List of airports in Afghanistan
This is a list of airports in Afghanistan, grouped by type and sorted by location.
Afghanistan has 4 international airports which is expected to increase to five by the end of 2014. The Kabul International Airport serves the population of Kabul and the surrounding areas, Mazar-e Sharif International Airport serves northern Afghanistan, Kandahar International Airport serves the southern parts of the country, and Herat International Airport serves the population of western Afghanistan.
Once the Ghazni International Airport is completed it will serve the population of the Ghazni and the eastern parts of the country. There are also about 16 regional domestic airports which are spread over the country in various provinces, which serve the smaller, more remote areas. Some of these airports have gravelled airside facilities and operate under visual flight rules.
- This transport-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Airports across Afghanistan
City served | Province | ICAO | IATA | Airport name | Runway | Elev. (m) |
International airports | ||||||
Kabul | Kabul | OAKB | KBL | Hamid Karzai International Airport | 11/29: 3500 × 50 m, Concrete | 1789 |
Mazar-i-Sharif | Balkh | OAMS | MZR | Mazar-e Sharif International Airport | 06/24: 3272 × 46 m, Asphalt | 391 |
Kandahar | Kandahar | OAKN | KDH | Kandahar International Airport | 05/23: 3200 × 45 m, Asphalt | 1015 |
Herat | Herat | OAHR | HEA | Herat International Airport | 01/19: 2571 × 46 m, Asphalt | 1004 |
Major domestic airports | ||||||
Ghazni | Ghazni | OAGN | GZI | Ghazni Airport | 15/33: 604 x 42, GRASS, being expanded | 2183 |
Jalalabad | Nangarhar | OAJL | JAA | Jalalabad Airport | 13/31: 2218 × 45 m, Asphalt | 553 |
Kunduz | Kunduz | OAUZ | UND | Kunduz Airport | 11/29: 2007 × 45 m, Asphalt | 448 |
Regional domestic airports | ||||||
Bamyan | Bamyan | OABN | BIN | Bamyan Airport | 07/25: 2595 × 23 m, Gravel | 2591 |
Lashkar Gah (Bost) | Helmand | OABT | BST | Bost Airport | 18/36: 2332 × 45 m, Asphalt | 751 |
Chaghcharan | Ghor | OACC | CCN | Chaghcharan Airport | 06/24: 1524 × 18 m, Gravel | 2276 |
Darwaz | Badakhshan | OADZ | DAZ | Darwaz Airport | 09/27: 654 × 32 m, Gravel | 1533 |
Farah | Farah | OAFR | FAH | Farah Airport | 15/33: 2042 × 21 m, Gravel | 692 |
Khost | Khost | OAKS | KHT | Khost Airfield | 06/24: 2684 × 105 m, Gravel | 1172 |
Fayzabad | Badakhshan | OAFZ | FBD | Fayzabad Airport | 18/36: 1691 × 27 m, PSP | 1171 |
Khwahan | Badakhshan | OAHN | KWH | Khwahan Airport | ??/??: 671 × ? m, Gravel | 980 |
Koran va Monjan | Badakhshan | OARZ | KUR | Razer Airport | 08/26: 884 × 31 m, Gravel | 2520 |
Maymana | Faryab | OAMN | MMZ | Maymana Airport | 14/32: 1287 × 18 m, Gravel | 820 |
Nili | Daykundi | OANL | ? | Nili Airport[1] | ? | ? |
Qala i Naw | Badghis | OAQN | LQN | Qala i Naw Airport | 04/22: 1158 × 18 m, Asphalt | 905 |
Sheberghan | Jowzjan | OASG | Sheberghan Airfield | 06L/24R: 2621 × 24, Asphalt 06R/24L: 2115 × 30, Gravel |
321 | |
Sheghnan | Badakhshan | OASN | SGA | Sheghnan Airport | 16/34: 803 × 30 m, Gravel | 2042 |
Taloqan | Takhar | OATQ | TQN | Taloqan Airport | 16/34: 1574 × 35 m, Gravel | 816 |
Tarin Kowt | Urozgan | OATN | TII | Tarin Kowt Airport | 10/28: 1658 × 61 m, Gravel | 1350 |
Zaranj | Nimruz | OAZJ | ZAJ | Zaranj Airport | 16/34: 2320 × 47 m, Gravel | 479 |
Sardeh Band | Ghazni | OADS | SBF | Sardeh Band Airport | 02/20: 2104 m, Gravel | 2125 |
Military airports | ||||||
Bagram | Parwan | OAIX | OAI | Bagram Air Base | 03/21: 3003 × 55 m, Concrete | 1492 |
Shindand | Herat | OASD | OAH | Shindand Air Base | 18/36: 2786 × 49 m, Concrete | 1150 |
Bastion | Helmand | OAZI | OAZ | Camp Bastion | 01/19: 3500 × 46 m, Concrete/Asphalt | 889 |
Small local airports | ||||||
Eshkashem | Badakhshan | OAEM | Eshkashem Airport | 14/32: 896 x 21, ASPHALT | 2620 | |
Ghaziabad | Nangarhar | OAGA | Ghaziabad Airport | 07/25: 610 x 36, DIRT | 510 | |
Gardez | Paktya | OAGZ | GRG | Gardez Airport | 03/21: 1743 x 23, GRASS | 2350 |
Muqur | Ghazni | OAMK | Muqur Airport | 03/21: 1265 x 35, GRASS | 2012 | |
Panjab | Bamyan | OAPJ | Panjab Airport | 03/21: 594 x 31, DIRT | 2710 | |
Sharana | Paktika | OASA | OAS | Sharana Airstrip | 14/32: 1594 x 24, ASPHALT | 689 |
Taywara | Ghor | OATW | Taywara Airport | 18/36: 582 x 44, GRASS | 2246 | |
Yangi Qaleh | Takhar | OAYQ | Yangi Qaleh Airport | 03/21: 610 x 35, GRASS | 810 | |
Yawan | Badakhshan | OAYW | Yawan Airport | 05/23: 567 x 28, GRASS | 1721 | |
Gardez | Paktya | OASH | OAA | Forward Operating Base Shank | ? | ? |
See also
- Afghan Air Force
- Transport in Afghanistan
- List of airports by ICAO code: O#OA - Afghanistan
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Airline destination lists: Asia#Afghanistan
- "ICAO Location Indicators by State" (PDF). International Civil Aviation Organization. 17 September 2010.
- "UN Location Codes: Afghanistan". UN/LOCODE 2011-2. UNECE. 28 February 2012. - includes IATA codes
- Great Circle Mapper: Airports in Afghanistan - IATA and ICAO codes
- World Aero Data: Afghanistan - ICAO codes