List of The Biggest Loser Australia episodes

This is a list of episodes of all seasons of the Australian Television series The Biggest Loser.


Season 1: 2006 53 2006
Season 2: 2007 68 2007
Season 3: 2008 74 2008
Season 4: 2009 74 2009
Season 5: 2010 66 2010
Season 6: 2011 53 2011
Season 7: 2012 72 2012
Season 8: 2013 34 2013
Season 9: 2014 33 2014

Season 1: 2006

The first season averaged approximately 1,400,000 viewers, with the finale watched by 2,300,000.[1]

Ep#/Wk-Ep# Original airdate Episode Title / Event Total viewers
(Free-to-air rounded to nearest 1,000)
Week 1
1/01-1 Monday, 13 February Series Premiere - AJ Rochester welcomes 12 overweight contestants to the white house and to the biggest loser. The contestants are faced with their first mini-challenge - to move all the furniture into the house. The contestants are then faced with their last supper before they weighed in for the first time. The next day, the contestants line up outside wearing singlets with their name and weight on. Bob and Jillian arrive and are shocked there is no Red and Blue teams and find out that they must decide who is on which team. 1,410,000[2]
2/01-2 Tuesday, 14 February Minor challenge (#1): Calorie Count - Jillian wins the coin toss and chooses their teams. The contestants struggle into their first training session. the contestants learn about their diet. The contestants face their first minor challenge to choose the food with the lowest calories as the losing team would be the slaves of the winning team. The red team won the challenge and the blue team was slaves to the red and interteam relationships start to crack. N/A
3/01-3 Wednesday, 15 February Temptation (#1): Race to the Platters - The teams are woken early for an early training session. The blue team have started to crack as trust for Wal is low. Contestants arrive at an air hangar for their first temptation where they had to race to 1 of 6 platters where under one was a burger, another had chocolate cake and others had cash and an mp3 with the last holding immunity. All the red team apart from Shane took part and Ruth won immunity. N/A
4/01-4 Thursday, 16 February Major Challenge (#1): Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb - Jillian is not happy when the red team took temptation but things get worse when Ruth is suspected to be pregnant. Bob treats his team to a training session on the beach. The teams meet Ajay for the challenge to climb to the top of the Sydney harbour bridge the fastest with the winning team getting the choice of a healthy dinner or a pool workout, the losers must take the option the winners declined and will get a 3 kg penalty at the weigh in. David and Cat struggled on their respective teams but the blue team won and chose the dinner. N/A
5/01-5 Friday, 17 February Weigh-In (#1) - The teams go straight into the last chance workout before the weight in saw the Blue team win, sending the red team to elimination. 1,100,000[3]
Week 2
6/02-1 Monday, 20 February Elimination (#1): David 1,314,000[4]
7/02-2 Tuesday, 21 February Minor Challenge (#2): Pool Relay - 1,100,000[3]
8/02-3 Wednesday, 22 February Bob's sudden departure & Phone calls home 1,100,000[3]
9/02-4 Thursday, 23 February Major Challenge (#2) - Truck Pull 1,000,000[5]
10/02-5 Friday, 24 February Weigh-In (#2) N/A
Week 3
11/03-1 Monday, 27 February Elimination (#2): Jo 1,264,000[6]
12/03-2 Tuesday, 28 February Minor Challenge (#3) - Soccer Match 1,000,000[7]
13/03-3 Wednesday, 1 March Temptation (#2) - Down The Garden Path 1,100,000[7]
14/03-4 Thursday, 2 March Major Challenge (#3) - Racing hay bales N/A
15/03-5 Friday, 3 March Weigh-In (#3) N/A
Week 4
16/04-1 Monday, 6 March Elimination (#3): Cat 1,233,000[8]
17/04-2 Tuesday, 7 March Minor Challenge (#4) - 4hr bike race 1,300,000[7]
18/04-3 Wednesday, 8 March Temptation (#3) - chocolates N/A
19/04-4 Thursday, 9 March Major Challenge (#4) - 6,800 steps 1,100,000[7]
20/04-5 Friday, 10 March Weigh-In (#4) N/A
Week 5
21/05-1 Monday, 13 March Elimination (#4): Harry 1,399,000[9]
22/05-2 Tuesday, 14 March Secret Ballet - Duos chosen 1,100,000[7]
23/05-3 Wednesday, 15 March Temptation (#4) - card shark 1,200,000[7]
24/05-4 Thursday, 16 March Major Challenge (#5) - Raft building 1,100,000[7]
25/05-5 Friday, 17 March Weigh-In (#5) N/A
Week 6
26/06-1 Monday, 20 March Double Elimination (#5): Tracey & Artie / singles introduced 1,200,000[7]
27/06-2 Tuesday, 21 March Makeover day and Minor Challenge (#6) - Putting the weight back on 1,100,000[7]
28/06-3 Wednesday, 22 March Temptation (#5) - cupcakes 1,100,000[7]
29/06-4 Thursday, 23 March Major Challenge (#6) - race up the dunes 1,100,000[7]
30/06-5 Friday, 24 March Weigh-In (#6) N/A
Week 7
31/07-1 Monday, 27 March Elimination (#6): Wal 1,406,000[10]
32/07-2 Tuesday, 28 March Minor Challenge (#7) - tonne of bricks N/A
33/07-3 Wednesday, 29 March Temptation (#6) - Chinese fortune 1,300,000[7]
34/07-4 Thursday, 30 March Major Challenge (#7) - A blinding maze wall climb 1,200,000[7]
35/07-4 Friday, 31 March Weigh-In (#7)
Week 8
36/08-1 Monday, 3 April Elimination (#7): Ruth 1,420,000[11]
37/08-2 Tuesday, 4 April Welcome to camp eden 1,400,000[12]
38/08-3 Wednesday, 5 April Face your fears 1,500,000[12]
39/08-4 Thursday, 6 April Super Challenge - Ultimate Immunity 1,300,000[12]
40/08-5 Friday, 7 April Weigh-In (#8)
Week 9
41/09-1 Monday, 10 April Elimination (#8): Shane 1,600,000[12]
42/09-2 Tuesday, 11 April Eliminated contestants weigh in 1,421,000[12]
43/09-3 Wednesday, 12 April Eliminated contestants settle in 1,316,000[12]
44/09-4 Thursday, 13 April Eliminated contestant Super Challenge 1,500,000[12]
45/09-5 Friday, 14 April Weigh-In (#8) N/A
Week 10
46/10-1 Monday, 17 April Harry returns N/A
47/10-2 Tuesday, 18 April Dream outfits 1,500,000[12]
48/10-3 Wednesday, 19 April Inspiring others 1,400,000[12]
49/10-4 Thursday, 20 April Train the trainers and final weigh in 1,400,000[12]
50/10-5 Friday, 21 April Final elimination N/A
Week 11
52/11-2 Friday, 28 April Live Finale 2,310,000[1][13]
53/11-3 Sunday, 30 April Special: Secrets Of The Biggest Loser N/A

Season 2: 2007

Ep#/Wk-Ep# Original airdate Episode Title / Event Total viewers
(Free-to-air rounded to nearest 1,000)
Week 1
1/01-1 Sunday, 4 February Season Premiere - Ajay Rochester welcomes 14 new contestants to the biggest loser white house and takes the contestants to their last supper before they are played back what and how much they were eating just moments before. The contestants weigh-in for the first time with Damien being the largest contestant ever. The contestants look at each other's dream outfits. Some of the contestants are already missing home. The contestants line up outside in weight order (smallest to largest) wearing singlets with their names and weights on and are shocked when not Bob and Jillian turn up but 2 brand new Australian trainers: Shannon and Michelle. The contestants then have to choose which trainers they want to be with then Bob and Jillian arrive. 1,170,000 (peaking at 1.45m)[14]
2/01-2 Monday, 5 February Minor Challenge #1 - Movie Madness: - With Bob and Jillian's arrival has the contestants sent straight into their first training session which sees Sarah struggling the most for the red team and Gerard on the blue team. The contestants learn about their diet. The contestants were asked to pack an overnight bag and headed to a cinema for their first major challenge where in each duel, one member for each team will go head to head. Ajay will spin a wheel and reveal a seat number, the contestants had to race to the seat where they would find 2 foods, they must pick which has the least calories, the one who does get a point and the first team to 4 win soothing massages with the losing team must camp outside the house. The blue team won leaving the red team to camp. 1,077,695[15]
3/01-3 Tuesday, 6 February Sarah Walks: - The red team return to find their punishment for losing the challenge. An ambulance suddenly appears at the house and takes Gerard away leaving Bob in concern. Sarah refuses to workout and is confronted by Michelle. Kelly loses focus on training worrying about Gerard and Gerard is found to be fine. Sarah calls it quits and leaves. N/A
4/01-4 Wednesday, 7 February Temptation #1 - Secret Service - The red team wake up to their first morning without Sarah and Jillian revives them with an intense training session. Alex injures his ankle leaving some members of the red team to question his work ethic. Gerard returns from hospital. Bob pays Sarah a visit at home to encourage her to return to the house with the help of Season 1's Cat however, this fails and Sarah decides to stay at home. The contestants walk outside to team coloured booths where they faced their first temptation where each contestant are in their team coloured booths with each round being tempted with foods, if they refuse to eat they must leave their booth with the last man standing wins and gets immunity and a new twist called the walk. The blue team stayed strong and was not tempted while Greg, Marty and Courtney at a 17 calorie watermelon. Round 2 had Greg a Marty refuse seeing Courtney winning immunity and the walk. 1,069,000[15]
5/01-5 Thursday, 8 February The Walk #1 - Courtney: - Gerard cracks under pressure in training. The red team's cracks continue with some of them losing trust with Courtney with him winning immunity. Shannon spends one on one time with Gerard. Courtney's walk see him face 4 options: a contestant to get one on one training with a trainer, the blue team member to sit out at the challenge, a red-blue team member swap or give immunity away to someone else. Country chose the 24 hour training and gave it to Alex to have access to Jillian. 876,000[15]
6/01-6 Friday, 9 February Major Challenge #1 - Sydney tower race : The teams arrive at Hyde park for their major challenge where the winning team gets the choice of fine dining or an intense training session with the national dragon boat racing team. The losing team would get the option not picked and a 5 kg penalty at the first weigh-in. To decide who sat out on the blue team, the teams had to answer a calorie question; the red team won and chose Mel to sit out. The teams had to race a distance of 4.5 km / 50 laps of the tower on the glass deck with each team member having to take the lead for 8 laps with at the end of each 8th lap, the leader must write their target weight loss on the platform. The fastest team to complete the 50 laps would win. The blue team won and chose fine dining leaving the red team with the dragon boat training and a 5 kg penalty at weigh-in. N/A
Week 2
7/02-1 Sunday, 11 February The Weigh-in #1 - The teams get their own individual rewards for the challenge with Gerard being the most tempted by ice cream. Michelle and Jillian try and help pick up the down red team by showing them messages from the past contestants including Adro and Kristy. Alex gets his 24hr training with Jillian and feels like the weak link the team. Marty struggles during last chance training. The teams had to race on rowing machines to decide who from the blue team would sit out of the weigh-in with it being between Marty and Mel and Marty won leaving Mel deflated. The red team chose Damien. Sam leaves after her weigh-in to head to hospital. The blue team still won the weigh-in sending the red team to elimination. 1,258,000[16]
8/02-2 Monday, 12 February Elimination #1 - Alex / Sam Bows Out : - The red team are devastated after losing the weigh-in with small alliances starting to form. Alex is eliminated from the red team though being the biggest loser on their team. Jillian gets angry after the red team voted Alex out and gets it out on Courtney. Sam returns from hospital and informs the contestants that she cannot medically continue and has to leave. The teams have an outside training session with a footy team. Jillian and Courtney go at it. The teams have a fun competition. 1,204,000[17]
9/02-3 Tuesday, 13 February Minor Challenge #2 - Beach Volleyball : Kelly's injury has worsened. Jillian works on Marty. The teams arrived at Manly beach for their minor challenge where the first team to win 2 out of 3 sets, scoring 21 points to win a set would win the challenge. The winning team would get a 3 course meal while the losing team would get to get on frozen / TV meals for 24 hrs. The red team wanted to win their first challenge and chose Michael to sit out of the challenge. Shannon and Michele joined their teams. The blue team won the first set and red won the second leaving it all down to the last set with the red team winning their first challenge. 993,000[16]
10/02-4 Wednesday, 14 February Temptation #2 - The Circle of Pizza : - The blue team struggle with their frozen meals. The teams walked to temptation where they were faced with a large pizza split into 8 sections, under one of them contains immunity. If no one takes temptation then Courtney would retain immunity. Under another section included a plasma TV. The game would only end when all 8 sections have been taken. To increase chances, the pizzas got small over time. In round 1, Gerard went but as not all flags were taken he did not have to eat and the same happened in round 2. Round 3 saw Gerard get all the flags winning immunity leaving the blue team not happy with his decision. With immunity, Gerard won the walk. N/A
11/02-5 Thursday, 15 February The Walk #2 - Gerard - 2 New Contestants: The blue team express their views to Bob and Shannon over temptation and worry about what Gerard will bring back from the walk. Gerard heads on the walk where 4 new potential contestants arrive and Gerard would have to pick 2 of them to join the competition with their names on the stones in the vessels, he chooses Laura and P'eta. The contestants back at the house were called to the weigh-in room where Gerard and the new contestants arrived and P'eta and Laura weighed in. As they were new, they were given immunity. The new girls settle in as the teams debate who they want on their team. 1,047,000[16]
12/02-6 Friday, 16 February Major Challenge #2 - Plane Pull: - While the teams headed to the challenge, Shannon and Michelle were shocked to find the new contestants and got to know each other and are put into their first training session and P'eta breaks down. The major challenge saw the teams pull a 9 tonne plane 150 metres down the tarmac. At the designated stopping points, one team member must run onto the plane and collect their own luggage which contained 10% of their body weight which they must drop off to the end of the track. The winning gets to choose which of the new contestants join their team and get letters from home. The red team chose Michael to sit out. Bob and Jillian joined their teams. Most of the way, the red team were in the lead until one of the ropes got caught underneath a wheel and had to backtrack which gave the blue team the ability to surge ahead and win leaving the red team devastated. N/A
Week 3
13/03-1 Sunday, 18 February The Weigh-in (#2) - The teams return to the house and the blue team chose that P'eta to join their team with Laura heading to the Red team. Bob and Jillian arrive to tell the teams that they are leaving to head back to America leaving the teams upset. Shannan and Michelle have one last chat with their mentors. The teams had a bike race to determine who on the blue team will sit out the weigh-in. P'eta and courtney race against each other and courtney won for the reds. The blue team lost the weigh in and headed to their first elimination. 898,000[17]
14/03-2 Monday, 19 February Elimination (#2): Kelly - The blue team start to form alliances and some try to persuade P'eta to join their side. In the elimination room, alliances are revealed and discussed, Kelly is eliminated. Michael is left upset. Shannan takes his team rock climbing. Michelle is relieved to see all her team safe and takes the team out for a basketball session. 1,155,000[18]
15/03-3 Tuesday, 20 February Minor Challenge (#3): Treadmill endurance - Shannan works on Damien in training. The challenge saw 3 team members having to go on a treadmill and the last person standing would win for their team. The longer they go on, the tougher and faster it would get. Greg wins it for the red team and won his own personal cardio gym from workout world. The red team then had to decide whether they want the commando or not, they decided to accept the commando. N/A
16/03-4 Wednesday, 21 February Temptation (#3): Chocolate - The red team wake up to face the commando and Marty steps up to face off against the commando. Temptation saw the teams being tempted with a chocolate fountain and various food items to dip in the chocolate and eat with the person eating the most winning immnuity and the walk. After a lot of strategy talk, Pati ends up winning immunity. 1,003,000[17]
17/03-5 Thursday, 22 February The Walk (#3): Pati - Shannan and Michelle are debriefed on temptation. P'eta and Laura talk about how they are settling in. The teams speculate on the walk. Laura shares her worried with Michelle. Pati arrives on the walk and is presented with 4 vessels. The stones read: Pati must swap teams and choose a replacement, Pati must choose 2 people to swap teams, a red team members to choose a blue team member to decide which 2 people should swap. She chose that she would have to choose the 2 people to swap. Pati decided to swap Laura for Mel. Shannan is gutted to lose Mel. 1,076,000[17]
18/03-6 Friday, 23 February Major Challenge (#3): Beach assault - The challenge saw the teams had to fill up sandbags and travel through an obstacle course to build them up at the end for one person to reach a handle and set off a flare. The first team to set off their flare would win packages from home whikle the losers would have to give up their trainer til after weigh in.. N/A
Week 4
19/04-1 Sunday, 25 February The Weigh-in (#3) 1,034,000[19]
20/04-2 Monday, 26 February Elimination (#3): Michael 1,111,000[20]
21/04-3 Tuesday, 27 February Minor Challenge (#4): Jump and Duck Obstacle 1,080,000[21]
22/04-4 Wednesday, 28 February Temptation (#4): Sushi Train 1,043,000[19]
23/04-5 Thursday, 1 March The Walk (#4): Munnalita 1,101,000[22]
24/04-6 Friday, 2 March Major Challenge (#4): Moving house N/A
Week 5
25/05-1 Sunday, 4 March The Weigh-in (#4) 915,000[23]
26/05-2 Monday, 5 March Elimination (#4): Gerard 887,000[24]
27/05-3 Tuesday, 6 March Minor Challenge (#4): Heartbreak hill 1,069,000[25]
28/05-4 Wednesday, 7 March Temptation (#5): Food deli 1,034,000[26]
29/05-5 Thursday, 8 March The Walk (#5): Courtney 1,074,000[27]
30/05-6 Friday, 9 March Major Challenge (#5): Basketball match N/A
Week 6
31/06-1 Sunday, 11 March The Weigh-in (#5) 1,115,000[23][28]
32/06-2 Monday, 12 March Elimination (#5): Marty 1,272,000[29]
33/06-3 Tuesday, 13 March The Game So Far 1,177,000[30]
34/06-4 Wednesday, 14 March Minor Challenge (#6): The Power balls Challenge 974,000[31]
35/06-5 Thursday, 15 March Duos Decided 972,000[32]
36/06-6 Friday, 16 March Major Challenge (#6): Hangman Challenge N/A
Week 7
37/07-1 Sunday, 18 March The Weigh-in (#6) 1,220,000[28]
38/07-2 Monday, 19 March Elimination (#6): Double Elimination, Greg & Mel 1,289,000[33]
39/07-3 Tuesday, 20 March The Biggest Twist Thus Far: The Outsiders 1,229,000[34]
40/07-4 Wednesday, 21 March Minor Challenge (#7): Wood Challenge 1,114,000[35]
41/07-5 Thursday, 22 March The Walk (#7): Chris & Kimberlie 1,073,000[36]
42/07-6 Friday, 23 March Major Challenge (#7): Commando Challenge N/A
Week 8
43/08-1 Sunday, 25 March The Weigh-in (#7) 1,290,000[37][38]
44/08-2 Monday, 26 March Elimination (#7): Laura 1,295,000[39]
45/08-3 Tuesday, 27 March Make Overs 1,162,000[40]
46/08-4 Wednesday, 28 March Temptation (#8) 1,229,000[41]
47/08-5 Thursday, 29 March Major Challenge (#8) - bob and jillian's tower climb part A 1,121,000[42]
48/08-6 Friday, 30 March Major Challenge (#8) - bob and jillian's tower climb Part B 1,036,000[43]
Week 9
49/09-1 Sunday, 1 April The Weigh-in (#8) 1,562,000[44][45]
50/09-2 Monday, 2 April Elimination (#8): Marty 1,274,000
51/09-3 Tuesday, 3 April Fly to New Zealand N/A
52/09-4 Wednesday, 4 April Fear Challenges - Part A: Courtney, Kimberlie, Chris N/A
53/09-5 Thursday, 5 April Fear Challenges - Part B: Pati, Munnalita, Damien N/A
54/09-6 Friday, 6 April Super Challenge" - Damien eliminated N/A
Week 10
55/10-1 Sunday, 8 April The Weigh-in: 1,088,000[46]
56/10-2 Monday, 9 April Elimination (#9): Courtney 1,319,000
57/10-3 Tuesday, 10 April Second Chance Challenge: Balance endurance 1,299,000
58/10-4 Wednesday, 11 April Second Chance Temptation: Platters 1,140,000[46]
59/10-5 Thursday, 12 April No I in Team 1,075,000[46]
60/10-6 Friday, 13 April Wildcard Super Challenge: Beach triathlon N/A
Week 11
61/11-1 Sunday, 15 April The Weigh-in (#10) 1,310,000[47]
62/11-2 Monday, 16 April Elimination (#10): Kimberlie 1,302,000[48]
63/11-3 Tuesday, 17 April Train the Trainers 1,186,000[49]
64/11-4 Wednesday, 18 April Final Challenge: Personal beach dig 1,195,000[50]
65/11-5 Thursday, 19 April Final Weigh-in and Elimination (#11) 1,323,000[51]
66/11-6 Friday, 20 April Final Elimination and Going Home (#11): Munnalita 1,126,000[52]
Week 12
67/12-1 Sunday, 22 April Trainer's Choice Award 1,273,000[53]
68/12-2 Thursday, 26 April Season Finale: Contestant Reunion 2,023,000[54]

Season 3: 2008

Ep#/Wk-Ep# Original airdate Episode Title / Event Total viewers
(Free-to-air rounded to nearest 1,000)
Week 1
1/01-1 Sunday, 3 February Season Premiere: - Ajay Rochester welcomes 30 people to the white house where they were joined by Shannon and Michelle. They were then told that they would be put in their first training session and at the end of it Shannon and Michelle would pick 15 to enter the house and the other 15 would be sent home. Tough choices were made with the last one being between a pair of twins which would be separated. The 15 contestants got their white T-shirts and heading into the house and got to call home for one final time while the losing 15, who are eligible to win their own at home prize using the biggest loser online club walked out of the house to fin a surprise waiting for them, the commando. 1,285,000[55]
2/01-2 Monday, 4 February The First Weigh-in: - The commando took the 15 people who didn't make it into the house to the sand dunes and they were told that 4 would be chosen to be part of a secret mission and that one final training session would decide who will make it. At the house, the 15 contestants weighed in for the first time. 1,070,000[56]
3/01-3 Tuesday, 5 February The Warehouse #1 - Seafood / Red meat: - The commando brought the 4 chosen contestants to a hangar where a TV screen and a private jet was waiting for them. A message then came on the screen from Bob and Jillian telling them that they were their trainers and that they would be part of their black team and would be flying to L.A. They get one final call home before they got on the private jet to L.A. At the house, Shannon and Michelle arrive for first training. Shannon takes the boys over their health issues and gives John a health contract and if he breaks it, he would be kicked off the show and Michelle does the same with the girls. Sean and Michael struggle in first training. The contestants then met Ajay in the warehouse where they were 2 crates either side. The contestants had to choose between Seafood and Red meat with the chosen food will be their main core diet for the week and the decision must be made as a group. JJ makes comments which anger the girls especially Sheridan. They chose seafood. The black team arrive in L.A and get into a limo to take them straight to the biggest loser campus where they are greeted by Bob and Jillian. 1,160,000[57]
4/01-4 Wednesday, 6 February Temptation #1 - Last plate standing : - The black team head into their first weigh in. Monica breaks down. Shannon gives John news that his grandson had been born. The contestants entered temptation with a long table of food and stood randomly on a white disc on the platform. If a contestant wants to play, they must eat the lowest calorie food and put their plate on a pile and take the winner's block, the person on the block when time is up wins. They had 45 minutes to play temptation. No one budged so the winner was decided by chance. The person who's disc had immunity on under it would win, this was Kirsten. 1,093,000[58][59]
5/01-5 Thursday, 7 February The Walk #1 - Kirsten - Surprise Elimination - Monica: - Shannon and Michelle walk in and learn of the results of temptation. Michelle focus on JJ and he goes at her leaving him threatening to walk but he and Michelle do talk it out. Shannon talks diet with some of the contestants. Kirsten takes the walk and learns that later on that day, she must eliminate one contestant. In the 5 vessels contained stones with the names of 3 contestants which was done in alphabetical order including Kirsten's name if her name appears, she may eliminate herself. The rock chosen had hers, Michael and Monica's names on it. Kirsten chats with Michael and Monica who are both upset with the situation. She decided to eliminate Monica who was sent home immediately. Meanwhile, the black team headed into their first workout. Steven breaks down. 957,000[60]
6/01-6 Friday, 8 February Major Challenge #1 - The Maze: - The contestants feel the realization post Monica's elimination. Sean gets bad new from the medic. the contestants head to Olympic park where they faced their first challenge wearing white singlets with their name and weight on. Ajay welcomed Shannon and Michelle who would encourage the contestants during the challenge and are shocked of Monica's elimination. The challenge saw the contestants run 800 metres down the straight and enter the stadium where they had to complete one lap before entering a giant maze which had 3 entrances but only one had an exit. The first 2 contestants to exit will get the power to pick their trainer and team-mates. John was ruled out and Sean could only walk. JJ, Cos and Sam were first to enter the maze with Sean being the last. It was Sam and Cosi who exited first with Sam choosing Shannon and Cosi choosing Michelle. To everyone's shock Sean was 3rd out but tendered to his heel injury. 732,000[60]
Week 2
7/02-1 Sunday, 10 February The Weigh-in #1: - Cosi chose JJ, Garry, Nicole, Nicola, Sheridan and Rachel Sam chose Michael, Kirsten, John, Debbie, Alison and Sean. The black team weighed in and Bob has concerns of Steven. The teams head into last chance training with Debbie breaking down. The weigh in sees the red team up first with some low numbers, especially from JJ which angers some of the team. The blue team got much higher results and won the weigh in. 1,151,000[61][62]
8/02-2 Monday, 11 February Elimination #1 - JJ: - The red team splits into groups with the boys making an alliance. The girls are mixed into voting for Rachel or one of the boys. Nicola tells JJ and Cosi that the girls might vote JJ out and go discuss as a team with earlier events of the week being brought up. Rachel says she's fine to go. In the elimination room, the girls stuck together sand JJ was eliminated. 947,959[63]
9/02-3 Tuesday, 12 February The Warehouse #2 - cabbages / canned food: - Michelle is furious after JJ's elimination especially at the girls. While Shannon is thrilled over the blue team's win. All the blue team apart from an ill Sam went to the beach for training. Michelle and Cosi talked about elimination and why he is there. Sean's injury flares up again. Debbie breaks down. The teams head to the warehouse where from now on the biggest loser of the week will be choose what food their team gets leaving the other team with the leftover option. Sean as the biggest loser of the week got the decision. The choices this week were between raw cabbages or canned food with the labels being taken off so it is unknown what lies inside them. He chose the cabbages. Meanwhile, Jillian rums the black team's training and works with Steven and Carrianne. 975,000[63]
10/02-4 Wednesday, 13 February Temptation #2 - The Golden Fork: - Michelle helps the red team through their warehouse choice. Rachel is the focus of training. The teams head to a harbour for temptation. 2 players at a time would sit on either side of the table and presented with food. The first person to grab the golden fork in the middle of the table when the bell is rung, wins the round and must eat the food. Each round last 1 minute. If no one plays then the previous winner will win that round. As previous temptation winner, Kirsten was first and picked her opponent. Nicole lead for a while before being taken over by Debbie then Nicola took over and quickly changed to Sam and Sheridan who took the rest of the course to win immunity. 1,001,000[64]
11/02-5 Thursday, 14 February The Walk #2 - Sheridan: - The red team decide to surprise Nicole on her birthday while the black team does the same for Carrianne. Bob takes the black team for a hike. Michelle goes after Sheridan post temptation. Sean has a turn for the worse. Nicole falls ill. Sheridan takes the walk where this week, it's power over the trainers. One rock had that the blue team would lose their trainer, another says the red team to lose their trainer with the final rock saying that both teams to lose their trainer. In any trainer loss, Sheridan must pick a replacement to become trainer for that team. She chose for the blue team to lose their trainer. Shannon and Michelle check on their teams diet post warehouse. The red team with glee debate who to make the blue team's replacement trainer, making it between Sean and Debbie. Shannon says goodbye to his team. Sheridan chooses Debbie as replacement trainer with John not happy. 926,000[65]
12/02-6 Friday, 15 February Major Challenge #2 - Surf boat race: - Michelle arrives alone and is happy with her team's decision. The blue team have their first training session with Debbie as trainer and some of them aren't happy with her training pattern. While the red team have a basketball training session which brings them together. The contestants arrive at the beach for the challenge which is a surf boat race where each team had to row 800 metres out and the same back which is double a traditional race would be. When back on shore, the teams had to drag their boat 250 metres up the beach and back. The winning team got to choose which of the blue team sat out of the weigh in and letters from home. The teams would be joined by a skipper. The red team took an early lead at the turnaround until their boat turned sideways as they reached the beach sending further down allowing blue to catch up and take the lead with the red team not able to catch up and the blue team won the challenge. 685,000[66]
Week 3
13/03-1 Sunday, 17 February The Weigh-in #2: - The blue team get emotional reading their letters from home. The black team weigh in and are not happy with the low numbers and head straight into trainers and Jillian is worried about Steven. While the red teamwork hard during last chance training, the blue team lose incentive and lack during training. Michelle goes to find the blue team for last chance training only to find them gone as Debbie confronts John and Michael who are caught talking about her. Michelle comforts Debbie. The blue team chose Alison to sit out. The blue team go out strong while the red team produce shocking low numbers sending them to elimination. 1,100,000[67][68]
14/03-2 Monday, 18 February Elimination #2 - Rachel: - The red team are upset from their weigh in loss. Sheridan pleas for Nicole to stay and targets Rachel. Garry is uncertain on his vote. In the elimination room, Rachel was eliminated. 976,000[69]
15/03-3 Tuesday, 19 February The Warehouse #3 - Dine in / Dine out: - some of the contestants are not happy with John's comments. The blue team try and play a trick on Shannon. Michelle is torn over another red loss and turns training in the mud. Michelle has a heart to heart with Garry. Blue and red go head to head in a fun tug of war with red winning. John gets good news but the guidelines still apply. The contestants walk outside where Ajay is waiting as for one night only, a decision must be made. One team will dine in with the other dining out. As Sam was the biggest loser he chose which team got what option. Sam chooses to dine out leaving red to dine in. The dine in option was then revealed as a food truck with good and bad food are presented. The blue team packed an overnight bag and changed into formal wear. The red team struggle with their options from the truck. The blue team are taken to a forest where the Commando shows up for a surprise training session. John had to sit out of most parts of training while Sean struggled the most before sleeping in tents for the night. Michael's not happy after the training session. The black team have their week 3 weigh in, Michelle and Bryce are upset while Carrianne is overjoyed. Steven's number makes him want to walk. 1,104,000[70]
16/03-4 Wednesday, 20 February Temptation #3 - Circus balloons of fate: - The blue team wake up from their night of camping. Shannon waits for his team to arrive. The contestants walked up to temptation facing 3 tables of foods with 3 boards with 24 balloons on each. Contestants would have to eat the food on the table of their choice before throwing a dart at any balloon on the adjacent board. Table 1 cost 50 calories with only 1 immunity under the balloons, table 2 was 500 calories with 2 immunity cards and table 3 had 100 calories with 4 immunity cards. There was other prizes up for grabs. A lucky dip decided the order of play. Kirsten won a watch. By round 4, the 50 calorie table was gone. Round 5 was the final round and if on one got it then Sheridan would get it again. Garry won immunity. 927,000[70]
17/03-5 Thursday, 21 February The Walk #3 - Garry / Steven Walks: - Michelle is angry with Cosi and Garry's temptation partaking. Shannan is not happy with John either. For the black team, Bob makes Steven make a decision and the team is left in tears after he decides to walk making Jillian disappointed. The walk saw Harry face to option that no matter what there will be a team swap. Garry got the power to switch a blue team member to become a red and chose Sam. 1,016,000[70]
18/03-6 Friday, 22 February Major Challenge #3 - Brains vs Braun: - Shannan is devastated after Sam moves to the red team. The teams enter a warehouse where the challenge saw one team member answering calorie questions based on the biggest loser club. If the question is answered correctly then nothing will happen as the other team members will be holding onto a giant metal plate. If the question is answered incorrectly then a 10 kg sand bag would be dropped onto their plate. The first team to drop would lose and get a 3 kg penalty at the weigh in. Debbie and Nicole were the brains. Both teams were starting to struggle. 781,000[70]
Week 4
19/04-1 Sunday, 24 February The Weigh-in #3: - Sean's injury causes him to fall out leading for the blue team to lose giving them a 3 kg penalty. Jillian has a heart to heart with the black team. The blue team feel the strain during last chance training. At the weigh in, the teams were joined by the first time ever by their trainers Shannan and Michelle. The blue team go onto their worst week yet while Sam brings the red team a very low number. While a romance between Sheridan and Michael may be on the cards. The red team smashed blue and won the weigh in sending blue to elimination for the first time. 1,151,000[61][62]
20/04-2 Monday, 25 February Elimination #3 - Debbie: - The red team celebrates their first win. Shannan tries to help his team with their decision. Sean says he wants to go being a burden on the team. Debbie wouldn't mind being eliminated. In the elimination room, Debbie is eliminated. Ajay warns of big things to come. 947,959[63]
21/04-3 Tuesday, 26 February The Warehouse #1 - Japanese / Cold Hard Cash: - Some of the blue team discuss John's antics. When Shannan comes in, apparently Sean has had a meltdown. John feels very protective of Sean. Shannan helps Sean out. Sheridan takes her anger out in training. The teams head to the warehouse where with Cosi as biggest loser, red had power for the first time. The choices were of Japanese food made by a professional chef or $60 per person to buy an entire week's shopping with all essentials. A verbal match occurs with Sean and Cosi. Cosi chose the cash. The red team go shopping. Shannan is happy with the blue team's food option. Cosi gets an important phone call which will change his life forever. The black team have a beach workout and Jillian targets Michelle. 975,000[63]
22/04-4 Wednesday, 27 February Temptation #4 - Blindfold Cinema: - Alison breaks down during training for her children's birthdays. The teams arrive at a cinema for temptation. Ajay announced that immunity was not up for grabs. The contestants sat down and gave a sneak peek of video messages from home. The winner would get to see their full messages from as well as a brand new video camera so they can make their own message to send back home. Each contestant was given a giant bowl of chocolate balls. Wearing blindfolds, the contestants have 20 minutes to eat as much as they wanted. Some eat a few but Sam decides to play a prank on Garry which sends into overdrive and Garry eats 1,274 calories to win temptation which infuriates him. Garry sees his message and gets the power to see whether or not the other contestants get to see their own videos, he chose so. 1,001,000[64]
23/04-5 Thursday, 28 February The Black Team Are Coming: - Shannan is happy over the blue team's temptation decision. Michelle is not happy with Garry taking temptation again and is the concentration in training. While the blue team learned how to cook healthy Japanese food. Garry and Michelle have a heart to heart. Bob spends one on one time with each member of the black team in training. Michael and Sheridan's relationship grows stronger. The teams and trainers were called unexpectedly into the weigh in room. The contestants were shown the leader board to see who the biggest loser so far was. With John and Sean being close behind, Cosi was announced as the current biggest loser. It was also revealed that John cannot win due to his heart. They are then showed a video revealing the black team leaving the room in silence and the trainers in anger with only Nicole being happy that her twin is still in the game. 926,000[65]
24/04-6 Friday, 29 February Major Challenge #4 - Tyres of Hell: - The teams go off and reel over the black team revelation. The teams are told to pack their bags. The teams arrived at the challenge and were told that the losing team would have to eliminate one of their own team members. They were also told that the challenge would only be played by one male and one female from each team. The teams were joined by Shannan and Michelle. The challenge was to move 100 tyres up a very steep hill and throw into a cage. The red team chose Cosi and Nicola while the blue team chose Michael and Kirsten. Both teams were struggling trying different strategies throughout. The red team won leaving the blue team having to eliminate one of their own. 685,000[66]
Week 5
25/05-1 Sunday, 2 March Surprise Elimination - Sean & The Weigh-in #4: - The blue team huddle together and Sean sacrifices himself to go and is eliminated. Bob and Jillian have their final training session with their black team before they return to the white house. At the weigh in, it was decided that Nicole and Sam would sit out. Though the red team got good results, the blue team did better with the girls standing out and Kirsten becoming biggest loser of the week leaving the red team being sent to elimination. The black team say goodbye to Bob and Jillian. 1,151,000[61][62]
26/05-2 Monday, 3 March Elimination #4 - Sheridan: - Sheridan tries to get Cosi voted out. Nicole tells Cosi she wants him gone. Cosi wants Sam gone and tries to convince Nicole. In the elimination room, Sheridan is eliminated. Harsh words are thrown across the elimination room. 947,959[63]
27/05-3 Tuesday, 4 March The Black Team Are Here: - Michael and Alison devastated over Sheridan's elimination. Nicole feels betrayed by her fellow red team member. The blue team talk over Cosi's game playing. Shannan is overjoyed of the blue team's win. The black team head home. John confronts Alison over the rumours that Alison has a problem with him. It is realised that John has broken his medical guidelines. The contestants are woken up first thing to the commando banging on the gates and took them away. Bob and Jillian are given a DVD of clips from eliminated contestants to decide who to replace Steven. They are impressed by all and find it tough to make a decision. The commando take the teams to a small beach where a 120 tonne barge was waiting. John could not take part. The girls are excited when the commando takes his top off. He brings to ropes to shore and the teams must pull the barge to shore. The door then comes down revealing the black team. Nicole and Carrianne are happy to reunite. All 3 teams walk to the house and are met by Ajay and told them that Steven had to be replaced. Bob and Jillian decided for JJ to return. The black team were told that the commando will be their trainer. They were also told that the black team would be immune for the week. The black team get to know the house. JJ and the red boys get back together. Alison, Kirsten and Nicole are not happy as the black team have taken over their bedroom and Michael and Sam gave up their room for the girls. 975,000[63]
28/05-4 Wednesday, 5 March John's Ejected: - JJ learns of the black team's routine. Shannan and Michelle are shocked to see the Black team's arrival but Michelle is happy to see that JJ has been working hard on the outside. Michelle pulls her red team to one side to pull strategy and Shannan does the same for the blue team. The black team have their first training session with the commando. The commando concentrates on Bryce. Shannan has to tell John that because of his guideline breech that he has to leave the house which rocks the blue team. The red team come out to say goodbye to John. John leaves the house.
29/05-5 Thursday, 6 March Secret Ballot - Team Swap: - Shannan tries to work the blue team harder following John's ejection. A present is found for the red and blue teams. When watched, it showed what the teams have really been up to in the kitchen when they thought nobody was looking leaving everybody shocked. Michelle is more angry with the red team than the blue team. The 3 teams were brought out and told that because of the uneven numbers, one member of the red team must be swapped to the blue team. The teams were told that all contestants will vote in a secret ballot. The teams then separated only being allowed to talk to their own team about their decision. The black team wanted for either Cosi or Garry. The blue team want Sam back but Cosi floats about. At the red team, Sam does not mind going back and Cosi pushes for Sam to move. Voting time came in the gazebo and the entire blue team voted Sam. The black team voted for Cosi. Sam won by a vote from 7-4-1 with one member of the red team voting for Nicola. Sam went back to blue. The blue team are overjoyed while the black team were not so happy. The red team talk black team tactics. 926,000[65]
30/05-6 Friday, 7 March Major Challenge #5 - 3 way tug-of-war: - Shannan is over the move that Sam is back in blue. Michelle re-evaluates the red team post Sam swap. The teams arrived at a mud paddock for the first ever 3 way challenge. The teams had to tug against each other to reach their flags 4 times. However, when they got a flag, they had to knock out a member of their own team. The winning team has the power to give someone immunity. Nicole sabotages the red team so that the black team would win and give Nicole immunity. The black team won the first round and knocked Carrianne out. Blue won round 2 and knocked Alison out. Michelle is not happy with JJ. Red won round 3 and sent Nicola out. Round 4 went black and sent Michelle out. Round 5 quickly went blue and sent Kirsten out. Round 6 went red and Nicole was sent out. Round 7 went blue and chose Sam to send out. The red team were struggling as black won round 8 sending JJ out. Round 9 went red and chose Cosi to sit out. 685,000[66]
Week 6
31/06-1 Sunday, 9 March The Weigh-in #5 - Red won the final round giving them the power to assign immunity. The contestants have fun in the mud. Cosi and JJ go at it. The red team gave immunity to Alison. Michelle is pleased with the red team's strategy. Michelle sets last chance training on Nicole. At the weigh in, it is revealed that Alison is adopted and would like to find her birth mother. There was a lot of high numbers but the red team won and ending a tight knit blue team to elimination. 1,100,000[67][68]
32/06-2 Monday, 10 March Elimination #5 - Michael: - The blue team are devastated to send someone home. Alison refused to vote for Kirsten. Michael tells Sam about his promise to Kirsten before the surprise elimination. Sam says he is going to vote for Michael. Alison breaks down. In the elimination room, the entire blue team is in tears as Michael is eliminated. Ajay hints at someone facing a massive dilemma in the days to come. 976,000[69]
33/06-3 Tuesday, 11 March The Warehouse #5 - Cooked / Uncooked: - JJ thinks that the blue team are faking tears. The black team discover their weight loss and JJ wants to go and annoys the rest of the black team. The next morning, it is seen that JJ had jumped over the front wall of the house. Bryce looks for JJ. Michelle is over the moon after the red team won the weigh in. Shannan is gutted post Michael's elimination. With JJ missing, only 3 arrive at the commando's training session and he takes it out on the other 3 members to pick up JJ's slack. Michelle rewards the red team by taking them rock climbing. Nicole is still feeling as the outsider of the red team. JJ returns to the anger of the black team. The black team have a phone call from Bob and Jillian. The original 3 rant about their disgust for JJ leaving Bob and Jillian mad at JJ and try to get his point of view. All 3 teams headed to the warehouse. As Cosi won biggest loser of the week, the red team had power this week. The choice this week was between cooked food with everything must be cooked on the barbecue and all food being in its rawest state. The uncooked option saw non of the food being able to be cooked. Cosi chose the uncooked option leaving the blue and black team with the cooked option. Garry isn't happy with the option. JJ airs his dirty laundry in front of everyone. Ajay hints at a big announcement. 1,104,000[70]
34/06-4 Wednesday, 12 March Temptation #5 - Wheel of temptation: - Michelle is happy with the red teams warehouse decision. The blue team and black team bond together over the food choice and concerns Shannan. JJ and the commando square off at training. Shannan puts his team's weight back on in training. The teams walked up to temptation. The teams were faced with a giant wheel split into 12 sections which contained prizes which include a phone call home and a plasma TV while 5 sections contained food. The final wedge contains a 1 kg penalty at the weigh in. One of the sections contained immunity. If no one takes temptation then the white discs of fate will decide who gets immunity just like in week 1 as immunity must be won. Cosi went first and got a burger with JJ going next and winning immunity to the shock of everyone;. 927,000[70]
35/06-5 Thursday, 13 March The Walk #4 - JJ: - The house reacts to JJ winning immunity. Shannan fits the perfect show for the blue team so that his team will remain injury free and then takes them to a boxing ring before Shannan then puts on the gloves. The blue and black teams learn off each other when cooking. Cosi is missing his meat. JJ heads on the walk leaving the black team worried with him having immunity. JJ arrives at the walk to only one giant vessel; inside was a briefcase with $50,000 cash. It is revealed that the person who becomes the biggest loser of the week will get a chance to win the money. The teams split up to discuss the $50,000 reveal 1,016,000[70]
36/06-6 Friday, 14 March Major Challenge #6 - Water Polo: - Shannan and Michelle are intrigued about the $50,000 twist. The teams walk into a leisure centre pool for the challenge. The prize for the challenge was to decide who from the red and black team would sit out of the weigh in and therefore not be eligible for the $50,000. The challenge was the biggest loser version of water polo (in which Kirsten used to be part of the national team). In each round, one member of each team must go and get a communal 5 kg medicine ball score in their team goal would get a point. The first team to 5 points would win. To even up the teams, Nicole and Carrianne sat out. Kirsten lead round 1 but Bryce took charge but with all the goals being the same colour when under the water, he scored for the blue team giving blue one point. Round 2 got a bit heated with JJ getting fouled with Sam scoring getting the blue team a 2-point lead. Round 3 sore black gain a point. Round 4 saw another blue score giving blue having 3 points. Round 5 saw another blue score giving them 4 points. 781,000[70]
Week 7
37/07-1 Sunday, 16 March The $50,000 Weigh-in #6: - Round 6 saw Alison score leading to a blue win. The red team have a backpack last chance training. JJ and the commando face off again. Alison collapses during training. At the weigh in, the blue team decided that Cosi and Bryce would sit out of the weigh in. After the blue team weighed in, Alison held the title of biggest loser. The red team got low numbers and nothing changed. Michelle was the last to weigh in and beat Alison making Michelle the biggest loser of the week. The red team lost the weigh in and must go to elimination. Michelle was told that if she wants the $50,000 then she must leave the game forever with no chance of return. It was also revealed that the $50,000 would come out of the $200,000 grand prize. 1,151,000[61][62]
38/07-2 Monday, 17 March Elimination #6 - Nicole: - Michelle thinks over her $50,000 dilemma. Nicole feels vulnerable in her team and believes that a hung vote would be the only way to save her as the blue team would then decide who would go. Garry struggles going to elimination. Nicole and Carrianne talk over elimination. Nicole tries to say Garry that Cosi is the bigger threat and that he should go which leaves Garry torn. In the elimination room, the alliance stuck together and Nicole was eliminated. 947,959[63]
39/07-3 Tuesday, 18 March The Warehouse #6 - Green food/White food/ Red food: - Carrianne is upset over Nicole's elimination and goes out to say her final goodbye to Nicole before she leaves. Michelle is shocked over another red team weigh in loss. Shannan is overjoyed of another blue win. JJ fell ill and missed training which upset the commando. Carrianne focuses her training on beating the red team. Michelle finds a note to walk to the gazebo where her Mum was waiting for her to chat about her upcoming decision. Michelle works hard on the red team. The teams headed to the warehouse fir the final time. The teams were surprised to find 3 crates instead of the usual 2. The choices were green, white and red food. With Michelle being biggest loser, the black team had power. JJ and Bryce have at it. The black team decided to have the white food and give the blue team the red food leaving the red team to have green food which infuriates them. Michelle is trying to see the positive for her red team. 975,000[63]
40/07-4 Wednesday, 19 March Michelle's $50,000 decision / JJ Walks: - JJ packs his bags and walks in the middle of the house without saying goodbye which leave some overjoyed but Cosi is left upset. The red team discuss Michelle's decision. Michelle chats to Bob about her decision who tells her to take the money. All the contestants are called to the weigh in room for Michelle's decision. Michele decides to decline the offer and stay in the house which angers Cosi. 1,001,000[64]
41/07-5 Thursday, 20 March The Burgen Bread Mini-challenge: - Shannan is shocked by Michelle's decision and JJ's departure. The commando is happy to see Michelle stay and is the focus in training. Shannan and Michelle host a mini challenge with burgen bread (one of the show's sponsors). Using the coloured food which they got from the warehouse, the team must create the lowest calorie sandwich from the ingredients. They must use 5 ingredients with one must being a meat or meat substitute. The blue team won the challenge and got a 10-minute phone call home. The red and black teams came 2nd and 3rd respectively and got a 5-minute phone call home. 926,000[65]
42/07-6 Friday, 21 March Major Challenge #7: Chin up : - Michelle has a one on one with Cosi in training. Shannan focus how to build up the cracks in the blue team. Alison feels guilty about leaving her kids. Sam doesn't feel he can compete with Cosi and Bryce. The teams walked to the front of the house for the challenge. The challenge saw each team have to complete as many assisted chin ups as possible with 2 other team members doing the lifting. The chin must go above the bar and when going back down the arms must be at least to a 90 degree angle. The team which wins gets the power to assign immunity to someone. After round 1, the red team got 260. Garry fells unsure in his team. The black team got 138 and the blue team got 133 after round 1. However, there was a twist. Round 2 saw the arms having to be fully stretched. The teams were then told to approach a poker table full of chips in their team colour where they had to bet on how many chin ups they could do with the new rule in force. Sam's betting antics sends Alison in distress at 43 chin ups. 685,000[66]
Week 8
43/08-1 Sunday, 23 March The Weigh-in #7: - The blue team go up with their 43 chin ups and to everyone's surprise, they succeeded and won the challenge. The blue team gave immunity to Garry who is shocked to get it. Shannan is stocked of the another blue win. Michelle works on Garry during last chance training. At the weigh in, the red team start with good numbers. Cosi reveals that he didn't follow all of the warehouse rules. The blue team get good numbers but not enough to beat the red team while the black team got low numbers sending them to elimination. 1,100,000[67][68]
44/08-2 Monday, 24 March Elimination #7 - Carrianne:Bryce wants to vote Carrianne out. Michelle tells Carrianne to vote for her. Cosi tries to convince Michelle to vote out Bryce. In the elimination room, Carrianne is eliminated leaving Michelle in tears. Ajay hints that what goes around comes around and that a major curve ball is on the way. 976,000[69]
45/08-3 Tuesday, 25 March Welcome to singles: - Cosi is not happy with Michelle's decision to vote for Carrianne. The red team play a prank on Michelle. The black team tries to build the black team back together in their final training session with him. Alison teaches Sam how to cook. The teams are called to the weigh in room and are told that they are now in singles. They are shown the leader board and Cosi is still currently the biggest loser. Ajay hints at a major surprise on its way. Bryce and Cosi chat one on one to settle their differences. The contestants change into new different colour T-shirts. Michelle, Bryce, Nicola and Cosi take in the past success stories such as Adro and Damien in the trophy room. The girls challenge Kirsten against Cosi at a rowing match to which Cosi closely wins. 1,104,000[70]
46/08-4 Wednesday, 26 March Temptation #6 - The Breakfast Bar: - Shannan and Michelle are shocked to see that singles have come into play this early. Michelle and Bryce have a chat to Bob and Jillian. Shannan takes the boys to a yoga session to which some of them are not impressed by. Bryce opens up about why he is here and talks of a family tragedy. The contestants walk into temptation facing 8 breakfast meals placed on a breakfast bar. Te winner will win immunity. The person who eats the highest calorie plat would win however, a fellow competitor would choose what food they will be faced with. Garry went first and gave Michelle a bowl of yoghurt. Kirsten gives Cosi a bowl of melon. Cosi gives Garry the big breakfast. Nicola gave Kirsten the toast with Nutella. Bryce gave Alison the pancakes. Michelle gave Sam the cereal. Sam gave Nicola a muffin leaving Alison to give Bryce pastries. Then dividers came down so that the contestants could not see each other. The contestants had 10 minutes to eat their food. Alison attempted but felt sick so didn't win. Michelle ate and Garry didn't eat to the shock of the other contestants giving Michelle immunity. 927,000[70]
47/08-5 Thursday, 27 March Loser Legends Arrive: - The contestants walk out to the front of the house where Ajay was awaiting where she told them that new houseguests were arriving for the next 24 hours. A stretched hummer arrives and out comes some of the most memorable contestants from the previous 2 seasons. From Season 1 was Wal, Kristie, Tracy and winner Adro. From Season 2 was Munnalita, Damien, Courtney and Pati. The contestants and the legends sit down for a chat. The legends take a trip around the house and look down memory lane. Shannan and Michelle are pleased to see the legends. The legends and contestants get straight into training. The girls shave a chat about nutrition and importance of girl power. Adro tells Cosi the secret to success. The contestants have to partner up with a loser legend in a boy-girl duo for the challenge. Nicola chooses Wal. Alison chooses Damien. Kirsten chooses Courtney leaving Michelle with Adro. Cosi chooses Munnalita. Bryce chooses Kristie. Sam chooses Tracy leaving Garry with Pati. 1,016,000[70]
48/08-6 Friday, 28 March Major Challenge #8 - Bus Pull: - The contestants workout with their legend team-mate. The contestants and legends arrived at a challenge to find a long strip of road divided into 2 lanes. The challenge was in their teams of 2 to pull a 9 tonne bus 100 metres down the road. The challenge would be in heats with the winners would have to pull at least 3 times. The contestant on the winning team would win a 2 kg advantage at the weigh in. The contestants randomly drew which heat they would be in. Heat 1 was Sam / Tracy & Bryce / Kristie with Sam & Tracy winning. Heat 2 was Damien / Alison & Courtney / Kirsten with Damien & Alison winning. Heat 3 was Cosi / Munnalita & Garry / Pati with Garry & Pati winning. Heat 4 was Wal / Nicola & Michelle / Adro with Adro & Michelle winning. Semi-final 1 was Sam / Traci & Alison / Damien with Alison & Damien winning. Semi final 2 saw Garry / Pati & Michelle / Adro with Garry & Pati winning. 781,000[70]
Week 9
49/09-1 Sunday, 30 March The Weigh-in #8: - The final saw the buses having to be pulled 400 metres. The final was between Alison / Damien & Garry / Pati with Garry & Pati winning and giving Garry a 2 kg advantage. The Loser Legends leave. Bryce and Michelle get a phone call from Bob and Jillian not realising that they are actually walking up to the house and surprise the contestants and are surprised by the laziness of some of the contestants. Jillian is shocked by how tall Garry is. Bob thinks that Cosi is a crew member. Bob and Jillian watch Bryce and Michelle's audition tapes. Bob and Jillian start training with Bryce and Michelle. Shannan and Michelle group up the remaining 6 contestants and train as a team. At the weigh in, Cosi celebrates getting under 100 kg in a unique way. It ends with Nicola and Alison facing elimination. 1,151,000[61][62]
50/09-2 Monday, 31 March Elimination #8 - Nicola: - The trainers are waiting for the contestants after the weigh in and a sadness falls upon the room. The former red team talk with the former black team into trying to vote Alison out. In the elimination room, Nicola is eliminated. Cosi once again is not happy but Michelle fights back. 947,959[63]
51/09-3 Tuesday, 1 April Makeover Special: - Cosi is still not happy post elimination. Jillian is annoyed with Bryce in wearing pastel T-shirts. Michelle starts crying and tells Bob about her and Cosi's showdown in the elimination room. Jillian wanted Bryce to crack in training and opens up to Jillian. The contestants are thrilled to find out that makeover time had come and were sent to a hair salon before getting new clothes. The contestants then strutted their stuff down a catwalk before being surprised with being reunited with a loved one. 975,000[63]
52/09-4 Wednesday, 2 April Temptation #7 - Snap!: - When Shannan and Michelle arrive, Cosi is watching TV which was the ultrasound of his upcoming baby. Cosi and Garry have a boxing training session. The contestants walk out to the front of the house and to temptation playing for immunity and the walk. The game was to play Snap. Each round would have a food item revealed then the dealer will deal the cards and the first contestant to snap must eat the food then knock out one other contestant from the challenge, the last one standing wins. Cosi won round 1 and knocked out Bryce, Cosi wins round 2 and sends Sam out. Garry won round 3 having to eat lamb's brains and knocked out Kirsten. Cosi won round 4 and sent Michelle out. Cosi won round 5 having to eat 3 fish eyes and knocking out Alison. Garry won the final round and got immunity and the walk. 1,001,000[64]
53/09-5 Thursday, 3 April The Walk #5 - Garry: - After losing temptation, Cosi goes on a food binge. Shannan and Michelle has a go at Garry for eating the remainder of the lamb's brains. Cosi tells Michelle about his binge. Cosi breaks down and is thinking about walking. The trainers take the contestants to a small beach for training and an ocean race has Kirsten impressing Bob and Jillian. Shannan and Michelle went against Bob and Jillian in a beach volleyball match in which Shannan and Michelle won. Garry goes on the walk where he is faced with 2 vessels. The first stone says swap your weight loss with a male opponent and the other says swap your weight loss with a female opponent. He chose the latter option. If the opponent he has chosen gains weight then he would be stripped of immunity. In a twist, he has to keep this a secret until weigh in. Garry returns and tries to sneak in and places his rock under his bed but is caught by Alison and Kirsten. Garry tells the others that he has to keep it a secret which really makes Michelle angry. The girls try to pressure the secret out of him. Cosi phones home to help him build his confidence back up. 926,000[65]
54/09-6 Friday, 4 April Major Challenge #9 - 7 deadly Tonnes: - Shannan is pleased with his former blue teams diet. The contestants arrived at a playing field for the challenge. They were told that each would be assigned a tonne by random draw and move the tonne down the field. The winner would get a plasma TV however, the person who comes last must weigh in immediately once the challenge finishes. The contestants were told that if they had finished, they were allowed to help another contestant. Alison had to move a tonne of bricks, Kirsten had to move a tonne of sand bags, Sam had to move a tonne of steel poles, Bryce had to move a tonne of tyres, Michelle had to move a tonne of wooden logs, Cosi had to move a tonne of water bottles/jugs and Garry had to move a tonne of weights/weight plates/dumbbells. Cosi won with Garry seconds behind him. Garry goes to help Alison and Cosi goes to help Kirsten. Bryce finishes next and helps Michelle. Kirsten finishes next and helps Alison who then finishes as Alison goes to help Sam. 685,000[66]
Week 10
55/10-1 Sunday, 6 April The Weigh-in #9: - Alison's help leads to Sam finishing leaving Michelle to come last and having to weigh in immediately which leaves her angry and breaks down. Bob concentrates on Bryce in last chance training. Garry gets to reveal his walk secret leaving the girls not happy. At the weigh in, Garry chooses to swap his weight with Kirsten. Kirsten gets a safe number while Harry shockingly puts on weight which sends him into tears. Alison loses a small number leaving her in tears with the possibility of facing elimination against her best friend Kirsten. Bryce pulls a small number which puts him below the yellow line and leaves Michelle in tears and 100g shy of his target weight. 1,244,000[71]
56/10-2 Monday, 7 April Elimination #9 - Bryce: - Kirsten is angry from the weight swap to the point where Garry has to ;leave the room. Kirsten talks to Garry on where his head is at with the vote. Michelle talks to Cosi to try and persuade him to keep Bryce. In the elimination room, Bryce is eliminated. 1,222,000[71] Bryce gives Sam his watch before he leaves. Ajay hints at big things to come.
57/10-3 Tuesday, 8 April Heading to Hawaii: - The contestants wake up to find a note and plane tickets in which they find out this week they are off to Hawaii. Garry breaks a table. The girls worry about what they are going to wear and what fears they might be facing. The contestants worry about a twist. The trainers greet the contestants at the Hawaiian resort. Bob and Jillian are shocked to see Bryce gone. The trainers tell the contestants that they are about to take a mountain hike where they will put all the weight that they lost back on. At specific gates, they would put the weight that they lsto back on. 1,328,945[71]
58/10-4 Wednesday, 9 April Face your Fears - Part 1 - Kirsten, Garry & Cosi: - Garry is told that he will have to climb a steep mountain rock face to which he completes. Kirsten is told that she would have to para glide off a mountain to which she completes. Cosi is told that he will have to jump 10 metres off a cliff into the ocean to which he does hesitate but eventually complete. 1,050,000[71]
59/10-5 Thursday, 10 April Face your Fears - Part 2 - Sam, Michelle & Alison: - Sam is told that he would have to be put in a cage (later outside of the cage) and go underwater to swim with sharks (his greatest fear) and though scared he completes the task. Michelle is told that she would have to fly and take control of an engine-less plane to which she completed. Alison was told that she would have to jump off a cliff at 30 feet into the ocean and though hesitates she completes. Michelle and Jillian take the girls for a fun training session in the ocean. Bob and Jillian give Michelle a parting gift before they say goodbye for good. Shannan and Michelle give the rest of the contestants gifts before they leave. Shannan and Michelle tell the contestants that they will face a super challenge. 1,146,000[71]
60/10-6 Friday, 11 April The Hawaii Super Challenge: - The contestants walk up to a mountainside where Ajay was waiting. The super challenge is a race with the contestant coming last will be eliminated. First they will have to run 500 metres across the mountainside then mountain bike 4 km then they must kayak around Chinaman's hat island which cover 3 km before reaching the secret island. After one final run to the finish line, the actual test comes into play; they would be faced with 6 food/drink items. They had to pick the item which they believed to have the lowest calories and the items are on a first come first served basis. The contestant with the highest calorie item would be eliminated. Instant;y, Cosi was leading with Garry and Alison coming at the back. Garry suffered major bike issues then fell out of the kayak putting him into last place. Cosi won followed by Sam, Kirsten, Michelle, Alison and then Garry.
Week 11
61/11-1 Sunday, 13 April Surprise Elimination - Michelle / The Weigh-in #10: - Thought he race was over it was all about calories: Cosi won followed by Kirsten, Alison and Garry who was to much relief. It was then revealed that Michelle had the highest calories and was eliminated and a traditional boat took her away. The contestants arrive back at the white house. The former blue team discuss weigh in tactics. The contestants fill Shannan and Michelle in on the super challenge. It is revealed that Cosi has been tempting other contestants secretly with nuts which at the weigh in is revealed that Sam takes. Sam puts full fat chocolate topping into the low fat bottle so it will impact on Cosi's pre-weigh in shake. At the weigh in, Garry's huge loss upsets the girls. As the weigh in goes on and Ajay continually mentioning dirty tactics has everyone scrambling for answers. Cosi reveals he had a bigger pre-weigh in shake than usual which makes Sam feel guilty. Cosi and Sam fell below the yellow line and faced elimination. 1,208,000[72]
62/11-2 Monday, 14 April Elimination #10 - Cosi: - Cosi campaigns to Kirsten to vote Sam out. In the elimination room, Cosi is eliminated. Before Cosi leaves, Sam admits that he put the full fat topping into the diet topping which Kirsten uses. Ajay hints at another bombshell on the way. 1,206,000[72]
63/11-3 Tuesday, 15 April Eliminated Contestants Return: - Michelle is gutted to see Cosi gone. Michelle is shocked by Garry's result. Shannan is overjoyed that 3 former blue team were in the final 4. Sam confesses to Shannan about his topping prank. The contestants walk out the front of the house to find full length pictures of themselves from day one. In front of them was their weight lost in their favourite food: Alison was mashed potato, Kirsten's was chocolate, Sam's was pizza and Garry's was chicken burgers. The pictures then lifted up and a curtain dropped revealing the eliminated contestants. Ir was revealed that 2 eliminated contestants would be returning making the final 4 peeved. All the contestants got to reunite. The final 4 huddle together to talk strategy and the changes in some of the eliminated contestants. Sean gets emotional. All contestants went into the weigh in room as the eliminated contestants weighed in and some shock results make everyone rethink the game. 1,360,000[72]
64/11-4 Wednesday, 16 April Temptation #8: The Eliminated Decide: - The eliminated contestants wake up to their first morning back in the house. Shannan and Michelle are surprised to the see the eliminated contestants back and are particularly proud of Sean. Shannan think Bryce is the biggest eliminated threat. All the contestants walked into temptation where only the final 4 were told to be playing. It was told they would be served plates of food with the person eating the least calories in each round being knocked out with the last one standing will win a 1 kg advantage. In a twist, the eliminated contestants would decide on what dishes each would be served. If no one eats then the eliminated contestants decide who gets the advantage. The eliminated contestants were then sequestered in a separate room to make the decisions. The eliminated decided that Sam would get the advantage and sway the food in his favour. The eliminated contestants could watch on a TV. Kirsten, Alison and Sam ate and everybody was shocked by Garry not taking part. Round 2 saw Sam and Kirsten eat knocking Alison out. Round 3 saw both Sam and Kirsten refuse leaving the eliminated contestants to decide who gets the 1 kg advantage, they chose Sam. 1,143,000[72]
65/11-5 Thursday, 17 April Major Challenge #10 - Stacks On: - Shannan and Michelle are filled in on temptation. Shannan trains the final 4. Garry and Kirsten reach new heights. Michelle trains the eliminated contestants in a basketball session. Monica is severely injured. The contestants walked to the front lawn to the elimination contestant challenge and due to Monica's injury, she was ruled out. They were told that 6 of them will progressed. The challenge saw the contestants hold a barbell on their shoulders and one by one nominate another contestant to 10 kg weights. If they step off or drop the weights, they are out. They were told that out of the final 6, Shannan and Michelle would pick 2 to create a trio as part of an upcoming super challenge. The twins are targeted quickly as well as Rachel and Cosi. Nicole was first out and breaks down. Round 2 saw massive piles ups on Cosi. Round 3 saw Debbie out. Sean then is started to pile up. Round 4 saw Carrianne next out. Round 5 saw Sean and Rachel drop. Michael breaks down over his pick for Sean. The 6 who have been knocked out leave the house forever. Michelle chose Nicola and Cosi to be in her trio and Shannan chooses Michael and Sheridan to be part of his trio. Bryce and Michelle were not selected and were told that their trainer for the challenge would be the commando. 1,274,000[72]
66/11-6 Friday, 18 April Eliminated Contestants Super Challenge: - The final 4 are left to train by themselves and are not happy that 2 will be returning. The trios headed to the sand dunes for the super challenge with the winning trio will return to the competition. The trainers would participate in the challenge. The trio must release a flag and need 11 hay bales to reach the flag to win and must run 30 metres at the bottom of the dune as well as dig under bars climb over walls and up the second dune to the top of the 2nd dune with the hay bales which weigh 15 kg each. Each trio will be tied together. The commando's trio was in the lead with the other trios very close behind. 1,045,000[72]
Week 12
67/12-1 Sunday, 20 April The Weigh-in #11: - The commando's trio won so Bryce and Michelle were back into the game. The final 4 are not happy with their return and group together and talk tactics. Alison gets a phone call home for her birthday. The commando puts the former black team members through last chance training. Nichelle works on Garry. At the weigh in, Kirsten and Bryce exchange words. Kirsten and Michelle are facing elimination. 1,315,000[73]
68/12-2 Monday, 21 April Elimination #11 - Michelle: - Bryce and Kirsten go at it again. Michelle tries to sway Sam to vote for Kirsten and does the same to Garry. Kirsten double checks with Sam on where he stands. In the elimination room, Michelle is Re-eliminated. Ajay hints to the ultimate surprise which may lead to an elimination. 1,225,000[73]
69/12-3 Tuesday, 22 April Train the Trainers / Dream Outfits: - Bryce feels the most vulnerable in the house and gets a call from Bob. The contestants find out that it is train the trainers day and Shannan and Michelle are put through hell. The contestants are then put in training themselves. The contestants are shown their audition tapes. The contestants then get to put on and show off their dream outfits. 1,373,000[73]
70/12-4 Wednesday, 23 April Temptation #9 - Last Plate Standing: - Shannan wants to train his blue team to their physical max and has them box against him. The contestants walk into temptation and a familiar setting, it is exactly the same temptation that they took part in in week 1. They were given 10 minutes to take part with a table of food in front of them ranging from a small chocolate to a burger. If they eat, they must put the plate on the centre podium on the table. The contestants plate at the top of the pile once time's up would win. If no one took temptation, as before, when they entered they stood on white discs, under one of them is the prize. They were playing for ultimate immunity - a guaranteed place in the final 3. No one took temptation and so it was down to luck and Alison won ultimate immunity but must also face the walk. 1,230,000[73]
71/12-5 Thursday, 24 April The Walk #6 - Alison: - Shannan and Michelle are surprised that no one took temptation. Shannan concentrates on Sam in training. Alison takes the final walk where she cross the bridge and find Ajay not waiting for her and also one big vessel was waiting for her. The remaining 4 are worried that their will be an elimination. After waiting for some time, she decides to look in the vessel and the stone reads that her immunity was in danger and she should return to the house. At the house, Ajay was waiting as well as the other contestants. Alison is told that she is about to be made an offer, she was offered $34,000 (as she had lost 34% of her body weight). She is told that if she takes the money that she must leave the game immediately. She had to minutes to think about it and she decided not to accept the offer. It was then told that the other 4 contestants will be made the same offer based upon percentage of weight loss: Garry was offered $31,000, Sam was offered $35,000, Bryce was offered $32,000 and Kirsten was offered $35,000. The 4 contestants have one hour to decide, if they decide to take the offer, they must hit the gong and leave the competition immediately. In the trophy room was clips of the past finales. 1,153,000[73]
72/12-6 Friday, 25 April Cash Temptation / Bryce Walks: - After watching the clips, Bryce goes out and hits the gong. Bryce takes his $32,000 and leaves the game immediately. The final 4 read letters to themselves which they made before entering the house. Shannan and Michelle put the contestants through their final training session in the dead of night. 1,133,000[73]
Week 13
73/13-1 Sunday, 27 April The Weigh-in #12 and Elimination #12 - Garry: - The contestants walk into their final weigh in and with Alison's immunity, Kirsten and Garry fall below the yellow line and face elimination. Garry takes time out knowing that the former blue team will stick together. Garry tries to get Sam to vote for Kirsten after he saved him a few weeks before. Sam feels conflicted. In the elimination room, Garry is eliminated. The former blue team are ecstatic that what they had hoped to achieve had actually happened. The final 3 wake up to the final day in the house and wear new ordinary clothes really for the first time. Michelle is gutted to see Garry gone. Shannan and Michelle say goodbye to the final 3. 3 limos appear to take the final 3 home. The final 3 say goodbye to each other. The final 3 return home. 1,561,000[74]
74/13-2 Thursday, 1 May Grand Finale: - The finale begins with the former blue (not those in the final 3) on stage including John. Sean reveals that recent tests have shown no trace of diabetes ever existed. John's heart is at the best it has ever been. Monica then came out as the only contestant not on any team. The red team then came out (JJ did not attend). The 11 players who didn't make it into the house were playing for a $10,000 prize with the winner being Craig. The 4 original black team members then came on stage. Bryce reveals that he has taken part in a triathlon. The commando comes on stage. Bob and Jillian webcam in from L.A. Shannan and Michelle come on stage. The eliminated contestants weigh in. John, Bryce and Steven are not eligible. After the black team weigh in, Carrianne was in the lead. After the red team weighed in, the lead changed to Nicole, Cosi, Garry then Sheridan. The Monica and the blue team weigh in and Sean's massive weight loss sees Sean win the $30,000 at home prize. The final 3 then weighed in and Sam was announced as the biggest loser 2008. Then all of the contestants got onto one massive scale for a group weigh in. 1,896,000[74]

Season 4: 2009

The fourth season started off with a peak of 1.7 million viewers and averaged 1.2 million over the premiere episode. The finale night scored 1.7 million, beating Underbelly's: A Tale Of Two Cities, with a successful finish of 2 million viewers when the winner was announced.

Ep#/Wk-Ep# Original air date Episode title / Event Total viewers
(Free-to-air rounded to nearest 1,000)
Week 1
1/01-1 Sunday, 1 February Season Premiere - Welcome to Fitzroy Island – The couples arrive at a beach in northern Queensland where Ajay awaits and tells them that their journey will begin on a boat. During the boat ride, Bob is given a letter which reads that one member of each couple will have to row a traditional boat to the Fitzroy Island. When those who stayed on the boat arrived at shore, they were greeted by the commando who put them in their paces. Sammy gets sea sick. Tania struggles with the commando. The couples then walked through the forest to their resort. The couples check out their suites. The contestants were then blindfolded and taken to their last supper. All the contestants favourite meals were then brought out. In a surprising turn of events, the contestants placed all their favourite foods into the bin as they start their new journey. Shannan and Michelle arrived on jet skis and commended the couples on their decision to throw away the food. Shannan and Michelle get to know the couples. The contestants head into the weigh in. 1,156,000,[75]
2/01-2 Monday, 2 February The First Weigh in – Sammy is upset that Cameron blames himself for her weight gain. Jodi breaks down and feels like a bad mother. Jeda opens up about the struggles that her and Jodi went through with the birth of their children. Nathan and Andrew break down over Nathan not being a good role model to his younger brother. The weigh in continues to be emotional for all. 923,000[75]
3/01-3 Tuesday, 3 February The Warehouse #1 (Island Edition) - Chicken / Eggs: - The contestants woke up to their first training session and the sisters lack of effort annoy Michelle and the other contestants. Jeda and Shannan find something in common and had a heart to heart. Amanda breaks down. Shannan and Michelle split the contestant into 2 groups with one member of each couple in each group with the contestants thinking that the blue and red teams had been selected. The contestants were overjoyed to find out that the teams were the couples they came with. 5 couples would be training with Shannan while the other 5 would train with Michelle. The contestants meet Shannan and Michelle around a bonfire to burn any old clothes / items which symbolise their old life. The next day, the contestants met Ajay at a pier and told them that they were about to make a decision at the warehouse: island edition. A boat appeared and dork lift brought 2 crates from the boat and down to the end of the pier. The contestants opened the crates to find one with chicken and the other with eggs. They decided the eggs. Each couple talks about how shocking that all teams came to an agreement with no argument. Nathan and Andrew talk strategy. 1,019,000[75]
4/01-4 Wednesday, 4 February Temptation #1 - Race to the Platters – Shannan and Michelle are told of the warehouse decision. Ben's blood sugar level has dropped. Amanda breaks down and beats her own challenge. The couples walk to temptation where they are presented with a table of six platters on a table down the field. The first person to get to the platter that hold immunity. The other five platters contain food ranging from 80 to 2019 calories. If someone eats, then each member of the couple must eat. At the start, the couples solidified with some linking arms not to go. One by one, the platters will be taken away from highest to lowest calories until someone wins immunity. Nathan and Andrew's quiet talks make other couples suspicious. Holly has a feeling that people want her out. When two platters remain, Andrew and Nathan go for it and win immunity and the walk. 867,000[76]
5/01-5 Thursday, 5 February The Walk #1 - Andrew & Nathan: Andrew and Nathan head on the walk. Shannan and Michelle learn of the events of temptation. All Michelle's teams are shocked when Michelle is fine with Nathan and Andrew's decision. With Ben having low blood sugar, Sean is the focus of training for Shannan's teams. Shannan is impressed with how the teams are coping with their diets. At the walk, Andrew and Nathan walk through the forest to Ajay and two vessels. Nathan is told to reach into the first vessel which contained a golden dollar bracelet which if the winner is wearing at finale then they will get $400,0000 (double the usual prize money). Andrew then was told to reach into the other vessel where a silver nothing bracelet was taken out. If the winner at finale is wearing this bracelet, then the winner will not win any prize money. They were told that they could not keep the bracelets and must give to any other contestants of their choice. They were also told that they will always be in play and that if the player holding the bracelet is eliminated then they must pass it on to someone else before they leave. The contestants are shocked from what happened on the walk. The nothing bracelet is given to Meaghan and the double bracelet is given to Holly. 923,000[77]
6/01-6 Friday, 6 February Challenge #1 - Bucket loads of trouble – Shannan and Michelle are shocked by the bracelet twist. The couples get into a late-night training session. The contestants arrive at the challenge where the prize was revealed to be a 3 kg advantage at the weigh-in. The coups are then divided into the strongest and the fastest. The challenge is for the strongest to stand on a block of wood while holding a wooden bar across their shoulders with two 30-litre buckets on either end. The fastest will run and collect water in bags from behind a line in the ocean and put it in any bucket of any couple of their choice. The more water in the buckets, the harder to balance on the block. If they fall off or drop their buckets, then they are out, the last one standing wins. Yellow were quick targets and were quickly out. Sharif and Ramses was next to be targeted. An injured Ramses was next out. Bob was next to be targeted and was 3rd out. Sammy was next targeted but Ben was next out. Sharif was 5th out. Amanda was next out followed by Sammy. Meaghan was targeted next with people was shocked Jeda was not given much water. Meaghan was next out. 814,000[75]
Week 2
7/02-1 Sunday, 8 February Weigh-in #1: - Jeda drops, giving Andrew and Nathan the win. Jodi and Jeda are not happy with Cameron's comments in the challenge. Sammy fights back. Sammy and Tania struggles during last chance training. At the weigh in, Nathan and Andrew give their 3 kg advantage to Jodi and Jeda which leave those in their training group on their tactics. Holly breaks down as Mel is asked about her forgiveness to Holly bullying her when they were younger. Bob is the biggest loser of the week. Holly & Mel and Tania & Ramses fall below the yellow line and face elimination. 840,000[78]
8/02-2 Monday, 9 February Elimination #1 - Ramses & Tania: - The couples gather and debate whom they are going to vote for. Tania and Ramses try and persuade Teresa and Sharif. Nathan and Andrew try to console Holly and Mel. In the elimination room, Tania and Ramses are eliminated. 865,000[78]
9/02-3 Tuesday, 10 February Challenge #2 - Race to Camp Biggest Loser: - Holly breaks down post elimination save but the couples aren't forgiving just yet. The couples are told to pack their bags and meet Ajay on the beach. The couples were told that they were about to head home, but not to the on they think. The challenge was a 2,500 km race across the country from Fitzroy island to Sydney. They were told that the first couple to arrive would be given immunity. They were told that part 1 of the challenge would see them getting into paddle boats and rowing to one of four modes of transportation to the mainland: speedboat, sea plane and fishing boat which can hold two couples and a sailing boat which can hold three couples and won't leave till they are full. It would then be a 3 km race to the airport. Each couples must carry a bag of sand which has an impact to the couple who come in last. Yellow and Aqua got to the sea plane first. Green and Blue took the fishing boat next. Grey, pink and red took the sailing boat leaving purple and orange on the speedboat. Green and blue had to go back and get their maps. Aqua and yellow were first to the airport. Green, blue, pink, grey, red, orange and purple in last. When teams arrived in Sydney, they were staggered in the order they arrived at the airport with Aqua going first. Outside Sydney airport was a table with a map and 2 train passes, 2 bus passes, 2 ferry passes, $20 cash and a sign saying "Manly or bust". Aqua went for "Manly or bust" while yellow went for a bus pass but asked for money to get a train instead. . Green took the ferry pass. Blue took a bus pass. Pink too a train pass. Grey took the train pass. Red took the $20. 979,000[79]
10/02-4 Wednesday, 11 February Welcome to Camp Biggest Loser: - Orange takes $20 and purple take the ferry pass. Aqua come in first and win immunity and the walk. Orange and Red come in second and third. Pink and grey were not far behind. Green were disappointed to come in 6th. Yellow came in 7th. In a foot race between purple and blue, Julie struggled giving purple in finish while blue came in last. The couples entered camp biggest loser and were welcomed by Ajay. The couples then weighed in their bags of sand which came to 2 kg which gave Meaghan and Julie a 2 kg penalty at the weigh in. The couples then explored the camp, it included a massive lounge area, an industrial sized kitchen and a clocked case with $400,000 inside. 892,000[78]
11/02-5 Thursday, 12 February The Walk #2 - Andrew & Nathan: Shannan and Michelle arrive at camp biggest loser for the first time. Michelle is gutted over Ramses and Tania's elimination. They are filled in on the weigh-in and the race. Shannan and Michelle show the couples the big gym and weigh-in room and get straight into training, to which Mel struggles. Amanda is taken to hospital to for a DVT scan to which she had hidden for a while. Michelle shows her teams the biggest loser online club. Stewart gets to call Amanda. Andrew and Nathan take the walk. There, they faced 4 vessels where they would come face to face with double trouble. In each vessel was a disc, each disc had the names of 2 couples: Julie & Meaghan and Amanda & Stewart, Jeda & Jodi and Holly & Mel, Ben & Sean and Teresa & Sharif and finally Cameron & Sammy and Bob & Tiffany. From those 2 couples, they must pick one couples to receive double voting power at the next elimination. They chose Jeda * Jodi and Holly & Mel. Nathan and Andrew talked with yellow and pink and decided to give the double vote to Holly and Mel. 968,000[78]
12/02-6 Friday, 13 February Challenge #3 - Brain Strain: - Stewart wakes up without Amanda. Shannan and Michelle are debriefed about the walk. Michelle trains her group in the spin room and Cameron struggles. Ben and Sean stayed after training for extra training for sleeping in. The couples walked out to the challenge. As Stewart was on his own, he could not take part. The challenge saw one member of each couple being the runner and had to walk/run on a treadmill and the other being the brains. Multiple choice questions on nutrition. If the brains got it right nothing happens but if they get the question wrong then their partner would have their treadmill speed increased. If they fell or stepped off then they were out. If the runner's safety cord comes out then they would be out. . The last couple standing will win and get letters from home. Tiffany was soon at a run and was first out and soon followed by Meaghan. An emotional Jeda was next out who really wanted the letters. Sammy was next out followed by Nathan which gave then their first challenge that they haven't won. 858,000[78]
Week 3
13/03-1 Sunday, 15 February Weigh in #2: - Mel was next out who wanted their letters. In a close finish, Sharif dropped out giving Ben and Sean their first win and got their letters from home. They were then told that they can give another couple their letters from home and decided to give them to all couples. Each couple then individually read their letters form home which has everyone in tears. Amanda returns to camp but less than 24 hours later is back in hospital after a fall but soon returns to find that her arm is not broken but it is a small tissue injury. Amanda has to follow to some medical guidelines. At the weigh in, Cameron and Sammy break down after the realisation of missing his daughter's/Sammy's sister's wedding comes to light. With Amanda's injury, she drops a massive number giving her and Stewart safety. Jodi and Jeda were not happy being put up for elimination. Blue and Pink were below the yellow line and faced elimination. 1,052,000[70]
14/03-2 Monday, 16 February Elimination #2 - Jodi & Jeda: - Meaghan and Julie then Jodi and Jeda talk to Holly and Mel about their double vote. Nathan and Andrew talk to Holly and Mel on how they should vote. In the elimination room, Jodi and Jeda are eliminated with Holly and Mel's vote shocking Nathan going against the plan. 940,000[70]
15/03-3 Tuesday, 17 February The Commando takes over: - Nathan is anger over Holly and Mel's decision. The other couples talk about Nathan and Andrew's tactics. Nathan and Andrew create a new plan. Cameron and Sammy watch his daughter's/Sammy's sister's wedding. Shannan is shattered from Jodi and Jeda's elimination. Holly and Nathan go at it again. Meaghan struggles in training to the main where she needs oxygen. Nathan and Holly & Mel take out their frustrations in training. Nathan opens up to Michelle. A letter saw one member of each couple. Andrew, Mel, Julie, Sharif, Sammy, Stewart, Tiffany and Ben all got into the cars and went to a forest where they were greeted by the commando. A very scared bunch were then taken through a training session with Julie physically terrified. As they produced the least amount of percentage weight loss, the commando took Mel and Sharif with him to return at weigh-in. 909,000[70]
16/03-4 Wednesday, 18 February Temptation #2 - Wooden Spoon: - Holly is upset that Mel was taken by the commando. Julie was still visibly shaken. Mel and Sharif train with the commando. Holly takes he anger out in training. The couples walked up to temptation where it would play similar to the golden fork temptation of series 3. 2 couples would stand at opposite ends of the table and be presented with a doughnut. When the timer is turned, the first couple to take the wooden spoon in the middle of the table would win the round but have to eat the doughnut. Each round will last 1 minute. The winning couple must decide who will face them next. If no one takes temptation then Andrew and Nathan will win immunity and the walk for the 3rd week running. As Andrew and Nathan are the previous holders of immunity, they will play first and choose who they will go against first. Round 1 Aqua went against Green with Green winning at 70 calories. All other teams let Ben and Sean have immunity and the walk. The couples were brought to the front of camp where Ajay was waiting. It was revealed as Bob became the biggest loser of the week, Bob was rewarded with a visit from family which also meant Tiffany was rewarded. 848,000[70]
17/03-5 Thursday, 19 February The Walk #3 - Ben & Sean: - Ben and Sean take the walk. Sharif breaks down in training with the commando. Michelle is shocked that Andrew and Nathan did not want the walk. Tiffany and Nathan are focused in training. Shannan's teams take on the spin room. The contestants talk through their dream outfits. At the walk, Ben and Sean were told that either Holly or Meaghan will lose their bracelet. They were faced with 2 vessels, the discs read to either swap the double bracelet or the nothing bracelet, they chose the double bracelet. They talk to Cameron and Sammy as well as Holly to ask who they should give it to. They decided to give it to Tiffany. 884,000[70]
18/03-6 Friday, 20 February Challenge #4 - Struggle up the sand dunes: - Michelle is shocked by the bracelet swap. The couples arrived at the sand dunes for the challenge. The winning couple would win a 1 kg advantage at the weigh in. Holly and Amanda had to sit out due to injury. One member from each couple were told that they would be competing. Stewart and Teresa had to take part being the only one representing their team. The first round saw 2 groups, one of 3 and one of 4 with Sean and Stewart being the captain of each. Stewart's team was Nathan, Teresa and Cameron while Sean's team was Meaghan and Tiffany. Each team would be tied together 1 metre apart and have to carry a 7.5 kg bag to the top and drop it into a pit. Each team member had to take 4 bags. Sean, Meaghan and Tiffany won. So that there were 4 in the semi final, the losing 4 must race up the dune un-tied with one bag, the first to the top would win. Nathan barely won to Stewart. Round 2 saw Nathan & Tiffany and Sean & Meaghan as the teams. Round 2 saw each team member having to carry 3 15 kg bags. Nathan and Tiffany won. The final round saw them having to carry 2 20 kg bags. 798,000[70]
Week 4
19/04-1 Sunday, 22 February Weigh in #3: - Nathan won the final round and won the challenge and won the 1 kg advantage. Holly is upset to miss training due to her waiting scan results. Shannan takes time out to talk to Amanda and admits to binge eating. Michelle's teams challenge Shannan's teams to a tug of war match with Shannan's teams winning. At the weigh in, Mel and Sharif returned from the commando. The couples are shocked by low numbers. Cameron and Sammy break down over talking about losing weight to save Cameron's marriage. Amanda's shock weight loss has everybody shocked but she does have the voice to sing. 1,073,000[80]
20/04-2 Monday, 23 February Elimination #3 - Amanda & Stewart: - Holly and Mel say that Amanda and Stewart need to be here more. Nathan goes back to when Holly and Mel betrayed their pact the week before. In the elimination room, it came to a hung vote leading to Amanda and Stewart being eliminated having the lower percentage of weight loss. Ajay announces that the eliminations are not over yet. They were told that any couple can be voted for, they should vote for the couple they want most eliminated and have one hour to decide. 1,034,000[80]
21/04-3 Tuesday, 24 February An Elimination twist / The Warehouse #2 - fast food / $5 a day: - Nathan and Andrew are worried that they are going to be eliminated. Teresa and Sharif say they are going to vote out the strongest. Bob and Tiffany are worried being the biggest losing couple. In the elimination room, Nathan and Andrew are eliminated. Cameron breaks down. Nathan and Andrew were then told that they were not going home just yet and it is all vs one week. They will go against the other couples which will form a super team. If Nathan and Andrew have a higher percentage than the super team then they will be the only one who chooses who goes but if they lose then they will face elimination. They were also told that they would have exclusive access for the week, they chose Michelle. Shannan is gutted following Amanda and Stewart's elimination. The trainers are shocked by the elimination twist. Shannan's super team reaches new heights. the couples find a note in the fridge to had to the warehouse for the first time since Fitzroy island. In the warehouse, Nathan and Andrew were told that they would get the power to choose this week. The choices was either take out or $5 a day per person. Nathan and Andrew took the $5 a day giving the super team takeaway. 969,000[80]
22/04-4 Wednesday, 25 February Temptation #3 - All things Italian: - Andrew tells Michelle that he has a stress fracture. The contestants walked up to temptation where they were told that Nathan and Andrew could not take part as the winning couple would win immunity. If no one takes temptation then no one will get immunity but as the walk needs to be taken, Nathan and Andrew would take the walk. They were told that each of them would be taking temptation as individuals and would not be allowed to talk strategies. Teresa and Sharif won and got immunity and the walk. Once again, the couples walked out to the front for the family reveal. As Bob was biggest loser for the 3rd week in a row however, he decided to give the prize to Nathan. 939,000[80]
23/04-5 Thursday, 26 February The Walk #4 - Teresa & Sharif: - Michelle is overjoyed by Nathan's family visit. Shannan is not happy with who took temptation. Shannan statistically sees that Nathan and Andrew have been below average recently.Michelle puts the brothers head to head in training with Andrew winning. The boys go shopping. Teresa and Sharif go on the walk. Shannan looks at his team's nutrition. On the walk, Sharif was asked to reach in the vessel and the disc read to give one couple pleasure. Teresa was then asked to reach in her vessel and the disc which read to give one couple pain. They gave pleasure to Julie and Meaghan. While they gave pain to Holly and Mel. Holly and Sharif go at it. Meaghan and Julie go to have massages while Holly and Mel headed into a dunker and entered a cage, there emazon arrived and put them through pain they were then told that they must keep emazon a secret. 914,000[80]
24/04-6 Friday, 27 February Challenge #5 - A waterlogged challenge: - Shannan and Michelle are filled in on the walk. Michelle plays a game of cards in training. Bob and Cameron reach new heights. Shannan tries to get Holly & Mel and Teresa & Sharif to work together. The couples arrived at a pool for the challenge. The team which lost the challenge would lose access to the gym, gym equipment and their trainer. The teams must cross the width of the pool on a balance beam, collecting a 10 kg water balloon and cross back. The teams had 90 minutes and the team with the most balloons in their rack would win. As Andrew was injured, Nathan had to compete alone. If they fell into the water, they had to swim to the side they came from and start again. Both teams struggled with the challenge with Nathan getting 3 before Sean get one for their team. Nathan continues to go to win 10-1. 749,000[80]
Week 5
25/05-1 Sunday, 1 March Weigh in #4: - Shannan is gutted to not be part of last chance training. Shannan is concerned about Holly. Shannan has a heart to heart with Andrew and Nathan. Andrew & Nathan create an alliance with Holly & Mel to survive but soon Ben and Sean are onto them. At the weigh in, Andrew and Nathan are told that if they lose then both of them face elimination with only one brother being eliminated. Ben and Sean's massive weight loss makes Andrew and Nathan nervous. Holly & Mel's weight loss shocks Andrew and Nathan as their plan has backfired. However, Bob drops a low number and lets Andrew and Nathan win. Ben and Sean break down knowing that they are most likely to be eliminated. Sean is announced as the biggest loser of the week. 1,062,000[81]
26/05-2 Monday, 2 March Elimination #4 - Ben & Sean: - Andrew and Nathan are overjoyed by their win. Ben and Sean plead their case to Nathan and Andrew followed by Bob and Tiffany. In case he is eliminated, Sean puts his weight loss on the honour board. In the elimination room, Ben & Sean are eliminated. 1,048,000[81]
21/05-3 Tuesday, 3 March The Warehouse #3 - Raw food / Straw food: - The house mourns Ben and Sean's elimination. Michelle's training group make a pact. Michelle is overjoyed to see Andrew and Nathan won and by her team's results. Michelle took her teams for fun and games on the court. Julie has a breakthrough. The contestants have their bio age calculated. The couples walked to the warehouse where as Sean and Ben were eliminated (the biggest losing couple of the week), it was down to Teresa and Sharif to choose what they get and what the other couples get. The choices were: raw food which cannot be cooked and straw food (food which can only be consumed through a straw). They decided to go for the raw food giving the other couples the straw food. 988,000[81]
28/05-4 Wednesday, 4 March Temptation #4 - Milkshake Wars: - Shannan and Michelle are debriefed about the warehouse. Shannan gets his couples to pull his car. It was then Shannan who had to pull the car with the contestants inside. The couples go to manly beach for temptation. The temptation saw the couples split into 2 tables with one on each, blindfolded, each are given a 3-litre strawberry and banana milkshakes at 3,000 calories. They had 20 minutes to complete. The couple who drinks the most would win. A lot of teams went for temptation but Andrew and Nathan drank the mot and won temptation. Tiffany finds a DVD from Seab to give the family reward to, which was for Julie. 962,000[81]
29/05-5 Thursday, 5 March The Walk #5 - Andrew & Nathan: - Michelle is furious over temptation. Cameron and Nathan are the focus in training. Cameron wants to walk but opens up to Michelle. Nathan and Andrew take the walk and are faced with 4 vessels. They then turned around to see all the eliminated couples had returned. They were told that each vessel contains the names of one couple and Andrew and Nathan had to pick 2 discs. From the 2 couples, the couples must pick only one person to return to the game and those 2 will form the odd couple. They chose Amanda & Stewart and Ben & Sean. Sean and Amanda were chosen to return to the game as the odd couple. 1,022,000[81]
30/05-6 Friday, 6 March Challenge #6 - Towers of Tuna: - Shannan and Michelle are shocked to see Sean and Amanda returned to the game. Michelle's teams took on training in the spin room. The contestants arrived at the riverside for the challenge. The challenge was for each team to transport 10,000 50 metres down the wharf weighing 1 tonne. 1,200 tines were not packaged and loose in the middle. The first team to replicate the tower will win $10,000. Due to andrew's injury, he could only stack. Holly and Mel took a good lead with Nathan and Andrew close behind. 720,000[81]
Week 6
31/06-1 Sunday, 8 March The Weigh-in #5: - Holly and Mel won the challenge and won $10,000. Nathan collapses. Michelle is pleased og the girl's win. Shannan makes his team's put the weight back on for last chance training. Shannan check on the contestant's diet. At the weigh in, as Amanda and Sean had just arrived, they were immune. Holly and Mel announce that they want to go home leaving the other couples not impressed. 1,094,000[82]
32/06-2 Monday, 9 March Elimination #5 - Holly & Mel: - Nathan is not happy with Holly and Mel's confession. Holly and Mel and plead to go. Michelle walks in to talk to Holly and Mel about wanting to leave. In the elimination room, Hooly and Mel are granted their wish and are eliminated which upset Andrew and Nathan. 1,047,000[82]
33/06-3 Tuesday, 10 March The Warehouse #4 - Cycle for Money: - Michelle was gutted to see that Holly and Mel were gone. Shannan is shocked to hear that Holly and Mel wanted to leave. Shannan puts his teams through martial arts and Julie struggles the most. Shannan checks the contestants food diaries. Instead of the warehouse, the contestants had to cycle for their supper with for every 1 km they cycle, they earn 10 cents for their budget for 24 hours. Cameron was not willing to take part. Shannan is not happy with Cameron's laziness. Michelle challenges the contestants to gain more money. 959,000[82]
34/06-4 Wednesday, 11 March Temptation #5 - Chocolate Poker: - The warehouse challenge continues with some of the couples left shattered. When going outside for the family reveal, a limo appears and is waiting for Bob which takes him away for a 24hr home visit for being the biggest loser of the week for a 4th time. Michelle finally respects the teams decision to eliminate Holly and Mel. Shannan has a heart to heart with Shannan. The contestants walked into temptation and sat at a poker table full of chocolate. The contestants had to bet chocolate. If another contestant wants to bet, they must match then raise that bet. If they pass, they are out. When the last person standing has eaten their food then they bet then they will win. Not a couple but an individual will win immunity. Only Nathan and Andrew played and Nathan won to get immunity. Bob returns to camp. 1,000,0g0[82]
35/06-5 Thursday, 12 March The Walk #6 - Nathan: - Michelle is happy following the temptation result. The warehouse see them getting less than anticipated. Michelle talks to the girls about fat. Nathan takes the walk where he is faced with 2 vessels. He was told that the game was about to go into red vs blue. Each vessel has a different way of team selection. One disc reads got another couple to split and pick teams while the other disc will see Nathan and Andrew split and pick teams. He picks for another couple to split and pick. Nathan has a chat with Andrew on who he should pick. Nathan then all other couples about it. At the decision, Nathan decided to split Meaghan and Julie. Meaghan went on the red team and Julie on the blue team. Julie chose Sean, Andrew, Bob, Teresa and Tiffany. Meaghan chose Nathan, Sharif, Amanda, Sammy and Cameron. 1,073,000[82]
36/06-6 Friday, 13 March Challenge #7 - Relay Race At Royal Randwick: - Shannan and Michelle are shocked by the teams now in red vs blue. 823,000[82]
Week 7
37/07-1 Sunday, 15 March The Weigh-in #6 1,184,000[83]
38/07-2 Monday, 16 March Elimination #6 - Amanda 1,033,000[83]
39/07-3 Tuesday, 17 March The Warehouse #5 - Dine In / Dine Out: 1,053,000[83]
40/07-4 Wednesday, 18 March Temptation #6 - Favourite Foods: 1,048,000[83]
41/07-5 Thursday, 19 March The Walk #7 - Sharif 998,000[83]
42/07-6 Friday, 20 March Challenge #8 - Brain vs Brawn: 947,000[83]
Week 8
43/08-1 Sunday, 22 March Weigh-in #7 1,277,000[84]
44/08-2 Monday, 23 March Elimination #7 - Nathan 1,047,000[84]
45/08-3 Tuesday, 24 March Another Elimination Twist - Surprise Elimination - Bob 1,108,000[84]
46/08-4 Wednesday, 25 March Temptation #7 - Fortune Cookies 1,033,000[84]
47/08-5 Thursday, 26 March The Walk #8 - Sharif 1,090,000[84]
48/08-6 Friday, 27 March Challenge #9 - Dirty Dash: 900,000[84]
Week 9
49/09-1 Sunday, 29 March Weigh-in #8 1,408,000[85]
50/09-2 Monday, 30 March Elimination #8 - Teresa 1,101,000[85]
51/09-3 Tuesday, 31 March Welcome to Singles / Castaways Revealed 1,249,000[85]
52/09-4 Wednesday, 1 April Makeover Special 1,214,000[85]
53/09-5 Thursday, 2 April The Walk #9 - Meaghan - Surprise Elimination - Sharif 1,145,000[85]
54/09-6 Friday, 3 April Challenge #10 - Hearts Racing 906,000[85]
Week 10
55/10-1 Sunday, 5 April The Weigh-in #9 1,309,000[86]
56/10-2 Monday, 6 April Elimination #9 - Andrew: 1,160,000[86]
57/10-3 Tuesday, 7 April Off To New Zealand 1,184,000[86]
58/10-4 Wednesday, 8 April Face the Fears - Part 1 - Sammy, Sean and Cameron 1,078,000[86]
59/10-5 Thursday, 9 April Face the Fears - Part 2 - Tiffany, Meaghan and Julie 928,000[86]
60/10-6 Friday, 10 April The New Zealand Super Challenge 877,000[86]
Week 11
61/11-1 Sunday, 12 April Surprise Elimination - Meaghan / The Weigh-In #10 970,000[87]
62/11-2 Monday, 13 April Elimination #10 - Sean: 1,046,000[87]
63/11-3 Tuesday, 14 April Eliminated Contestants Return 1,119,000[87]
64/11-4 Wednesday, 15 April Temptation #8 - Table of Presents 1,133,000[87]
65/11-5 Thursday, 16 April Challenge #11 - Stacks on 1,182,000[87]
66/11-6 Friday, 17 April Wildcard Super Challenge - Escape from Cockatoo Island 1,014,000[87]
Week 12
67/12-1 Sunday, 19 April Wildcard Weigh-in #11 1,193,000[88]
68/12-2 Monday, 20 April Elimination #11 - Julie 1,122,000[88]
69/12-3 Tuesday, 21 April Train the Trainers 1,264,000[89]
70/12-4 Wednesday, 22 April Challenge #12 - The only way is up 1,295,000[89]
71/12-5 Thursday, 23 April The Walk #10 - Tiffany - Surprise Elimination - Stewart 1,226,000[89]
72/12-6 Friday, 24 April Bio-Age recalculations 1,084,000[88]
Week 13
73/13-1 Sunday, 26 April Final Weigh-in and Elimination #12 - Cameron 1,487,000[89]
74/13-2 Monday, 27 April The Castaways weigh in 1,538,000[90]
75/13-3 Monday, 27 April 8:30pm- 2hr Grand Finale Night 1,798,000[90]
75/13-3 Monday, 27 April 10:00pm- Winner Announced - Bob 2,097,000[90]

Season 5: 2010

Ep#/Wk-Ep# Original airdate Episode Title / Event Total viewers
(Free-to-air rounded to nearest 1,000)
Week 1
1/01-1 Sunday, 31 January Season Premiere: Welcome to Camp Biggest Loser/First Weigh-In
Shannon at 214.3kilos is the heaviest contestant. First challenge is a 4k run around the track. Joe and Rick win the race. David and Phil finish just behind them. Trainer Shannon pushes Shannon to make it 1 km. Shannon receives the nothing bracelet. Allan accepts the double bracelet. Caitlin sets a BL female record for weight loss in a week(15.2k). David and Phil are the biggest losers of the week David sets 2 BL records (highest WL% in a week and most WL in a week). Jeannie and Phoebe and Allan and Romi fall below the yellow line.
Week 2
2/02-2 Monday, 1 February Elimination: Aunt & Niece + Husband & Wife = Husband & Wife/Second Weigh-In
Allan and Romi are eliminated. Caitlin receives the double bracelet. At the challenge, for immunity, couples must dig up rowboats buried deep in the sand at Palm Beach, go to the other side of the beach and untie a pair of oars, row 500m to a pontoon and collect team flag. Finally both partners raced 200m and plant flag on finish line. Rick and Joe win immunity, Chris breaks an oar, the girls give up and Phil gets lost at sea. Contestants tell their story to a live audience of people who had previously applied to the biggest loser. At weigh-in everyone is safe for another week and Joe is the biggest loser of the week.
Week 3
3/03-3 Tuesday, 2 February Temptation: Secret Service
Daina wins temptation, a secret service of desserts varying in calories. Contestants rang a bell and the first to ring the bell ate the food. She consumed a whopping 4112 calories.
4/03-4 Wednesday, 3 February Family Reveal: Rick
during training Caitlin reveals that she was suicidal. Later, as a reward for being biggest loser of the week, Rick receives a visit from girlfriend Melissa who reveals she is pregnant.
5/03-5 Thursday, 4 February Commando Challenge
Commando wakes up the contestants for a surprise midnight grueling 6 hour workout. Everyone worked together as one giant team. In the first task, everyone had to pull a tractor up an incline. Then, they had to move 25 tonnes of sand and rocks 5 meters using shovels and buckets. As a reward at the end they received letters from home.
6/03-6 Friday, 5 February Masterclass: Joe & Rick win challenge
contestants received a crash course in how to lose weight/maintain weight loss. First the learned the 3 favorite stretches of Shannon and Michelle. Then they received a lesson on diet and nutrition from Dr. Swan. Next, they learned how to cook healthy meals using the Mediterranean diet with nutritionist Janelle. Sharif comes in to tell his story. The master class challenge is to pick exercises out of a hat and do them for 10minutes and see who has burned the most calories. Rick and Joe win burning 461 calories.
Week 4
7/04-7 Sunday, 7 February Weigh-In: Geoff leaves due to medical condition
Geoff announces he is withdrawing from the biggest loser competition. Hayley then tells the contestants that the next eliminated couple can pick one person to remain at camp BL and become Wayne's partner. Phoebe/Jenni and Chris/Shannon fall below the yellow line. Wayne is the biggest loser of the week.
8/04-8 Monday, 8 February Elimination: Jenni + Phoebe = Jenni, Phoebe replaces Geoff as Wayne's partner
the contestants train with a pro rugby team. Shannon challenges Chris to best Wayne this week
9/04-9 Tuesday, 9 February Challenge: Brains & Brawn
10/04-10 Wednesday, 10 February Family Reveal: Wayne
11/04-11 Thursday, 11 February Major Challenge: 10 km Marathon
12/04-12 Friday, 12 February Masterclass: Joe & Rick win challenge
Week 5
13/05-13 Sunday, 14 February Weigh-In: David & Phil and Elise & Teneale fall below the yellow line
14/05-14 Monday, 15 February Elimination: The Dads + Twin Sisters = Twin Sisters
15/05-15 Tuesday, 16 February Temptation: Mexican Standoff
16/05-16 Wednesday, 17 February Family Reveal: Wayne gave his family visit to Phil
17/05-17 Thursday, 18 February Major Challenge: Mini-Carnival
18/05-18 Friday, 19 February Masterclass: Caitlin & Daina win challenge
Week 6
19/06-19 Sunday, 21 February Weigh-In: Caitlin & Daina win
20/06-20 Monday, 22 February Elimination: All = Wayne; couples to singles
21/06-21 Tuesday, 23 February Challenge: Survival of the Fittest
22/06-22 Wednesday, 24 February Family Reveal: Phil gave his family visit to Joe
23/06-23 Thursday, 25 February Temptation: Everyone Has Their Price; Chris takes money
24/06-24 Friday, 26 February Masterclass: David, Rick & Phoebe win challenge
Week 7
25/07-25 Sunday, 28 February Weigh-In: Caitlin & Daina fall below the yellow line
26/07-26 Monday, 1 March Elimination: Caitlin + Daina = Daina
27/07-27 Tuesday, 2 March Temptation: Wheel of Temptation
28/07-28 Wednesday, 3 March Family Reveal: Phil gives his family visit to Lisa
29/07-29 Thursday, 4 March Challenge: Head to Head
30/07-30 Friday, 5 March Masterclass: Caitlin, Jarna & Phoebe win challenge
Week 8
31/08-31 Sunday, 7 March Weigh-In: Phoebe, Caitlin & Jarna fall below the yellow line
32/08-32 Monday, 8 March Elimination: Phoebe + Caitlin + Jarna = Jarna
33/08-33 Tuesday, 9 March Challenge: Balance and Concentration
34/08-34 Wednesday, 10 March Half-Marathon Challenge
35/08-35 Thursday, 11 March First Day in Northern Territory
36/08-36 Friday, 12 March Masterclass: Lisa & Rick win challenge
Week 9
37/09-37 Sunday, 14 March Weigh-In: Lisa & Caitlin fall below the yellow line
38/09-38 Monday, 15 March Elimination: Lisa + Caitlin = Caitlin
39/09-39 Tuesday, 16 March Total Body Makeovers
40/09-40 Wednesday, 17 March Family Visits after Makeovers
41/09-41 Thursday, 18 March Temptation: Food Heaven
42/09-42 Friday, 19 March Masterclass: No challenge
Week 10
43/10-43 Sunday, 21 March Weigh-In: Rick (gained weight, lost immunity) & Phoebe fall below yellow line
44/10-43 Monday, 22 March Elimination: Rick + Phoebe = Rick
45/10-45 Tuesday, 23 March Challenge: Abseiling
46/10-46 Wednesday, 24 March Challenge: Personal Challenge
47/10-47 Thursday, 25 March Challenge: Treasure Hunt
48/10-48 Friday, 26 March Masterclass: Skyjump Challenge, no winner
Week 11
49/11-49 Sunday, 28 March Weigh-In: No yellow line, everyone safe
50/11-50 Monday, 29 March David receives Shannan's nothing bracelet
51/11-51 Tuesday, 30 March Northern Territory Twist Revealed
52/11-52 Wednesday, 31 March Challenge: Flag Raising
53/11-53 Thursday, 1 April Challenge: Rochelle Gilmore's Spin Bike Challenge
Week 12
54/12-54 Sunday, 4 April Weigh-In: Lisa & Phoebe fall below the yellow line
55/12-55 Monday, 5 April Elimination: Lisa + Phoebe = Phoebe
56/12-56 Tuesday, 6 April Eliminated Contestants Return
57/12-57 Wednesday, 7 April Challenge: Eliminated Contestants Marathon, Phil & Joe's Marathon
58/12-58 Thursday, 8 April Challenge: Daina & Wayne win Marathon, back in competition
59/12-59 Friday, 9 April Masterclass: Shannan wins challenge
Week 13
60/13-60 Sunday, 11 April Weigh-In: Daina & David fall below the yellow line
61/13-61 Monday, 12 April Elimination: Daina + David = David
62/13-62 Tuesday, 13 April Challenge: Super Challenge
63/13-63 Wednesday, 14 April Dream Outfits
64/13-64 Thursday, 15 April Whitewater Rafting Team/Solo Challenge: Girls win team challenge, Daina wins solo challenge
65/13-65 Friday, 16 April Masterclass: Joe wins final challenge
Week 14
66/14-66 Sunday, 18 April Final Weigh-In & Elimination: Joe wins spot in final, Phil out & Daina + Lisa = Daina
67/14-67 Sunday, 18 April Grand Finale: Rick wins eliminated contestant prize
68/14-68 Sunday, 18 April Winner Announced: Lisa wins

Season 6: 2011

The sixth season, also known as The Biggest Loser Families, premiered on 30 January 2011 with 1.356 million viewers tuning in, making it the fourth-watched program that night.

No. Original airdate Episode title Description Total viewers
(rounded to nearest 1,000)
Week 1
1 Sunday, 30 January Season Premiere Trainers lived and shared the same diet as their families for a week 1,356,000[91]
2 Wednesday, 2 February Public Weigh-In All team members had to weigh in in front of family and friends at home 1,110,000[91]
3 Thursday, 3 February Trainer's Weigh-In
Contest #1: Endurance
For the first time in Biggest Loser history, the trainers had to weigh in.
Contestants participated in three levels of 10 km on treadmills. Jarrod D won.
4 Friday, 4 February Challenge #1: Train Pull All four families had to pull two train carriages weighing 88 tons. Duncans won 1,004,000[91]
Week 2
5 Sunday, 6 February Weigh-In & Elimination #1 Greg C & Rebecca M were up. Greg C was eliminated after receiving 4 votes 1,080,000[92]
6 Wednesday, 9 February Temptation #1: $25,000 picnic Leigh W won, however to receive it he'd have to leave. He declined the $25,000 950,000[92]
7 Thursday, 10 February Family Weigh-In #1
Contest #2: Strength
The Duncans were the biggest-losing family to date with a loss of 43.8 kg.
Contestants participated in 4 levels of curling weights. Challenors won
8 Friday, 11 February Challenge #2: 6,000 Steps Contestants completed 100 laps of ANZ Stadium staircases. Duncans won. 831,000[92]
Week 3
9 Sunday, 13 February Weigh-In & Elimination #2 Sarah D & Craig W were up. Sarah D was eliminated after receiving 4 votes 1,042,000[93]
10 Wednesday, 16 February Temptation #2: Chinese Banquet Contestants had to indulge in a six-course meal of Yum Cha. Westrens won. 921,000[93]
11 Thursday, 17 February Family Weigh-In #2
Contest #3: Knowledge
The Westrens were the Biggest Losing family to date with a loss of 53.6 kg.
Weights were added to teams who failed to answer correctly. Westrens won
12 Friday, 18 February Challenge #3: Sandbags from home Contestants completed rounds of sprinting, and filling sandbags. Duncans won 808,000[93]
Week 4
13 Sunday, 20 February Weigh-In & Elimination #3 Damien C & Jodie M were up. Damien C was eliminated after receiving 4 votes 994,000[94]
14 Wednesday, 23 February Secret Ballot Contestants had the chance to vote for the team they wanted out of the game 947,000[94]
15 Thursday, 24 February Family Weigh-In #3
Contest #4: Super Contest
At the family weigh-in, the Chancellors narrowly lost to the combined team of Duncans, Westrens and Moon families. Damien lost no weight. The reward was a chance to pick who their champions would be at the Super Contest. The super contest reward was the ability to bring back an eliminated contestant. The super challenge consisted of three rounds: strength (holding a 1 kg dumbbell straight out over a paper line without breaking the tape), knowledge (answering a series of questions while an assistant ran on a treadmill that started at 5 mph and increased by 1 mph every wrong answer) and endurance (sprinting on a spin bike for 10 km). Joe won round 1, beating Leigh who lasted 34 minutes. Jarod won round 2 when Joe bailed out to save himself for round 3. The episode ended with Joe and Kelly neck-and-neck to win round 3. 967,000[94]
16 Friday, 25 February Challenge #4: Water Bottles against one Joe won round 3 of the Super Challenge and brought Damien back into the house. The Moons have not been holding up their end of the workload, skipping morning training sessions sans the trainers. Sarah is not giving her best effort in training. Shannon works with Jodie to get her talking about her breast cancer journey and her mom's battle with cancer. Shannon discovers that Leigh is not being strict with his diet. Leigh eats two extra slices of bread and four scrambled eggs for dinner. Damien struggles with diet in his brief time at home. The challenge advantage is a 1 kg advantage/person at weigh-in. The challenge is to load and haul water bottles in a wagon across a 50 m distance. Miscommunication and infighting among the multi-family team is slowing down progress and the red team is also having minor spats as Damien is bugging Nathaniel. 789,000[94]
Week 5
17 Sunday, 27 February Weigh-In & Elimination #4 The Challenors won the water bottle challenge, gaining a 2 kg advantage at the weigh-in. The Challenors won the weigh-in and chose to eliminate Jarod. 1,076,000[95]
18 Wednesday, 2 March Temptation #3: Family Cholocate Temptation this week involves eating chocolate buttons worth ten calories blindfolded over twenty minutes,. Winner gets immunity and a chance to go home for a night. The Challenors and Duncans abstain from playing. Leigh of the Westrens eats a single chocolate. Kellie wins the prize with 118 chocolates eaten for 1180 calories. Commando was livid that three of the Moons took temptation questioning self-discipline. As punishment the Moons are put through a grueling workout. By contrast, Shannon is over the moon by his team's performance, especially Sharlene. At the end of the episode it is revealed that Jarod gained 2.9 kg on the outside and indulged in bad food. 893,000[95]
19 Thursday, 3 March Family Weigh-In #4
Contest #5: Waterside Supercontest
Once again the Westrens were at the top of the leader board at the family weigh-in followed by the Duncans, Moons and the Challenors who were last. The Westrens picked Lara to represent them at the contest, Nathaniel to represent the Challenors at the contest, Rebecca for the Moons, and Emma for the Duncans. Before the contest Meg and Emma worked out their differences from high school where popular Meg had not treated Emma well. The contest consisted of three rounds: knowledge, strength and endurance. In round 1, the trainers sat in rowboats while the champions answered a series of questions. For every wrong answer the trainers had to fill their boat with 4 buckets of water until someone's boat sunk. Emma/Tifiny lost only correctly answering a single question. In round 2, the remaining challengers had to move 5 10 kg weights in a pool one at a time. Lara won easily and Nathaniel edged out Rebecca. In the final round champions had to hang off a rope without falling in the pool. 1,019,000[95]
20 Friday, 4 March Challenge #5: 4-way Tug of War Lara outlasted Nathaniel on the rope and the Westrens got to assign a 1 kg penalty to a team at the next weigh-in, which was given to the Moons. The weekly challenge was a mega tug of war in a mud pit. Teams were harnessed to each other and had to crawl/claw their way and grab team flags. Every time a team won a round they had to unhook a team member from the harness. The winning family would get a 1 kg weight advantage at the weigh-in. The Challenors took round 1 and unhooked Nathaniel. Round 2 went to the Westrens who unhooked Craig. The Moons took round 3 and unhooked Rebecca. Round 4 was won by the Duncans who unhooked Emma. In round 5, the Challenors won and unhooked Joe. The Westrens took round 6 and unhooked Lara. The Moons won round 7 and unhooked Jodie. N/A
Week 6
21 Sunday, 6 March Weigh-In & Elimination #5 Meg in a massive effort won the challenge giving the Duncans a much needed 1 kg advantage at the weigh-in. The Westrens and Moons fell below the yellow line. Craig and Jodie were nominated for elimination with Craig being eliminated in a close 3-2 vote N/A
22 Wednesday, 9 March Loser Legends Return past Biggest loser champs Bob (Westren family), Sam (Challenor Family), Lisa (Moon family) and Adro (Duncan family) returned to inspire and help the current biggest loser contestants N/A
23 Thursday, 10 March Family Weigh-In #5
Contest #6: Loser Legends
At the family weigh-in, the Westrens were once again at the top of the leaderboard and the Moons were stuck at the bottom again. Commando is getting tired of the excuses. At the contest the loser legends got to compete in a three round knockout competition. In the first round, contestants had to row 2 km. Sam won easily followed by Lisa and Adro who narrowly edged Bob. Adro almost lost when his foot came out of the foothold. In round 2, the champs had to choose assistants to answer questions. The champs were holding bowls which were filled with 5 kg bags of sand with every wrong answer. Lisa lost after 25 kg of sand were added to her bowl. In the final round, contestants had to lift a 20 kg bar as many times as possible N/A
24 Friday, 11 March Challenge #6: Sand Dunes from hell Sam outlasted Adro in the strength contest and got to reward immunity to one of his teammates (given to Nathaniel). After the contest, Michelle took Sam and Nathaniel to the beach for some bonding and to get Nathaniel out of his comfort zone. The challenge this week involved carrying buckets of water up a massive sand dune to a large container and filling it up until a key inside floated up allowing the team to open their flag. First place team had a 1 kg weight advantage at weigh-in and the team that came in last had a 1 kg penalty at weigh-in. The Challenors edged out the Westrens for the weight advantage and the Moons were fighting the Duncans to stay out of last place. Communication among the Challenors was much improved and they didn't seem to getting on each other's nerves as much. N/A
Week 7
25 Sunday, 13 March Weigh-In & Elimination #6 The Moons lost the challenge once again being hit with a 1 kg penalty at weigh-in. Lisa left the Moons with inspiration in her original weight picture and a motivational speech saying it took hard work and wouldn't be handed to them on a silver platter. At weigh in the Moon family is clearly falling apart. Hayley asks Jodie if she thinks the team is getting more focused and Jodie throws Sarah under the bus suggesting that she's not mentally/emotionally there even though Sarah has been putting up consistently good numbers. The Duncans and Moons fall below the yellow line. Emma and Jodie are put up for elimination. Emma is eliminated due to having a lower weight loss percentage. N/A
26 Wednesday, 16 March Temptation #4: Freezers of temptation Hayley announces a surprise elimination sometime this week. Temptation this week involves opening fridges with food and eating that food then opening the freezer to see if there is immunity. Meg and Nathaniel play. Meg wins but has to eat 1750calories (banana split and black Forrest cake). Nathaniel gets hit with a mere 300calories by contrast (ice cream cone and raspberry yogurt). Commando gets tough on the Moon family making them empty their rooms including beds except for hairbrushes N/A
27 Thursday, 17 March Family Weigh-In #6
Contest #7: Log Supercontest
At the family weigh-in The Westrens top the leaderboard followed respectively by the Duncans, Challenors and the Moon family who continue to struggle. Craig has done the best of the eliminated contestants and Jarod has struggled most. The Westrens chose the champions of the contest. It was Kellie for the Moon family, Damien for the Challenors, Meg for the Duncans and Lara for the Westrens. Commando gives his team a lesson on basic nutrition. The contest involved sawing specific weights of logs from one large log. Round one was 1 kg piece. Meg took the first round. Also advancing to the next round were Damien and Lara. Round two the wood needed to be 2 kg within 50g. Damien won the second round. Also advancing was Lara. The final round the wood needed to be 4 kg +/- 200g. N/A
28 Friday, 18 March Challenge #7: Assault Course Jodie from the Moons was eliminated by the Westrens following this challenge. Damien won the contest. At training Sarah has a meltdown on the treadmill. The challenge is an obstacle course with the winning team eliminating a member of the losing team. Meg is exempt as she has immunity. Nathaniel and Joe represent the Challenors, Leigh and Lara represent the Westrens and Kellie and Rebecca represent the Moon family. The Challenors will have one minute taken off their time at the end of the challenge. It was a staggered start of five minutes between families Westrens then Challenors and finally the Moons. The race was run with each team tied together. The Moon family is a disaster physically and mentally. They took almost 12 minutes on the first obstacle and couldn't complete the second obstacle. The Westrens and Challenors were neck and neck for the win. N/A
Week 8
29 Sunday, 20 March Weigh-In & Elimination #7 The Westrens won the challenge and eliminated Jodie. At weigh in the Moon family and Challenor family fell below the yellow line. Nathaniel and Kellie were nominated for elimination with Nathaniel getting sent home. N/A
30 Wednesday, 23 March Announcement of Singles
Pyramid of Fitness
Following the elimination of Nathaniel, the contestants were split into singles and then taken to a quarry to take part in the Pyramid of Fitness, which Leigh won. Lara is leading the competition in weight loss percentage at over 29%, Damien has lost the most weight overall at 60.5 kg and the three remaining members of the Moon family are dead last in weight loss, not surprising given how many times they've been below the yellow line. In round 1 of the pyramid of fitness, Commando led contestants through squats and they had to keep up with his count. Sarah was knocked out. In round 2 everyone had to do sumo deadlift high pulls, max reps in a minute. Who ever had the lowest reps in a minute was out (Sharlene 29 reps). Round 3 was a spin bike 2 km sprint last contestant out (Damien who did just 500m and was never on a spin bike before). The next round was holding 8 kg medicine balls above the head as long as possible. Kellie buckled first and was out. Round 6 was step-ups on a box max reps in a minute. Rebecca was out with 20 step-ups in a minute. Round 7 was on the cross trainers going as far as possible in 5 minutes. Meg and the Duncan family is out with 1.04 km. Round 8 was a 1 km rowing race. Last round was a treadmill race. first to bail out. Speed increased 2 km/hour every 2 minutes N/A
31 Thursday, 24 March Contest #8: Knowledge
Leigh won the ultimate athlete Temptation was a game of memory. 48 boxes contained foods ranging from 50-750 calories, 2 boxes had immunity cards. Match 2 boxes with same food, choose another contestant to eat the food. No match have to eat 1 chocolate chip cookie (100C). Because Sarah was the only participant matches were kept open and non-matches wee closed. She had to eat 20 cookies or 2000 calories before gaining immunity. At the contest the prize was a 2 kg weight advantage at the next weigh in, 1 kg for the winner and the other kg would be given to another contestant. A series of questions were asked and each correct answer bank 20 seconds of time. The contestants then had to do as many sit ups as possible in the allotted time. Damien was knocked out the first round with 32 sit-ups. In round 2. 10 questions were asked with correct answers banking 20 seconds. Champions then had to do as many shoulder presses as possible. Leigh was out with 52 reps. In the final round, Lara and Joe had to run as far as they could on a treadmill. Joe wins the contest and gives the extra kg to Rebecca N/A
32 Friday, 25 March Challenge #8: Triathlon The Westrens, Moons and Duncans go to play beach volleyball but Michelle holds the Challenors back as punishment for not giving Damien the kg advantage. Damien and Joe mend the relationship in training and Lara gets a boost from pro beach volleyball player. Nancy Potters. The challenge this week is a triathlon. First leg is a 200m x2 kayak paddle down river (top 6 move on). Second leg is 10 km bike race with top three moving on. Final leg is a 100m car race in the Honda Insight. Contestants had to build the road. The reward was spending time on board Cockatoo Island with family. Meg was leading after the kayak leg and Rebecca, Sharlene and Damien were out. Leigh crashed his bike and lost precious time fixing a broken chain. Leigh held Joe off to win the bike race. Joe put in a massive effort clawing his way from 6th to 2nd place. Meg, Sarah and Lydia were out this round. N/A
Week 9
33 Sunday, 27 March Weigh-In & Elimination #8 Lara wins the challenge and gets to spend the night on cockatoo island with her mom Kathy. At weigh in Damien and Lara fall below the yellow line. Damien misses being safe for another week by a mere 800g meaning Joe screwed him by giving Rebecca the advantage. She ends up fourth and without the advantage she would have ended up last and below the yellow line. Damien was eliminated in a close 4-3 vote. N/A
34 Wednesday, 30 March Temptation #5: 24-hour Lockdown
Surprise Weigh-In
The contestants were locked in a room with fatty foods for 24 hours aiming to eat the most. Meg won immunity consuming 1490 calories.
Following the temptation, there was a surprise weigh-in for another immunity. Joe won.
35 Thursday, 31 March Contest #9: Uphill Endurance e
Meg gained 4 kg at the surprise weigh in and Joe lost an impressive 2.6 kg to win the second immunity. Commando works with Sarah on her confidence in training and Meg is pushed hard by Tiffiny to work off the 4 kg she gained. At the challenge, in round 1 champions had to run on a crosstrainer over 2 km at a resistance of 16. Lara won and Rebecca and Sharlene were eliminated. The second round was a 2 km race on a treadmill with an incline of 15. Leigh and Lara moved on and Sarah and Kellie were eliminated. Round three was to climb a sky wall as long as possible. N/A
36 Friday, 1 April Challenge #9: Beach Flagpole Assault Lara wins the 3rd immunity. At the challenge and final immunity opportunity, contestants had to collect the pieces for and build a flag at the beach by digging, swimming and crawling under logs.. It's neck and neck between Kellie and Leigh N/A
Week 10
37 Sunday, 3 April Weigh-In & Elimination #9 Leigh wins the final immunity by seconds. At weigh-in all four immunity holders lose weight to retain their immunity, with Meg's achievement of 3.4 kg being the most impressive. Sarah and Rebecca, who was eliminated, fall below the yellow line N/A
38 Wednesday, 6 April Temptation #6: Ice Cream
Announcement of Makeover Week
Temptation this week was an ice cream truck. Joe and Leigh played with Joe winning by eating a chocolate dipped ice cream cone on top of the 2 sundaes both consumed. Leigh ate only the waffle cone plain. The contestants go rock climbing offsite. Meanwhile, Michelle pays Greg the first eliminated contestant a home visit after he reaches out to her for assistance. After looking in his fridge and seeing all the alcohol, cheese and sweets she offers to bring Greg back to camp for retraining for a week. N/A
39 Thursday, 7 April Continuation of Makeover Week
Contestants, including Greg, get a makeover and walk the catwalk in front of Biggest Loser fans and loved ones. N/A
40 Friday, 8 April Challenge #10: Jacob's Ladder from hell the remaining contestants do the catwalk. Greg continues to struggle with his weight loss journey. At the challenge contestants climb Jacob's ladder N/A
Week 11
41 Sunday, 10 April Weigh-In & Elimination #10 Joe wins the challenge after a grueling 3 hours and 24 minutes. Greg weighs in after his week of retraining and loses 8.4kilos. The remaining contestants give him placards with inspiring words written on them. At weighing Joe gives his extra kilo to Kellie. Meg and Lara fall below the yellow line. Lara is eliminated and Leigh is devastated. N/A
42 Wednesday, 13 April Sailing from Sydney to Hobart #1 Contestants get reacquainted with their old selves via highlights from the trainers first week with the families in their own homes. Later Michelle and Shannon take the contestants to Sydney Harbor to learn to yacht from a sailor who was blinded in an accident. After Training Hayley is there to greet them and the contestants are sailing from Sydney to Hobart in an epic 4 day adventure. Sarah struggles with sea sickness. N/A
43 Thursday, 14 April Sailing from Sydney to Hobart #2
the trek to Hobart continues. Sharlene receives a letter from Craig. The contestants and crew deal with the trials and tribulations brought on by the sea. Kellie talks to Michelle about her life. the Contestants receive letters from loved ones. At the end of the episode Sharlene injures her back falling on the deck in a nasty storm N/A
44 Friday, 15 April Challenge #11: Tasmania Super Challenge The contestants finish the trek to Hobart and Charlene is carried off the boat on a stretcher. In the super challenge contestants kayak from Constitution Dock to Sandy Bay Beach, then they climb 17 flights of stairs at the West Point Hotel and then they abseil 60 meters off the rooftop, then bike 4 km to Mount Wellington and run 4 km up the mountain and pick the dish with the lowest calorie count. Person with the highest calorie plate is eliminated. Sharlene will be left holding the last plate as she is ruled out of competing due to injury. Sarah and Kellie lead after the kayak race. Sarah continues to lead after the stair climb and abseil. Joe has jumped from last to 3rd after abseil. Leigh and Kellie are unable to overcome their fear of heights after encouragement from Commando for a half hour. Joe finishes first and picks 5 large strawberries (50 calories), Meg comes next and selects a can of tuna (100 calories), Sarah finishes 3rd and chooses a glass of orange juice (120 calories). Leigh finishes 4th and picks chicken nuggets (329 calories), Kellie finishes last and must choose between macadamia nuts and brie cheese N/A
Week 12
45 Sunday, 17 April Weigh-In & Elimination #11 Kellie finishes last and picks double brie cheese, leaving Sharlene with a plate of macadamia nuts. The nuts at 704 calories was the highest meaning Sharlene was eliminated. Meg and Sarah fall below the yellow line. Meg is eliminated. N/A
46 Wednesday, 20 April Return of Eliminated Players Trainers return to the eliminated contestants homes to check up on them. The Moons haven't been tossing out the junk food, Jarrod is struggling at home with exercise. The contestants have a sandwich making contest at Subway judged on taste, nutritional value, creativity and presentation. Sandwiches must not exceed 400 calories and 6 grams of fat. Prize is a $6000 fitness package. Sarah's sandwich wins. Nathaniel (35.56%) of the Challenors, Lara of the Westrens (34.55%), Rebecca of the Moons (27.86%) and Emma of the Duncans (37.12%) earn their way back to the white house. N/A
47 Thursday, 21 April Challenge #12: Returning Players the returning contestants get reacquainted with their families. Lara has a breakdown in her first workout back at camp. Returning contestants compete in basketball contest where contestants fill their racks with as many balls as they can in ten minutes. Whoever has the most balls after round 1 wins. Emma takes the first round with 14 balls in her rack. Rebecca takes round 2. Nathaniel breaks down just prior to the 3rd and final round.
48 Sunday, 24 April Returning contestants weigh-in Nathaniel wins the 3rd round eliminating Lara from the biggest loser. At the weigh-in Joe gains 100g and is stripped of his immunity. Nathaniel and Joe are up for elimination. The two go head to head in an elimination challenge. Round 1 they must hold medicine balls above their heads as long as possible (Joe buckles first.) In round 2 it's a 1 km rowing race. N/A
Week 13
49 Monday, 25 April Yellow Line Challenge Ends
Check-up with Dr Swan
Contest #10: Super Contest
Nathaniel wins the yellow line challenge eliminating Joe. Contestants learn their new bio ages. Leigh has the best numbers (16 year difference (his chronological age is 23 and his new bio age is 18 and his aerobic fitness has improved 75%). Then contestants watch videos from their old selves recorded in week one. Round one of the contest involves flipping a large tire as many times as possible in a minute. Nathaniel and Leigh are safe from elimination recording 13 and 12 tire flips respectfully. Round 2 involved moving 26 car tires from point A to B the quickest. Emma and Kellie finish in the top 2 and are safe from elimination. The final round is a tug of war between cousins Rebecca and Sarah. N/A
50 Wednesday, 27 April Dream Outfits
Reflection Hike
Sarah defeats Rebecca in the tug of war contest eliminating Rebecca. Contestants try on their dream outfits. Contestants then go on the reflection hike and put the weight back on. N/A
51 Thursday, 28 April Training the Trainers It was train the trainers day. After smashing all four trainers, there was an ultimate trainer contest. In round one, a sack race, round 2 an egg and spoon race and round 3 spin around 30 and a 50 m dash. Michelle was eliminated round 1. Shannon was eliminated round 2. Commando won the last round. Contestants were then taken off site racing against off-road race cars who were racing 50k and the contestants were racing 5k for fairness. The contestants beat the car by a hair. Leigh conquers his fear of heights by skydiving. N/A
Week 13
52 Sunday, 1 May Weigh-In & Elimination #13 the contestants are put through their paces by all 4 trainers at the last last-chance workout. At the weigh-in, Nathaniel and Sarah fall below the yellow line and Nathaniel is eliminated in a 2-1 vote. N/A
53 Monday, 2 May Live Finale Emma wins the 2011 Biggest Loser title as the second female winner, Sharlene wins the $20,000 eliminated contest winner prize & The Westrens win the family weigh-in N/A

Season 7: 2012

The seventh season also known as The Biggest Loser Singles aired on 23 January 2012.

Original airdate Episode Title Description Total viewers
(Rounded to nearest 1,000)
Week 1
1 Monday, 23 January Season Premiere The 16 new contestants introduced their trainers to their diets for a day, and then left for Camp Biggest Loser. At Camp, they were faced with their first weigh-in, but surprised by being joined by family and friends.
2 Tuesday, 24 January Conclusion of First Weigh-In All team members had to weigh in front of family & friends, as well as their competitors at Camp.
3 Wednesday, 25 January Temptation #1: Wheel of Temptation
The contestants were faced with their first temptation for immunity. No-one took it.
4 Thursday, 26 January Challenge #1: Ferry Pull All four teams had to pull an 18-ton ferry 500m.
Week 2
5 Monday, 30 January Conclusion of Challenge #1
Weigh-In And Elimination #1: Selena
The Black Team won the Challenge.
After White and Blue fell below the Yellow Line, the other contestants were given the option to send no-one home, but only Alex and Graham took this option, sending Selena home.
6 Tuesday, 31 January Contest #1:Endurance
The Walk #1: Shane
The teams competed in their first Contest, which Shane won for the black team, allowing him The Walk. He picked "Mystery", which allowed Selena to return to Camp.
7 Wednesday, 1 February Temptation #2: The Vault
The contestants were faced with a temptation for $30,000 of the Winner's Prize Money. James took it, and was given the money in Gold bullion, handcuffed to his wrist until weigh-in, where he had to decide whether to take the money or stay at Camp with immunity.
8 Thursday, 2 February Challenge #2: Sheep Herding The teams competed for a 2 kg advantage by herding sheep.
Week 3
9 Monday, 6 February Conclusion of Challenge #2
Tempted: James
Weigh-In And Elimination #2: Shane
In the Challenge, the Red Team beat the Black Team in the Final, giving them the 2 kg advantage.
James decided to take the money and leave the competition.
After White and Black fell below the Yellow Line, the other contestants sent Shane home.
10 Tuesday, 7 February Reveal of The Bunker
Public Speaking Challenge
Hayley revealed to the trainers the existence of The Bunker, a secret room where they could spy on their contestants.
The Contestants were challenged to give a short speech to others who were struggling to lose weight about their struggles.
11 Wednesday, 8 February Temptation #3: 12-Hour Lockdown The contestants were faced with a 12-hour temptation, with lots of high-calorie food on offer. The Blue Team dominated the temptation, and won Team Immunity.
12 Thursday, 9 February Challenge #3: Valley Stampede The teams competed to not have a 2 kg disadvantage at the Weigh-in, on a punishing obstacle course. In the end, it came down to the Black and Blue teams.
Week 4
13 Monday, 13 February Conclusion of Challenge #3
Weigh-In And Elimination #3: Brenda
In the challenge, the Black Team marginally beat the Blue Team, giving them the 2 kg disadvantage.
The Red and Black Teams fell below the Yellow Line. In an emotional vote, Brenda was eliminated when against Alex.
14 Tuesday, 14 February 'Beginning of Boys vs Girls week
Contest #2: Super Contest
The Walk #2: Lydia
As part of Boys vs Girls week, the Contest was run in two teams. The Girls won, and sent Lydia on the Walk, where she picked Food and forced the Boys to only each Orange Food for the Week.
15 Wednesday, 15 February Temptation #4: Silver Spoon
The contestants were faced with a fine dining temptation, with a five-star menu being on offer, as well as Immunity and a night away with a contestant of their choice. In an effort to spend the night with Michelle, Hamish beat off his rivals and won immunity.
16 Thursday, 16 February Challenge #4: Hell Hill The teams raced up a sand dune to do fifty laps as a team, for a 2 kg weight advantage.
17 Friday, 17 February Behind The Scenes #1
Makeover: Brenda
Week 5
18 Monday, 20 February Conclusion of Challenge #4
Weigh-In And Elimination #4: Ryan
At the challenge, The girls won.
The Boys lost the weigh-in, and nominated Graham and Ryan to face the vote, where Ryan was unanimously sent home.
19 Tuesday, 21 February Beginning of Immunity Week
Contest #3: Strength
Before the Contest, Hayley announced that the week would have three immunities on offer, each with an extra prize - a 24-hour leave pass from camp. In this contest, contestants raced to move one ton of bricks 30m. After a close race between Luke and Margie, it was Luke who won.
After Luke left for his 24 hours away, the Contestants were surprised with an upcoming twist.
20 Wednesday, 22 February Surprise Weigh-in
Beginning of Temptation #5: Chocolates
In the shock weigh-in, Lydia lost the most weight and took the second immunity and leave pass.
The final immunity and leave pass was offered to the person who ate the most chocolates in 10 minutes.
21 Thursday, 23 February Conclusion of Temptation
Challenge #5: Sand and Sea
In the Temptation, Hamish cruised to another victory.
The teams raced to not have a 1 kg disadvantage per team member, digging out paddles and a kayak and transferring them from one beach to another.
22 Friday, 24 February Behind The Scenes #2
Makeover: Ryan
Week 6
23 Monday, 27 February Conclusion of Challenge #4
Expulsion: Luke
Weigh-In And Elimination #5: Bek
In the Challenge, The White Team lost, giving them a 4 kg disadvantage.
After the Challenge, the contestants had a party, but Luke smuggled alcohol into Camp, and became abusive to the others. He was expelled from Camp. The White and Black teams lost the weigh-in, and nominated Bek and Graham respectively to face the vote, where Bek was unanimously sent home.
24 Tuesday, 28 February Early Morning Training Session
Race Back to Camp
Contest #4: Endurance
To regain control of Camp, the trainers organised a surprise training session before sunrise. Hayley then surprised everyone by announcing that they would be racing back to camp, and the first team back would win the power to banish another team until weigh-in. Red won and sent White to the bush. The other three teams then faced a contest, where one person had to balance on a narrow perch for as long as possible. After Hamish fell, just Margie and Simon were left.
25 Wednesday, 29 February Conclusion of The Contest #4
The Walk #3: Margie
Temptation #6: Aussie BBQ
After they were forced to stand on one leg, Simon fell into the water, leaving Margie as the winner. On the Walk, she selected Mystery, which allowed her to exclude someone's weight from their team's total at the Weigh-In. At Temptation, the Contestants were faced with six barbecues, with temptation and a $2000 multimedia package. Simon was the only one to play.
26 Thursday, 1 March Conclusion of Temptation #6
Challenge #6: Quarry Run
At temptation, Simon won, eating only a burger, after the Red and Black teams conspired to not let Hamish win. At the Challenge, one person from each of the three teams was selected to break rocks and transport them up a hill to fill their rivals' baskets. The winning team won a phone call home, and the right to exclude one trainer from Last Chance Training. The Black team won, and selected Shannan to be excluded, but gave everyone a phone call home.
27 Friday, 2 March Behind The Scenes #3
Makeover: Bek
Week 7
28 Monday, 5 March Phone Calls Home
Weigh-In And Elimination #6: Hamish
The Contestants still at Camp received their phone calls home.
At the Weigh-In, Margie excluded Simon's weight from his team's loss, but it was not enough to save the Black Team, who fell below with Hamish. As he had a higher weight loss percentage than Hamish, Graham volunteered to go up. At the vote, Hamish received three votes, which was enough to send him home as the person with a lower percentage loss.
29 Tuesday, 6 March Conclusion of Elimination
Beginning of Old Dogs vs Young Pups Week
Contest #5: Super Contest
The fallout of Selena's elimination vote for Hamish was felt through the White Team. As he had no-one left to train, Shannan also left Camp.
Hayley then announced that they would be competing in two teams again - young vs old. To balance out the teams, Margie was required to switch for the week.
At the Contest, the Old Dogs dominated, sending Simon on the Walk.
30 Wednesday, 7 March The Walk #4: Simon
The Secret
Temptation #7: Charm School
Simon was selected by his team to go on The Walk, where the Mystery box was replaced by The Secret. When this was selected, Simon had to select one person to know The Secret, also known as The Bunker, and he picked Lydia.
At Temptation, the Contestants themselves were the Temptation, competing for a meal out in their team, and immunity as an individual for the most charming.
31 Thursday, 8 March Conclusion of Temptation #7
Challenge #7: Generation Balance
By a score of 13-11, the Young Pups won the meal out, and Michelle was the most charming individual, so she won immunity. In the challenge, the contestants had to cross a narrow balance beam, carrying items from their decade of birth.
32 Friday, 9 March Behind The Scenes #4
Makeover: Hamish
Week 8
33 Monday, 12 March Conclusion of Challenge #7
Weigh-In And Elimination #7: Selena
Due to Margie throwing the Challenge, the Old Dogs won, and got to select someone (Selena) to weigh-in right there and then.
At the Weigh-In, The Old Dogs won the Week, and sent the Young Pups to elimination. However, for the first time, the losing team voted within themselves who should go. Selena wanted to go home, so her wish was granted.
34 Tuesday, 13 March Beginning of Singles
Contest #6: Endurance
Hayley called the Contestants back to the weigh-in room for an announcement - they were to become singles. She also announced that Lydia was the current Biggest Loser. At the Contest, the contestants were faced with their old selves from Week 1. They ran a 400m race and then had to do the same, coming as close to their original time as possible, whilst carrying their Day 1 weight. By one second, Lisa edged out Michelle to win the power of the Walk.
35 Wednesday, 14 March The Walk #5: Lisa
Carcoar Training Session
Temptation #8: Sushi Train
Lisa went on her first walk, picking the Mystery box. This allowed her the power to select two people who had to be tied together until weigh-in. She selected Graham and Alex.
Graham was taken back home by the Commando for a training session.
Upon Graham's return, Alex refused to be tied to him, and as a result got a 2 kg disadvantage and lost his right to compete for immunity this week. In the Temptation, Graham and Margie were left searching for the immunity under one of the plates.
36 Thursday, 15 March Conclusion of Temptation #8
Challenge #8: Ultimate Athlete
Margie edged Graham out by finding the immunity plate to win it. In the challenge, the contestants were faced with travelling a marathon in four stages - bike, cross trainer, rowing machine and treadmill, with two people being eliminated in each round. In the end, it came down to Margie and Lydia in the last 5 km sprint.
37 Friday, 16 March Behind The Scenes #5
Makeover: Selena
Week 9
38 Monday, 19 March Conclusion of Challenge #8
Weigh-In And Elimination #8: Simon
In the end, Lydia edged out Margie to win a 1 kg advantage, a phone call home and the title of Ultimate Athlete 2012. At the weigh-in, a poor number by Margie was saved by her being immune, so it was Lisa and Simon who were below the Yellow Line. They both wanted the other to stay and to go home themselves, but in the end, Simon's wish was granted and he was eliminated.
39 Tuesday, 20 March Heights Training Session
Contest #7: Endurance
The Walk #6: Lisa
To show exercise could be fun, Michelle and Tiffiny split their six contestants (including Alex) into two groups, who went rock climbing and learnt the art of trapeze respectively. Whilst this was going on, Graham was being trained by Commando in order to harness the anger shown at the weigh-in.
At the Contest, Michelle as Biggest Loser of the previous week got to sit three people out, and she chose Alex, Lydia and Margie. The remaining four then competed to duck and dive over spinning bars, which got progressively faster. In the two heats, Kasey beat Michelle and Lisa beat Graham to make the final, which was easily won by Lisa.
On her second walk, she again picked the Mystery Box.
40 Wednesday, 21 March Conclusion of The Walk #6
Temptation #9: Patisserie
Lisa went on her second walk, and her mystery power was revealed to be the opportunity to pick one person to get exclusive use of their trainer until weigh-in. She picked herself, leaving Lydia and Margie to train with Tiffiny and Commando.
In the Temptation, four people played - Alex, Margie, Lydia and Michelle, but it was Michelle who won the immunities.
41 Thursday, 22 March Conclusion of Temptation #9
Challenge #9: Tyre Stack
Michelle assigned her second immunity to Kasey. Margie won the 1 kg advantage from the challenge.
42 Friday, 23 March Behind The Scenes #6
Makeover: Simon
Week 10
43 Sunday, 25 March Conclusion of Challenge #9
Weigh-In And Elimination #9: Lisa
The challenge finished, with Lisa getting the 1 kg disadvantage. At the weigh-in, Lisa and Alex fell below the yellow line, and Graham and the White Team banded together to eliminate Lisa.
44 Monday, 26 March Eliminated Contestants Return
Beginning of Makeovers
Shannan returns to surprise the Eliminated Contestants and announce that they will be taking part in a week-long boot camp to get back in the competition.
The remaining contestants, as well as James and Luke, get a make-over.
45 Tuesday, 27 March Conclusion of Makeovers The made-over contestants take part in a runway show.
46 Wednesday, 28 March Trainers' Night Out
Challenge #10: Raft Challenge
At the end of the Makeover, the Trainers take the contestants for a night out. The next day, Shannan takes his secret team into a hard core training session with a special guest.
47 Thursday, 29 March Behind The Scenes #7
Makeover: Shane
Week 11
48 Sunday, 1 April Conclusion of Challenge #10
Weigh-In And Elimination #10: Lydia
The challenge finishes, with the final two players being on bedroom lockdown, with only each other and a spin bike for company.
49 Monday, 2 April Reveal of the Bunker
Return of Eliminated Contestants to Camp
Contest #8: Strength
The final five learn of the existence of the Bunker, and are plagued by the appearance of white-hooded intruders.
The eliminated contestants compete for the first weigh-in passes, which Lisa and Simon won.
50 Tuesday, 3 April Contest #9: Knowledge The eliminated contestants compete for the third weigh-in pass, which Lydia won.
51 Wednesday, 4 April Challenge #11: Iron Man The final two weigh-in passes were on offer in a Biggest Loser Iron Man, the first of which went to Brenda.
Week 12
52 Sunday, 8 April Conclusion of Challenge #11
Weigh-In And Return of Lydia, Brenda and Bek
The challenge finishes, with Bek claiming the final pass. She, Lisa and Simon fell below the yellow line and she was voted back into the game, along with Lydia and Brenda.
53 Monday, 9 April Contest #10: Endurance The final eight compete in a poolside contest with the power to send someone home until the weigh-in, which Margie won, and sent Michelle home.
54 Tuesday, 10 April Temptation #10: Temptation Booth The contestants are faced with a 24-hour temptation taking place in a booth in the living room for immunity, which Alex won.
55 Wednesday, 11 April Challenge #12: Stacks On The contestants are given the opportunity to stack weight onto each other to win a 1 kg advantage and the power to assign a 1 kg penalty.
Week 13
56 Sunday, 15 April Conclusion of Challenge #12
Weigh-In And Elimination #11: Michelle
The challenge finishes, with Lydia winning and assigning the 1 kg to Graham. Margie and Michelle were below the yellow line and Michelle was sent home in a hung vote.
57 Monday, 16 April Trainers Fulfil Dreams The remaining contestants fulfil lifelong dreams with their trainers, including horse riding, surfing and riding motorcycles.
58 Tuesday, 17 April Temptation #11: Cupcakes The contestants are faced with a floor of cupcakes, three of which hold immunity.
59 Wednesday, 18 April Challenge #13: Manly Treasure Hunt Two contestants are put to the test to see how much they've really learnt, as they teach a pump class to some gym patrons. Later the contestants take on a challenge in the open water at Manly.
60 Thursday, 19 April Behind The Scenes #8
Makeover: Michelle
Week 14
61 Sunday, 22 April Weigh-In And Elimination #12: Lydia In last chance training, an ambulance is put on hold for one of the contestants and another is told it's bed rest until results for a knee injury are in. At weigh-in, we reveal some shocking results. At the weigh-in, Graham & Lydia fell below the yellow line, and Lydia was sent home permanently.
62 Monday, 23 April Beginning of Face Your Fears Week: Switzerland The final six and the trainers travel to Switzerland to begin Face Your Fears week. Bek, Brenda & Kasey skydived at 5,000 ft. from a helicopter, Alex and Margie had a 80m freefall with a 120m canyon swing, and Graham had a 190m abseil.
63 Tuesday, 24 April Reflection Hike The contestants reflect on where they were 14 weeks ago, by putting the weight back on in a 4 km hike through snow.
64 Wednesday, 25 April Challenge #14: Switzerland Super Challenge
Elimination #13: Graham
The contestants face a Super Challenge, the loser of which will be eliminated. Graham was eliminated as he was holding the 525 calorie chocolate.
65 Thursday, 26 April Behind The Scenes #9
Makeover: Lydia
Week 15
66 Sunday, 29 April Conclusion of Super Challenge
Weigh-In And Elimination #14: Bek
The contestants return from Switzerland to find a most welcome homecoming present for them. Less welcomed is the Weigh In and inevitable Elimination where they learn of another twist - that the final four would be a final three.
67 Monday, 30 April Train the Trainers It's the training session that the contestants enjoy more than any other - train the trainer. It's the perfect way to demonstrate the techniques and methods that they have learnt over the months.
68 Tuesday, 1 May Bio Age Update
Cocktail Party
Expect some startling results as the contestants are told their current bio age. Meanwhile, there's a chance to be single and mingle at the cocktail party.
69 Wednesday, 2 May Guest Champions
Challenge #15: With Strings Attached
A good time was had by all at the party and confidence levels are high. What better time to embark on a very special training session with four special guest champions.
70 Thursday, 3 May Behind The Scenes #10 N/A
Week 16
71 Sunday, 6 May Final Weigh-In And Elimination #15: No-one At final weigh-in, two contestants fall below the yellow line. With heavy hearts, the two voting contestants write down a name. But before they have the chance to reveal it, they are given a proposal. Kasey and Margie were both saved from elimination when Alex and Brenda took the offer of sending no-one home.
72 Tuesday, 8 May Live Finale The final four, as well as the eliminated contestants, weigh in for the final time to determine who wins the $220,000 prize and the eliminated contestants' prize of $20,000 respectively. Margie was the biggest loser, with a percentage of 46.64%, and Lydia won the eliminated contestants' prize with a loss of 44.47%.

Season 8: 2013

The eighth season also known as The Biggest Loser: The Next Generation aired on 17 March 2013.

Ep#/Wk-Ep# Original airdate Episode Title / Event Description Total viewers
(Free-to-air rounded to nearest 1,000)
Week 1
1 Sunday, 17 March Season Premiere The 14 new contestants in the shape of 7 couples made up of parents and their kids, either mother & son, father & son, mother & daughter and father & daughter. The couples first make a promise in front of 3,000 strangers and then have to jump off a cliff. Hayley welcomes everyone to the new biggest loser house and announces that a couple will win the biggest loser.
2 Monday, 18 March First Weigh-In All team members had to weigh in for the first time and the teams start their first training session.
3 Tuesday, 19 March Major Challenge #1 - Man vs Machine
Hayley offered all the contestants immunity if they can lose 100 kg as a group at the weigh in. The contestants were faced with their first challenge, pulling their combined weight in a skip as a group 100m to the finish while racing a fighter jet plane to win a 7 kg advantage, they won.
Week 2
4 Sunday, 24 March Weigh-in #1 The contestants weighed in for the first time and beat heir 100 kg goal and no one was eliminated. Hayley then brought in two new teams (dubbed the heavyweights) which includes the heaviest contestant worldwide.
5 Monday, 25 March The Fridge #1 Hayley introduced a new twist called the fridge which could bring an advantage/disadvantage to a team. Anita & Cher received it and got Shannon excessively for a week.
6 Tuesday, 26 March Major Challenge #2 - Half Marathon
The couples were split into 3 teams and each team had to do a half marathon with each couple doing at least one 3 km lap. Michelle's team of the red, sky blue and pink teams won and got a 1 kg advantage on the scales. .
Week 3
7 Sunday, 31 March Weigh-in #2 / Elimination #1 The contestants weighed in for the second time and though of their 1 kg advantages, Sam & Jess and Richard & Amber were put up for elimination but only one person of the safe couple was allowed to vote. Sam &Jess were eliminated by a 4-2 vote, Hayley told everyone that an eliminated couple will return to the game in the near future. .
8 Monday, 1 April The Fridge #2 Janet & Kirsten were given the fridge this week and got a 24-hour visitors pass with an isit from their loved ones. An off-site training session saw Brett break his left arm. .
9 Tuesday, 2 April Major Challenge #3 - Flushed away
Each couples had to hold one arm in the air to hold a trough full of water to tip over them, the last team standing would win immunity, the pink team won.
Week 4 (Supersized Week)


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External links

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