Lists of diseases
Alphabetical list
Alphabetical list
A medical condition is a broad term that includes all diseases and disorders.
A disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism.
A disorder is a functional abnormality or disturbance.
- List of cancer types
- List of cutaneous conditions
- List of endocrine diseases
- List of eye diseases and disorders
- List of intestinal diseases
- List of infectious diseases
- List of human diseases associated with infectious pathogens
- List of human disease case fatality rates
- List of notifiable diseases - diseases that should be reported to public health officials
- Disorders
- List of communication disorders
- List of genetic disorders
- List of neurological disorders
- List of voice disorders
- List of vulvovaginal disorders
- List of liver disorders
- list of heart disorders
- Mental illness (alphabetical list)
See also
- Category:Diseases and disorders
- Category:List of diseases
- List of disorders
- List of abbreviations for diseases and disorders
- List of fictional diseases, diseases found only in works of fiction.
- Airborne disease, a disease that spreads through the air.
- Contagious disease, a subset of infectious diseases.
- Cryptogenic disease, a disease whose cause is currently unknown.
- Disseminated disease, a disease that is spread throughout the body.
- Environmental disease
- Lifestyle disease, a disease caused largely by lifestyle choices.
- Localized disease, a disease affecting one body part or area.
- Non-communicable disease, a disease that can't be spread between people.
- Organic disease
- Progressive disease, a disease that gets worse over time.
- Rare disease, a disease that affects very few people.
- Systemic disease, a disease affecting the whole body.
- Category:Animal diseases
- Category:Lists of plant diseases
External links
- List from Health on the Net Foundation, available in several languages
- List from National Institutes of Health
- List from Orphanet (change the last two letters of the link to choose your language: ES, DE, ...)
- List from Biomedical Entity Network (
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