List of countries with organic agriculture regulation

This list documents the status of formal government-standards, regulations, and certification of organic farming and organic food.

List of countries with regulations on organic agriculture[1]

Region Country Status Website (where available)
European Union (28) Austria Fully implemented
  Belgium Fully implemented
  Bulgaria Fully implemented
  Croatia Fully implemented
  Cyprus Fully implemented
  Czech Republic Fully implemented
  Denmark Fully implemented
  Estonia Fully implemented
  Finland Fully implemented
  France Fully implemented
  Germany Fully implemented
  Greece Fully implemented
  Hungary Fully implemented
  Ireland Fully implemented
  Italy Fully implemented
  Latvia Fully implemented
  Lithuania Fully implemented
  Luxembourg Fully implemented
  Malta Fully implemented
  Poland Fully implemented
  Portugal Fully implemented
  Romania Fully implemented
  Slovak Republic Fully implemented
  Slovenia Fully implemented
  Spain Fully implemented
  Sweden Fully implemented
  The Netherlands Fully implemented
  United Kingdom Fully implemented
Others Europe (9) Albania Not fully implemented  
  Iceland Fully implemented
  Macedonia Fully implemented  
  Moldova Fully implemented  
  Montenegro Fully implemented
  Norway Fully implemented  
  Serbia Not fully implemented  
  Switzerland Fully implemented
  Turkey Fully implemented  
  Asia and Pacific Region (11) Australia Only export regulations
  Bhutan Not fully implemented  
  China Fully implemented  
  India Only export regulations
  Israel Fully implemented  
  Japan Fully implemented
  New Zealand Only export regulations  
  Philippines Not fully implemented  
  South Korea Fully implemented  
  Taiwan Fully implemented  
  Thailand Fully implemented
The Americas and Caribbean (14) Argentina Fully implemented  
  Bolivia Not fully implemented
  Brazil Fully implemented
  Canada Fully Implemented
  Chile Fully implemented  
  Costa Rica National regulations not fully implemented
  Dominican Republic Not fully implemented  
  Ecuador Fully implemented
  El Salvador Not fully implemented
  Honduras Fully implemented
  Mexico Not fully implemented  
  Paraguay Not fully implemented  
  Peru Not fully implemented  
  US Fully implemented
'Africa' (2) Ghana Not fully implemented  
  Tunisia Fully implemented  

Countries with regulations in development[1]

Region Country Website  
'Europe' (3) Bosnia Herzegovina  
'Asia' and Pacific Region (8) Armenia  
  Georgia [2]
  Hong Kong  
  Saudi Arabia  
The Americas & Caribbean (3) Cuba  
  St. Lucia  
'Africa' (2) Cameroon  
  South Africa [3]


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, June 30, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.