List of The Kingdom Keepers characters

This is a list of characters from The Kingdom Keepers, a series of children's novels by Ridley Pearson.


Main characters

The Kingdom Keepers

A group of five children chosen as models for Disney Host Interactive (DHI) are holograms; however, this is a ruse by Wayne Kresky to choose a team of children with a balanced set of skills to battle the Overtakers. Their struggle against the Overtakers is legendary inside and outside the park to characters and humans, although the humans think their battles are performances. In the seventh book the Keepers identify themselves as Children of Light to the characters, since their DHIs are made of light. In DHI form, the Keepers can go "all clear" (become pure hologram) to bypass obstacles; fear makes them more material, and vulnerable to harm. Version 2.0 eliminated the problem, but it was withdrawn in The Insider because the Imagineers feared that the military would try to use it. How each Keeper goes "all clear" is unique; Finn pictures exiting a dark tunnel (which he teaches the others to do, and does to awake as his hologram), while Willa, Philby and Charlene (in The Insider) focus on the one they love.

Finn's morals changed from book six onwards, probably due to an electrical shock he received in DHI form. His anger overrides his better judgement, leaving him willing to kill the Overtakers, who have no qualms about doing so themselves. He fatally ripped a hole in Maleficent, tried killing Tia Dalma and strangling Cruella De Vil.
In Shell Game and Dark Passage, she begins to develop feelings for Maybeck; this proves to be a good thing as Maybeck was put in Sleeping Beauty Syndrome by the Queen, and needed true love's kiss. During the timeskip between Dark Passage and The Insider, Charlene had become quite a popular actress thanks to her good looks (having appeared on Good Luck Charlie often); however, she doesn't let the fame go to her head. In "The Syndrome", its revealed that she now shares an apartment with a famous actress, who she told all about her adventures.
When the Evil Queen puts him in the Syndrome, Charlene awakens him with true love's kiss. They remained a couple throughout the timeskip between Dark Passage and The Insider, despite Charlene's acting career mostly keeping them separated; the narration says Maybeck is in agony for not being able to be with her. Charlene is the only person who makes Maybeck break his emotional mask.
To wake Philby from Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, Willa kissed him; since then, they have officially become a couple. Their relationship is an odd one; Philby "says what she wants to hear at the wrong time(s)". In The Insider, Willa doubts herself since she is not like most girls her age, and is jealous of Charlene's figure.
At the end of Dark Passage, he and Willa officially become a couple, following true love's kiss to awaken him from the Syndrome. In "The Insider", Philby is the most disappointed of the Keepers with missing graduation because he was one of the three top students and would be giving a speech. He is also paranoid about the Imagineers keeping tabs on them. At the end of The Insider, Philby convinces Finn to join the rest of the Keepers in looking into the meaning of Jess's latest drawing, and what connection it may have to Wayne's final message.


A pun on "fairly human", each Fairly has one supernatural talent. The government rounds up the Fairlies and imprisons them in a facility in Baltimore, Maine to study their powers and replicate them for military purposes. Amanda and Jess, on the run from the facility for years, are now protected by Disney. They are ready to change their names and appearance; some of the novels explain that they have changed their appearance or are using nicknames. In The Syndrome, their powers are shown to have evolved.

Amanda is in love with Finn, but wonders about what their relationship is through the last four books of the series. In Power Play, Finn kisses her (partly due to a spell by the Evil Queen), but she doesn't fight him off. In Shell Game, she and Finn get into an argument before Finn goes on the Cruise Ship, so she is confused whether they are together or not. When Finn runs to jump off the ship with Willa, he sees Amanda's DHI and thinks about how he loves her. In The Insider, they attend Senior prom together; however, unlike the other couples, they try to keep a sliver of distance between them while dancing. In book 7, Jess notes that Amanda hates being called "Mandy", unless it's by Finn. Amanda and Jess have also gotten scholarships courtesy of the Keepers' hard work for Disney. In "The Syndrome", Amanda's strong love and desire to protect Finn allowed her powers to evolve, granting her telekinesis both properties of magnetism - repel AND attract; she also no longer needs both her hands to direct the blast.
Her power is seeing the future in dreams, and sometimes daydreams; in The Insider, Jess has become increasingly horrified by her dreams (due to the mayhem that the Overtakers would be causing), becoming insomniac to keep from dreaming. Jess sees a vision of lightning, which is what slays Chernabog. Wayne gifts her with Walt's first pen, which is magical in her hands; anything she draws becomes real, but she cannot erase what isn't a part of the characters' world; she uses this to revive Mickey Mouse from the original Mortimer Mouse drawing. In "The Syndrome", Jess starts having vision the moment a key item is mentioned or shown to her, showing a growth of her powers.


The Keepers are guided by Wayne Kresky and his daughter, Wanda. Wayne and Wanda's methods of assistance differ; Wayne prefers difficult riddles and clues, and Wanda directly assists them in any way she can.


The Overtakers are the series' principal antagonists. Walt Disney foresaw the emergence of the Overtakers, knowing that the more one believes in something, the more real it becomes—the more belief in the characters, the closer they get to the real world. The Overtakers intend to rule the parks and the world outside. Most are antagonists of Disney films and attractions, and are capable of thought. Minor characters, incapable of thought, are their soldiers (often mere animated statues). Chernabog rules the main faction of the Overtakers, with Jafar, Shan Yu and Ursula having their own storylines. The Overtakers are sometimes invisible to humans or security cameras; in the first novel, this allowed them to steal supplies to upgrade the cells below Pirates of the Caribbean.

Other Overtaker minions are:

Additional characters


Disney characters


  1. "Keeper Profile: Charlene Turner". Kingdom Keepers. Retrieved 9 April 2014.
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