List of cities in French Guiana

This is a list of cities in French Guiana:

Cities in French Guiana
Rank Cities Population Region
1999 2009
1. Cayenne 50 594 71 087 Cayenne
2. Matoury 18 032 34 533 Cayenne
3. Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni 19 211 28 944 Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni
4. Kourou 19 171 28 416 Cayenne
5. Remire-Montjoly 15 555 22 125 Cayenne
6. Macouria 5 050 13 019 Cayenne
7. Maripasoula 3 710 8 364 Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni
8. Mana 5 445 6 271 Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni
9. Apatou 3 628 5 789 Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni
10. Grand-Santi 2 862 4 966 Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni
11. Sinnamary 2 783 3 400 Cayenne
12. Saint-Georges 2 153 3 276 Cayenne
13. Roura 1 791 2 621 Cayenne
14. Iracoubo 1 430 1 579 Cayenne
15. Camopi 1 032 1 530 Cayenne
16. Awala-Yalimapo 887 1 344 Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni

See also

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