List of butterflies of the Cayman Islands

Location of the Cayman Islands
This is a list of butterflies of the Cayman Islands. According to a recent estimate, there are 52 butterfly species found on the Cayman Islands.
- Battus polydamas cubensis (Dufrane, 1946) —Polydamas Swallowtail
- Heraclides andraemon andraemon (Hübner, 1823) —Andraemon Swallowtail
- Heraclides andraemon tailori (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906) —Grand Cayman Swallowtail
- Heraclides aristodemus (Esper, 1794) —Dusky Swallowtail
Great southern white
False barred sulphur
- Abaeis nicippe (Cramer, 1779) —Black Bordered Orange, Sleepy Orange
- Anteos maerula (Fabricius, 1775) —Yellow Angled Sulphur
- Aphrissa orbis (Poey, 1832) —Orbed Sulphur
- Aphrissa statira cubana (D'Almeida, 1939) —Migrant Sulphur
- Ascia monuste eubotea (Godart, 1819) —Great Southern White
- Eurema daira palmira (Godart, 1819) —Barred Sulphur
- Eurema elathea (Cramer, 1777) —False Barred Sulphur
- Glutophrissa drusilla poeyi (Butler, 1872) —Florida White
- Nathalis iole (Boisduval, 1836) —Dainty Sulphur, Dwarf Yellow
- Phoebis agarithe antillia (Brown, 1929) —Giant Orange Sulphur
- Phoebis argante (Fabricius, 1775) —Apricot Sulphur, Argante Giant Sulphur
- Phoebis philea (Linnaeus, 1763) — Orange-barred Sulphur
- Phoebis sennae sennae (Linnaeus, 1758) —Cloudless Sulphur
- Pyrisitia lisa euterpe (Ménétriés, 1832) —Little Sulphur
- Pyrisitia messalina (Fabricius, 1787) —Shy Yellow
- Pyrisitia nise nise (Cramer, 1775) —Mimosa Sulphur, Blacktip Sulphur
Crescent spot

- Anaea troglodyta cubana (Fabricius, 1775) —Cuban Red leaf Butterfly, Troglodyte
- Anartia jatrophae jamaicensis (Möshler, 1886) —White Peacock
- Euptoieta hegesia hegesia (Cramer, 1779)
- Hamadryas amphichloe (Boisduval, 1870) —Haitian Cracker, Click Butterfly
- Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764) —Mimic
- Junonia evarete (Cramer, 1779) —Mangrove Buckeye
- Junonia genoveva (Cramer, 1780) —Caribbean Buckeye, Tropical Buckeye
- Marpesia chiron (Fabricius, 1775) —Many-banned Daggerwing
- Marpesia eleuchea (Hübner, 1818) —Antillean Ruddy Daggerwing
- Memphis verticordia danielana (Witt, 1972) —Cayman Brown leaf Butterfly
- Phyciodes phaon (W.H.Edwards, 1864) —Cayman Crescent Spot
- Phyciodes tharos (Drury, [1773])
- Siproeta stelenes bilagiata (Fruhstorfer, 1907) —Malachite
- Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) —Painted Lady
- Danaus eresimus tethys (Cramer, 1777) —Soldier
- Danaus gilippus berenice (Cramer, 1775) —Queen
- Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus, 1758) — Monarch
- Calisto herophile (Hübner, 1823) —Ringlet
- Agraulis vanillae insularis (Maynard, 1889) —Gulf Fritillary
- Dryas iulia zoe (Miller & Steinhauser, 1992) —Julia, Flambeau
- Heliconius charitonius (Linnaeus, 1767) —Zebra
- Brephidium exilis thompsoni (Carpenter & Lewis, 1943) —Pygmy Blue
- Chlorostrymon maesites (Henrrich-Schäffer, 1864) —Amethyst Hairstreak
- Cyclargus ammon erembis Nabokov, 1948 —Lucas's Blue
- Electrostrymon angelia (Hewitson, 1874) —Fulvous Hairstreak
- Eumaeus atala (Poey, 1832) —Atala
- Hemiargus hanno filenus (Poey, 1832) —Hanno Blue
- Leptoptes cassius theonus (Lucas, 1857) —Cassius Blue
- Strymon acis (Drury, 1773) — Drury's Hairstreak
- Strymon istapa (Reakirt, 1867) —Hewitson's Hairstreak
- Strymon martialis (Henrrich-Schäffer, 1865) —Cuban Grey Hairstreak
Long-tailed skipper
- Asbolis capucinus (Lucas, 1857) —The Monk
- Atalopedes mesogramma (Latreille, 1824) —Striped Skipper
- Calpodes ethlius (Stoll, 1782) —Canna Skipper, Brazilian Skipper
- Cymaenes tripuntus (Henrrich-Schäffer, 1865) —Three Spot skipper
- Hylephila phyleus (Drury, 1773) —Fiery Skipper
- Panoquina lucas (Fabricius, 1793) —Purple-washed Skipper, Sugar Cane Skipper
- Panoquina ocala (W. H. Edwards, 1863) — Ocala skipper
- Panoquina panoquinoides (Skinner, 1891) —Obscure Skipper
- Phocides pigmalion batabano (Lucas, 1857) — Mangrove Skipper
- Urbanus dorantes santiago (Lucas, 1857) —Dorantes Skipper
- Urbanus proteus domingo (Scudder, 1872) —Long-tailed Skipper
- R. R. Askew and P. A. van B. Stafford, Butterflies of the Cayman Islands (Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2008) ISBN 978-87-88757-85-9
- Cayman Butterflies
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