List of World at Your Feet episodes

MediaCorp Channel 8's television series World at Your Feet is a sports drama series produced by MediaCorp Singapore in 2014 as a lead-up to the 2014 FIFA World Cup held at Brazil.[1] The series, which stars Ha Yu, Tay Ping Hui, Elvin Ng, Zhang Zhen Huan, Jeanette Aw and Yvonne Lim as the main characters, depicts a group of men who overcome adversities to attain their goal through hard work and determination.

As of 24 June 2014, 30 episodes of World at Your Feet have aired, concluding the series.


No. in series Title Original air date
1"Episode 1"
"A football match is like life. There is a time limit, and no second takes (球赛好比人生 都有时限 不能重来)"
May 14, 2014 (2014-05-14) PG
The Singapore and Hong Kong football teams are vying for the Dragon King Cup. Headed by Hong Canghai (Tay Ping Hui), the Singapore team takes the lead, but loses it soon after when Gao Guotian (Zhang Zhen Huan) hogs the ball. Wu Weixiong (Elvin Ng) replaces Guotian and scores. Canghai is given the red card after he trips Daoqiang (Zhang Guo Qiang) out of spite. Mo Shijing (Brandon Wong) rushes in to watch the match and is annoyed when Lan Yangyang (Dennis Chew) steps on his flipflops and breaks them. Guotian is attracted to the medic, Mo Yuqing (Jeanette Aw), but her eyes are on Weixiong. Weixiong loses his sight for a moment during the game. The Singapore team loses yet again. Coach Furen (Wang Yuqing) lashes out at his team. Canghai accepts the responsibility as the captain and leaves after tearing up his jersey. Yuqing’s brother, Shijing, is a gambler and has already caused the family to lose their house. Yuqing’s sister, Lihua (Vivian Lai), secures a terrace house at a low rental from a friend. On the day Yuqing, Lihua and their father, Guojia (Zhang Wei), move in, they quarrel with their neighbour, Mei Renxin (Ha Yu). Canghai’s friendship with Daoqiang is affected when the latter blames the loss on the referee.
2"Episode 2"
"If you like someone, tell him or her, for you should never take tomorrow for granted (喜欢一个人,最好坦白说出来,因为你不知道,明天和意外,哪一个会先到?)"
May 15, 2014 (2014-05-15) PG
Wei Xiong contracts eye cancer. He fears that if he loses his sight, he will not be able to play soccer in future. Yu Qing, the medic of the team, has a liking for Wei Xiong. She makes her feelings known to him. Wei Xiong tells her that he is worried because he has a friend that may become blind. Yu Qing accompanies Wei Xiong to experience a world of darkness. This draws them closer together.
3"Episode 3"
"The one who hurts you the most is usually the one closest to you (伤你最深的,往往是你最熟悉和相信的人)"
May 16, 2014 (2014-05-16) PG
Canghai joins the Black Panther team as a coach. His strict coaching style does not sit well with the players. Cang Hai and his players decide to have a play-off in the changing room. Cang Hai fares well at the start, but is tripped over by Alex. Dao Qiang appears in the nick of time to help Cang Hai kick Black Panthers butts.
4"Episode 4"
"Men age, but they don't get better! (男人,只会越变越老,不会越变越好!)"
May 19, 2014 (2014-05-19) PG
Wei Xiong gets hurt in his attempt to save Yu Qing from a falling branch. In his unconscious state, he sees a flashback of an assault that took place in a pub alley. Such flashbacks caused him to suspect that he is the assaultee in the incident.
5"Episode 5"
"No one is so rich that he never needs help, and no one is so poor that he cannot help others (没有人 富有得不须要别人的帮助 也没有人 穷得无法帮助别人)"
May 20, 2014 (2014-05-20) PG
Wei Xiong reveals to Guo Tian that he has gone to the hospital to visit Ben. He hopes to turn himself in as he feels guilty about the incident. However, Guo Tian dissuades him. In fact, despite Guo Tian’s drunken state on that fateful day, he remembers the incident vividly. Yu Qing refuses to break up with Wei Xiong. In order to make her give up on him, Wei Xiong puts up a façade of being a flirt and a gambler.
6"Episode 6"
"Love is really just three words - Initially, it is "I love you". What comes after that is "I am sorry". When everything is taken into consideration, it is "How are you?" (爱情 说穿了也不过是三个字 最初是 我爱你 然后就 对不起 最后只剩下 你好吗)"
May 21, 2014 (2014-05-21) PG
Wei Xiong wants to break up with Yu Qing. Yu Qing believes that Wei Xiong has his reasons for treating her badly. After much deliberation, Guo Tian decides to hide the truth from Yu Qing. He pays off a female escort Ann, and asks her to keep the incident a secret. Turns out that the one who had assaulted Ben was Guo Tian and not Wei Xiong, and Ann had witnessed it all.
7"Episode 7"
"You don't know who you love most until you are drunk, you don't know who loves you most until trouble strikes (有时候要等到喝醉了 才知道你最爱谁 而总是要等到出事了 才知道谁最爱你)"
May 22, 2014 (2014-05-22)
PG Some Sexual References
In an attempt to make his wife happy, Cang Hai and his sons wake up early to prepare breakfast for Yong Yi (Yvonne Lim). Unfortunately, his efforts come to nought. Yong Yi begrudges Cang Hai for not being capable enough to buy a car to send her to work, and as a result, she has to waste time taking a bus every day. Cang Hai wants to send You Yi to work in a cab but is too late as she had already gotten on the bus.
8"Episode 8"
"The reason why I fell for him is also the reason why I left him (没想到当初让我爱上他的理由 最后竟然成为离开他的导火线)"
May 23, 2014 (2014-05-23) PG
Cang Hai uses the money in their joint account to buy a second-hand sports car. Yong Yi is furious when she finds out. Yong Yi is unhappy at her job. She tenders her resignation only to find out that Cang Hai had done the same at his job. Yong Yi is speechless and utterly disappointed at Cang Hai for buying a car when he is jobless. She initiates a divorce.
9"Episode 9"
"I need your guidance since I'm young, but please spare me the gossip (我年轻 需要你指点 但不是指指点点)"
May 26, 2014 (2014-05-26) PG
The box that Ren Xin used to keep his late wife’s belongings is missing. Yu Qing sees Ren Xin looking for something frantically in the dustbin. She asks Ren Xin what is wrong. Ren Xin breaks down into tears and relates his helplessness to her. Yu Qing is touched when she finds out how devoted Ren Xin is to his wife.
10"Episode 10"
"All houses are the same. Even the prison cell also has a doorway for one to enter and exit (所有的房子都一样 就算是监狱 也有一扇可以进出的门)"
May 27, 2014 (2014-05-27) PG
Yu Qing feels that Wei Xiong is following her. She hurts herself hoping for him to show himself. Wei Xiong almost wavers, but Guo Tian appears out of the blue and helps Yu Qing up. He helps Yu Qing to tend to her wound and finds out that Yu Qing’s Obsessive Compulsive Disorder had become more serious. Guo Tian cannot bear to see Yu Qing in such torture. He asks Wei Xiong to meet Yu Qing. Wei Xiong is in a dilemma about how he should make Yu Qing give up on him.
11"Episode 11"
"Some people would go the extra mile for their friends. But they would also stab their friends in the back to save their own hide (有些人为了朋友 可以两肋插刀 可是为了自己 也可以插朋友两刀)"
May 28, 2014 (2014-05-28) PG
Wei Xiong is sentenced to prison. Guo Tian feels bad and contemplates turning himself in. Gao Shou (Zheng Geping) feels that Guo Tian had already passed up a golden opportunity and would lose his chance to be a lawyer if Guo Tian turned himself in now. He would not get Wei Xiong’s forgiveness either. Guo Tian feels that he should be loyal to his friends. Gao Shou sighs and tells him that there is no loyal friend in this world. He puts up a challenge to Guo Tian.
12"Episode 12"
"No matter how capable a woman is, she can still be reduced to a little girl when it comes to love (多精明干练的女人 在爱情面前 有时还不如一名 小学生)"
May 29, 2014 (2014-05-29) PG
Yong Yi and Cang Hai plans to divorce, but the kids (Ivan Lo, Tan Jun Sheng) are unable to accept it. Yong Yi suggests that each parent take care of one child. Cang Hai feels that the separation of parents have already caused enough harm to his boys. He does not want the boys to be separated, hence he decides to give up both the boys and the house to Yong Yi.
13"Episode 13"
"There are two tragedies in life - one is not getting what you want, and the other is getting what you don't want (人生有两大悲剧 一个是得不到你想要的东西 一个是得到了你不想要的东西)"
May 30, 2014 (2014-05-30) PG
Yu Qing is listless and gorges herself. Li Hua tries to attract Yu Qing’s attention by buying papayas for a papaya feast. Guo Tian sees Yu Qing gorging herself with papayas to release her emotions. He eats with her despite his allergy to papayas, resulting in red spots all over his body. Guo Tian takes the opportunity to confess to Yu Qing when she feels guilty about this. However Yu Qing tells him that she treats him merely as a friend.
14"Episode 14"
"The most precious things in the world are free - sunshine, air, dreams, true love, faith, hope (在这个世界上 最珍贵的东西都是免费的 如 阳光 空气 理想 真情 信念 希望)"
June 2, 2014 (2014-06-02) PG
Lai Xiang (Aileen Tan) is unsuccessful in love. Ren Xin spots her quarreling with a hawker. He steps in and advises her to wise up. Lai Xiang comes to her senses and decides to resign and give up on Gao Shou. She goes on a long holiday after tendering her resignation.
15"Episode 15"
"Separation is a painful word. When a married couple separates, it's akin to being stabbed repeatedly (分字折开 就是八刀 夫妻离异 宛如身中八刀 过犹不及)"
June 3, 2014 (2014-06-03) PG
Yong Yi wants to take both her children away, but Hou Wei cannot bear to leave his father and locks himself in his room. Cang Hai cannot bear to separate the boys. He shouts at Hou Wei to make him leave with his mother.
16"Episode 16"
"There are three keys to success - 1. be steadfast, 2. be thick-skinned, 3. be steadfastly thick-skinned (成功的秘诀有三要点 一是坚持 二是不要脸 三是坚持不要脸)"
June 4, 2014 (2014-06-04) PG
Guo Tian feels tortured being a lawyer, and finally quits his job. He goes to look for Jian Nan (Douglas Kung). The players mock Jian Nan's soccer skills. To shut them up, Guo Tian decides to showcase his soccer prowess. Sam is impressed and asks Guo Tian to be their coach instead.
17"Episode 17"
"The world of adults is strange - they love to complicate simple things (大人的世界很奇怪 总是喜欢把简单的事情 变得很复杂)"
June 5, 2014 (2014-06-05) PG
Yu Qing meets Ren Xin in the park. She feels that he is living in the past. Ren Xin sees Yu Qing rummaging the thrash bins. He asks her to cherish herself and spare a thought for her family as they will worry about her. Yu Qing finally comes round.
18"Episode 18"
"No one would say no to money. But if all you care about is money, you'll make life difficult for yourself (没有人会跟钱过不去 只是 如果只懂得向钱看 那就是在跟自己过不去)"
June 6, 2014 (2014-06-06) PG
While Gao Shou was overseas, Qi Fang goes to the office to help to sign a document. Jac tells her that Gao Shou and Lai Xiang had gone on a holiday to Hong Kong. She rushes to Gao Shou's office, and discovers a bag of presents from Lai Xiang to Gao Shou. She is disbelieved.
19"Episode 19"
"When we talk about previous lives, we are trying to delude ourselves, when we talk about next lives, we are trying to fool others (说有上辈子的人 是在骗自己 说有下辈子的人 是在骗别人)"
June 9, 2014 (2014-06-09) PG
Ren Xin takes Guo Tian to see Jian Nan's sister in a nursing home. Guo Tian realizes that Jian Nan had been going around asking for loans not to fulfil his gambling habits, but for his sisters medical fees. Ren Xin tells Guo Tian that he used to coach for money, but now, he coaches to help people. Guo Tian feels bad for stealing Jian Nan's job. Ren Xin convinces Guo Tian to join the team.
20"Episode 20"
"Oftentimes, we only see the distant splendour, but fail to see the happiness right under our noses (我们往往看得到 很远的美景 却看不到离自己 最近的幸福)"
June 10, 2014 (2014-06-10) PG
De Hai (Ian Fang) and Huan Cong (Xu Bin) compete to see who can win Xiao Feng (Kimberly Chia)'s heart. De Hai had wanted to call off the bet, but gave in to Guang Zong (Kelvin Mun)'s taunts and went ahead to date Xiao Feng out. Xiao Feng and De Hai were having a good time when Huan Cong suddenly came up and gave Dehai some money, congratulating him on his win. Xiao Feng is furious to find out that the guys were using her in their bet.
21"Episode 21"
"It's fine to have weaknesses, but not so fine when you have no distinguishing characteristics (人不怕有缺点 最怕的是没特点)"
June 11, 2014 (2014-06-11) PG
Cang Hai looks Yu Qing up at the food shop to remind her to be wary of Guo Tian. Li Hua misunderstands and starts to take precaution against him. Cang Hai forgets his wallet, deepening Li Hua's misunderstanding about him. She feels that he is there for a free meal. She makes him clean the food shop as payment for his meal. Li Hua has a good impression on Cang Hai when she sees how serious he is when he does things.
22"Episode 22"
"You may be busy pursuing your dreams. But don't become too busy to pursue your dream (一个人可以为了梦想而忙碌 可是不能因为忙碌而忘了追求梦想)"
June 12, 2014 (2014-06-12) PG
A powertrip at Gao Shou's warehouse causes huge bulks of seafood to be spoilt. He suffers a heavy loss. He checks the CCTV and finds someone that looks like Lai Xiang sneaking into the power room to turn off the power. Jac deliberately points out that the lady's jacket looks familiar, causing Gao Shou to confirm his suspicions about Lai Xiang.
23"Episode 23"
"When others call you a lunatic, that's when you know you're approaching success (当别人开始说你是疯子的时候 你离成功就不远了)"
June 13, 2014 (2014-06-13) PG
Li Hua knows that Cang Hai is looking for a house and decides to rent out a room to him. Guo Tian and Yu Qing are surprised to find out that the new tenant is Cang Hai. Yu Qing is misled by Guo Tian and misunderstands Cang Hai for having designs on her sister. Yu Qing asks Li Hua to be wary of Cang Hai and tells her about the incident where Cang Hai was caught filming his students in the bathroom. Li Hua does not believe that Cang Hai is such a person.
24"Episode 24"
"It is OK to make mistakes, but terrible not to admit your mistakes. It is worse to cover up your past mistakes by making more mistakes (犯错并不可怕 可怕的是不愿意认错 再用另一个错误来掩饰 一错再错)"
June 16, 2014 (2014-06-16) PG
Huan Cong finds out that Shijing is his biological father. He goes to the food shop to test him out. He even asks Guang Zong to sell flags in the shop. Instead of donating, Shi Jing lectured Guang Zong. Huan Cong is disappointed at Shi Jings despicable acts. He deliberately drops his wallet to test Shi Jing once again, and Shi Jing falls for it. Huan Cong decides not to acknowledge Shi Jing.
25"Episode 25"
"After listening to all the lies, hearing the truth ends up hurting the most (在一连串的谎言当中 最伤人的往往是那一句真话)"
June 17, 2014 (2014-06-17) PG
Wei Xiong is devastated to learn of Guo Tian's betrayal. Guo Tian begs for Wei Xiong's forgiveness and promises to compensate Wei Xiong as long as Wei Xiong does not let Yu Qing know the truth. He does not want Yu Qing to be hurt again. To protect Yu Qing, Wei Xiong decides to bear the burden.
26"Episode 26"
"A pretty woman is a gem; a wise and kind woman is a treasure trove (漂亮的女人是宝石 有智慧和爱心的女人是宝库)"
June 18, 2014 (2014-06-18) PG
Yu Qing asks Wei Xiong if he had injured someone because of a woman. Wei Xiong admits to it. Cang Hai feels indignant for Wei Xiong, he knows that Wei Xiong did not want to burden Yu Qing due to his eye cancer. Yu Qing reminisces about the past and realizes that she is still hung up about Wei Xiong. She feels helpless.
27"Episode 27"
"We only live once, yet the hardest thing is to live life to the fullest (生命只有一次 最大的难度就是让它过得精彩)"
June 19, 2014 (2014-06-19) PG
Yu Qing asks Sam about the bathroom incident. She finds out that Guo Tian had been having her on. She also finds out that Wei Xiong had gone to jail because of Guo Tian. Yu Qing is unable to accept the blow, and breaks up with Guo Tian. Yu Qing reminisces about what she had been through with Guo Tian. She feels hurt by his deception. Guest starring Lawrence Wong.
28"Episode 28"
"There's a difference between a lie and a promise: The deceived takes the lie seriously, while the person who made a promise takes the promise seriously (谎言和誓言的差别在于: 一个是听的人当真了,一个是说的人当真了)"
June 20, 2014 (2014-06-20) PG
Canghai learns Yongyi has decided to take the boys to Shanghai. He hopes the boys can watch him play in the match before leaving. Laixiang is unhappy when Renxin sets her up on a date with Gao Shou; she much prefers Renxin. The day before the final match, Renxin loses sleep over Laixiang, Shijing is troubled about Huancong, while Guotian is disturbed by his failed relationship with Yuqing. The next day, Guotian is scolded when he asks to withdraw from the team. The Peaks Team scores two goals at the beginning of the game. At the final whistle, the teams are tied to a draw, and penalty kicks commence. Guest starring Lawrence Wong. Viewers can support their favourite team through the Toggle Now app and the team with the highest number of voters will deliver a message at the end of the episode. The team was revealed to be the Fire Team.
29"Episode 29"
"There are no paths you can't pass through, only things you can't figure out (世上没有走不通的路,只有想不通的人)"
June 23, 2014 (2014-06-23) PG
Ren Xin discovers that the person who had framed Lai Xiang wasn't Qi Fang but Jac. Jac is indignant that Gao Shou did not see her talent. Hence she leaked company information to frame Lai Xiang. Upon learning the truth, Gao Shou rushes home. However, Qi Fang had left, leaving behind divorce papers.
30"Episode 30 (Finale)"
"This world is not for the rich, neither is it for the powerful, it is for those with gritty determination (这个世界,不是有钱人的世界,也不是有权人的世界,它是有心人的世界)"
June 24, 2014 (2014-06-24) PG
Brave Lions and The Pearl compete. Without Cang Hai, The Pearl takes the lead. Ren Xin decides to let Wei Xiong play. The crowd sees Wei Xiong being helped into the pitch by Yu Qing. They are not convinced that he can play, but Wei Xiong proves them wrong.


  1. "World At Your Feet 球在你脚下 - MediaCorp Advertising". MediaCorp Advertising. Retrieved 29 May 2014.

See also

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