List of Santa's Apprentice characters

This is a list of characters appearing in a franchise for the animated holiday series SantApprentice and two animated films Santa's Apprentice and The Magic Snowflake.

North Pole

Nicholas Barnsworth

Nicholas is a 7-year-old orphan boy from Sydney, Australia. He's the chosen one because his heart is pure, he loves Christmas and also believes in Santa. He's the one who's in training to be a new Santa by performing some tasks, overcome some obstacles and using Christmas magic.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is the one whose in charge of Christmas at the North Pole. He trains Nicholas, runs his workshop and shows Nicholas the secrets of being Santa. On Christmas Eve, he makes deliveries in one night like traditionally.

Beatrice Lovejoy

Beatrice Lovejoy is Santa's wife and assistant to Santa Claus. She is a cook and housekeeper of Santa's workshop, works at her office to deal with Santa's mail and answers questions to every Children in the world.


Humphrey is the Chief Elf who runs Santa's workshop as he's in charge with his elves. He supervises his elves to make toys and other stuff for Christmas. He and the elves loves receiving kisses from Mrs. Lovejoy. He also helps Nicholas whenever he needs to complete tasks.


Waldorf is the reindeer with multi-colored lights on his antlers. He is a friendly type with his other reindeers and to Nicholas who is here to cheer up and takes him to different places to help a child and to complete tasks by request from a child and some other person.


Rufus is the little Polar bear who is Nicholas's pet. He is with Nicholas when he is on a sleigh to help a child and for Christmas Eve run. He can help Nicholas solve problems when something comes up.

Tim-Tim & Nic-Nac

Tim-Tim and Nic-Nac the twin Inuit Eskimo siblings who are best friends of Nicholas. They live in an Eskimo village close to Santa's workshop, they go to school with Nicholas, help Nicholas complete tasks and sometimes get Nicholas out of trouble. They can also decipher ancient symbol language to have Nicholas stop the Infernal Goatskin snowstorm monster. They do not appear in Santa's Apprentice. In the Magic Snowflake, Tim-Tim is the Inuit Eskimo kid that delivers mail to Santa's Workshop and gives a chance to help Nicholas and Beatrice.

Eskimo Village Teacher

She is the Teacher at Eskimo Village School where Nicholas, Tim-Tim and Nic-Nac go there to learn new things. She tells her students stories and the Sedna festival and also teaches them different subjects such as Reindeers losing their antlers and teaches them about the last living Mammoth.

Tim-Tim & Nic-Nac's Mother/Shaman

In the animated series, she is a mother to Tim-Tim and Nic-Nac. The elves thought that she was Mrs. Lovejoy and that she gives each elf a kiss.

In The Magic Snowflake, Tim-Tim's mother the Shaman, gives Nicholas advice on how to cure grown-up-allosis by finding door 3 on bear mountain.

Eskimo Witch

She's an Eskimo Witch who gives Nicholas words of wisdom for patience in his future.


These are the Trubblie Elves who come from the Secret door loves to wreck the toys and the only way to make them sleep is a traditional Santa laugh.

Council of the Wise Men/Council of Retired Santas

The Council of the Wise Men from the animated series and Council of Retired Santas from the animated film are the ones that they used to be Santa Claus years ago.

The Council Santa's from the films are: Contrary Santa, Jokey Santa, Grumpy Santa, Scottish Santa, Victorian Santa, Absent Minded Santa and Insane Santa.

In the animated series, they assigned Nicholas to take the Golden Reindeer Exam as well as explaining the code of Santas.

In Santa's Apprentice, they convince the current Santa Claus to appoint his new apprentice. In The Magic Snowflake, they arrive at the sound of the ringing bell that Beatrice rung in emergency and seeing Nicholas has a case of grown-up-allosis.



Michael from SantApprentice and Felix from Santa's Apprentice is a best friend to Nicholas.

In the animated series, Nicholas explains to Michael to keep a secret as he is Santa's Apprentice and advises him to live with Mr. and Mrs. Rosier that used to adopt Nicholas.

Felix from Santa's Apprentice, knows how to make Nicholas happy and keeps his spirits high. He was adopted by his new parents and moves to America. Nicholas returns Felix a favor by offering him a new house to live with his new family.

Miss Nettle

She temporary runs the orphanage as she is tormenting the children of the orphanage. Nicholas pretends to be a boarding school ghost that frighten her out of the orphanage and she was never seen again.

Director of the Orphanage

The female Director of the Orphanage in Sydney, Australia is from the Animated Series and in The Magic Snowflake it was known as Daffodil Orphanage run by Mr. Ratchet.

In the animated series, She is the Director of the Orphanage in Sydney, Australia which Nicholas calls her ma. Though she is almost no nonsense about North Pole and such.

In The Magic Snowflake, Mr. Ratchet is the current Director till he can find someone to replace himself. Of course when he saw Santa, he dislikes it at first, but later he sees Santa comes to liking children and during Christmas Dinner, he offered Santa Claus the new Director of the Orphanage.


Christopher is Nicholas's friend who believes in Nicholas's stories of the North Pole and he helps Nicholas disappears and reappears perfectly like an elf.

Little Beatrice

Little Beatrice was a new orphan at the orphanage in Sydney, Australia. She believes that Christmas and Santa Claus providing her warmth and happiness as she really dreams of what it's like to live at the North Pole. After she was introduced to Nicholas, she hides under Santa's sack as she and Nicholas begins an adventure at the North Pole.

Nicholas Grincroch

Grincroch is the bully of the orphanage. He picks on children and Nicholas thinking he was afraid of heights and thinks that there is no such thing as Santa. Eventually Santa Claus advises him to change his ways.

Mrs. Poulmer/Mrs. Palmer

Mrs. Poulmer (Mrs. Palmer US Version) is the caretaker of the orphanage from the animated film as she likes how Nicholas believes in Christmas and the children that he treated them well. Of course she gives little Beatrice some advice to cheer up and gives Felix's letter so that little Beatrice can write back to tell Felix that Nicholas was Santa's Apprentice.

Kevin and Grace

Kevin and Grace are one of the children of the orphanage that receives chocolates during Christmas Eve dinner. Grincroch took their chocolates and Nicholas give his chocolates to them as they thank Nicholas.


Zoe is a girl in the Daffodil orphanage who sees Santa and loves the way Santa acts to her with blue bunny as his toy.



Pierrot is the son of the Bogey man who acts like a magician and wants to takes Nicholas's place to become the next Santa.


Elea is a spoiled little girl who is not happy with her Christmas presents and she wants Nicholas to be her friend. She and Nicholas rode on a sleigh and climb up the chimney to help Nicholas achieve it.

Gaspard and Josephine

Gaspard is a big brother to Josephine. He sends a letter to Santa that she doesn't like his little sister. Nicholas came and takes Josephine to the North Pole and Gaspard eventually was repented and love his little Sister so that he wants it back so that they can be happy.


Nicholas's friend from the orphanage who is not so lucky from his adoptive parents who are tyrants and destroying his toy horse. So Nicholas takes Marco to the North Pole and he gets a new toy horse that is not breakable. Then he is adopted by the Inuit Eskimo couple in a village.

Brenda Bradovich

Brenda is the practical joker from the orphanage. Nicholas invites her to the North Pole so that she can redeem herself that she didn't do it as she help Nicholas and the elves.


Chris is Santa's fan. He disguised as a Christmas Tree and takes pictures of Santa without flash.


Margaret a little Canadian girl who loves playing ice hockey and loves to watch the people play hockey on the frozen pond. Though she had a broken leg and Nicholas helps her to play a new game at the North Pole called Reindeer Hockey with Nicholas, Tim-Tim and Nic-Nac as her teammates. Nicholas knew that Margaret's role of playing hockey is a present with a color of a smile.



He was known as Mr. Director of the toy shop in the big city that he believes Santa does not exist. Eventually, Nicholas come to the terms to show him the North Pole so that Lulu can prove it to the world.


Baron was a former circus trainer who has his automatic sleigh. He is set to swindle Santa as Nicholas discovers that Baron's automatic sleigh was a fake.


Minimus is a circus clown who worked for Baron as the circus replaced him long ago till eventually, he works at Santa's Workshop to entertain the elves.

Pippo Grayoni

He makes Garland Spray in Italy that causes to pollute the North Pole. Nicholas gives advice to stop the pollution and cease making Garland Spray.

Sweet Island Santa

He is a Santa like person who keeps asking real Santa for toys in 25 years. He kept lots of toys in his shack and has robot monkeys on palm trees. Nicholas challenges him to a kite race and to understand the importance of retirement after being Santa.


Circella is a beautiful young woman who is semicounscious and is Santa's Fiancee. Though she turns things around in Santa's workshop and wants to be Mama Claus to run in the Cayman Islands and that Santa, Beatrice and Nicholas found out who she really is.


Maurice is Santa's best Childhood friend from the orphanage who used to be the magician. Of course he used to do magic when he was young but as an old man, he still loves his job as a magician.

Mr. and Mrs. Rosier

They are the adopted couple that they want to adopt Nicholas but the director of the orphanage said that Nicholas was not here. So they decided to adopt Michael and they happily lives with him after Michael had follow Nicholas's advice.

Gigi the present monster

Gigi is a dragon like monster who eats presents.


Jim is a present wanting boy who lives inside the present monster. Nicholas gives him an empty present so that Jim would never receive presents again.


Harold is a little ghost that was imprisoned by a previous Santa. Although he doesn't like toys but he likes Christmas music which takes him to the afterlife.


Charles is a man who wanted a teddy bear since he was a child 25 years ago now lives with his children. Thanks to Nicholas, Charles finally got the teddy bear.

Grandma Nicole

Grandma Nicole is a retired pilot who delivers presents every day. Till Nicholas and Santa talks to her about remembering Santa so that she can deliver fruit every day instead.


Jackie is Beatrice's mother who is a heavy-metal biker and tattooed on her. She gives Santa's Workshop a Halloween style makeover but Beatice and Nicholas apologizes to her and helps reverting Santa's Workshop back to the way it was before.


Robert is the reporter for the last mammoth living at the North Pole. He tries to get the Mammoth, but he fails to do so.


Melvin is the former elf that left Santa's workshop more than a hundred years ago to find a receipe for Melvinelf juice. After Melvin gives the recipe to Nicholas, he makes the Melvinelf juice which turns out to be awful once Humphrey have tasted it.


Daphne is the previous Santa's Wife explained by Melvin as she saw the elves drink the Melvinelf juice making them joyfully happy.


He is the Astronaut of the Satellite that orbits around Earth who likes meeting people above including Santa, Nicholas and Waldorf. He knows to Nicholas about snowflakes that look like tiny stars.

Inspector Jeff Samson/Inspector Stevens

Jeff Samson (Inspector Stevens US Version) is the Police Inspector in Sydney, Australia. He receives the report that Nicholas was missing and he finds him with Santa Claus thinking that he was the imposter. Later, Santa tells him and his men the truth that they receive presents from Santa when they were young and after they heard Santa the truth, they release him.


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