List of animals by number of neurons

This is a list of representative animals by the number of neurons in their whole nervous system and the number of neurons in their brain (for those with a brain). These numbers are estimates derived by multiplying the density of neurons in a particular animal by the average volume of the animal's brain.


Neurons are the cells that transmit information in an animal's nervous system so that it can sense stimuli from its environment and behave accordingly. Not all animals have neurons; Trichoplax and sponges lack nerve cells altogether.

Neurons may be packed to form structures such as the brain of vertebrates or the neural ganglions of insects.

The number of neurons and their relative abundance in different parts of the brain is a determinant of neural function and, consequently, of behavior.

Whole nervous system

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Name Neurons in the brain/whole nervous system Details Image Source
Sponge 0
Trichoplax 0
Caenorhabditis elegans (roundworm) 302 ~ 7,500 synapses
Jellyfish 5,600 Hydra vulgaris (H. attenuate)
Box jellyfish 8,700-17,500 adult Tripedalia cystophora (8 mm diameter) - does not include 1000 neurons in each of the four rhopalia
Medicinal leech 10,000
Pond snail 11,000
Sea slug 18,000
Amphioxus 20,000 central nervous system only [9]


Fruit fly 250,000


Larval zebrafish 100,000
Lobster 100,000
Ant 250,000 Varies per species


Honey bee 960,000 ~ 109 synapses
Cockroach 1,000,000
Adult zebrafish approx. 10,000,000 cells (neurons + other)
Frog 16,000,000
Smoky shrew 36,000,000
Short-tailed shrew 52,000,000
House mouse 71,000,000 ~ 1011 synapses
Golden hamster 90,000,000
Star-nosed mole 131,000,000
Brown rat 200,000,000 4.48 × 1011 [23]
Eastern mole 204,000,000
Guinea pig 240,000,000 [22]
Common treeshrew 261,000,000
Octopus 500,000,000
Common marmoset 636,000,000
Cat 760,000,000 ~ 1013 synapses
Black-rumped agouti 857,000,000 [22]
Northern greater galago 936,000,000
Three-striped night monkey 1,468,000,000
Capybara 1,600,000,000 [22]
Common squirrel monkey 3,246,000,000
Tufted capuchin 3,691,000,000
Rhesus macaque 6,376,000,000
Human 86,000,000,000 For average adult; 1014–1015 synapses
African elephant 267,000,000,000

Cerebral cortex

Only mammals appear in this list, because only mammals have a cerebral cortex (although the pallium of reptiles and birds is also frequently referred to as "cortex".)

Name Neurons in the cerebral cortex Details Image Source
Mouse 4,000,000 Genus Mus, musculus
Rat 15,000,000[32]
Genus Rattus, unknown species
Hedgehog 24,000,000 Subfamily Erinaceinae, unknown genus and species
Opossum 27,000,000 Family Didelphidae, unknown genus and species
Dog 160,000,000 Canis lupus familiaris
Cat 300,000,000 Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus
Tarsius 310,000,000 Genus Tarsius, unknown species
Squirrel monkey 430,000,000 Genus Saimiri, unknown species
Domesticated pig 450,000,000 Sus scrofa
Raccoon 453,000,000
Rhesus macaque 480,000,000 Macaca mulatta
Gracile capuchin monkey 600,000,000–700,000,000 Genus Cebus, unknown species
Horse 1,200,000,000 Equus ferus caballus
Guenon 2,500,000,000 Genus Cercopithecus, unknown species
Gorilla 4,300,000,000 Genus Gorilla, unknown species
Chimpanzee 6,200,000,000 Genus Pan, unknown species
False killer whale 10,500,000,000 Pseudorca crassidens
African elephant 11,000,000,000 Genus Loxodonta, unknown species
Fin whale 15,000,000,000 Balaenoptera physalus
Human 19,000,000,000–23,000,000,000 For average adult
"The average number of neocortical neurons was 19 billion in female brains and 23 billion in male brains."
Long-finned pilot whale 37,200,000,000 Globicephala melas: "For the first time, we show that a species of dolphin has more neocortical neurons than any mammal studied to date including humans." [40]

See also


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