List of discredited substances

This page is a list of substances or materials generally considered discredited.

A substance can be discredited in one of three ways:

  1. It was widely believed to exist at one time but no longer is. Such substances are often part of an obsolete scientific theory.
  2. It was once believed to have drastically different properties from those accepted now. It was widely claimed and believed to possess significant properties that are no longer attributed to it.
  3. It is currently believed to exist as part of a theory that has not met the theoretical and experimental requirements of mainstream science. In particular, such a theory must be predictive.

Alphabetical list of substances whose existence is discredited

Substance Theorized by From when Alleged definition Discredited by
Aether (classical element) ancient A substance with rapid, circular motion that makes up celestial bodies atomic theory
Alicorn ancientThe horn of the unicorn, has mystical healing propertiesfailure to find any since medieval times
AlkahestParacelsus1493–1541A universal solvent, which can dissolve every other substance, including gold(Note that aqua regia can dissolve gold, but not everything.)
CaloricAntoine Lavoisier1783Weightless fluid, the substance of heatatomic theory, in which heat is interpreted as energy of motion of atoms.
CoroniumCharles Augustus Young and William Harkness1869Chemical element in the solar coronaIn the 1930s, Walter Grotrian and Bengt Edlén discovered that the spectral line in question was due to highly ionized iron.
Élan vitalHenri Bergson1907Substance or force bearing the property of lifemolecular biology
Elixir of lifemythologyancientSubstance believed by alchemists to confer immortalitychemistry and biology
ErototoxinsJudith Reismanafter 1955Addictive chemicals produced in the brain by pornography(There are addictive opioids (i.e. endorphins) in the brain related to pleasure in general, but not specific to pornography.)
Luminiferous aether 18th centuryMedium for the propagation of lightMichelson-Morley experiment
Miasma ancientFoul smell believed to carry diseasesmodern biology, in particular the discovery of actual infectious agents
Nebulium William Huggins1864An element in the Cat's Eye NebulaIn 1927, Ira Sprague Bowen showed that the observed spectral lines are emitted by doubly ionized oxygen.
N-raysProsper-René Blondlot1903A form of radiation emitted by most substancesa simple null experiment, where Blondlot thought he could see N-rays even when an essential optical element had been removed from the experiment
Odic forceCarl Reichenbach1845Force bearing the property of lifeLack of experimental evidence and any predictive theory. Never accepted by science.
Orgone energyWilhelm Reich1930sEnergy bearing the property of lifeLack of experimental evidence and any predictive theory. Never accepted by science.
PanaceaalchemistsancientSubstance curing all illnessbiology and medicine
Philosopher's stonealchemistsancientSubstance transmuting other metals into goldatomic theory
PhlogistonJohann Joachim Becher1667Weightless substance present in combustible materials and released when they are burnedmodern chemistry, specifically the discovery that combustion is combination of various substances with oxidizers, most commonly oxygen.
Polywater late 1960sAn apparently polymerised form of watermore careful experiments with rigorously cleaned glassware
Ptomaines alkaloids found in decaying matter thought to cause food poisoningdiscovery of bacteria
Red mercuryhoax1979Controversial substance supposedly of use to terroristsIts actual nature, if any, is unclear. The notion may have been invented for use by Soviet and Russian sting operations targeting nuclear materials trafficking. It is also possible that the phrase may have originated as a codeword in Soviet nuclear weapons development, much as the word "copper" was once used to obfuscate "plutonium" during the Manhattan Project.
Terra Pinguis
(combustible earth)
J. J. Becher1635–1682The forerunner of phlogiston It would have had negative weight; Lavoisier's invention of the beginnings of modern quantitative chemistry. Terra Pinguis is equivalent to the absence of oxygen.

Alphabetical list of substances whose properties are discredited

This is not to be construed as implying that these itemsas they are understood todayare discredited. What is listed are fire, water, metal, etc. as universal principles or fundamentals.

See also


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