List of dog breeds recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club
A list of the dog breeds fully recognised by the Canadian Kennel Club. The list is organised by breed name, with the group name following, and the group number in parentheses.
- Affenpinscher, Toys (5)
- Afghan Hound, Hounds (2)
- Airedale Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Akita Inu, Working (3)
- Alaskan Malamute, Working (3)
- American Cocker Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- American Eskimo Dog (Miniature), Non-Sporting (6)
- American Eskimo Dog (Standard), Non-Sporting (6)
- American Eskimo Dog (Toy), Toys (5)
- American Foxhound, Hounds (2)
- American Staffordshire Terrier, Terriers (4)
- American Water Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Australian Cattle Dog, Herding (7)
- Australian Kelpie, Herding (7)
- Australian Shepherd (Mini), Herding (1)
- Australian Shepherd, Herding (7)
- Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog, Herding (7)
- Australian Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Barbet, Sporting (1)
- Basenji, Hounds (2)
- Basset Hound, Hounds (2)
- Beagle, Hounds (2)
- Bearded Collie, Herding (7)
- Bedlington Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Belgian Shepherd Dog, Herding (7)
- Berger Picard, Herding (7)
- Bernese Mountain Dog, Working (3)
- Bichon Frisé, Non-Sporting (6)
- Black and Tan Coonhound, Hounds (2)
- Black Russian Terrier, Working (3)
- Bloodhound, Hounds (2)
- Blue Picardy Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Border Collie, Herding (7)
- Border Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Borzoi, Hounds (2)
- Boston Terrier, Non-Sporting (6)
- Bouvier des Flandres, Herding (7)
- Boxer, Working (3)
- Braque Français, Sporting (1)
- Briard, Herding (7)
- Brittany Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Brussels Griffon, Toys (5)
- Bull Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Bull Terrier (Miniature), Terriers (4)
- Bulldog, Non-Sporting (6)
- Bullmastiff, Working (3)
- Cairn Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Canaan Dog, Working (3)
- Canadian Eskimo Dog, Working (3)
- Cane Corso, Working (3)
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Toys (5)
- Cesky Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Sporting (1)
- Chihuahua (Long Coat), Toys (5)
- Chihuahua (Short Coat), Toys (5)
- Chinese Crested Dog, Toys (5)
- Chow Chow, Non-Sporting (6)
- Clumber Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Collie (Smooth), Herding (7)
- Collie (Rough), Herding (7)
- Coton de Tulear, Toys (5)
- Curly-Coated Retriever, Sporting (1)
- Dachshund, Hounds (2)
- Dalmatian, Non-Sporting (6)
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Doberman Pinscher, Working (3)
- Drever, Hounds (2)
- Dutch Shepherd Dog, Herding (7)
Dogue de bordeaux
- English Cocker Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- English Foxhound, Hounds (2)
- English Setter, Sporting (1)
- English Springer Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Working (3)
- Eurasier, Working (3)
- Field Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Finnish Lapphund, Herding (7)
- Finnish Spitz, Hounds (2)
- Flat-Coated Retriever, Sporting (1)
- Smooth Fox Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Wire Fox Terrier, Terriers (4)
- French Bulldog, Non-Sporting (6)
- French Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- German Longhaired Pointer, Sporting (1)
- German Pinscher, Non-Sporting (6)
- German Shepherd Dog, Herding (7)
- German Shorthaired Pointer, Sporting (1)
- German Wirehaired Pointer, Sporting (1)
- Giant Schnauzer, Working (3)
- Glen of Imaal Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Golden Retriever, Sporting (1)
- Gordon Setter, Sporting (1)
- Great Dane, Working (3)
- Great Pyrenees, Working (3)
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Working (3)
- Greenland Dog, Working (3)
- Greyhound, Hounds (2)
- Ibizan Hound, Hounds (2)
- Icelandic Sheepdog, Herding (7)
- Irish Red and White Setter, Sporting (1)
- Irish Setter, Sporting (1)
- Irish Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Irish Water Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Irish Wolfhound, Hounds (2)
- Italian Greyhound, Toys (5)
- Japanese Chin, Toys (5)
- Karelian Bear Dog, Working (3)
- Keeshond, Non-Sporting (6)
- Kerry Blue Terrier, Terriers (4)
- King Charles Spaniel, Toys (5)
- Kleiner Münsterländer, Sporting (1)
- Komondor, Working (3)
- Kuvasz, Working (3)
- Labrador Retriever, Sporting (1)
- Lakeland Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Leonberger, Working (3)
- Lhasa Apso, Non-Sporting (6)
- Löwchen, Non-Sporting (6)
- Template:Lagotto Romagnolo, Sporting (6)

- Maltese, Toys (5)
- Manchester Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Mastiff, Working (3)
- Miniature Pinscher, Toys (5)
- Miniature Schnauzer, Terriers (4)
- Mudi, Herding (7)
- Newfoundland (dog), Working (3)
- Norfolk Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Norrbottenspets, Hounds (2)
- Norwegian Buhund, Herding (7)
- Norwegian Elkhound, Hounds (2)
- Norwegian Lundehund, Hounds (2)
- Norwich Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever, Sporting (1)
- Old English Sheepdog, Herding (7)
- Otterhound, Hounds (2)
- Papillon, Toys (5)
- Pekingese, Toys (5)
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, Hounds (2)
- Pharaoh Hound, Hounds (2)
- Parson Russell Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Pointer, Sporting (1)
- Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Herding (7)
- Pomeranian, Toys (5)
- Poodle (Miniature), Non-Sporting (6)
- Poodle (Standard), Non-Sporting (6)
- Poodle (Toy), Toy (5)
- Portuguese Sheepdog, Herding (7)
- Portuguese Water Dog, Working (3)
- Pudelpointer, Sporting (1)
- Pug, Toys (5)
- Puli, Herding (7)
- Pyrenean Shepherd, Herding (7)
- Rhodesian Ridgeback, Hounds (2)
- Rottweiler, Working (3)
- Saluki, Hounds (2)
- Samoyed, Working (3)
- Schipperke, Non-Sporting (6)
- Scottish Deerhound, Hounds (2)
- Scottish Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Sealyham Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Shar Pei, Non-Sporting (6)
- Shetland Sheepdog, Herding (7)
- Shiba Inu, Non-Sporting (6)
- Shikoku, Hounds (2)
- Shih Tzu, Non-Sporting (6)
- Siberian Husky, Working (3)
- Silky Terrier, Toys (5)
- Skye Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Spinone Italiano, Sporting (1)
- St. Bernard, Working (3)
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Standard Schnauzer, Working (3)
- Sussex Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Swedish Vallhund, Herding (7)
- Tatra Sheepdog, Herding (7)
- Tibetan Mastiff, Working (3)
- Tibetan Spaniel, Non-Sporting (6)
- Tibetan Terrier, Non-Sporting (6)
- Toy Manchester Terrier, Toys (5)
- Vizsla (Smooth-Haired), Sporting (1)
- Vizsla (WIre-Haired), Sporting (1)
- Weimaraner, Sporting (1)
- Welsh Corgi (Cardigan), Herding (7)
- Welsh Corgi (Pembroke), Herding (7)
- Welsh Springer Spaniel, Sporting (1)
- Welsh Terrier, Terriers (4)
- West Highland White Terrier, Terriers (4)
- Whippet, Hounds (2)
- Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, Sporting (1)
- Xoloitzcuintli, Toys (5)
- Yorkshire Terrier, Toys (5)
Miscellaneous List
Miscellaneous List breeds are not fully recognised. Qualified breeds whose fanciers are seeking full recognition are kept on the Miscellaneous List for one year after which a poll is taken among the CKC members to decide whether to grant the breed full recognition. If interest in a breed is not strong enough it may be removed from the List.
other breeds
A family as diverse as the domestic dog has far more breeds than recorded here. Those are just the breeds recognised by the CKC. The most comprehensive list of breeds is found in the web-site of the FCI:
See also
- List of dog breeds for full list of all dog breeds, including those not recognised by the Canadian Kennel Club.
- List of dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club
- Canadian Kennel Club: CKC Breed Standards Group 1
- Canadian Kennel Club: CKC Breed Standards Group 2
- Canadian Kennel Club: CKC Breed Standards Group 3
- Canadian Kennel Club: CKC Breed Standards Group 4
- Canadian Kennel Club: CKC Breed Standards Group 5
- Canadian Kennel Club: CKC Breed Standards Group 6
- Canadian Kennel Club: CKC Breed Standards Group 7