List of UNC Charlotte student organizations
There are a number of student organizations at University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
The university features a variety of student journals, magazines, and newspapers.
The campus also includes several fraternities, sororities and secret societies.
Academic (pre-professional)
- Allied Health Club (AHC)
- Alpha Kappa Psi
- American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)
- American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
- American Marketing Association (AMA)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Anthropology Club (HUMAN Holistic Understanding of Mankind, Anthropology, and Nature)
- Arnold Air Society
- Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Association for Computing Machinery - Women in Computing (ACM-W)
- Association of Nursing Students (ANS)
- BSW Social Work Club
- Charlotte Area Robotics (CAR)
- Charlotte Geography Club
- Charlotte Postsecondary HOSA
- Collegiate Middle Level Association
- Collegiate Music Educators National Conference
- Criminal Justice Association
- Financial Management Association (FMA)
- Forensics
- Gamma Iota Sigma Fraternity (Risk Management and Insurance)
- Health Communication Student Community (HCSC)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- International Studies Student Association
- Kinesiology Student Organization (KSO)
- Los Libertadores Society
- Minority Association of Pre-medical Students (MAPS)
- National Art Education Association (Student Chapter)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
- NinerOnline
- North Carolina Student Legislature
- North Carolina World Trade Association (49er Chapter)
- Potter Watch- The Official Harry Potter Club of UNC Charlotte
- Pre-Law Society
- Pre-Pharmacy Student Association
- Psychology Club
- Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
- Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
- Society of Automotive Engineers
- Society of Physics Students
- Society of Women Engineers
- Sport Marketing Association (SMA)
- Student Association of Sociology (SAS)
- Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)
- Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE)
- Student National Education Association
- Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity
- Undergraduate Business Association
- Undergraduate Student National Dental Association
- University Honors Program Student Association
- Young Entrepreneurs Association
- Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)
- American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE)
- Association of Biology Graduate Students
- Association of Chemistry Graduate Students
- Association of Graduate Information Technology Students
- Association of Nanoscience Graduate Students (ANGS)
- Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Student Professional Association
- Educational Leadership Graduate Student Council
- English Graduate Student Association (EGSA)
- Gamma Theta Upsilon
- Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)
- Graduate Association of Student Philosophers
- Graduate History Association
- Graduate Public Health Association (GPHA)
- Graduate Public Policy Association (GPPA)
- Graduate Social Work Association (GSWA)
- Graduate Sociological Association
- Health Psychology Graduate Student Association (HPGSA)
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology Graduate Association (IOPGA)
- SPIE/OSA Student Chapter at UNC Charlotte (SPIE) (Formerly: International Society for Optical Engineering)
- Master of Public Administration Student Group (MPASG)
- Master's of Architecture Student Society (MASS)
- Mathematics Graduate Student Association
- Mu Tau Beta
- Multicultural Graduate Student Organization
- Organizational Science Graduate Association (OSGA)
- Sigma Phi Omega (Gamma Psi chapter)
Greek organizations
Honor Society
- Alpha Kappa Psi
- Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society
- Alpha Psi Omega
- Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting)
- Eta Kappa Nu
- Golden Key International Honour Society
- Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society (Communications)
- National Residence Hall Honorary
- National Society of Collegiate Scholars
- Order of Omega- Greek Honor Society
- Phi Alpha Theta - History Honor Society
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
- Pi Sigma Alpha Fraternity
- Psi Chi Honor Society (Psychology)
- Sigma Alpha Lambda Honor Society
- Sigma Pi Sigma Fraternity
- Sigma Tau Delta Honor Society
- Tau Beta Pi Honor Society
- Tri Beta
- 318
- 49er Social and Ballroom Dance Club
- 49th Measure
- A.C.E.S Hip Hop Dance Team
- Art of Light Photography Club
- Bass Rats
- C.H.A.I.N. Reaction
- Charlotte Football Initiative Students
- Collegiate Starleague(CSL) #Rise
- EARTH Club
- F.A.M.E. One
- Find Yourself in Fashion (FYI Fashion)
- Free Thinkers Alliance
- Horsepower Addicts
- Hypeman Entertainment
- Japanese Animation and Manga Society
- Linux Users Group
- Miner-MUG
- Niner Nation Gold
- Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO)
- Poker Club
- Resident Students Association (RSA)
- Scratch Marks
- Student Organization of Meteorology (STORM)
- Student Art Society
- Student Technologies, Resources and Promotions (STRAP)
- Tablespoon of Talent Improvisation Troupe
- Tantrum Hip Hop Dance Troupe
- The Guild
- THE RUSH (The Gold Rush)
- X-Factor Modeling Troupe
- Yoga for All
- Arab Student Organization (Arabica)
- Asian Student Association
- Brazilian Student Association (BRAZA)
- Caribbean Connection
- UNCC CSSA - Chinese Students and Scholars Association at UNC Charlotte
- French Club
- German Club
- Indian-American Student Association (AAWAZ)
- International Club
- International Students Christian Fellowship
- International Studies Student Association
- Iranian Student Organization
- Japanese Animation and Manga Society
- Korean Student Association
- Korean American Student Association
- Liberian Student Association
- Model United Nations
- Nihon Club
- Organization of African Students (OAS)
- Russian Club
- Taiwanese Student Organization
- Triveni
- Turkish Student Association
- Vietnamese Student Association
- Black Student Union (BSU)
- Triveni (Indian Student Organization) -
- Chi Upsilon Sigma (Corazones Unidos Siempre)
- Collegiate 100
- Collegiate Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women
- Hillel
- Hmong Student Association
- Latin American Student Organization (LASO)
- Los Libertadores Society
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Native American Student Organization (NASO)
- TIARA (Official Interest Group of Mu Sigma Upsilon)
- Zeta Phi Beta sorority
- Campus Activities Board (CAB)
- Carolina Academic Team
- Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)
- Student Activity Fees Commission (SAFC)
- Student Government Association (SGA) Executive Branch
- Student Government Association (SGA) Judicial Branch
- Student Government Association (SGA) Legislative Branch
- Student Media
- College Republicans
- College Democrats
- Feminist Union
- Student Organization for Non-Partisan Political Action (N-PPA)
Religious (spiritual)
- Alpha Omega
- Baptist Campus Ministry
- Believers in Christ on Campus
- Campus Bible Fellowship
- Campus Crusade for Christ
- Campus Outreach
- Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship
- Element College Community
- Every Nation Campus Ministry
- Greater Faith Christian Fellowship
- Hillel
- Hindu Students Council
- ImpactUNCC
- International Students Christian Fellowship
- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Mission 28
- Muslim Students Association
- Road to Damascus Campus Outreach
- United
- United Christian Fellowship (UCF)
- Unrestricted
- Voices of Eden Gospel Choir
- Young Life
- Alpha Phi Omega
- Circle K International
- Fire and Safety Technologist (FAST)
- HomeWork
- Niner Nation Foundation
- Rotaract
- Student Alumni Ambassadors
- Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE)
- V-Day
- The Veterans Club
- Badminton
- Bowling Club
- Club Baseball
- Club Swimming
- Cycling Club
- Equestrian Club
- Fencing Club
- Ice Hockey Club
- Jiu Jitsu Club
- Kendo Club
- Kung Fu Club
- Men's Lacrosse
- Men's Soccer Club
- Men's Rugby Club
- Snowboarding Club
- Table Tennis Club
- Tennis Club
- Triathlon Club
- Women's Club Basketball
- Women's Club Soccer
- Women's Club Softball
- Women's Lacrosse Club
- Women's Rugby Club
- Women's Volleyball Club
Secret Societies
Although the University is young comparatively to most that have such societies there are around six secret societies that are known to exist though some have since disbanded.

- Diu Memoriae Consilium
The name of this group roughly translates into English as "The Council has a Long memory". It is thought to be the oldest of such societies at this university. They supposedly hold their meetings around the grave of Bonnie Cone, the founder of the University. The group is also commonly referred to only as the "Council".
- The 49th hour
A group composed of past and present Norm the Niners.
- Bonnies Boys
This group is thought to no longer be in existence, but was originally made up of former students of Bonnie Cone.
- The Society of 49
- Order of the Barnstormers
- Halton Hellraisers
List Of UNC Charlotte Student Organizations