List of rare flora of the Mallee region

The endangered Rhizanthella gardneri (Underground Orchid) occurs in the Mallee region.
This is a list of endangered flora of the Mallee region, a biogeographic region in southern Western Australia. It includes all taxa that occur in the region, and have been classified as "R: Declared Rare Flora - Extant Taxa" under the Department of Environment and Conservation's Declared Rare and Priority Flora List, and are hence gazetted as endangered extant flora under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.[1]
There are no taxa classified as "X: Declared Rare Flora - Presumed Extinct Taxa" for the region.
There are 50 endangered taxa:[2]
- Acacia auratiflora
- Acacia caesariata
- Acacia depressa
- Acacia lanuginophylla
- Acacia leptalea
- Acacia trulliformis
- Adenanthos eyrei (Toolinna Adenanthos)
- Adenanthos pungens subsp. pungens
- Allocasuarina tortiramula (Twisted Sheoak)
- Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. minor
- Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla (Ironcap Banksia)
- Boronia capitata subsp. capitata
- Boronia revoluta (Ironcaps Boronia)
- Caladenia bryceana subsp. bryceana
- Caladenia drakeoides
- Caladenia graniticola
- Caladenia melanema
- Calectasia pignattiana
- Conostylis lepidospermoides (Sedge Conostylis)
- Conostylis rogeri
- Drummondita longifolia
- Dryandra pseudoplumosa
- Eremophila lactea
- Eremophila nivea (Silky Eremophila)
- Eremophila verticillata (Whorled Eremophila)
- Eucalyptus merrickiae (Goblet Mallee)
- Eucalyptus steedmanii (Steedman's Gum)
- Goodenia integerrima
- Grevillea involucrata (Lake Varley Grevillea)
- Grevillea scapigera
- Hibbertia priceana
- Lechenaultia laricina (Scarlet Leschenaultia)
- Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita
- Myoporum cordifolium
- Myoporum turbinatum (Salt Myoporum)
- Orthrosanthus muelleri
- Ptilotus fasciculatus
- Rhizanthella gardneri (Underground Orchid)
- Ricinocarpos trichophorus
- Roycea pycnophylloides (Saltmat)
- Sphenotoma drummondii (Mountain Paper-heath)
- Stachystemon vinosus
- Symonanthus bancroftii
- Tetratheca aphylla (Bungalbin Tetratheca)
- Thelymitra psammophila (Sandplain Sun Orchid)
- Thelymitra stellata (Star Sun Orchid)
- Tribonanthes purpurea (Granite Pink)
- Verticordia crebra
- Verticordia staminosa var. cylindracea
- Verticordia staminosa var. erecta
- ↑ "Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2006(2)" (PDF). Western Australian Government Gazette (Government of Western Australia). 1 December 2006. pp. 5311–5317. Retrieved 2007-01-17.
- ↑ "Florabase". Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Environment and Conservation, Government of Western Australia. Retrieved 2007-01-31.
Further reading
- Burgman, Mark A. (1985). "Rare plants of the Eastern Roe Botanical District". Report 27, Rare and geographically restricted plants of Western Australia. Perth, Western Australia: Department of Conservation and Land Management, Government of Western Australia.
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