No. | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN | North American release date | North American ISBN |
1 | March 17, 2010[2] | ISBN 978-4-06-384277-7 | May 8, 2012[5] | ISBN 978-1-935654-46-9 |
- 01. "The Flowers of Evil" (悪の華)
- 02. "Invitation to a Journey" (旅への誘い)
- 03. "Cause for Blackmail" (脅迫の理由)
- 04. "Cloudy Skies" (曇り空)
- 05. "A Promise" (約束)
- 06. "Immorality" (背徳)
Forgetting his copy of Les Fleurs du mal at school, Kasuga goes back and stumbles upon Saeki's gym uniform, stealing it in a panic. Nakamura tells him that she saw him stealing the uniform and forces him to form a contract with her. When he doesn't write her an essay, she strips him and forces him to wear the uniform. After Kasuga defends Nakamura from an accusation of stealing, Saeki tells him that he was really cool. Later, he manages to ask her out on a date. Nakamura meets him before the date and makes him wear the uniform underneath his clothes. |
2 | September 17, 2010[7] | ISBN 978-4-06-384370-5 | July 10, 2012[8] | ISBN 978-1-935654-47-6 |
- 07. "Madness" (暴走)
- 08. "Confession" (告白)
- 09. "The Fraying String" (ほつれる糸)
- 10. "Spleen and Ideal" (憂鬱と理想)
- 11. "That Which Is Not Easily Saved" (救いがたいもの)
- 12. "That which Punishes Self and Soul" (われとわが身を罰するもの)
Kasuga takes Saeki to a used bookstore and gifts her a copy of Les Fleurs du mal. In a park, Saeki asks him to enter into a relationship with her. Nakamura splashes him with a bucket of water, revealing the uniform underneath his clothes, and Kasuga flees. Saeki mishears Nakamura teasing Kasuga about her and thinks that she wants to have sex with Kasuga. After failing to tell Saeki about his theft, Kasuga begs Nakamura to tell her the truth. Nakamura and Kasuga meet in the school at night and proceed to heavily vandalize it. Kasuga writes a confession on the board, draws the flower from the cover of Les Fleurs du mal on the floor, and places the uniform in the center. |
3 | February 9, 2011[9] | ISBN 978-4-06-384436-8 | October 23, 2012[10] | ISBN 978-1-935654-48-3 |
- 13. "A Dawn of the Heart" (心の夜明け)
- 14. "Melancholy" (憂鬱)
- 15. "Twilight" (たそがれ時)
- 16. "The Offended Moon" (機嫌を損じた月)
- 17. "De Profundis" (深淵より叫びぬ)
- "Special Episode" (特別番外編)
The next day an assembly is called and students are sent home, but Kasuga isn't incriminated because his name in the confession was covered by ink. Saeki confronts Kasuga, recognizing the flower drawn on the floor and he requests a breakup. She refuses and visits his home later, requesting that Kasuga be more open to her. Kasuga's mother discovers the ink-stained clothes from the previous night and Kasuga runs away. He meets Nakamura and she tells him to ride his bicycle towards the mountains. Saeki finds them at night, and tries to make Kasuga come back. However, Kasuga is unable to choose between the two girls, estranging both of them. The police come searching for Saeki and drive them all to the police station. |
4 | August 9, 2011[11] | ISBN 978-4-06-384528-0 | January 15, 2013[12] | ISBN 978-1-935654-49-0 |
- 18. "The Sun" (太陽)
- 19. "A Certain Curious Man's Dream" (あるもの好き男の夢)
- 20. "A Certain Boy's Promise" (ある少年の約束)
- 21. "The Curious Man's Dream" (もの好き男の夢)
- 22. "The Flowers of Evil in Lovely Bloom" (惡の華 可憐に咲く)
A month after their encounter in the mountains, Saeki breaks up with Kasuga. Resolving to help Nakamura, Kasuga writes an essay for her. However, she runs away from him and Kasuga ends up meeting her father at their house. Kasuga goes into her room and finds her diary, which chronicles her boredom and attempted escape from tedium with Kasuga. Kasuga builds a makeshift hideout for them and decorates it with panties stolen from all the girls in his class, gaining Nakamura's approval. |
5 | January 6, 2012[13] | ISBN 978-4-06-384611-9 | April 16, 2013[14] | ISBN 978-1-935654-70-4 |
- 23. "Dance of Ruination" (破滅の舞踏)
- 24. "Song of Summer" (夏の歌)
- 25. "The Flowers of Goddess" (女神の華)
- 26. "The Doings of Men and Women in Love" (愛し合う男女の)
- 27. "A Darkening Sky" (かげる空)
Before the start of summer vacation, Kasuga places a pair of panties on top of a school statue. Saeki and Kinoshita follow him to his hideout and Saeki vows to punish them. Kasuga and Nakamura nail the panties onto plywood, planning to show them at the summer festival. Saeki discovers the plywood and lures Kasuga to his hideout. There, she rapes him, but Kasuga resists, causing her to burn the hideout down. Saeki confronts Nakamura, but she only hugs her, causing Saeki to admit that she's jealous of her. Meanwhile, a firefighter discovers Nakamura's planner at the scene of the fire. |
6 | June 8, 2012[15] | ISBN 978-4-06-384681-2 | July 9, 2013[16] | ISBN 978-1-935654-91-9 |
- 28. "A Heatless Sun" (熱のない太陽)
- 29. "Tomorrow Morning Will You Yet Be?" (明日の朝、君達は果たして?)
- 30. "Softly Respiring in the Depths of Stifling Darkness" (重苦しい闇の奥で静かに呼吸づきながら)
- 31. "Sullied, Pure Gaze" (汚れて清いまなざし)
- 32. "I Will Love You!" (愛してやろう!)
Police detectives visit Kasuga at his home and question him about the fire and the planner, but he denies involvement. His parents confront him about his activities and force him to stay home. Saeki visits him and tells him to turn himself in and stay in the town with her, but Kasuga rejects her advances. Saeki turns herself in to the police for setting the fire. Kinoshita tells the school about Kasuga's crimes. The school doesn't involve the police and tries to get him to admit that he was influenced by Nakamura. Kasuga's parents announce that they'll be moving over the vacation. The night before the festival, Nakamura breaks into Kasuga's house, attacking his father, and the two escape. The next day, the two purchase disguises, a kitchen knife, kerosene, and a lighter. Meanwhile, Kasuga's mother, Nakamura's father, and Kinoshita search for them at the festival. Kasuga and Nakamura climb to the top of a float while wielding a knife. |
7 | December 7, 2012[17] | ISBN 978-4-06-384761-1 | October 15, 2013[18] | ISBN 978-1-939130-00-6 |
- 33. "Happy Are They Who May Take Flight" (翔び立ち得る者は幸なり)
- 34. "Precious Thoughts" (貴重な思い)
- 35. "While Yearning for Far-Off Skies" (遠つ空しのびつつ)
- 36. "Clinging to an Unfulfilled Dream" (見果てぬ夢に追いすがる)
- 37. "Shafts of Winter Sunlight" (冬の日ざしがさっと差込む)
Kasuga and Nakamura pour kerosene on themselves and say their final words, cursing the town and themselves. Just before they immolate themselves, Nakamura pushes Kasuga over the railings of the float, but she is tackled by her father before she can burn herself. A few years later, Kasuga is going to high school in a new city and he finds that he still can't forget Nakamura. Kasuga finds his classmate Tokiwa looking at Les Fleurs du mal in a used bookstore and she offers to lend him a novel. The novel rekindles his love of books and she starts lending him novels frequently. One day she forgets to bring the novels so Kasuga goes with her to her house. He discovers that she is currently working on a novel. Before he can look at it, Koji, Tokiwa's boyfriend, shows up outside her house. |
8 | June 7, 2013[19] | ISBN 978-4-06-384872-4 | January 7, 2014[20] | ISBN 978-1-939130-04-4 |
- 38. "The Name, Too, Forgotten Now" (今は名も忘られはてし)
- 39. "Summoned from the Abyss" (深淵より呼びぬ)
- 40. "Tearing the Cosmos' Happy Harmony" (目出度い宇宙の調和を破る)
- 41. "A Scent as Sweet as a Secret" (秘密のように甘い香を)
- 42. "In Short, I Was Dead" (つまり、僕は死んでいた)
Koji is initially suspicious of Kasuga but relaxes after seeing how timid he is. He invites him to come along with Tokiwa and him to their friends' hideout. Angry that Kasuga was the first guy that Tokiwa let into her room, Koji presses Kasuga on who he used to like, causing an argument between Koji and Tokiwa. Tokiwa admits to Kasuga that she feels empty and Kasuga sees a resemblance to Nakamura in her. Later, Kasuga reads her manuscript, and is bought to tears because he can identify with the protagonist. He encourages her to write the novel. On their way home, Kasuga encounters Saeki, and the two meet up for lunch the next day. Saeki questions Kasuga on why he isn't searching for Nakamura anymore and accuses him of using Tokiwa as a stand-in for her. |
9 | August 9, 2013[21] | ISBN 978-4-06-394923-0 | April 22, 2014[22] | ISBN 978-1-939130-28-0 |
- 43. "That Was Your Soul" (あれは君の魂だもの)
- 44. "What My Sinful Heart Seeks" (罪深い僕の心が求めるのは)
- 45. "You as Dear as the Night Sky" (夜の空ほど君恋しきよ)
- 46. "O Fountain of Eternal Youth" (永遠の青春の泉よ)
- 47. "Soon Homeward Now" (今しも家路に帰るのだ)
Koji and Tokiwa make up and he apologizes to Kasuga. Saeki's words come back to Kasuga and cause him to doubt his relationship with Tokiwa, but he reminds himself that Nakamura is elsewhere now. Emboldened, he visits Tokiwa at her workplace and asks her to go out with him, saying that he will be the one to save her. She breaks up with Koji and accepts. After they go out for a while, Tokiwa proposes that they visit Kasuga's hometown, but Kasuga refuses. Kasuga's father receives a phone call that Kasuga's grandfather collapsed and is going to die soon. Kasuga decides to go back with him to their hometown. |
10 | January 9, 2014[23] | ISBN 978-4-06-394993-3 | July 1, 2014[24] | ISBN 978-1-939130-66-2 |
- 48. "A Dear One's Remains Enshrouded" (愛する者の死骸が包まれている)
- 49. "Do You Know Anguish?" (君は知るか、懊悩を?)
- 50. "Still I Have Not Forgotten" (僕はまだ忘れずにいる)
- 51. "In the Light of Thine Eyes" (そなたの瞳の光には)
- 52. "Have You Noticed" (君は気づいているか)
Kasuga helps keep his grandfather company while he turns cold, but he misses his death. Kasuga's relatives blame him for their grandfather's death. Kasuga sees Kinoshita at the funeral and the two meet at a diner at night. Kinoshita tells him that she regrets being left behind by Saeki and being stuck in her town. Before she leaves, she gives Kasuga a note saying where Nakamura moved to. Tokiwa finishes her novel and asks Kasuga to read it, but he refuses and tells her about his past. Kasuga tells her that he wants to visit Nakamura so that he can put her in the past and be with Tokiwa. Tokiwa says that she'll go with him. The couple takes the train to Tokawa Station in Chōshi, Chiba and finds the eatery owned by Nakamura's mother. They order a meal and Kasuga and Nakamura greet each other. |
11 | June 9, 2014[3] | ISBN 978-4-06-395116-5 | October 14, 2014[6] | ISBN 978-1-941220-10-8 |
- 53. "To Know Whether the Sea Is Truly Generous and Kind" (海が果して寛容で親切だかを知るがため)
- 54. "In The Golden Sunset" (金色の夕ぐれに)
- 55. "Following Time's Passage" (時すぎてのち)
- 56. "We Are Those Who Wish" (僕らは願う者なのだ)
- Final Chapter. "The Stuff of Our Souls" (われらが心を占めるのは)
At a nearby beach, Kasuga asks Nakamura her why she shoved him off the float back then and Nakamura says she forgot. Kasuga roughhouses Nakamura and tells her that he's happy she didn't disappear. She punches him and the three play with each other. Later, Kasuga is now in college and re-reads Les Fleurs du mal, enjoying it. Tokiwa and him are still dating and she is working on another novel. Kasuga dreams about his future with her and about his friends reuniting with estranged loved ones. When he wakes up, Kasuga starts writing in his empty book. The final chapter shows the story from Nakamura's point of view with people depicted as scary black blobs and darkness threatening to seep into her until she meets Kasuga. |