List of ecoregions in Brazil
The following is a list of ecoregions in Brazil, as defined by the WWF:
Terrestrial ecoregions
by major habitat type
Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
- Araucaria moist forests (Argentina, Brazil)
- Atlantic Coast restingas (Brazil)
- Bahia coastal forests (Brazil)
- Bahia interior forests (Brazil)
- Caatinga Enclaves moist forests (Brazil)
- Fernando de Noronha-Atol das Rocas moist forests (Brazil)
- Guayana highlands forests (Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela)
- Guianan moist forests (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela)
- Gurupá várzea (Brazil)
- Iquitos várzea (Bolivia, Brazil, Peru)
- Japurá-Solimoes-Negro moist forests (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela)
- Juruá-Purus moist forests (Brazil)
- Madeira-Tapajós moist forests (Bolivia, Brazil)
- Marajó varzea (Brazil)
- Maranhão Babaçu forests (Brazil)
- Mato Grosso tropical dry forests (Brazil, Bolivia)
- Monte Alegre varzea (Brazil)
- Negro-Branco moist forests (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela)
- Northeastern Brazil restingas (Brazil)
- Parañá-Paraíba interior forests (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay)
- Pernambuco coastal forests (Brazil)
- Pernambuco interior forests (Brazil)
- Purus varzea (Brazil)
- Purus-Madeira moist forests (Brazil)
- Serra do Mar coastal forests (Brazil)
- Solimões-Japurá moist forest (Brazil, Colombia, Peru)
- Southwest Amazon moist forests (Bolivia, Brazil, Peru)
- Tapajós-Xingu moist forests (Brazil)
- Tepuis (Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela)
- Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forests (Brazil)
- Uatuma-Trombetas moist forests (Brazil, Guyana, Suriname)
- Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia moist forests (Brazil)
Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests
Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands
- Beni savanna (Bolivia, Brazil)
- Campos Rupestres montane savanna (Brazil)
- Cerrado (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay)
- Guyanan savanna (Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela)
- Humid Chaco (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay)
- Uruguayan savanna (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay)
Flooded grasslands and savannas
Deserts and xeric shrublands
- Amapá mangroves (Brazil)
- Bahia mangroves (Brazil)
- Ilha Grande mangroves (Brazil)
- Pará mangroves (Brazil)
- Rio Piranhas mangroves (Brazil)
- Rio São Francisco mangroves (Brazil)
by bioregion
Amazonia bioregion
Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
- Caqueta moist forests (Brazil, Colombia)
- Guianan moist forests (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela)
- Gurupa varzea (Brazil)
- Iquitos varzea (Bolivia, Brazil, Peru)
- Japurá-Solimoes-Negro moist forests (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela)
- Juruá-Purus moist forests (Brazil)
- Madeira-Tapajós moist forests (Bolivia, Brazil)
- Marajó varzea (Brazil)
- Maranhão Babaçu forests (Brazil)
- Mato Grosso tropical dry forests (Brazil, Bolivia)
- Monte Alegre varzea (Brazil)
- Napo Moist Forests (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru)
- Negro-Branco moist forests (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela)
- Purus varzea (Brazil)
- Purus-Madeira moist forests (Brazil, Bolivia)
- Rio Negro campinarana (Brazil, Colombia)
- Solimões-Japurá moist forest (Brazil, Colombia, Peru)
- Southwest Amazon moist forests (Bolivia, Brazil, Peru)
- Tapajós-Xingu moist forests (Brazil)
- Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forests (Brazil)
- Uatuma-Trombetas moist forests (Brazil, Guyana, Suriname)
- Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia moist forests (Brazil)
Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests
Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands
Eastern South America
Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
- Araucaria moist forests (Argentina, Brazil)
- Atlantic Coast restingas (Brazil)
- Bahia coastal forests (Brazil)
- Bahia interior forests (Brazil)
- Caatinga enclaves moist forests (Brazil)
- Fernando de Noronha-Atol das Rocas moist forests (Brazil)
- Northeastern Brazil restingas (Brazil)
- Parañá-Paraíba interior forests (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay)
- Pernambuco coastal forests (Brazil)
- Pernambuco interior forests (Brazil)
- Serra do Mar coastal forests (Brazil)
- Trinidade-Martin Vaz Islands tropical forests (Brazil)
Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests
Flooded grasslands and savannas
Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands
- Campos Rupestres montane savanna (Brazil)
- Cerrado (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay)
- Humid Chaco (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay)
Deserts and xeric shrublands
Orinoco bioregion
Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
by mangrove complex
- Amapá mangroves (Brazil)
- Maranhão mangroves (Brazil)
- Pará mangroves (Brazil)
Northeast Brazil
- Bahia mangroves (Brazil)
- Rio Piranhas mangroves (Brazil)
- Rio São Francisco mangroves (Brazil)
Southeast Brazil
- Ilha Grande mangroves (Brazil)
Freshwater ecoregions
by freshwater complex
Guiana/Orinoco Complex
- Eastern Morichal (Venezuela)
- Orinoco Delta (Venezuela)
- Southern Orinoco (Venezuela)
- Guiana Watershed (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela)
Amazon Complex
- Amazon Delta (Brazil)
- Amazon Main Channel (Brazil, Peru)
- Northern Amazon Shield Tributaries (Brazil)
- Rio Negro (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela)
- Upper Amazon Piedmont (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru)
- Western Amazon Lowlands (Bolivia, Brazil, Peru)
- Central Brazilian Shield Tributaries (Bolivia, Brazil)
- Tocantins-Araguaia (Brazil)
Northeast Atlantic Complex
- Maranhao (Brazil)
Mata-Atlantica Complex
- Northeast Mata-Atlantica (Brazil)
- East Mata-Atlantica (Brazil)
- Southeast Mata-Atlantica (Brazil)
São Francisco Complex
Upper Parana Complex
- Alto Paraná Atlantic forests (Brazil)
Beni Savanna (Llanos de Moxos) Complex
- Llanos de Moxos (Bolivia, Brazil)
Paraguay-Parana Complex
Southern Atlantic Complex
- Jacui Highlands (Brazil, Uruguay)
- Lagoa dos Patos Coastal Plain (Brazil, Uruguay)
Marine ecoregions
by marine realm and marine province
Tropical Atlantic
North Brazil Shelf
- Guianian
- Amazonia
Tropical Southwestern Atlantic
- Sao Pedro and Sao Paulo Islands
- Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas
- Northeastern Brazil
- Eastern Brazil
- Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands
Temperate South America
Warm Temperate Southwestern Atlantic
- Southeastern Brazil
- Rio Grande
See also
- Dinerstein, Eric; David Olson; Douglas J. Graham; et al. (1995). A Conservation Assessment of the Terrestrial Ecoregions of Latin America and the Caribbean. World Bank, Washington DC.
- Olson, D., Dinerstein, E., Canevari, P., Davidson, I., Castro, G., Morisset, V., Abell, R., and Toledo, E.; eds. (1998). Freshwater Biodiversity of Latin America and the Caribbean: A Conservation Assessment. Biodiversity Support Program, Washington DC.
- Spalding, Mark D., Helen E. Fox, Gerald R. Allen, Nick Davidson et al. "Marine Ecoregions of the World: A Bioregionalization of Coastal and Shelf Areas". Bioscience Vol. 57 No. 7, July/August 2007, pp. 573-583.
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