List of current members of the National Assembly of Malawi

This is a list of the people elected to the National Assembly of Malawi in the 2009 general election.. A new group of MP's have since taken office after the 2014 general election.

Member (and position) Constituency Party
Lingson Belekenyama Lilongwe - Msinja South Malawi Congress Party
Robert Bondo Lilongwe - City West Malawi Congress Party
Ishmael Chafukila Lilongwe - North West Malawi Congress Party
Kashon Zombolana Chakwantha Lilongwe - North Malawi Congress Party
D. D. Chibwana Ntchisi - East Malawi Congress Party
A. S. Chidzanja Salima - Central Malawi Congress Party
A. M. Chika Dowa - South East Malawi Congress Party
B. G. Chikhadwe Lilongwe - Kumachenga Malawi Congress Party
L. J. Chilunjika Dowa - West Malawi Congress Party
L. J. Chimango Lilongwe - Mpenu Nkhoma Malawi Congress Party
A. M. Chimphamba Kasungu - North East Malawi Congress Party
S. M. Chimphonda Lilongwe - Msozi North Malawi Congress Party
B. A. Chipilingu Kasungu - East Malawi Congress Party
N. F. S. Chuthi Dedza - North West Malawi Congress Party
E. P. R. Dzanjalimodzi Dedza - East Malawi Congress Party
R. P. Dzanjalimodzi Lilongwe - City South-East Malawi Congress Party
L. Dzombe Dowa - Ngala Malawi Congress Party
H. T. Fwataki Mchinji - West Malawi Congress Party
H. M. K. Gadama Ntchisi - North Malawi Congress Party
S. D. J. Gulule Kasungu - West Malawi Congress Party
Gwengwe W. A., Hon. Lilongwe - South East Malawi Congress Party
Jere G., Hon. Kasungu - North West Malawi Congress Party
C. Y. Jimu Kasungu - Central Malawi Congress Party
A. N. Jumbe Dedza - North Malawi Congress Party
B. Z. Kachala Dedza - Central Malawi Congress Party
E. B. Kadzako Dowa - Central Malawi Congress Party
K. C. Kainja Kaluluma Dedza - South West Malawi Congress Party
T. A. Kalebe Lilongwe - North East Malawi Congress Party
V. M. Kamiyala Dowa - North Malawi Congress Party
S. Kamoto Lilongwe - City North Malawi Congress Party
D. M. Kamphambe Mchinji - East Malawi Congress Party
L. Kamwendo Ntchisi - South Malawi Congress Party
H. M. Kapenda Dedza - West Malawi Congress Party
L. Kayera Mchinji - North Malawi Congress Party
K. Kufuna Salima - South East Malawi Congress Party
F. C. Kuseni Dowa - East Malawi Congress Party
B. Kutsaira Lilongwe - Msinja North Malawi Congress Party
B. B. C. Majoni Lilongwe - Central Malawi Congress Party
A. J. Mbowani Nkhotakota - South Malawi Congress Party
M. S. Mkomba Dedza - Central-East Malawi Congress Party
D. H. J. Mlomo Lilongwe - Mapuyu North Malawi Congress Party
P. K. Mthyoka Lilongwe - South Malawi Congress Party
A. Mwale Dowa - North East Malawi Congress Party
E. E. Mwale Lilongwe - East Malawi Congress Party
V. G. Mwale Lilongwe - Msozi South Malawi Congress Party
W. A. Ngozo Lilongwe - Mpenu Malawi Congress Party
K. P. Ngwembe Kasungu - South East Malawi Congress Party
J. R. Njobvuyalema Lilongwe - Mapuyu South Malawi Congress Party
S. J. Nkhoma Kasungu - South Malawi Congress Party
B. K. Phiri Lilongwe - City Central Malawi Congress Party
Sendeza J. M. K., Hon. Lilongwe - South West Malawi Congress Party
R. P. Sithole Kasungu - North North-East Malawi Congress Party
A. M. Tembo Mchinji - North East Malawi Congress Party
J. Z. U. Tembo Dedza - South Malawi Congress Party
N. G. Tembo Lilongwe - City South-West Malawi Congress Party
C. K. Yona Salima - North Malawi Congress Party
D. S. Zaipa Mchinji - South Malawi Congress Party
G. C. Zulu Mchinji - South West Malawi Congress Party
B. I. Banda Mzimba - South Democratic Progressive Party
E. Banda Machinga - Central Democratic Progressive Party
H. F. Banda Nkhotakota - North Democratic Progressive Party
J. Banda Zomba - Malosa Democratic Progressive Party
J. L. B. Banda Blantyre - City South Democratic Progressive Party
J. F. Bande Blantyre - City East Democratic Progressive Party
Dr. J. Beza Mzimba - Central Democratic Progressive Party
Dr. G. Chaponda Mulanje - South West Democratic Progressive Party
C. Chimombo Zomba - Likangala Democratic Progressive Party
B. Chimpokosera Nsanje - South West Democratic Progressive Party
L. Gondwe Mzimba - West AFORD,
J. V. Chingola Ntcheu - Central Democratic Progressive Party
A. G. Chipwete Mangochi - Monkey Bay Democratic Progressive Party
J. B. K. Chirwa Nkhata Bay - South East Democratic Progressive Party
R. A. Chizimba R. A., Hon. Zomba - Nsondole Democratic Progressive Party
R. Commsy Thyolo - South West Democratic Progressive Party
R. A. Gaffar Blantyre - Kabula Democratic Progressive Party
A. Gobede Chikwawa - North Democratic Progressive Party
P. R. Gonani Zomba - Chisi Democratic Progressive Party
G. Gondwe Mzimba - North Democratic Progressive Party
J. J. Guga Thyolo - North Democratic Progressive Party
J. E. Joswah Phalombe - South Democratic Progressive Party
K. H. Kachali Mzimba - South West Democratic Progressive Party
A. A. N. Kachikho Phalombe - North Democratic Progressive Party
L. E. S. Kadam'manja Chiradzulu - North Democratic Progressive Party
B. M. Kalambo Karonga - North Democratic Progressive Party
P. A. Kaliati Mulanje - West Democratic Progressive Party
J. A. S. Kampezeni Neno - North Democratic Progressive Party
D. C. Katsonga Mwanza - Central Democratic Progressive Party
B. Kaunda Blantyre - City South East Democratic Progressive Party
S. V. Kaunda Nkhata Bay - Central Democratic Progressive Party
C. Khembo Chikwawa - East Democratic Progressive Party
A. S. Lipande Ntcheu - North Democratic Progressive Party
Dr. K. Lipenga Phalombe - East Democratic Progressive Party
E. F. Malenga Balaka - South Democratic Progressive Party
O. W. B. Masanza Mulanje - Limbuli Democratic Progressive Party
C. Mchacha Thyolo - West Democratic Progressive Party
M. Mia Chikwawa - Nkombezi Democratic Progressive Party
H. Mumba Mzimba - Hora Democratic Progressive Party
H. A. R. Mussa Chiradzulu - East Democratic Progressive Party
U. Mussa Salima - South Democratic Progressive Party
Mwafulirwa P. P., Hon. Karonga - South Democratic Progressive Party
Mwaila R. M., Hon. Blantyre - West Democratic Progressive Party
Mwamondwe G. A. R., Hon. Blantyre - City Central Democratic Progressive Party
F. T. Mwenifumbo Karonga - Central Democratic Progressive Party
S. S. Nchingula S. S., Hon. Mwanza - West Democratic Progressive Party
M. E. A. Ngaunje Ntcheu - Bwanje South Democratic Progressive Party
D. R. Ngulinga Machinga - Likwenu Democratic Progressive Party
G. A. Phiri Chikwawa - West Democratic Progressive Party
H. D. Phoya Blantyre - Rural East Democratic Progressive Party
A. M. Sangala Blantyre - Malabada Democratic Progressive Party
S. W. Selenje Zomba - Thondwe Democratic Progressive Party
M. W. M. Shaba Kasungu - North Democratic Progressive Party
R. C. Shaba Mzimba - South East Democratic Progressive Party
A. M. Shawa Mzimba - East Democratic Progressive Party
Kaira G. H., Hon. Mzimba - Mzuzu City Independent
P. K. M. Kaluba Chitipa - South Independent
B. H. Kawonga Mzimba - North East Independent
Bapu Khamisa Thyolo - East Independent
E. A. Makowa Mwale Nkhotakota - South East Independent
J. C. Malewezi Ntchisi - North East Independent
N. A. Masebo Chitipa - North Independent
I. Mezalumo Mulanje - South Independent
B. Mhango Karonga - North West Independent
B. J. Mpinganjira Mulanje - Central Independent
G. C. Mponda Blantyre - South West Independent
R. M. Msowoya Karonga - Nyungwe Independent
O. M. Mulwafu Chitipa - East Independent
E. Z. Munthali Rumphi - West Independent
L. M. Musongole Chitipa - Central Independent
J. C. Mzembe Rumphi - North Independent
P. F. Nkhwazi Nkhata Bay - North Independent
R. H. Nyalugwe Mulanje - South East Independent
Dr. K. M. Thindwa Rumphi - East Independent
A. K. Banda Nkhata Bay - South Peoples Progressive Movement
S. B. Kasambala Nkhata Bay - North West Peoples Progressive Movement
R. G. Kavuta Nkhata Bay - West Peoples Progressive Movement
F. G. Nyirongo Mzimba - Luwerezi Peoples Progressive Movement
M. Phiri Neno - East Peoples Progressive Movement
G. J. NyaMkandawire (Mrs. Mhango) Mzimba - Solora PETRA
H. Bande Nsanje - Central Republican Party
E. Chilenje Nsanje - North Republican Party
H. L. Genti Nsanje - South Republican Party
C. M. Luya Chikwawa - South Republican Party
S. S. J. Malamba Nsanje - Lalanje Republican Party
A. Asibuh Mangochi - South West United Democratic Front
O. A. L. Banda Chiradzulu - South United Democratic Front
R. C. N. Chanthunya Balaka - West United Democratic Front
J. A. J. Chikalimba Zomba - Changalume United Democratic Front
W. A. J. Chikalimba Zomba - Lisanjala United Democratic Front,
B. J. Chilomo Phalombe - North East United Democratic Front
C. T. Chiwaya Mangochi - Central United Democratic Front
J. C. Chiyendausiku Ntcheu - West United Democratic Front
T. Dafter Thyolo - Thava United Democratic Front
F. A. Jumbe Chiradzulu - Central United Democratic Front
M. F. Kalisinje Mangochi - Lutende United Democratic Front
E. Kalonga Mulanje - Bale United Democratic Front
H. F. Kamba Machinga - South United Democratic Front
Bob Khamisa Thyolo - Central United Democratic Front
E. P. Koloviko Blantyre - North United Democratic Front
J. Lali Mangochi - Nkungulu United Democratic Front
B. H. Lijenda Zomba - Mtonya United Democratic Front
M. P. C. Lunji Nkhotakota - North East United Democratic Front
T. P. Machado Ntcheu - South United Democratic Front
L. K. Mangulama Zomba - Chingale United Democratic Front
Masiku B. G., Hon. Blantyre - City West United Democratic Front
E. Mathanda Mulanje - Pasani United Democratic Front
I. I. Matola Mangochi - North United Democratic Front
A. Mbaya Mangochi - East United Democratic Front
M. M. Milanzi Mangochi - Malombe United Democratic Front
A. E. Mtukula Ntcheu - Bwanje North United Democratic Front
Mulli F., Hon. Phalombe - Central United Democratic Front
A. A. Muluzi Machinga - North East United Democratic Front
J. Mussa Machinga - East United Democratic Front
Y. Mussa Zomba - Central United Democratic Front
A. M. Mwechumu Mangochi - North East United Democratic Front
S. Namacha Mulanje - North United Democratic Front
Rev. W. R. Ndomondo Machinga - South East United Democratic Front
Dr. G. A. Nga Mtafu Likoma Islands - Likoma Islands United Democratic Front
L. E. Patel Mangochi - South United Democratic Front
M. J. Salijeni Thyolo - South United Democratic Front
M. B. Sato Ntcheu - North East United Democratic Front
H. M. Shaba Blantyre - Bangwe United Democratic Front
G. C. J. Stambuli Nkhotakota - Central United Democratic Front
A. Steppe Chiradzulu - West United Democratic Front
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