List of Sooty & Co. episodes

A list of episodes for the popular British children's television series Sooty & Co. The show aired from 1993–1998. There were 86 episodes in total.

Series One (1993)

Title Original airdate
"1. Moving In"6 September 1993 (1993-09-06)
Matthew introduces us to the new shop in Manchester that he, Sooty, Sweep, Soo and little cousin Scampi have just moved into. Sooty is a little bit homesick so Matthew allows him to push a custard pie into his face to cheer Sooty up. Then Scampi wants to be cheered up as well by squirting Matthew with his water pistol. Matthew is horrified when Sooty's first order of stock turns out to be 3,000 empty cardboard boxes. They set off by tram to collect their new transport which turns out to be a gleaming new camper van for Sooty and Sweep and an old fashioned push bike for Matthew! Matthew is so worn out after cycling home that he jumps into bed, relieved to hear that Scampi has sold a large item for £20, only to discover that it is his bed that must have been sold because it has been replaced by a pile of empty cardboard boxes.
"2. Scrap Idea"13 September 1993 (1993-09-13)
Matthew reckons that there is real money in scrap metal so Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi set about removing anything metal from the house. Matthew finds out and tells them to replace it all. Their first customer arrives, Mo from the market, who wants to buy the very things that they have removed. Sooty is more than happy to supply her with them but Matthew refuses. Mo then sells Sooty a mini metal detector and he and Sweep set off in search of scrap metal. They detect a metal pipe and use the camper to pull it out of the ground, thereby dragging a bath, a cooker, etc., that were attached to it out of the nearby houses. Matthew is fed up when he receives the bill to replace them all. He has also been out and bought a whole load of scrap metal but decides that they won't be beaten by scrap metal but instead they are the ones who will do the beating and Matthew uses it as drums while they all perform a song "Junk is Funky".
"3. Splashing Out"20 September 1993 (1993-09-20)
Matthew explains that the loud banging sound is just the plumbing. Scampi goes up to the loft to feed the mice and stops the banging by turning off what he later discovers to be the main stopcock which comes off in his hand and starts a number of leaks. Water is trickling into a bucket in the shop when Mo arrives. She proceeds to sell them her plumbing tools and brings down the ceiling by poking at it with an old umbrella getting soaking in the process. Matthew goes for a walk to get away from it but ends up getting splashed by a car going through a large puddle, getting drenched by a garden sprinkler in the park and finally falling into the pond. Meanwhile Sweep, acting as Sooty's plumber mate, manages to get water pouring out of all the pipes in the loft before Sooty waves his magic wand and restores everything back to normal – that is until three jets of water suddenly rise up from the shop counter some time later. Shahid Malik arrives, tames all three, creates a water fountain and £25 to pay for it, then disappears. They are delighted – that is until Scampi produces a water bill for exactly £25.
"4. New Friends"27 September 1993 (1993-09-27)
Sooty and Sweep have got Soo's comforter called "Squaffy" and won't give it back. When Soo and Scampi go to look for it, Scampi not only finds "Squaffy" but Sweep's "Mr Puppy" as well. Matthew teases Sweep by offering him another piece of cloth instead which turns out to be Sooty's "Softy Smoother". Matthew shows Sooty how to polish the camper but Sooty shakes the bottle of polish so hard that it goes all over Matthew and his duster. Soo comes out with a replacement duster which turns out to be Mathew's "Doff" but Sweep rushes off with it. They have all been reunited with their respective comforters when Rod, Jane and Freddy arrive. Freddy and Jane both say that they used to have comforters and the three of them sing a song called "Southern Comforter". Then Soo gives them a knitted cuddly Sooty, Sweep and Soo that she and Scampi have made. Later Soo produces a knitted Rod, Jane and Freddy that she has also made which they all use as comforters.
"5. Buddy Jolly"4 October 1993 (1993-10-04)

Matthew is looking after a valuable statue of Buddha for a friend which Sweep names Buddy Jolly because he thinks it looks so miserable. Buddy Jolly then disappears from his box where they find a note from Sweep saying that he has hidden it somewhere safe. In his attempts to find Buddy Jolly Matthew gets caught by all of Sweep's booby traps including having his fingers caught in mouse traps, getting handcuffed to the shop counter and getting covered in flour. Mo comes in to buy a radio and hears a newsflash about a criminal on the run with bad dandruff and wearing handcuffs. Matthew matches the description perfectly so Mo hits him over the head with a frying pan.

Matthew decides to hold auditions for a guard dog and we see a variety of dogs being put through their paces by their young owners. Sweep is offended that other dogs are being considered but in the end Matthew does give him the job of guarding Buddy Jolly. Unfortunately Sweep falls asleep and Buddy Jolly is taken during the night. Fortunately, it turns out that Soo and Scampi have taken it and returned it to Matthew's friend.
"6. Staff Training"11 October 1993 (1993-10-11)
Sooty "helps" Matthew with his paperwork which results in all the papers being shredded. Matthew is worried about Sooty, Sweep,Soo and Scampi's attitude to the public and has arranged for Connie Creighton to come and give them some staff training. When they eventually let her in, Connie tries hard to teach them but instead ends up choking on a hot pepper joke sweet, getting covered in jam and being squirted by water on several occasions. Connie then attempts ti demonstrate how the customer is always right when Mo arrives but when it turns out that all Mo wants is change for her fiver, Connie refuses, and ends up squirting Mo with the water pistol. Later on Matthew says that Mo and Connie did end up as the best of friends and that Connie's saying is one that they should all try and remember and they all sing a song "The Customer's Always Right".
"7. Bubble Trouble"18 October 1993 (1993-10-18)
Matthew investigates some bubbles in the water butt. The "monster from the deep" that he ends up doing battle with turns out to be Sooty in his scuba diving gear. Meanwhile, Sweep is doing battle with a bathroom full of bubbles that he has created from a bath full of water and soap with the aid of an air compressor. The Matthew gives them some balloons to play with. Sweep fills his with water and starts playing with them in the bedroom. Matthew says that he wants them out of there so Sweep throws them out of the window and they all land on Matthew in the yard below showering him with water as they burst. Sweep is upset at what he has done so Sooty cheers him up by creating hundreds of magical bubbles and balloons and they all sing a song about them.
"8. Canal Capers"25 October 1993 (1993-10-25)
Matthew has organised a weekend away on his own in a narrow boat but he turns out not to be the "Captain Organisation" that he thinks he is. He has to come back twice because he has forgotten his keys and then his mobile phone. The Sooty and Sweep have to come out to his rescue three times. Firstly to bring some fuel for the boat then to return the boat keys which Matthew had left on the camper roof, and finally to help him open the lock gates with the aid of the camper. Sooty and Sweep then go off to explore the area while Mattthew has a little snooze after his excursions. Suddenly a pirate ship comes towards him with Butch at the helm, firing canons and gobs from his splat gun, eventually ramming Matthew's boat and threatening to make him walk the plank. Sooty arrives, dressed as a ship's captain, and splats Butch. Even though it turns out that Matthew dreamt the whole thing, he declares Sooty the hero of the day and says that Sooty can choose how he would like to spend the rest of the day. Sooty chooses to be where there is water, a pier, ice cream and sand to dig in and Matthew obliges with sand at the back of a lorry at Wigan Pier.
"9. Clocks Galore"1 November 1993 (1993-11-01)
None of the clocks at Sooty & Co work, so Sooty mends a watch using his magic oofle dust, which impresses Matthew so much that he wants Sooty to mend his old watch, but Sooty runs out of magic oofle dust leaving Matthew's watch ruined. Shahid Malik arrives at Sooty & Co and makes a beautiful carriage clock appear by magic and he also mends Matthew's old watch too using magic. Matthew sends Sooty and Sweep to collect 100 clocks he's ordered, but they bring back 100 chicks and it turns out Matthew misunderstood about the clocks. Matthew and Soo sing "Oh Think Of The Good Times".
"10. Sooty's Bun Fight"8 November 1993 (1993-11-08)
Matthew is sad because the shop isn't making enough profit and he wants to buy something that will sell like hot cakes. Sweep thinks his old bone will sell, but Matthew doesn't agree. Sooty's bought lots of cream buns and thinks they'll sell like hot cakes, but Matthew doesn't agree. Mo buys 16 cream buns and Matthews really happy and asks Sooty where he got the cream buns from and he got them from the joke shop, so Matthew wants Sooty to get him some more. Mo comes into the shop with cream all over her face and wants her money back as one of the cakes went bang just when she was going to bite it. Matthew wonders why this has happened, but Mo shows him a label on the bottom of the cakes saying they're joke exploding buns. Matthew, Sooty and Sweep hear one of the buns ticking and Sweep finds out which one it is and goes to get rid of it and puts it under a blanket, but it explodes and he gets covered in feathers. Another bun starts ticking so Sooty goes to get rid of it in the bath, but it explodes and he gets covered in cream. A third bun starts ticking so Soo goes to get rid of it and puts it in the waste paper basket, putting a plant over it, but it explodes and she gets the plant and cream all over her. A fourth bun starts ticking so Scampi goes to get rid of it in the dustbin, but it explodes and he gets covered in cream. Matthew finds another ticking bun so puts it in a box to cover it up, but realizes it says soot on the box and then he gets covered in cream and soot. Matthew thinks that if any more buns start ticking they should throw them away as far as possible, but more start ticking so everyone goes to get rid of them. Scampi says he has something to show Matthew and puts lots of ticking cream buns near him and he ends up getting covered in cream, so gets angry and asks Sooty and Sweep to get rid of the rest of the buns, while he cleans himself up. Sooty and Sweep takes the buns in their camper van and throw them out of the window to get rid of them, but a dog ends up getting covered up in cream eating one and a little girl riding a bike gets covered in cream as well. Sooty's camper van gets a flat tire so he and Sweep throw the remaining ticking buns into a river, but end up getting covered in water and come home unhappy. Matthew, Soo and Scampi have organized a picnic for them of their favourite foods to cheer them up, but Sooty wants to know if his custard pie is real, so Matthew tricks him and pushes his face into the pie, but then Sooty puts the pie in Matthews face.
"11. World Of Fun"15 November 1993 (1993-11-15)
Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Little Cousin Scampi are deciding which theme park they want to go to, but Matthew tells them they can't visit any of them because the shop isn't doing very well. Soo and Sooty put the best silverware, crockery and cutlery on the table, which impress Mathew, but he's not very happy when he finds he has plasticine models as his breakfast. Soo says because they can't afford to go to a theme park then they can't any food either. Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Little Cousin Scampi make a theme park of their own called Sooty & Cos World Of Fun, but Matthew doesn't think it will work. Soo shows Matthew around Sooty & Cos World Of Fun showing him different Sooty merchandise and Sooty shows him props used on the TV show. Sweep shows Matthew an exhibition of Sausages and a display of bones. Matthew sees the Magical Musical Water Fountain, but it turns out to be fake. Then he takes part in a comedy routine, which little Cousin Scampi has organized, but he ends up getting a custard pie in his face. Sooty and Sweep take Matthew for a ride in their camper van and they see lots of kids in the park. The kids want to go on the camper van ride and they end up making £20 from their camper van trips. Matthews really happy and buys 5 tickets for the theme park of everyone's choice.
"12. A Magical Voice"22 November 1993 (1993-11-22)
Sooty and Sweep are bouncing round the bedroom on their pogo sticks and Soo tries to stop them and tells them Matthew has a cold, but Sooty thinks he's laying it on a bit thick. Matthews rings his bell for Soo to come and tells her that his cold is better, but that he's lost his voice. Soo tells Sooty about Matthew and he tries to search for his voice, but misunderstands what Soo means and they go and see him. Matthew thinks he can use his computer to speak, but Soo doesn't think it's a good idea. Sweep's singing in the bath, but he doesn't like his own voice and Soo wants to stuff a sock in his mouth to stop his singing. Sooty and Little Cousin Scampi build a voice box and they hope it will be more successful in getting Matthews voice back then his medicine. Sweep starts crying because he doesn't like his voice and Soo gives him a few voice lessons. Sooty and Little Cousin Scampi finish adding everything to their voice box and go to try it out on Matthew. He takes a deep breathe in the facemask and his voice returns to normal. Sweep decides to have a go, but ends up talking with Soo's voice and Soo ends up talking with Sweep's voice. A man comes in the shop and shows everyone some different voices he's selling, which work by sniffing different tubes with different voices in and Sooty starts talking using one of them and starts telling Matthew what's on his mind. Matthew wakes up and realizes he has had a weird dream, but his voice is back again, so he's happy.
"13. Sooty's Magic Solutions (aka Phobias)"29 November 1993 (1993-11-29)
Sooty and Sweep scare Soo with a toy spider, but Matthew finds out everyone else has a phobia. Mo's scared of mice, Sweeps scared of the dark and Matthew's scared of birds. Sooty helps cure them by doing some hypnosis, but not everything goes to plan.
"14. Soo To The Rescue"6 December 1993 (1993-12-06)
Soo convinces Matthew they can sell anything if they advertise it, so Sooty and Little Cousin Scampi make a video, Sweep makes a banner and Soo does a radio commercial, but not everything goes to plan. Sooty and Matthew go to the local shopping centre to try and attract customers to Sooty & Co, but they don't have much luck either. Then Soo comes up with a great idea to make money for the shop.
"15. Camping Out"13 December 1993 (1993-12-13)
Matthew tells Sooty about a scary stories book that Soo lent him and Sooty says they wouldn't frighten him because he's brave. Matthew doesn't believe him and tells about one of the stories called 'The Blob That' Craws and says that a huge blob of jelly slithers along like a great big slug and eats people and it makes a scraping noise when it attacks people. Sooty gets scared as he starts hearing a scraping noise, but it's only Matthew scraping a ruler on the desk. Sweep tells Soo that he's not frightened by scary stories and she tells him about 'The Blob That Crawls' and says that it taps people around the head with a feeding probe before it eats them, and Sweep feels something touch his head and runs away, but it's only little Cousin Scampi holding a drinking straw. Soo finds it funny that Sooty and Sweep aren't as brave as they make themselves out to be. Matthew asks why Sooty and Sweep haven't spent one night sleeping in the camper van and Soo thinks its because they're too frightened too, but Sweep says they're not and they've both decided to spend tonight in the Camper van. Soo bets that they won't, but Sooty and Sweep say they will. Sooty and Sweep decide which beds they want to sleep in, but Sweep keeps changing his mind. Matthew tells them to watch out for the 'Blob That Crawls'. Sooty gives Scampi his water pistol, a bag of jelly babies and his old boy scout compass and Sweep give him his favourite bone, a fruit drink and his precious binoculars. They say goodbye to Scampi and go to say goodbye to Soo who tells them they should take things that they need so Sooty and Sweep take everything back that they gave to Scampi before. They both have some lunch before they go and then study some maps, but Matthew thinks that they're too frightened to spend the night in the camper van, but they head off, but can't find a good place to park for the night so end up going back home again. Matthew can't believe it and Soo's not happy as no one said where Sooty and Sweep actually had to spend the night. And they'll only lose the bet if they leave the camper. Little Cousin Scampi plays a tape recording backwards which frightens them both and then they both go back inside. Matthew tells them that Little Cousin Scampi and Soo played a trick on them and that it wasn't the 'Blob That Crawls'.

Series Two (1994)

Title Original airdate
"16. Sooty's Elastic Tricks"September 5, 1994 (1994-09-05)
Sooty and Scampi play tricks on Sweep and Soo with elastic. Also Matthew tells the others he wouldn't mind undertaking a bungee jump and Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi force Matthew to do it.
"17. Pony + Trap"September 12, 1994 (1994-09-12)
Soo is keen on a horse but Matthew says no because she isn’t old enough to have one. Soo then gets saddened when Sooty and Sweep begin to tease her.
"18. Chaffinch"September 19, 1994 (1994-09-19)
Matthew is in his bedroom with a Puppet Theatre, and is performing a little show. He then says that they have all decided to create something to trade in the shop to recover the business which hasn’t sold anything. Sooty, Sweep and Soo are also doing a puppet show. Scampi is making birds and Sooty and Soo find out Scampi is making birds, and decide to play a trick on Sweep. At the end Matthew says it's April Fools Day and they have been tricking Sweep.
"19. Kennels"September 26, 1994 (1994-09-26)
After an unsuccessful attempt to auction the shop's stock, Matthew decides to open a kennel.
"20. Soo's Spring Cleaning"October 3, 1994 (1994-10-03)
Soo is complaining about the untidiness of the house, and wants all the rubbish put away. But Matthew, Sooty, Sweep and Scampi differ with Soo and assume that there is no rubbish, but they are later proved wrong by Soo.
"21. Home Alone Sweep"October 10, 1994 (1994-10-10)
Everyone is going away for the weekend to visit a relative but they end up leaving Sweep alone at the shop. Later when Matthew and everyone else discover that Sweep is still at home they go back to get Sweep, but Sweep believes they are intruders and sets up a few traps.
"22. Speedy Sweep"October 17, 1994 (1994-10-17)
After Matthew, Sooty, Soo and Scampi upset Sweep a little bit by letting him know he isn’t quick enough, Sweep is keen to drive Sooty's Camper Van. Matthew and Sooty tell him that he can't. Mo comes into the shop and buys a whole lot of die-cast cars and boats, which Sooty agrees to deliver to her house. Sweep takes a nap in the camper van during that time, during which he has a bad dream where he drives off in the Camper Van after having tricked Sooty into handing over the keys.
"23. Sweep's Little Accidents"October 24, 1994 (1994-10-24)
Sooty's water pistol has gone missing and Sweep feels he's been wetting the bed, but Sooty discovers that Scampi put the water pistol in Sweep's bed, which wet it.
"24. Breakdown"October 31, 1994 (1994-10-31)
Sooty is keen on setting up a breakdown repair service, but also Sweep and Scampi are keen to set up a breakdown service. Matthew doesn’t believe they can do it. So Matthew goes out for a bike ride and then he breaks down. He phones his breakdown service but it's a 2 hour wait, so he chooses to phone Sooty as a substitute, but when Sooty arrives and the Camper Van has broken down, Matthew phones Sweep and Scampi but they come with no tools so Matthew phones the expert breakdown team. Soo has also fixed a pressure cooker, much to Matthew’s happiness – only when rice pudding is served from the pressure cooker, it explodes!
"25. The Gift"November 7, 1994 (1994-11-07)
Matthew, Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi are in Matthew's bedroom with a parcel. There are presents to Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi from their Auntie Maude. Sooty gets a water pistol, but Matthew is going to squirt it at Sooty until he finds out that it squirts backwards and squirts himself in the face. Matthew advises them to write down a thank you letter, but they don't want to. So, they make presents. Scampi goes to send the letter, but he goes missing because he lands in the post box, but later on Scampi comes back home safe and sound.
"26. Shop Keeping"November 14, 1994 (1994-11-14)
Matthew says to Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi that they don't know how to run a shop, but they say they can so Matthew requests them about a few items and Sweep breaks a precious plate and disappoints Matthew. Sweep leaves Sooty & Co. to start a competitive shop and to put Sooty & Co completely bust. But Sweep returns home in the end.
"27. Soo's Babies"November 21, 1994 (1994-11-21)
When Sooty, Sweep and Soo become passionate with babies, Soo is keen on having one and plays a trick on the others by saying she’s pregnant with bit of help from Little Cousin Scampi.
"28. Fun Park"November 28, 1994 (1994-11-28)
Matthew, Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi go to visit a theme park for the day, but only to get there and find out that it is shut down. But their old friend Connie is there as the caretaker and lets them in.
"29. Sweeping Visit (Sweep's Family)"December 5, 1994 (1994-12-05)
Matthew doesn’t notice Sweep's brothers arriving and the striking family similarity puzzles him. When Sweep's mum and dad arrive, the mix up is resolved. Matthew sets up the Holme Brass Band to escort Sweep on the shop bell to have a good time.
"30. Dog Trouble"December 12, 1994 (1994-12-12)
When Matthew is enquired to look after Label the Dog, it turns very bad because Scampi loses Label and then Matthew can't find the shop keys, but in the end it turns fine because he discovers Label and the keys are fastened to Label!

Series Three (1995)

Title Original airdate
"31. The Stain Remover"September 11, 1995
Sooty creates an extraordinary magical solution that removes any stain from anything, Matthew doesn't think it will at first, but he is soon proved wrong. However things go wrong when Sweep puts his bone in what is left of the magical solution and then it fails to work leaving terrible results.
"32. Talent Show"September 18, 1995
Sweep sees an advert in the newspaper for a talent show. Everyone wants to take part in the talent competition but Soo and Scampi don’t want to enter because they think they don't have any talent. Matthew tells jokes, Sooty does a magic trick and Sweep tells jokes. Sweep wins the first prize. In the end, Matthew sings a song with Soo enlightening Soo that she does have talent.
"33. Driving Lesson"September 25, 1995
Sooty’s key for his camper van has gone missing and requests Soo to help find them. Meanwhile, Sweep isn't having a good day as he trips down the stairs and smashes Matthew’s vase, the door and the bathroom tap. After all that, Matthew takes him for a lesson with a driving teacher but has Sweep still got his losing streak?
"34. Clowing Around"October 2, 1995
Mo and Matthew have a pie fight which Matthew splats pies in Mo's face and she soaks him.
"35. Documentary"October 9, 1995
The atmosphere is really bad at Sooty and Co. Soo is being teased by Sweep, Matthew has lost his socks, and Sooty has used Matthew's razor to sharpen his pencils. To make issues worse, a documentary crew led by Christopher Biggans turns up to create a demonstration about "the lovable people of the North, and how sociable they are." Unnecessary to say, this makes for a lot of disasters, but in the end, everybody is the best of friends again.
"36. Treasure Hunt"October 16, 1995
Sooty uses his magic wand to tidy his bedroom. In the shop they discover a tape which sets them off on a treasure hunt. Sooty and Scampi go out with a map to locate the treasure, but return to say the treasure is buried at the back of the shop. Matthew swings the pick-axe, only to find a water pipe. He gets soaked.
"37. Driving"October 23, 1995
Matthew challenges Sooty to a race which ends in disaster for Matthew on three occasions. Sooty then uses his magic wand to take themselves to Oulton Park for a real race. Sooty and Matthew finish together and both get the winner's leaf.
"38. Can Crushing"October 30, 1995
Matthew plans on buying a Can Crusher but when he says to Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi to recycle old clothes to make money, they sell Matthew's clothes to Mo for recycling. To make things worse for Matthew, Sooty and Sweep take the cans into the Can Recycling place which Matthew thought there was money inside the cans. Scampi afterwards confesses to Matthew that he took the money out of the cans before recycling them. Matthew gets his money back in the end and decides to spend it on a pizza for others to share.
"39. Fire"November 6, 1995
Sooty, Sweep and the gang soak Matthew with water.
"40. Tunnelling"November 13, 1995
Sooty, Sweep and Soo and Little Cousin Scampi attempt to dig a tunnel using soil to get to France but end up getting into Blackpool.
"41. Loadsa Money"November 20, 1995
Sooty & Co try to sell things to Matthew, but he has no money. He says even if he had money, he wouldn't change, so Soo plays a trick on him and makes Matthew believe he has won the lottery. He becomes very mean. A financial advisor arrives and is horribly nice to Matthew. Soo reveals her trick, and Matthew agrees that money brings nothing but unhappiness.
"42. The Visit"November 27, 1995
Matthew remembers the previous week:- Auntie Maud rings to arrange a visit but it is left to Sweep to write the date on the calendar. On that date they all set off for the station: Sooty & Co in a taxi, and Matthew on his trike. Sooty & Co get there first and create havoc in a photo booth, and Sweep makes a station announcement. An embarrassed Matthew takes them home again. Back at the shop, Auntie Maud phones to remind them that she is coming the next day.
"43. Sherlock Sooty"December 4, 1995
With Sooty's magic wand, Matthew unintentionally goes back to the Victorian times where Sooty is Sherlock Holmes.

Series Four (1996)

Title Original airdate
"44. Water World (aka New Water)"9 September 1996 (1996-09-09)
Matthew repairs Sooty's wand that Scampi has broken and magics a customer. It is Mr Dwayne from the Water Board, who asks them to help him make water more interesting. They all set about the task - Mr Dwayne gets covered in gunge in the process. Sweep and Scampi make a machine that produces "aerated water" (foam), which goes out of control. Sooty takes it to the tip, covering everyone on the way with foam.
"45. Tidy Box"16 September 1996 (1996-09-16)
Matthew isn't happy when his naughty Little Cousin Paul is coming to stay, but Paul ends up well-liked with Matthew when he trades to Mo, but will it last...?
"46. Dear Diary"23 September 1996 (1996-09-23)
Sooty and the gang choose to keep a diary, after Mo trades lots of diaries to Matthew with last years date!
"47. Shopping"30 September 1996 (1996-09-30)
Sooty, Sweep and Scampi are playing a mystery game with Soo. Matthew is in his bedroom dehydrating his hair and when his hairbrush is one of the mysteries, Matthew's hair can't get brushed and is left in a bad state! Soo says she adores the game ""Supermarket Sweep"" so it provides Matthew a suggestion to hold a ""Supermarket Sweep"" in the shop.
"48. Uncle Stuart"7 October 1996 (1996-10-07)
Matthew requests Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi how they would feel to look after the elderly. They believe that Matthew is chatting about his welfare. Mo comes in and wants an important person to look after her Uncle Stuart. They all in agreement, but they carry on leaving him behind! Mo then sees Matthew to discover how Uncle Stuart is. Mo grabs hold of Matthew and tells him if something happens to Uncle Stuart, he'll be apologetic. Matthew pretends to be Uncle Stuart, but in the end they discover the real Uncle Stuart.
"49. When I Was a Lad"14 October 1996 (1996-10-14)
Sooty asks Matthew for a series of batteries for his electronic game, and then Sooty is told about the old days about when Matthew was a lad, and is also irritated by a Brass Band player. Through this episode Matthew shows Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi examples of toys from then old days and Matthew even dresses up as a lad from the older days. Then he imagines about being the boss of a Victorian Mill. In the end Matthew wakes up, and the Brass Band enter and start to play.
"50. A Pain In Spain"21 October 1996 (1996-10-21)
Sooty and Co. are in the Airport and waiting for the flight to come through. They get onto the plane and Soo notifies Matthew that Scampi has been in the toilet for a long time, he goes to the door and begins to knock on the door and informs him to come out, he notices Scampi is outside and there is a woman in the toilet, Matthew ends up with a black eye. They enjoy sunbathing, all apart from Matthew who strokes toothpaste over him because he thinks its Sun Cream. Later on, they go to a club and everyone gets someone to dance with apart from Matthew! At the end they are all set and ready to go back and after saying Bye-bye, Matthew has an accident and falls into the swimming pool!
"51. White Elephants"28 October 1996 (1996-10-28)
Matthew is in a terrible mood because of Mo. He says every time she comes in, she at all times manages to trade him a White Elephant. He bans Mo from the shop and he doesn't want them departing the shop to see Mo, but Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi notice Mo has left her purse and they choose to tiptoe out to the marketplace to give Mo her purse back. Matthew notices they’re gone and chooses to teach them a lesson. Matthew imagines that he had a get-together when Sooty and the gang were out. Matthew and the rest have a real get-together when they apologise to him for sneaking out.
"52. Tidy Box"4 November 1996 (1996-11-04)
Cousin Paul arrives having tricked Matt to go and collect him. He and Scampi construct a machine that "automatically" tidies up. Mo is very taken with Paul and allows him to demonstrate his "Tidy Box". He distracts her: Sooty and Sweep emerge and tidy up. Mo buys box. Paul and the puppets make lots of other Tidy Boxes. When Matt returns Paul tricks him as well with the box. Mo returns and demands her money back: Paul's trick is discovered.
"55. Matt Alone"11 November 1996 (1996-11-11)
Matthew is cross that Mo has managed to sell him another white elephant. When he finds she has left her purse in the shop he forbids the puppets to return it to her and bans her from the shop. They drive to the market leaving gadgets running to make Matthew think they are still in the shop. When Matthew finds out what has happened he makes out they've missed a party whilst they were out. They admit they disobeyed him and to show there are no hard feelings Matthew invites Mo over for a real party.
"56. Squatters"18 November 1996 (1996-11-18)
Sweep is taking food secretly. Matt follows a line of crumbs to the camper and finds the entire Sweep family. He keeps telling them to leave but they keep coming back. Sweep is very upset and accuses Matt of not liking his family, and they only want to stay whilst their home is being decorated. The other puppets accuse Matt of being mean, so he allows the Sweep family to stay - they take all the food and leave Matt and the other puppets with nothing.
"57. Sooty Market Sweep"25 November 1996 (1996-11-25)
The puppets play a game: Soo gives them a "clever clue" and they have to find what the answer is. Sweep is hopeless and gets them all wrong. Matt hires a TV personality, Matthew Kelly, to play the game properly as he thinks that it might help them sell things. Sweep wins everything and is the hero of the hour.
"58. Highland Fling"2 December 1996 (1996-12-02)
Matthew assumes a letter addressed to the 3rd Lord of Glenfurry is for him and sets off for Scotland to claim his heritage, followed by the puppets in the camper. Matt learns "how to be Scottish", is kept awake all night by a piper and tricked into thinking he's seen the Loch Ness Monster by the puppets. Finally they arrive at castle Glenfurry, where Matt and the others discover it is Sooty who is the Laird. All the puppets have a party with jelly and cakes - and Matt is given horrible porridge.
"59. Sooty's Christmas Panto"16 December 1996 (1996-12-16)
It's Christmas time at Sooty and Co. and the Sooty gang can't go to see a Pantomime as the business is going badly. That gives them a plan to present their own Pantomime for the local boys and girls.

Series Five (1997)

Title Original airdate
"60. The Great Race"1 September 1997 (1997-09-01)
Matthew challenges Sooty to a race around the local park and Sooty finds different ways to make the race very close.
"61. Twins"8 September 1997 (1997-09-08)
Sooty and Scampi end up causing trouble at the shop by using Sooty's magic wand to make a pair of Sweep's, a pair of Matthew's hands as well as Matthew Corbett twins. When Mo arrives at the shop and notices a pair of Sweep's as well as Matthew Corbett twins, she faints not once but twice.
"62. Top of the Morning"22 September 1997 (1997-09-22)
The gang go on a trip to Ireland.
"63. A Tartan Tale"29 September 1997 (1997-09-29)
"64. Showbusiness"6 October 1997 (1997-10-06)
Matthew believes that Sooty, Sweep, Soo & Little Cousin Scampi are obsessed with watching television. Whilst attempting to encourage Sooty & Soo to not watch too much TV, the two get Matthew engaged in their own version of 'You Bet!' Matthew soon chooses to forbid watching TV in the house until they are notified. The next day, Matthew sets up his own version of 'Mastermind' with Sweep and Little Cousin Scampi competing even though Matthew fixes the game so Scampi can beat Sweep. Then Matthew discovers that it was the cotton wool that got wedged in Sweep's ear which allowed Sweep to be a scientist expert.
"65. Snackaravan (aka Little Friends)"13 October 1997 (1997-10-13)
Business is bad in the shop as normal, so when Mo arrives and asks to buy a slice of cake Soo has baked, Matthew finds out a way on making money. They cook a dinner and sell Mo some things from the shop. Mo tells Matthew he should be in catering and sells him a run down snack caravan. Everything goes wrong, with Sweep leaving the pressure cooker on resulting in the caravan exploding. Back at the shop, Mo has prepared a party for them as an apology.
"66. Hypnotic Trickster"20 October 1997 (1997-10-20)
"67. Read All About It"27 October 1997 (1997-10-27)
Matthew is surprised to see that his article in the local newspaper has been checked wrong, particularly when they have placed his photograph under a different article. Soo takes the newspaper away and Sweep uses it to do some paper ripping, which turns into a competition against Little Cousin Scampi. Later, after protesting to the creator of the newspaper, Sooty & Matthew make their mind up and choose to set up their own newspaper shop which provides the entire truth. Their plan begins with Sooty as the creator, Sweep as the Junior Reporter and Matthew as The Chief Reporter but they have difficulty attempting to draw near with what they are both stating.
"68. Councillors"3 November 1997 (1997-11-03)
Mo is taking up a "Say No to Holes" policy in the local election, whilst Connie Creighton is encountering a campaign against too much noise. Sooty and Soo back up Mo whilst Sweep and Scampi support Connie. Scampi and Sweep plot Matthew into recording a bedtime story which they then adapt into an anti Mo tape and ends up being played at her assembly. Mo thinks it was a set up from Connie which results in a paint fight in the yard and eventually they both decide to give up politics.
"69. Stars In Their Eyes"1 December 1997 (1997-12-01)
Matthew is unhappy because of a load of bills that the shop has to pay, whilst Soo is angry with Sweep for eating her pork scratchings. Sooty tells them to laugh at adversity, which they all try. Scampi uses Sweep as a decoy into testing one of his traps and causes Sweep to fall through the ceiling. Jack Dee enters and is looking for something to make him laugh. Matthew and Sooty try everything, but it's Sweep's "gooseberry" joke has him in hysterics. Sweep who is thrilled with success, dreams being on "Stars in their Eyes" as Pavarotti, Elvis, Stevie Wonder and the Sweep family as the Beach Boys.
"70. Sooty And Co's Christmas Special (aka Fun in the Snow)"15 December 1997 (1997-12-15)
When Sweep says he wants to meet Santa Claus, Sooty uses his magic wand to take them, along with Matthew end up being in a land of snow and ice, leaving Tim to look after the shop with Soo and Scampi. Tim invites a pop band, Code Red around and they sing their latest release which encourages their fans to buy everything in the shop. Meanwhile, Matthew, Sooty and Sweep find Santa Claus, who gives them lots of presents and they return to the shop by magic and all are reunited.

Series Six (1998)

Title Original airdate
"70. Sherlock Sooty Rides Again"31 August 1998 (1998-08-31)
Sherlock Sooty and Sweep start the latest money making scheme with a group of officers which Soo makes Scampi the criminal with Sooty and Sweep the detectors. Once the others think Scampi stole Richard’s notepad, Scampi is locked up inside bars until confessing. They then begin tidying the shop up to get their rewards until Matthew returns. Richard Cadell and Liana Bridges make their first appearances as presenters and the last series of Matthew Corbett's era as a presenter of Sooty.
"71. Estate Agents"7 September 1998 (1998-09-07)
Matthew looks for houses which he then bumps into the Coronation Street actors to which they are rude to him.With guest star Harry Hill.
"72. Health Check"14 September 1998 (1998-09-14)
Sweep's mud addiction gets him into a dilemma when it is true that he is at a health risk.
"73. Mouse Loose In The House"21 September 1998 (1998-09-21)
Sooty and Co are trying to get a new computer working, but can't handle it. Matthew discovers Sweep and Scampi having fun with the covering that the computer came in and gets them into trouble. Matthew goes to the computer shop for help. When Matthew is out, they get a client glancing for extra parts; he suggests helping them with the computer and gets the computer working. While Sooty and Soo are doing that, Sweep and Scampi are busy attempting to grab hold of a mouse. In the end it is caught and the Professor is gone by magic, Matthew arrives back home to discover that the computer is working and that it was his mistake because he never turned it on!
"74. Now You See Him"28 September 1998 (1998-09-28)
Matthew and Sooty and Co. think there is no such thing as The Invisible Man, so Sooty plays a mind game on Matthew with an invisible vase and Matthew plays a mind game on Scampi with a handkerchief and an invisible thread. Sweep, Scampi and Soo then fool around with Matthew into thinking it were the invisible man by using a magnet to move the mug along the table by itself. Matthew then believes he is invisible but when he drinks a bottle of syrup of figs, he makes a fool of himself by stripping into his underpants and causes him to have abdominal pain.
"75. Birthday Boy"5 October 1998 (1998-10-05)
It's Sooty's birthday as Liana and Richard plan a surprise birthday party for him. They sing him a special birthday tune 'Many Happy Returns' as Matthew is in a box covered in gunge.
"76. You Did It Sooty"6 October 1998 (1998-10-06)
It's Sooty's Say You Did It box covered in gunge.
"77. Nothing Will Go Wrong"12 October 1998 (1998-10-12)
Matthew lets Richard Cadell and Liana Bridges look after the Sooty and Co. shop. Liana gets trapped in the toilet because the key was broken. As Richard tries to mend the lock, he gets his nosebleed, his head is hit whilst lifting a solid lid, and when the phone rings, Richard trips down the stairs which fractures his foot. Then whilst trying to haul a bone out of the lock, it hits him in the broken nose and then Sooty hits him on the head with a hammer instead of the screwdriver. Liana then opens her mouth and when Richard uses a pumper to get the juice into her mouth through the keyhole, it gets her face wet. Matthew arrives back at the shop to discover out what Richard, Liana and others have been up to which he is unhappy with Richard and others for leaving Liana bolted in the toilet.
"78. Horrorscopes"19 October 1998 (1998-10-19)
"79. Pulling The Wool"26 October 1998 (1998-10-26)
Sweep claims to have sheepdog blood in his veins. Sooty and the rest keep on tricking him until Mo dumps a couple of sheep on Matthew. They bundle the sheep – and Matthew – into the back of the camper van and head to Wales to give the sheep back to their owner, Farmer Jones. Whilst there Sweep shows that he can round up sheep – with the help of Sooty's magic wand! When they get home, they all sing a song called A Dog is a Man's Best Friend.
"80. Lie Down With Dogs"2 November 1998 (1998-11-02)
"81. What Can The Matter Be?"9 November 1998 (1998-11-09)
"82. Nature's Way?"16 November 1998 (1998-11-16)
"83. Come On You Blues"23 November 1998 (1998-11-23)
"84. Delgrub"30 November 1998 (1998-11-30)
Matthew is reading a newspaper headline all about burglaries. Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi are tidying up. Later on, Matthew is disappointed to discover trash everywhere and it keeps appearing. He thinks Sooty & Co. is not being burgled but 'Delgrubed'. Matthew tells us he thinks this because Delgrub is spelt in reverse as Burgled. In the end he makes a decision and decides to get the police but Matthew finds out that it was Mo leaving the trash and the policeman is a relative of Mo's. Matthew is lost on what to say, but everything is fine in the end, the trash is all gone.
"85. Rocky 1 (aka A Prisoner for Heights)"7 December 1998 (1998-12-07)
At Snowdonia in North Wales, Matthew and Sooty demonstrate different climbing skills.
"86. Final Farewell (aka Matthew Remembers)"14 December 1998 (1998-12-14)
Everyone is very sad because Matthew is going away soon. Richard and Liana organise a surprise party for him and give him a video with clips from previous shows, famous guests, getting soaked, messy bits, songs etc. Then Gerry Marsden sings for him. Matthew can't resist covering Gerry with custard pies, gunge and water! Matthew goes outside, rather emotional and when Richard and Liana join him he gives them a custard pie in the face each. The final clips are a selection of "bye bye everybody"s from Matthew, Sooty and the gang throughout Sooty and Co's run.
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