List of butterflies and moths of Arizona
The two-tailed swallowtail (Papilio multicaudata) is the official State Butterfly of Arizona.
This is a list of butterflies and moths—species of the order Lepidoptera—that have been observed in the U.S. state of Arizona.
Butterflies and moths
A partial list of the butterflies and moths that can be found within the borders of the State of Arizona include the following:
- Achalarus toxeus coyote skipper
- Agathymus aryxna Arizona giant skipper
- Agraulis vanillae Gulf fritillary
- Asterocampa leilia emperess Leilia (brushfoot)
- Atlides halesus giant purple hairstreak
- Autochton cellusgolden banded skipper
- Battus philenor pipevine swallowtail
- Callophrys xami Xami hairstreak
- Callophrys eryphon western pine elfin hairstreak
- Calpodes ethlius
- Celotes nessus
- Cercyonis pegala common wood-nymph
- Charadra tapa
- Chiomara asychis white-patched skipper)
- Colias cesonia southern dogface
- Colias eurytheme alfalfa sulfur
- Copaeodes aurantiacus orange skipperling
- Cucullia lilacina
- Danaus gilippus queen
- Danaus plexippus monarch
- Eacles oslari
- Erynnis funeralis funereal duskywing (skipper)
- Erora quadema Arizona hairstreak
- Euptoieta claudia–variegated fritillary
- Eurema nicippe sleepy orange sulfur
- Eurema mexicanum Mexican yellow
- Hemiargus ceraunus Ceraunus blue (hairstreak)
- Hemiargus isola Reakirt's blue (hairstreak)
- Heliopetes macaira Turk's-cap skipper
- Hyles lineata white-lined sphinx moth
- Hypaurotis crysalus Colorado hairstreak
- Hylephila phyleus fiery skipper
- Junonia coenia buckeye
- Lerodea eufala Eufala skipper
- Leptotes marina marine blue (hairstreak)
- Libtheana carinenta snout
- Lithophane leeae
- Manduca quinquemaculata, tomato worm
- Megathymus yuccae
- Ministrymon leda Leda hairstreak
- Nymphalis antiopa mourning cloak
- Nathalis iole dainty sulfur
- Panthea judyae
- Papilio cresphontes giant swallowtail
- Papilio polyxenes black swallowtail
- Phoebis sennae cloudless sulfur
- Phoebis agarithe large orange sulfur
- Phyciodes phaon Phaon crescent
- Panoquina ocola Ocola skipper
- Pyrgus albescens white checkered skipper
- Pyrgus ruralis desert checkered skipper, two-banded checkered skipper
- Pyrrhopyge araxes golf-club Skipper
- Pyrgus albescens common checkered skipper
- Renia mortualis
- Renia subterminalis
- Schinia immaculata
- Strymon melinus gray hairstreak
- Sympistis cleopatra
- Tegeticula yuccasella
- Tetanolita negalis
- Tricholita ferrisi
- Vanessa cardui painted lady
- Vanessa virginiensis American lady
Butterflies by type
- Callophrys xami–Xami Hairstreak
- Colorado Hairstreak Butterfly–Hypaurotis crysalus
- Erora quadema–Arizona Hairstreak
- Western Pine Elfin–Callophrys eryphon
- Achalarus toxeus–(strays from south)-(Coyote Cloudywing, Coyote Skipper)
- Agathymus aryxna–Arizona Giant-Skipper-(Orange Giant-Skipper)
- Autochton cellus-(Golden Banded-Skipper)
- Calpodes ethlius
- Celotes nessus
- Chiomara asychis–(strays from south)-(White-patched Skipper)
- Heliopetes macaira–Turk's-cap White-Skipper
- Hylephila phyleus fiery skipper
- Lerodea eufala–Eufala Skipper-(also named Rice Leaffolder)
- Panoquina ocola–(strays from south in SE-(Madrean Sky Islands))-Ocola Skipper
- Pyrgus albescens–White Checkered Skipper
- Pyrgus ruralis–Desert Checkered Skipper, Two-banded Checkered Skipper
- Pyrrhopyge araxes–Golf-Club Skipper
Lepidoptera of the Atascosa Mountains region
Lepidoptera of the Chiricahua Mountains region
Lepidoptera of the Grand Canyon region
Lepidoptera of the Huachuca Mountains region
- Charadra tapa
- Eacles oslari
- Panthea judyae
- Renia mortualis
- Renia subterminalis
- Tetanolita negalis
- Tricholita ferrisi
Lepidoptera of the Patagonia Mountains region
Lepidoptera of the Santa Catalina Mountains region
- Idia parvulalis–(type locale)
Lepidoptera of the Santa Rita Mountains region
External links
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, April 25, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.