List of culture jamming organizations and people
This is a list of people and organisations that engage in culture jamming.
- Above
- Alan Abel
- C August
- Banksy
- Sacha Baron Cohen in his Borat persona
- Kiari Bastardo
- Anomie Belle
- Jello Biafra
- Luther Blissett
- Stephen Colbert
- Guy Debord
- Mark Dice
- Ron English
- Shepard Fairey
- John Fekner
- Rémi Gaillard
- Johannes Grenzfurthner
- Abbie Hoffman
- Mark Jenkins
- Kalle Lasn
- Benjamin Lay
- Mark LeVine
- John Lydon
- Norm Magnusson
- Evan Coyne Maloney
- Meadow House
- M.I.A.
- Poster Boy
- Psy
- Sal Randolph
- Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
- Nikolas Schiller
- Joey Skaggs
- Vermin Supreme
- Mark Thomas
- Jeff Wassmann
- ®™ark
- 0100101110101101.ORG
- 3kStatic
- Adbusters
- Anonymous
- André the Giant Has a Posse
- Anti-Pearlman Permanent Poster League
- The Association for Ontological Anarchy
- Barbie Liberation Organization
- Billboard Liberation Front
- Billionaires for Bush
- Billionaires for Wealthcare
- Brass Eye
- The Bubble Project
- Burning Man
- Cacophony Society
- Cartrain
- Chumbawamba
- Church of Euthanasia
- Church of the SubGenius
- Cicada 3301
- Crass
- Critical Mass
- Cutup
- digitle
- The Discordian Society
- Emergency Broadcast Network
- The Evolution Control Committee
- Guerilla Girls
- Graffiti Research Lab
- Improv Everywhere
- Improv Toronto
- Infringement Festival
- K Foundation
- The KLF
- Lumber Cartel
- Molleindustria
- Monochrom
- Noisebridge
- Negativland
- Newmindspace
- Nsumi
- Operation Mindfuck
- Over the Edge
- The Peng Collective
- Public Image Ltd.
- Publixtheatre Caravan
- Pussy Riot
- Reject False Icons
- Regurgitator
- Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
- Schwa
- Situationist International
- Snog
- Space Hijackers
- Stay Free!
- StreetWars
- subRosa
- Sudo Room
- The Yes Men
- Yippies
- Yomango
- Whirl-Mart
- The Zeitgeist Movement
- Zippies
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, April 23, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.