance of The Memorial Arch.
47 LCol Ernest Frederick Wurtele 1882 succeeded the seigniories of Bourg Marie de l'Est and De Guir, commonly known as River David, Yamaska Quebec.
RNCC43 Commander Alfred Charles Wurtele RNCC 1913 Counsellor and Reeve of Esquimalt.
990 LCol William Godfrey H. Wurtele M.C. 1915 awarded a M.C. "For conspicuous gallantry during eight days of the operations, in which he commanded his company."
2551 Group Captain Douglas Wurtele 1936 a fighter pilot during World War II.
2552 Major (Ret'd) Bill Young 1936 He and his wife Joyce Young, are philanthropists
2551 Group Captain Douglas Wurtele 1936 a fighter pilot during World War II.
Colonel (Ret'd) W. J. Aitchison OMM, [CD]. 1963 Former Colonel of the Regiment, Royal Canadian Regiment.

Notable honorary degree recipients

# Name Grad Honorary doctorate in
7860 Lt. Gen. (ret) the Hon. Roméo Dallaire O.C., CMM, G.O.Q., C.S.M. CD, LL.D. 1969 Military Sciences (2001)
4377 LGen (Ret'd) Richard J Evraire CMR RMC 1969 Military Sciences (1997)
National Chief. L. Phillip Fontaine OM 2000 Laws
13738 Colonel (Ret'd) Chris Hadfield CD 1982 Engineering (1996)
14444 Captain (Ret'd) Dorothy A Hector 1984 Laws (2001)

Notable honorary and special members of the Royal Military College of Canada Club

Shown with college numbers. John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir

Name # Significance
Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis former Governor General of Canada
Myriam Bédard S120 Canadian biathlete, Olympic double Gold medalist
Charles H. Belzile C.M., CMM, CD, H22547 distinguished military career; community service: Canadian War Museum Advisory Committee; Conference of Defence Associations; founding member of Canadian Battle of Normandy Foundation.
Thomas R. Berger O.C., O.B.C., LL.B., LL.D., PC S153 former puisne judge of the supreme Court of British Columbia; leader of MacKenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry; advocate of Canadian unity and equality
Thomas Brzustowski O.C., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.C., P.Eng. S143 Canadian engineer, academic, and civil servant.
John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir former Governor General of Canada
Adrienne Clarkson C.C., CMM, C.O.M., CD H22982 Twenty-fifth Governor General
Barney Danson H founder of Katimavik, former RMC Chancellor
Senator Joseph A. Day H7543 Canadian Senator
Hon. Art Eggleton S128 Canadian politician
Mr. L. Phil Fontaine, Order of Manitoba H Assembly of First Nations National Chief
Hon. Bill Graham S147 Canadian politician
Rick Hillier S148 Former Chief of the Defence Staff
Ray Henault S146 Former Chief of the Defence Staff
Ray Hnatyshyn PC, C.C., CMM, CD, B.A., LL.B., QC H17416 Twenty-fourth Governor General
Gilles Lamontagne, C.P., O.C. C.Q., CD, B.A. H15200 military officer, prisoner of war during World War II, businessman and politician,
Roméo LeBlanc C.P., C.C., CMM, CD H20123 Twenty-fifth Governor General
Hon John Ross Matheson H17417 sponsored George Stanley's design for the Canadian flag, helped develop the Order of Canada, soldier, judge, politician
Hon Peter Milliken S149 Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons
Hon Gordon O'Connor S157 Canadian politician, National Defence Minister
Ernest Smith V.C., C.M. O.B.C., CD S132 Soldier, politician
Edward Schreyer P.C., C.C., CMM, O.M., CD, LL.D. H14513 Twenty-second Governor General
Jeanne Sauvé C.P., C.C., CMM, CD, LL.D. H16929 Twenty-third Governor General

Notable non-graduate alumni of the RMC

Billy Bishop - Former Royal Military College of Canada Cadet.
Name Left RMC in: Significance
#943 Air Marshal Billy Bishop, V.C. 1894–1956[68] 1914 World War I flying ace designated a National Historic Person of Canada in 1980.
#25 Major General Sir William Throsby Bridges, KCB, CMG 1877–1879 Major General of the Australian Army and first Commandant of the Royal Military College, Duntroon
Bill Swan 1957 children's writer, journalist, college administrator
George Cuthbertson 1914 artist
Jacques Duchesneau, C.M. M.A.P. current Doctoral candidate, President and Chief Executive Officer Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
The Honourable Wilfrid Heighington 1915 Politician
35 Lieutenant Colonel Robert Edwin Kent 1877[69] soldier, businessman (banker, hotellier), Mayor of Kingston, Ontario
Dr. Geoffrey O'Hara, (1882–1967) 1900 composer, singer, lecturer, songwriter, army singing instructor, ethnomusicologist, pianist and guild organizer
Hazen Sise 1757 1923 architect, artist, humanitarian
Edgar William Richard Steacie 1921 Former president of the National Research Council of Canada
Lieutenant-Colonel Charlie Stewart[70] 1892 to 1894 Commanded Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry during World War I.
Major Alfred Syer Trimmer MC(December 2, 1883 – April 28, 1917). 1903 (approx) Military Cross for conspicuous gallantry. London Gazette, Issue 29508 March 15, 1916. KIA on April 28, 1917[71]
Dai Vernon 1109 1916–1919 (approx) magician
Thomas Vien (1881–1972) 1903 lawyer, Speaker of the Senate of Canada; Deputy Speaker of House of Commons of Canada
Major General Arthur Victor Seymour Williams CMG (1876–1949) 1884–1885 soldier, mountie, police Commissioner, Mount Williams (Canada) was named in his honour

Notable professors/educators/staff

Shown with college numbers.

Frederick Maurice Watson Harvey
Student # Name Significance
Arthur Lee, 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham politician, taught military strategy 1893–1898
Edwin Tappan Adney WW1 model-maker, artist, decorated Currie Hall
S155 Willard Boyle Businessman, invented Charge-coupled device
Gérard Bessette Author and educator
[72] Captain Joseph Damaze-Chartrand soldier, accountant, writer, magazine owner, and professor
Forshaw Day educator and artist
Sir Howard Douglas, 1776–1861, professor, British general and colonial administrator: Governor of New Brunswick (1823–31)[73]
Captain John Moreau Grant CBE Executive officer, H.M.C.S. Stone Frigate, Commandant HMCS Royal Roads
Lieutenant-Colonel (Retd) Roman Jarymowycz OMM, CD, Ph.D. Educator, decorated Canadian soldier, historian, author
Brigadier-General Frederick Maurice Watson Harvey VC, MC, Received the Victoria Cross; Instructor in Physical Training at RMC
Lubomyr Luciuk Professor, founding member of Royal Winers, author, human rights advocate, Shevchenko Medal winner, former Member of Immigration and Refugee Board, director of research for Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Seraphin Marion (1896–1983) archivist, professor, writer and historian who taught French at the RMC 1920–1923.
G0053 Alex Morrison Educator, founding president of Pearson Peacekeeping Centre
Lieutenant-Colonel George PearkesVC PC CC CB DSO MC CD Staff officer of RMC
H8829 Col. the Hon. George F.G. Stanley Historian, author, soldier, educator, public servant, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, and designer of Canadian flag; Companion of the Order of Canada
816 Brigadier-General Kenneth StuartDSO, MC, ADC Chief of the General Staff 1941–1943, Commandant of RMC 1939–40, educator
Clarendon Lamb Worrell taught English at RMC 1891–1901;5th Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.


Shown with college numbers. Ranks indicative of rank while serving as Commandant.

# Name Year Significance Photo
16888 Brigadier General Al Meinziner, CD (RRMC ‘89) 2013-2015
14835 Brigadier General J.G. Eric Tremblay CD (CMR '85) 2011-2013
  • In 2012, the Commandant's office was filled with balloons in a college skylark.
15181 Commodore Bill Truelove, CD (RRMC ‘85) 2009–2011
  • initiated a new "Walkout Dress", dictating what Officer Cadets can and cannot wear on leaving the college grounds.
12192 Brigadier-General Thomas J. Lawson OMM, CD ADC(RMC ‘79) 2007–2009
  • initiated new structure: Four divisions and 13 squadrons for the cadet wing, and Otter squadron.
  • Removed Sgts from within the Squadrons but added WOs at the Division level.
  • initiated new uniforms
E1607 Brigadier-General Jocelyn Lacroix (RMC 1999) CD ADC 2005–2007
  • Changed the dress of the day from the traditional 'college dress' to the not-so-traditional CF uniform.
  • initiated the 'live out project' which saw 4th year cadets move off campus in order to gain more life experience before heading to their first unit.
S133 Brigadier General (Ret'd) Jean Leclerc CD ADC 2002–2005 Honorary
8850 Rear Admiral (Ret'd) David Morse CMM, CD ADC 2000–2002
  • Scaled back RMC sport program
  • Changed RMC Redmen logo to the crown and arm of RMC.
  • said, "RMC makes engineers literate and artsmen numerate."
  • implemented a program of community and high school visits
  • launched the Army Technical Warrant Officers' Program (ATWOP), the RMC's first-ever major academic program designed exclusively for non-commissioned members not pursuing an officer career path.
9098 BGen (Ret'd) Ken Hague (RMC 1972) 1997–2000
  • Member, Gifting committee, Royal Military Colleges Club Foundation.
6496 Brigadier-General (Retired) Charles Émond CD ADC 1995–1997
  • He has served as commandant of both the RMC (1993–1997) and le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (1997–1998).
  • RRMC and CMR closed in 1995.
  • Because of a large induction of francophone students from CMR, RMC was transformed into a bilingual university
  • The sport teams were renamed RMC Paladins from RMC Redmen to reflect a bilingual and coed institution.
  • He has served on RMC Board of Governors (2006–present).
S123 Colonel (Ret`d) Howie Marsh ADC 1996–1997 (acting)
6719 BGen (Ret'd) Michel Matte (CMR 1965) 1993–1996
8790 Brigadier-General (Ret'd) Jean Boyle CMM, CD, ADC (RMC 1971) 1991–1993
  • Later became Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) (1996)
4459 Commodore (Ret'd) Edward Murray OMM, CD, ADC((RMC 1959) 1987–1991
3543 BGen (Ret) Walter Niemy CD, ADC((RMC 1956) 1985–1987
3572 BGen (Ret) Frank J. Norman CD, ADC((RMC 1956) 1982–1985
  • RMC is first and foremost a place of academic learning, set in a military environment
  • higher education and college degrees were more significant to the success of the officer corps in the military
  • Football was dropped as a varsity sport
3173 BGen (Ret) John A. Stewart CD, ADC ((RMC 1953) 1980–1982
  • Women were admitted to RMC
  • Visit by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, 21 May 1980
  • RMC became co-educational in 1980.
  • Novice boxing was dropped in 1980
4860 BGen (Ret) John de Chastelain, CD, ADC ((RMC 1960) 1977–1980
  • Later became Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) (1989–93, 1994–95)
  • Later became Canadian Ambassador to the US(1993–94)
2816 BGen (Ret) William W. Turner CD, ADC (RMC 1940) 1973–1977
  • The Cadet Wing paraded on Parliament Hill to celebrate the College's centennial
  • BGen Turner, Colonel Commandant The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery 1 September 1979 - 31 August 1986 provided the W.W. Turner trophy for the Ottawa Gunners to present to the best third year Artillery Cadet at the RMC. The trophy is in Observation Post de Hart (Op de Hart) - Home of the Ottawa Gunners, 2nd floor of the Army Officers Mess in Ottawa.[74]
2530 BGen (Ret) William Kirby Lye MBE CD, ADC (RMC 1936) 1970–1973
  • Lake Lye (near Williams Lake, British Columbia is named in BGen (Ret) William Kirby Lye's honour.
  • cadets were permitted to marry, with the permission of the commandant.
  • RMC was a military institution within an academic environment.
2576 Commodore William Prine Hayes CD, ADC 1967–1969
  • 4th year cadets are permitted to wear civilian attire out on leave
  • The Cadet Wing paraded on Parliament Hill to celebrate Canada's centennial
2364 Air Commodore Leonard Birchall OBE, DFC, CD, ADC 1963–1967 Graduate courses were added in 1964.
2424 Brigadier G.H. Spencer OBE, CD, ADC 1962–1963
2265 Brigadier William Alexander Beaumont Anderson OBE, CD, ADC 1960–1962 The `LGen W.A.B. Anderson march` (2/4) for bagpipes was composed in his honour[75]
2184 Commodore Desmond Piers DSC, CD, ADC 1957–1960
2140 Air Commodore Douglas Bradshaw, DFC, CD, ADC 1954–1957
1137 Brigadier-General Donald Agnew CB, CD, ADC LLD 1947–1954
  • The New One Hundred Opening Ceremonies 20 September 1948
  • The Old Brigade, for alumni celebrating 50 years since they entered one of the military Colleges, was inaugurated by Agnew in 1950.
  • Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip visit 12 October 1951
  • The Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean was founded in 1952
  • Pipes and Drums founded 1953
H-2727 Major-General John Whiteley, CB, C.B.E., MC, ADC 1947
2120 Brigadier-General J. Desmond B. Smith, C.B.E., DSO, ADC 1945–1946
  • first postwar Staff Course held June 1946 to June 1947
  • Barriefield Military School Board, first in the Canadian Army, teaches children of personnel
  • Barriefield complex provides housing for 13 married officer students & families.[76]
1841 Brigadier D.G. Cunningham DSO, ED, ADC 1944–1945
  • He was member of a subcommittee of the RMC Club which urged the reopening of the college.
  • He served as president of the RMC Club of Canada in 1946.
H-2727 Major General Halfdan Fenton Harboe Hertzberg * CMG, DSO, MC, ADC 1940–1944
816 Brigadier General Kenneth Stuart, DSO, MC, ADC 1939–1940 Chief of the General Staff 1941–1943, educator
749 Brigadier General, The Honourable Harry Crerar PC, CH, CB, DSO, CD, KStJ, ADC (RMC 1909)[77] 1938–1939
  • Commandant of RMC when war broke out in 1939. Crerar commanded the First Canadian Army from 1944 to 1945.

RMC closed as a cadet college during World War II.

Brigadier Henry H. Matthews, CMG, DSO, ADC 1935–1938
624 Brigadier William Henry Pferinger Elkins, CB, C.B.E., DSO, ADC 1930–1934
621 Brigadier Charles Francis Constantine, DSO, ADC 1925–1930 Constantine arena at RMC was named in his honour
151 Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald Macdonell K.C.B., CMG, DSO, ADC, LL.D. 1919–1925[78]
  • first Canadian commandant,
  • assembled a Canadian military staff,
  • Professional associations & universities negotiate to accept RMC graduates
  • authorized publication of RMC biannual review (alumni magazine)
Brigadier-General Charles Noel Perreau, CMG, ADC[79] 1915–1919
  • Assembled RMC museum artefacts
Brigadier-General L. R. Carleton, DSO, ADC[80] 1913–1914
  • Assembled RMC museum artefacts
Colonel J.H.V. Crowe, ADC 1909–1913
  • Every cadet who did not enter the British army or the Canadian Permanent Force on graduation (1910) was required to become attached to the Militia within 2 years of leaving the college and to attend two militia camps
  • Reported in 1910 that for the first time, every RMC graduate took a commission.
45 Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Thornton Taylor, ADC 1905–1909
  • First Canadian commandant of RMC (as member of British military)
  • introduced hockey to Kingston as an RMC student in 1877
  • competitive entrance examination, with half-yearly examinations
  • 3 year curriculum: civil engineering, civil & hydrographic surveying, physics, chemistry, French, English, gymnastic drills and outdoor exercises of all kinds
  • five imperial army commissions awarded annually
  • $750–$1,000 cost included board, uniform, materials and extras
Colonel Raymond Northland Revell Reade, ADC 1901–1905
Lieutenant-Colonel Gerald C. Kitson, ADC 1896–1900
  • replaced British civilian staff with British military personnel,
  • tightened discipline, emphasised military training, cut the curriculum to three years
  • appointed Military Attache of the British Embassy in Washington in November 1900
  • later Major General Sir Gerald C. Kitson ADC; Commandant of Sandhurst
Major-General Donald Roderick Cameron, CMG, ADC 1888–1896
  • Then commandant, recommended international pigeon post, which provided messenger service from 1891 to 1895 for marine search and rescue and military
Major-General John Ryder Oliver, CMG, ADC 1886–1888
Colonel Edward Osborne Hewett CMG, ADC[82] 1875–1886
  • first Commandant of the Military College in Canada, member of Royal Engineers,
  • chose motto, Truth, Duty, Valour
  • assembled a British civilian staff,
  • organized a 4-year curriculum,
  • prepared site for use as a College
  • Hewett Shoal, Sudbury, Ontario, was named in his honour 46°4′23″ North 82°4′14″ West


RMC Club presidents

Year Number Name Year Number Name Year Number Name
1884–1885 7 Lukin Homphrey Irving (first) 1886–1887 18 Duncan MacPherson 1888 4 William Mahlon Davis
1889–1890 6 Septimus Julius Augustus Denison 1891 10 Victor Brereton Rivers 1892 86 Reuben Wells Leonard
1893–1894 37 E.H. Drury 1895–1896 15 Francis Joseph Dixon 1897 48 A.K. Kirkpatrick
1898 57 H.S. Greenwood 1899 14 John Bray Cochrane 1900 41 Robert Cartwright
1901 154 F.M. Gaudet 1902 47 Ernest Frederick Wurtele 1903 21 A.E. Doucet
1904 82 Wallace Bruce Matthews Carruthers 1905 188 W.A.H. Kerr 1906 186 V.A.S. Williams
1907 139 C.R.F. Coutlee 1908 232 John Houlison 1909 91 J.D. Gibson
1910 63 George Hooper 1911 255 H.A. Panet 1912 246 Major-General Sir Henry Edward Burstall
1913 268 Henry Robert Visart de Bury et de Bocarmé 1914; 1919 299 Col. Harry J. Lamb DSO, VD 1920 293 C.J. Armstrong
1920–1922 392 W.B. Kingsmill 1923 377 A.C. Caldwell 1924 140 G.S. Cartwright
1925 499 Edouard de B. Panet 1926 631 A.B. Gillies 1927 623 S.B. Coristine
1928 555 R.R. Carr-Harris 1929 667 E.G. Hanson 1929–1930 SUO G.D. de S. Wotherspoon
1930–1931 1119 J.H. Price 1932 472 A.R. Chipman 1933–1934 805 Colin W. G. Gibson
1935 727 D.A. White 1936–1937 877 G.L. Magann 1938–1939 1003 A.M. Mitchell
1940–1941 803 J.V. Young 1942–1943 1141 W.H. O'Reilly 1944 698 Everett Bristol
1945 982 D.W. MacKeen 1946 1841 D.G. Cunningham 1947 1230 S.H. Dobell
1948 1855 Ian S. Johnston 1949 1625 J.D. Watt 1950 1542 E.W. Crowe
1951 1860 Nicol Kingsmill 1952 1828 Ted G.E. Beament 1953 1620 R.R. Labatt
1954 1766 Ken H. Tremain 1955 1474 de L.H.M Panet 1956 2034 Paul Y. Davoud
1957 1954 W.P. Carr 1960 1379 H.A. Mackenzie 1961 2157 J.H.R. Gagnon
1962 2183 James E. Pepall 1963 2336 J.H. Moore 1964 2351 Guy Savard
1965 2749 James B. Cronyn 1966 2601 J. Fergus Maclaren 1967 2791 Jean P.W. Ostiguy
1968–1969 RCNC90 John F. Frank 1975–1976 3661 Terry Yates 1976–1977 5533 Glenn Allen
1977–1978 3172 Marshall Soule 1980–1981 3251 Jim Tremain 1981–1982 2897 Herb Pitts
1986–1987 5604 Ken Smee 1987–1988 3010 Peter McLoughlin 1992–1993 H3356 Robin Cumine
1993–1994 5244 Tony Downs 1994–1995 H7543 Senator Joseph A. Day 1995–1996 5739 Andre Costin
1996–1997 3550 Murray Johnston 1997–1998 8813 John D. Gibson 1998–1999 G0055 Valerie Keyes (first female)
1999–2000 8833 John Leggat 2000–2001 5758 Michael Morres 2001–2002 16461 Ian MacKinnon
2002–2003 6777 Michel Charron 2003–2004 7776 Chris Lythgo 2004–2005 7943 J. William K. Lye
2005–2006 10080 Robert Booth 2007–2008 6776 Tim Sparling 2008–2009 15988 Jeff Kearns
2010 16412 Gord Clarke 2011 19307 David Benoit 2012 9889 Robert Benn
2013 M0058 Marc Drolet (first UTPNCM) 2006-2007 12046 Pierre Ducharme

Principals / Director of Studies

Name Year
Dr. Harry James Kowal August 1, 2013 - current
Dr. Joel Jeffrey Sokolsky August 1, 2008 - 2013
Dr. John Scott Cowan 1999–2008
Dr. John Plant 1984 - 99
Dr. Donald Tilley 1978–1984
Dr. J.R. Dacey 1967–1978

First 33 females to enter college

Shown with college numbers.

# Name # Name # Name # Name # Name # Name
G0055 Valerie Keyes 14481 Doctor Linda Newton 14423 Captain (Ret'd) Elizabeth E Caswell (Dyson) 14484 Jacquie Pothier 14390 Captain (Ret'd) Kathryn A Armstrong 14397 Chris Best
14433 Debbie Fowler 14396 Captain Kathleen Beeman 14512 Cheryl de Bellefeuille 14451 Captain Theresa Towns (Hutchings) 14467 Captain Jo-Anne MacIsaac 14478 Theresa Murphy
14448 Rebecca Horne 14400 Sylvie Bonneau 14504 Captain Brigitte Vachon 14412 Helen Davies 14491 Colonel Karen Ritchie 14444 Captain (Ret'd) Dorothy Hector
14487 Lieutenant Colonel Susan Raby 14510 Sue Wigg 14479 Sue Nadarozny 14460 Lorraine Kuzyk 14402 Charmaine Bulger 14501 Marie Thomson
14443 Major (ret'd) Kathryn Moore (Haunts) 14508 Captain (ret'd) Sheila Cornelisse (Walters) 14418 Marnie Dunsmore 14477 Brigitte Muehlgassner 14411 Ann David 14394 Laura Beare
14407 Captain (ret'd) Marie-Pier Clarke (Cloutier) 14419 Johanne Durand 14507 Julia Walsh

Wall of Honour

Shown with college numbers.

# Name # Name # Name # Name # Name # Name
13 Aylesworth Bowen Perry 943 Billy Bishop 1681 Walter L. Gordon 1800 Hartland Molson 2399 William Landymore 2446 E. L. M. Burns
3528 Paul David Manson 4860 John de Chastelain 85 William J. Stewart (hydrographic surveyor) 2364 Air Commodore Leonard Birchall 2791 Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Jean P.W. Ostiguy 1921 RCMP Commissioner George Brinton McClellan, Jr., LL D (Hon);
2357 Brigadier-General William Denis Whitaker CM, DSO and Bar, ED, CD, DSc Mil (Hon); 2510 Brigadier-General Edward Alfred Charles “Ned” Amy DSO, OBE, MC, CD; and 4377 Lieutenant-General Richard (Rick) Joseph Evraire CMM, CD, BEng (Civil), BSc, MPA, DSc Mil (Hon). 101 Maj John Laing Weller 1248 Gen Sir Charles Falkland Loewen, GCB, KBE, DSO; 1866 LCol Charles Cecil Ingersoll Merritt, VC, ED;
8833 Col Lennox John Leggat, CD, PhD. 13738 Colonel Chris Austin Hadfield, OC, OOnt, MSC, CD


Rhodes Scholars

As of 2011 there have been 13 Rhodes Scholars who were ex-cadets of RMC:[84]



List of Royal Military College of Canada Memorials


  1. Old 18 Bios, Royal Military Colleges Club Foundation, Kingston,
  2. Konrad Yakabuski - Journalist | Journaliste, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  3. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
  4. Discours du recteur, Remise des diplômes, mai 2003 - Collège militaire royal du Canada
  5. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
  6. Speech - Veterans Affairs Canada
  7. Official Report * Table of Contents * Number 078 (Official Version)
  8. Archived October 30, 2008, at the Wayback Machine.
  9. e-Veritas » Blog Archive » Quotation | Citation
  10. Warpaths, Travels of a Military Historian in North America, 1995
  12. DND/CF | Minister's Speech|RMC Dinner
  13. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
  14. Page 1-The Milliken Report
  15. 10982 Dr. Charles Oliviero (RMC 1976)Put away that calculator and pick up a book!
  16. The Royal Canadian Legion - West Vancouver (BC/Yukon) Branch 60, Stamps
  17. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  19. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  20. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  21. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  22. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  23. 1946 Royal Military College of Canada Review (Kingston, Ontario, 1946
  24. Roll of Honour, British Columbia Land Surveyors
  25. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  26. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  27. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  28. Hall of Fame - Builder - Judge S. Tupper Bigelow, 1991
  29. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  30. William Otway Boger Canada Veterans Hall of Valour
  31. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  32. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  33. "Trailblazers - Hugh Bostock: Natural Resources Canada". 2010-10-14. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  34. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 35660. p. 3493. 7 August 1942. Retrieved 2008-11-07. List of most British Army recipients, granting them permission to wear the decoration (referred to as the Norwegian Military Cross), on their British uniforms
  35. Jean Boyle in Canadian Encyclopedia
  36. Major J. M. Stephens, CD. "Chubb, Arthur G". Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  37. Ellwand, Geoff. "Making a mess of history," CBC News. April 27, 2006.
  38. Harry Crerar in Canadian Encyclopedia
  40. Roméo Dallaire in Canadian Encyclopedia
  41. Captain Robert Clifford Darling
  42. John De Chastelain in Canadian Encyclopedia
  43. Doctor Marc MJ Garneau in Canadian Encyclopedia
  44. Édouard Girouard in Canadian Encyclopedia
  45. Leroy Grant
  46. Walter L. Gordon in Canadian Encyclopedia
  47. Marius Grinius Canada's Permanent Representative and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Office of the United Nations and to the United Nations Conference on D...
  48. Chris Hadfield in Canadian Encyclopedia
  49. e-Veritas » g. Where are they now?
  50. G1397 Doctor Andrew B. Godefroy. "William Heneker: Bush War" (No.168), (October 2008, Army Publishing Office for the Directorate of Land Concepts and Designs)
  51. Whittaker, John A. Editor. Early Land Surveyors of British Columbia. Published by The Corporation of land Surveyors of the Province of British Columbia. Victoria, British Columbia. P. 72-74.
  52. John Jack Edwards Leckie
  53. "Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online". Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  54. Sir Archibald Cameron Macdonell in Canadian Encyclopedia
  55. "Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online". Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  56. Maxwell Meighen in Canadian Encyclopedia
  57. Obituaries
  58. G1397 Doctor Andrew B. Godefroy. “Canadian Soldiers in West African Conflicts, 1885–1905″, Canadian Military History, Vol.17: 1 (Winter 2008), pp.21-36.
  59. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  60. Major Henri-Thomas Scott
  61. Guy Granville Simonds in Canadian Encyclopedia
  62. _____. (1922). Prominent People of the Maritime Provinces, p. 193.
  64. Soldier (WWII) Christopher Vokes in Canadian Encyclopedia
  65. "Search Details - Veterans Affairs Canada". 2003-02-24. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  66. Ramsey Muir Withers in Canadian Encyclopedia
  67. Zachary Taylor Wood
  68. William A. "Billy" Bishop - Making Canadian society what it is - Critical Acclaim - Exhibitions - Library and Archives Canada
  69. "The David Kent Family Home Page:Information about Robert Edwin Kent". Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  70. Lieutenant-Colonel Charlie Stewart
  73. Douglas, Sir Howard
  74. Army Officers Mess in Ottawa
  75. Pipe Major Hugh Macpherson, CD,BA `Pipers of the Canadian Regular Army 1950 - 2000` Scott’s Highland Services Ltd
  76. Memoires of Brig. Fredrick Clift
  77. Brigadier General Harry Crerar
  78. Bulletin 6, Sir William Orpen, Major-General Sir A.C. Macdonell. 1918
  79. Internet Archive: Details: The Stone Frigate, 1914
  81. 1 2
  82. Lt-Gen. Edward Osborne Hewett, * CMG
  83. RMC Wall of Honour
  84. E-veritas online magazine for the Royal Military College Club of Canada,, November 22, 2009
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