List of chess periodicals

Below is a list of chess periodicals. Publications are included only if they accept contributions from multiple authors and their content focuses primarily on some aspect of chess.

Name Date Frequency Published Subject Website
64 1924- Twice per month Russia General
American Chess Bulletin 1904–1962 Monthly United States General
American Chess Journal 1879–1881 seven issues United States
American Chess Magazine 1846-1847
Monthly United States General
American Chess Quarterly 1961-65 Quarterly United States General
Baltische Schachblaetter 1889-1893
Black & White 2004 4 times a year India General
Deutsches Wochenschach
Weekly Germany General
British Chess Magazine 1881- Monthly England General
Chess Express/Schach Express 1968-? Twice per month Switzerland Current games
Chess Informant 1966- 4 times a year Serbia General
Chess Life 1946- Monthly United States General
CHESS magazine 1935- Monthly England General
Chess Player's Chronicle 1841-56
Monthly England General -
Chess Review 1933–1969 Monthly United States General -
ChessBase News 2001- Daily Online General 1996- Weekly Online General
Columbia Chess Chronicle 1887-91 ?? United States General
Computerschach und Spiele 1983–2004 Bimonthly Germany Computer Chess
Der Schachfreund 1898–1901 ?? Germany ??
Die Schwalbe 1924- 6 times per year Germany Chess problems
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1846–1988 Monthly Germany General -
EG (magazine) 1965- 2 to 4 times per year Netherlands Endgame studies
Europe Échecs 1959- Monthly France General
ICGA Journal 1977- 4 times per year Netherlands Computer chess
International Chess Magazine 1885–1891 Yearly ?? General -
Jaque 1970- Monthly Spain General
Kingpin 1985- 3 times per year England General
La Stratégie 1867-1940 Monthly France General -
Le Courrier des Échecs 1947- 8 times per year France Correspondence chess
Le Palamède 1836–1847 ? France General -
L'Italia Scacchistica 1911- 8 times per year Italy General
Magyar Sakkvilág 2003- 12 times per year Hungary General
Messaggero Scacchi 2000- Weekly Online General
New In Chess 1984- 8 times per year Netherlands General
Norsk sjakkblad 1906-1909
4 times per year Norway General
Northwest Chess 1947- 12 times per year USA Washington Oregon Idaho General
Panorama Szachowa 1993- 12 times per year Poland General
Peón de rey 2001- 12 times per year Spain General
Probleemblad 1943- 6 times per year Netherlands Chess problems
Schaak Magazine 1893- Monthly Netherlands General -
Schach 1947- Monthly Germany General
Schach-Magazin 64 1979- Monthly Germany General
Shakhmatny Bulletin 1955–1990 Monthly Soviet Union Current games -
Shakhmaty v SSSR 1921–1991 Monthly Soviet Union General -
StrateGems 1998- 4 times per year United States Chess problems
Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1900- Monthly Switzerland General
Tidsskrift för Schack 1895- Monthly Sweden General
The Chess Monthly 1857–1861 Monthly United States General -
The Chess Correspondent 1930– United States Correspondence chess -
The London Chess Fortnightly 1892–1893 Bimonthly England General -
The Philidorian 1837–1838 Six issues England General -
The Problemist 1926- 6 times per year England Chess problems
The Week in Chess 1994- Weekly Online Chess news
Torre & Cavallo Scacco! 1987- 11 times per year Italy General

Further reading


External links

See also

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