List of Zion's Camp participants
The following individuals participated in Zion's Camp:
- Hazen Aldrich
- Joseph S. Allen
- Isaac Allred
- James Allred
- Martin Allred
- Milo Andrus
- Solomon Angel
- Allen A. Avery
- Almon W. Babbitt
- Alexander Badlam
- Samuel Baker
- Nathan Bennett Baldwin
- Elam Barber
- Israel Barlow
- Lorenzo D. Barnes
- Edson Barney
- Royal Barney
- Henry Benner
- Samuel Bent
- Hiram Backman
- Lorenzo Booth
- George W. Brooks
- Albert Brown
- Harry Brown
- Samuel Brown
- John Brownell
- Peter Buchanan
- Alden Burdick
- Harrison Burgess
- David Byur
- William F. Cahoon
- John Carpenter
- John S. Carter
- Daniel Cathcart
- Alonzo Champlin
- Jacob Chapman
- William Cherry
- John M. Chidester
- Alden Childs
- Nathaniel Childs
- Stephen Childs
- Albert Clements
- Thomas Colborn
- Alanson Colby
- Zera S. Cole
- Zebedee Coltrin
- Libeus T. Coon
- Horace Cowan
- Lyman Curtis
- Mecham Curtis
- Solomon W. Denton
- Peter Doff
- David D. Dort
- John Duncan
- James Dunn
- Philemon Duzette
- Philip Ettleman
- Bradford W. Elliot
- David Elliot
- David Evans
- Asa Field
- Edmund Fisher
- Alfred Fisk
- Hezekiah Fisk
- Elijah Fordham
- George Fordham
- Frederick Forney
- John Fossett
- James Foster
- Solon Foster
- Jacob Gates
- Benjamin Gifford
- Levi Gifford
- Sherman Gilbert
- Tru Glidden
- Dean C. Gould
- Jedediah M. Grant
- Addison Green
- Michael Griffith
- Everett Griswold
- Elisha Groves
- Joseph Hancock
- Levi W. Hancock
- Joseph Harmon
- Henry Herriman
- Martin Harris
- Joseph Hartshorn
- Thomas Hayes
- Nelson Higgins
- Seth Hitchcock
- Amos Hogers
- Chandler Holbrook
- Joseph Holbrook
- Milton Holmes
- Osmon Houghton
- Marshal Hubbard
- Solomon Humphrey
- Joseph Huntsman
- John Hustin
- Elias Hutchins
- Heman T. Hyde
- Orson Hyde
- Warren S. Ingalls
- Edward Ivie
- James Russell Ivie
- John A. Ivie
- William S. Ivie
- William Jessop
- Luke S. Johnson
- Lyman E. Johnson
- Noah Johnson
- Seth Johnson
- Isaac Jones
- Levi Jones
- Charles Kelley
- Heber C. Kimball
- Samuel Kingsley
- Dennis Lake
- Jesse B. Lawson
- L.S. Lewis
- Josiah Littlefield
- Lyman O. Littlefield
- Waldo Littlefield
- Amasa M. Lyman
- Moses Martin
- Edward W. Marvin
- Reuben McBride
- Robert McCord
- Eleazer Miller
- John Miller
- Justin Morse
- John Murdock
- Freeman Nickerson
- Levi S. Nickerson
- Uriah C. Nickerson
- Joseph Nicholas
- Joseph B. Noble
- Uriah North
- Roger Orton
- John D. Parker
- Warren Parrish
- David W. Patten
- Orson Pratt
- Parley P. Pratt
- William D. Pratt
- Charles C. Rich
- Leonard Rich
- Darwin Richardson
- Burr Riggs
- Harpin Riggs
- Nathaniel Riggs
- Milcher Riley
- Alanson Ripley
- Lewis Robbins
- Erastus Rudd
- William Henry Sagers
- Wilkins Jenkins Salisbury
- Henry Sherman
- Lyman Sherman
- Henry Shibley
- Cyrus Smalling
- Avery Smith
- George A. Smith
- Hyrum Smith
- Jackson Smith
- Joseph Smith
- Lyman Smith
- Sylvester Smith
- William Smith
- Zechariah B. Smith
- Willard Snow
- Zerubbabel Snow
- Harvey Stanley
- Hyrum Stratton
- Daniel Stephens
- Elias Strong
- John Joshua Tanner
- Nathan Tanner
- Ezra Thayer
- James L. Thompson
- Samuel Thompson
- William. P. Tippetts
- Tinney Thomas
- Nelson Tribbs
- Joel Vaughn
- Salmon Warner
- William Weden
- Elias Wells
- Alexander Whiteside
- Andrew W. Whitlock
- Lyman Wight
- Eber Wilcox
- Sylvester B. Wilkinson
- Frederick G. Williams
- Alonzo Winchester
- Benjamin Winchester
- Lupton Winchester
- Alvin Winegar
- Samuel Winegar
- Hiram Winter
- Henry Wissmiller
- Wilford Woodruff
- Brigham Young
- Joseph Young
- Charlotte Alvord
- Mary Chidester
- Ada Clements
- Sophronia Curtis
- Diana Drake
- Mary Snow Gates
- Eunice Holbrook
- Nancy Lambson Holbrook
- Mrs. Houghton
- ---?--- Ripley
- Eunice Chidester (daughter of John M. Chidester)
- John P. Chidester (son of John M. Chidester)
- Charlotte Holbrook (daughter of Joseph Holbrook)
- Diana Holbrook (daughter of Chandler Holbrook)
- Sarah Lucretia Holbrook (daughter of Joseph Holbrook)
- Sarah Pulsipher (daughter of Zera Pulsipher)
- Almira Winegar (daughter of Samuel Winegar)
- Joseph Smith (B.H. Roberts ed.) 1902. History of the Church 2:183–185
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