Bishop of Speyer

The Bishop of Speyer is the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Speyer, which is a suffragan see of the Archdiocese of Bamberg.

The diocese covers an area of 5,893 km².

The current bishop is Karl-Heinz Wiesemann.[1]

List of bishops

Tenure Incumbent Notes
pre 1802prince-bishopsSee bishopric of Speyer
1802 to 5 February 1818Sede vacanteSecularization and division of the bishopric of Speyer
5 February 1818 to 30 June 1826Matthäus Georg von ChandellePriest of Mainz;ordained 9 December 1821; died in office
22 July 1826 to 25 March 1835Johann Martin ManlPriest of Mainz; confirmed 9 April 1827; ordained 25 April 1827; appointed Bishop of Eichstätt
23 March 1835 to 20 September 1836Johann Peter von RicharzPriest of Würzburg; confirmed 24 July 1835; ordained 1 November 1835; Appointed Bishop of Augsburg
20 September 1836 to 23 May 1842Johannes von GeisselPriest of Speyer; confirmed 19 May 1837; ordained 13 August 1837; Appointed Bishop of Cologne
5 March 1842 to 13 December 1869Nicolaus von WeisPriest of Speyer; confirmed 23 May 1842; ordained 10 July 1842; died in office
6 May 1870 to 4 April 1871Konrad ReitherPriest of Speyer; confirmed 27 June 1870; ordained 18 September 1870; died in office
23 May 1872 to 31 May 1876Bonifatius von Haneberg, OSBPriest of the Order of Saint Benedict; confirmed 29 July 1872; ordained 25 August 1872; died in office
9 June 1878 to 18 March 1905Joseph Georg von EhrlerPriest of Würzburg; confirmed 9 June 1878; ordained 15 July 1878; died in office
21 March 1905 to 9 September 1910Konrad von BuschPriest of Speyer; confirmed 30 May 1905; ordained 16 July 1905; died in office
4 November 1910 to 26 May 1917Michael von Faulhaber Priest of Speyer; confirmed 7 January 1911; ordained 19 February 1911; appointed Archbishop of München und Freising
28 May 1917 to 20 May 1943Ludwig SebastianPriest of Bamberg; confirmed 31 July 1917; ordained 23 September 1917; died in office
20 May 1943 to 9 August 1952Joseph WendelCoadjutor Bishop of Speyer; installed 4 June 1943; Appointed Archbishop of München und Freising
22 December 1952 to 10 February 1968Isidor Markus EmanuelPriest of Speyer; ordained 1 February 1953; resigned
28 May 1968 to 28 October 1982Friedrich WetterPriest of Speyer; ordained 29 June 1968; Appointed Archbishop of München und Freising
25 August 1983 to 10 February 2007Anton Schlembach Priest of Würzburg; ordained 16 October 1983
19 December 2007 to present Karl-Heinz WiesemannAuxiliary bishop of Paderborn; ordained 2 March 2008

See also


  1. ↑ "Bischöfe". Home page of the Diocese of Speyer (in German). Bistum Speyer. 2003. Retrieved 2009-07-06.

Roman Catholic Hierarchy in Germany
    Bamberg Eichstätt | Speyer | Würzburg
    BerlinDresden-Meissen | Görlitz
    Freiburg im BreisgauMainz | Rottenburg-Stuttgart
    HamburgHildesheim | Osnabrück
    CologneAachen | Essen | Limburg | Münster | Trier
    Munich & FreisingAugsburg | Passau | Regensburg
    PaderbornErfurt | Fulda | Magdeburg
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