List of assets owned by Corus Entertainment

This is a list of assets owned by Corus Entertainment.

Approximately 80% of the voting control in Corus is held by the family of JR Shaw. The same family also owns about 80% of the voting rights in Shaw Communications, for a list of Shaw assets, see list of assets owned by Shaw Communications.

The company’s portfolio of multimedia encompasses 45 specialty television services, 39 radio stations, 15 conventional television stations, a global content business, digital assets, live events, children’s book publishing, animation software, technology and media services.

Conventional television

Specialty channels

Corus Radio



British Columbia



Other assets

See also


  1. 1 2 3 Ng-See-Quan, Danielle (July 16, 2013). "Changes to Corus leadership, including Corus Kids". KidScreen (Brunico Communications Ltd.). Playback Online. Retrieved August 16, 2015.
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