List of X-Men (TV series) characters

This character list regards the 1990s X-Men TV series. For the series starting in 2000, see List of X-Men: Evolution characters. For other uses, see X-Men (disambiguation).

Hero teams


Powers: Charles possesses supremely powerful telepathic abilities, allowing him to see peoples' minds or to control their thoughts or actions, though the latter is not used for his personal gain.
Powers: His eyes emit a powerful burst of light energy that can cause devastating damage. He can only control them if he closes his eyes or hides them behind ruby-quartz crystals (usually in the form of sunglasses).
Powers: Wolverine's mutation is an incredible regenerative power and heightened senses. His claws and adamantium endoskeleton are not part of his original mutant abilities and are, while considered unique, an artificial addition.
Powers: Storm is capable of controlling weather of all varieties to a large array of manifestations. She can also use bursts of wind to enable her power of flight.
Powers: Jean has mastered the skill of telekinesis, the ability to move objects with her mind, along with some minor telepathic skill similar to Professor X. Her powers manifest themselves and she is possessed by the alien entity, the Phoenix, whose powers expand upon her own, but eventually turn to evil when she refuses to leave the sensation of being in a human body.
Powers: His natural powers are supreme agility and super strength. An experiment to remove him of his powers, however, caused him to grow blue fur and mutated his body to that somewhat akin to a gorilla.
Powers: Jubilee is able to create pyro-kinetic sparks from her hands, which she can use to strike things from a distance, or disable machinery from her very touch.
Powers: Morph is capable of shape-shifting and assuming any form that he comes across. This power is not limited to humanoid life forms. Morph can change into animal forms as well.
Powers: Rogue has the ability to draw a human's energy from a mere touch, causing unconsciousness and, in some cases, elongated comas. This allows her to absorb their psyche, skills, and powers for a short time. Her powers of super strength and flight are revealed to have come from Ms. Marvel, who Rogue nearly killed by draining so much of her energy that the absorbed powers became permanent, and Ms. Marvel fell into an almost permanent coma.
Powers: Gambit is able to charge any object with a kinetic energy and, when thrown, these objects become explosive. His durable strength and agility possibly also come from this ability, charging himself with a potent amount of energy to undertake many tasks that normal humans cannot perform.


X-Factor is the mutant U.S. government group that was most notably seen in the episode "Cold Comfort". However, X-Factor also could be seen briefly in episodes Sanctuary Parts 1 and 2.

Powers: Intuitive genius for invention; and he has a cyborg leg.
Powers: Manipulates electromagnetism allowing her to fly, create force-fields, project concussive blasts, and manipulate ferrous materials.
Powers: Metabolizes cosmic radiation and discharges it as energy blasts from his arms.
Powers: Superhuman speed.
Powers: Self-duplication by absorbing kinetic energy.
Powers: Morphs into a werewolf-like humanoid.
Powers: Rechannels kinetic energy into physical strength.

Alpha Flight

Alpha Flight was seen in the episode "Repo Man." Vindicator (who had renamed himself Guardian in the comics) and the Canadian Alpha Flight capture Wolverine. The Canadian government demand their project back. Either he joins their team as originally planned or they repossess his indestructible, adamantium skeleton.

Powers: Powered suit allows him to fly, fire energy blasts, and create a personal force field.
Powers: Superhuman strength, agility, reflexes, and durability.
Powers: Flight, and can morph into Arctic creatures.
Powers: Flight, generates a flash of blinding light when slapping hands with his sister, Aurora.
Powers: Flight, generates a flash of blinding light when slapping hands with her brother, Northstar.
Powers: Scientific genius. Massive, ape-like, furred form with superhuman strength, healing factor, and sharp claws and teeth.

Xavier's Security Enforcers/The Resistance (in Bishop's future)

Powers: Absorbs energy directed towards him and releases it as energy blasts from his hands.
Powers: Energy blasts from her hands.

Clan Chosen (in Cable's future)

Powers: Telepathy and telekinesis, a techno-organic arm, and "bodyslide" (a form of teleportation).

X-Terminators (unnamed)

Powers: Rusty: Fire generation. Skids: Anti-friction personal force-field. Boom-Boom: Creates balls of explosive energy. Wiz-Kid: Techno-morphic abilities.

The Mutant Resistance (in the Xavier-less time-line)

This was the team created by Magneto in an alternate time-line after Xavier was killed in early life in the episode "One Man's Worth," in which the humans and mutants were locked in a war. But, for some reason Cyclops, Mystique, and Avalanche aren't a part of The Mutant Resistance.

Guest allies

Powers: Superhuman scream.
Powers: Transforms his body into organic steel, obtaining superhuman strength.
Powers: Teleportation, sticks to surfaces, night vision, blends into shadows.
Powers: Fires psychic "knives" from distance.
Powers: Winged flight, later razor sharp metallic wings and feathers.
Powers: Darkforce manipulation allows her to fly and create force fields.
Powers: Minor telepathy.
Powers: Probability manipulation (good luck), superhuman agility.

Neutral characters

Neutral groups


The Starjammers appear in the five-part episode "Phoenix Saga" led by Corsair (Major Christopher Summers). In this episode, the Starjammers attack the X-Men and steal the M'Kraan crystal, in hopes of trading in to D'Ken so that Corsair can get close enough to kill him. However, D'Ken knew of their plan and tricked them, and got hold of the M'Kraan crystal. The Starjammers have to work with the X-Men to destroy D'Ken. Hepzibah, Raza Longknife, Ch'od, and Cr+eee were the Starjammers that appeared along with Corsair in the "Phoenix Saga." Corsair later appeared in the episode "Orphan's End." In this episode, Corsair is on the run from a corrupt Shi'ar police officer, and he comes to Earth. Later, he finds out that Cyclops is his son. They first accuse Storm of being a traitor and attack her, but after she explains to the Starjammers what was happening they help Cyclops and Corsair defeat the officer.


The Acolytes appear in the "Sanctuary" storyline, in which Magneto builds Asteroid M as a safe haven for all mutants to live away from the hatred of baseline humans. The Acolytes, led by Fabian Cortez, aid Magneto in the liberation of the Genoshan mutant slaves from the hands of the Genoshan magistrates. After Cortez betrays Magneto and he is believed to have been killed by the X-Men, the Acolytes pledge their loyalty to Cortez, though they turn on him after he is later exposed.


When the Morlocks captured Cyclops and Jean Grey, Storm led the X-Men to rescue them. In the end, after a duel between Storm and Callisto, not only did the X-Men get Cyclops and Jean back, Storm also earned leadership of the Morlocks. They later appear in the episode "Out of the Past," where the Morlocks are captured by Lady Deathstrike and the Reavers and she unleashes an alien. The X-Men saved the Morlocks and defeated the alien.

Shi'ar Imperial Guard

The Shi'ar Imperial Guard appeared in the episodes "Phoenix Saga" and "Dark Phoenix Saga." In the "Phoenix Saga," the Imperial guards track down Lilandra and the M'Kraan crystal, following D'Ken's orders, but after D'Ken fuses with the M'Kraan crystal and Lilandra becomes empress, the Imperial guards help the X-Men and the Starjammers defeat D'Ken. Later, in "Dark Phoenix Saga," the Imperial guards seek to destroy the Phoenix after she destroys a star system, but unlike the comics, the star system was deserted. So they go to Earth to stop Phoenix from destroying further systems.

Assassins Guild


Powers: Immortality, super strength, invulnerability to harm, shape-shifting, psionic powers, teleportation, force-field generation, and flight.

Villain teams

Brotherhood of Mutants

The Brotherhood of Mutants in this series is based on the third incarnation of the team from the comic books. The group is led by Mystique, with the Blob, Avalanche, and Pyro as members of the group, and Rogue being shown as a former member. The group is revealed to have been initially financed by the mutant Apocalypse, though only Mystique knew this. Notably absent from the series was the Brotherhood member and Mystique's longtime lesbian lover, Destiny, who was a major member of the team in the comics. As such, major changes were made towards the series' adaptation of "Days of Future Past" storyline, in which Destiny played a major role during the climax of the story.

Nasty Boys

While the Nasty Boys are barely a passing blip in the extensive history of the X-Men comics, the villainous team was featured several times in the series. Appearing first in the episode "Til Death Do Us Part (part 2)," the series featured four of the Boys: Ruckus, Gorgeous George, Hairbag, and Slab. The X-Man Morph, who had been resurrected by Mr. Sinister, had an "evil" side to his personality. "Evil" Morph was often a part-time member of the Nasty Boys, but Sinister increasingly lost control of him. The Nasty Boys reappeared in both parts of "Reunion," where, teamed with the Savage Land Mutates, they proved to be quite imposing to the X-Men, whom Sinister had rendered powerless. The X-Men eventually regained their powers, freed Morph from Sinister completely, and defeated Sinister and the Boys. After leaving the Savage Land, the Boys reappeared with Sinister in all four parts of "Beyond Good and Evil." Vertigo apparently accompanied them (Sinister had given her a Magneto-inspired energy boost in "Reunion") and was made into a member, despite her female status.

Savage Land Mutates

Savage Land Mutates were the creations of Magneto, though they were later recruited by Mr. Sinister.

Inner Circle Club

The Hellfire Club appeared in the "Dark Phoenix Saga" storyline, though it was renamed Inner Circle Club to prevent controversy regarding the use of the word hellfire, which could have prompted accusations of satanism. The Inner Circle's leaders aim to control Jean Grey and brainwash her into believing herself to be the Queen of the Inner Circle, though they only manage to unleash the Dark Phoenix.

Horsemen of Apocalypse

The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse were the same ones as in the X-Factor comics. The lineup was composed by mutants that submitted themselves to the so-called mutant "cure," developed by Dr. Adler (Mystique in disguise). The cure process transformed the four mutants: Autumn Rolfson (Famine) (voiced by Catherine Gallant), Plague (Pestilence), Abraham Kieros (War) (voiced by James Millington), and Angel (Death) into altered mutants under the control of Apocalypse. The four-part episode "Beyond Good and Evil" featured another team of Horsemen, created by Apocalypse during his time in Ancient Egypt. The style of these Horsemen reflected their Egyptian origins.


The Reavers appear alongside Lady Deathstrike when she goes down to the Morlock's tunnel and tricks Wolverine into coming down there, hoping to get him to open an alien ship that she found in the tunnel. When the ship is opened, an alien comes out of the ship and sucks the life out of the Reavers. So Lady Deathstrike has to work together with Wolverine to defeat the alien. In the end, the X-Men defeat the alien and all the Reavers' life energy is sent back to their bodies.

Weapon X

The Weapon X program was responsible for Wolverine's adamantium endoskeleton and fabricated memories. The program was directed by the Professor and Dr. Cornelius. Weapon X captured the four members of Team X (Logan, Victor Creed, Maverick, and Silver Fox) in order to brainwash them to become an elite team of mind-controlled assassins. However, Wolverine escaped and his rampage through the Weapon X headquarters allowed Creed, Maverick, and Silver Fox to escape.

Mojo's Trackers/Wildways

Besides Spiral, Mojo employed a number of agents and servants.

The Colony/Brood

The Colony appear in the episode "Love in Vain" in a New Mexico desert. Wolverine witnesses the crash of a spaceship carrying horrific, alien bug-like creatures, the Colony, which overwhelm him. They differ from their appearance in the comics as these Brood are human sized with greenish skin and could fire electrical energy blasts from their tails. They also had four mechanical tentacles similar to Doctor Octopus and had an anti-gravity generator that allowed them to fly. People would be infected by spores and would turn into drones for the Colony. They also had red eyes and appeared similar to the Xenomorphs from the Alien movies.

Children of the Shadow

The Children of the Shadow

The Children of the Shadow appeared in the episode "Secrets, Not Long Buried" when Cyclops flies solo to Skull Mesa, a tiny western desert community, to see an old friend, Dr. Prescott, and his plane is blasted out of the sky. Injured and rendered powerless, he struggles into town, only to discover his friend is missing and the town is caught in the grips of a militant, mutant-supremacist hate group called the Children of the Shadow. The group hunts him down, thinking he was a human because he had temporarily lost his powers. After his powers return, Cyclops gets help from some mutants and defeats them.

The Avengers (in the Xavier-less time-line)

Cameo appearances (heroes and villains)


  1. "War Machine cameo in X-Men ep. 20". Retrieved February 11, 2011.

External links

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