List of Swiss financial market legislation
Legislation and supervision of the Swiss financial markets is achieved through a system of laws, ordinances and circulars released by the Swiss Federal Assembly, the Swiss Federal Council and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).
Financial market laws of the Swiss Federal Assembly
- Swiss Federal Law of 8 November 1934 on Banks and Savings Banks (Banking Act, BA)
- Swiss Federal Act of 24 March 1995 on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading (Stock Exchange Act, SESTA)
- Swiss Federal Act of 23 June 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (Collective Investment Schemes Act, CISA)
- Federal Act of 10 October 1997 on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Financial Sector (Anti-Money Laundering Act, AMLA)
- Mortgage Bond Act of 25 June 1930 (MBA)
- Swiss Federal Act of 17 December 2004 on the Supervision of Insurance Companies (Insurance Supervision Act, ISA)
- Swiss Federal Act of 2 April 1908 on Insurance Contracts (Insurance Contract Act, ICA)
Financial market ordinances of the Swiss Federal Council
- Swiss Federal Ordinance of 17 May 1972 on Banks and Savings Banks (Banking Ordinance, BO)
- Swiss Federal Ordinance of 29 September 2006 on Capital Adequacy and Risk Diversification for Banks and Securities Dealers (Capital Adequacy Ordinance, CAO)
- Swiss Federal Ordinance of 9 November 2005 on the Supervision of Private Insurance Companies (Insurance Supervision Ordinance, ISO)
- Swiss Federal Ordinance of 1 March 1966 on the Lifting of Restrictions on the Freedom of Contract in Insurance Contracts
- Ordinance of the Takeover Board on Public Takeover Offers of 21 August 2008 (Takeover Ordinance, TOO)
- Swiss Federal Ordinance of 22 November 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (Collective Investment Schemes Ordinance, CISO)
- Mortgage Bond Ordinance of 23 January 1931 (MBO)
Ordinances of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority
- Ordinance of 21 October 1996 of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on Foreign Banks in Switzerland (FINMA Foreign Banks Ordinance, FBO-FINMA)
- Ordinance of 30 June 2005 of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on the Bankruptcy of Banks and Securities Dealers (FINMA Bank Bankruptcy Ordinance, BBO-FINMA)
- Ordinance of 9 November 2005 of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on the Supervision of Private Insurance Companies (FINMA Insurance Supervision Ordinance, ISO-FINMA)
- Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority of 25 October 2008 on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading (FINMA Stock Exchange Ordinance, SESTO-FINMA)
- Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority of 30 June 2005 on the Bankruptcy of Banks and Securities Dealers (FINMA Bank Bankruptcy Ordinance, BBO-FINMA)
- Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority of 21 December 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (FINMA Collective Investment Schemes Ordinance, CISO-FINMA)
- Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority of 18 December 2002 on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Banking, Securities Trading and Collective Investment Schemes Sectors (FINMA Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance 1, AMLO-FINMA 1)
- Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority of 24 October 2006 on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Private Insurance Sector (FINMA Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance 2, AMLO-FINMA 2)
- Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority of 6 November 2008 on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Rest of the Financial Sector (FINMA Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance 3, AMLO-FINMA 3)
- Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority of 20 August 2002 on the Professional Practice of Financial Intermediation as defined in the Anti-Money Laundering Act (VBAF-FINMA)
Ordinances of the Swiss Federal Banking Commission
Regulations of the Takeover Board of 21 August 2008 (Regulations-TB, R-TB)
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