List of extinct indigenous peoples of Brazil

At the time of the discovery of Brazil by the Europeans, a total of 2,000 indigenous nations, divided into several thousands of tribes existed in Brazil. The total number of native tribes which inhabited the present day Brazil at the time of first contact is disputed, as well as difficult to ascertain. The names of large number of tribes who were exterminated as a result of intertribal warfare is not recorded anywhere and so is the case of several smaller tribes who were wiped out by the colonizers. Curt Nimuendajú gives a list of 1,400 nations in his monumental work Mapa etno-histórico do Brasil e regiões adjacentes, but he ignored many smaller (extinct) tribes in Eastern Brazil, and was unaware of some other tribes which were uncontacted at that time.[1] Currently only 200 nations (790 tribes) are alive, with no survivors being reported for the remaining nations. However this doesn't mean all their bloodlines are extinct only their cultures. Brazilian Pardo and Mestizo population have mostly unknown indigenous backgrounds. Which can and probably have many of this indigenous peoples as ancestors. The Bandeirantes once hunted and enslaved indigenous peoples in the then unknown interior of Brazil from the 16th to the early 19th century. The indigenous peoples were eventually aculturated and integrated into European civilization.

Most of the recorded extinctions of the Brazilian tribes were caused by warfare with the neo-Brazilians and from the epidemics which were sometimes deliberately spread by the colonizers. However, intertribal warfare between various native Brazilian tribes also caused a significant number of extinctions. For example, the Matses, one of the tribes in the Vale do Javari region exterminated at least 4 smaller tribes during the 20th century.[2]

Famous extinct Brazilian nations

Out of the more than 1,800 extinct nations and thousands of tribes, names are available for only a few of them.

Recent Extinctions

According to Darcy Ribeiro, a total of 87 tribes became extinct during the 1900-57 period. Another 38 became Assimilated (detribalized and merged in to the general population).

Recorded extinctions of Brazilian tribes during the 1900–1957 time period:[17]

Tribe* Language Family Location
Aipatse Carib Rio Culuene, MG
Aminape Tupi Rio Mequens, RO
Apaniekra Je Rio Porquinhos, Maranhao
Apiaka Tupi Upper Rio Tapajos
Arara do Xingu [Pariri, Timirem.etc.] Carib Between Xingu and Tocantins
Arara [4 different tribes] NA 1. Jamaxim 2. Manicore 3. Rio Preto 4. Rio Guaraibas, PA/AM
Arawine Tupi Rio 7 de Setembro, MG
Ariken Tupi Between Rio Candeia and Rio Jamari, RO
Arua Tupi Rio Branco, RO
Baenan Baenan Left bank of Rio Pardo, Bahia
Botocudos [Pojixa, Nakreehe, Minajirum, Jiporok, Gutkrak, Krenak] Botocudos Bahia & Minas Gerais
Emerilon Tupi Far North Amapa
Espinhos Pano Rio Corumaha, Acre
Guarategaja Tupi Rio Mequens, RO
Guato Guato Rio Paraguai, MG
Huari Huari Rio Corumbiara, RO
Itogapuk Tupi Rio Madeirinha, AM
Ipotewat Tupi Upper Cacoal, RO
Jabutifed Tupi Between Rio Cacoal & Rio Riosinho, RO
Jabuti NA Upper Rio Branco
Kabixiana Tupi Upper Rio Corumbiara, RO
Kamakan Kamakan Bahia
Kanamari Katukina Upper Inauini, AM
Karipuna do Rondonia Pano Rio Capivari, RO
Karitiana Tupi Alto Rio Candeias, AM
Katiana Aruak Upper Rio Purus
Kaxarari Aruak Upper Rio Curuquete, AM-AC
Kayapo-Kradau Je N. Araguaia, S.Para
Kayapo do Sul Je Boundary of Minas Gerais and São Paulo
Kayuixana Aruak Between Rio Japura and Rio Solimoes, AM
Kenkateye Je Rio Alpercatas, Maranhao
Kepkiriwat Tupi Rio Pimenta Bueno, RO
Kinikinao Aruak Aquidauana, MGdS
Kokama Tupi Rio Solimoes, AM
Krem Ye Je Maranhao - Para
Krikati Je Maranhao
Kujijineri Aruak Between Upper Envira and Curumaha, Acre
Kuniba Aruak Between Juruasinho and Jutai, AM
Kurina Pano Rio Jutai & Rio Jandiatuba, AM
Kuruaya Tupi Rio Jamaxim, S Para
Kustenao Aruak Rio Batovi and Rio Ronuro, MG
Kuyanawa Pano NW. Acre
Layana Aruak Rio Miranda, MGdS
Makurap Tupi Rio Branco, RO
Maniteneri Aruak Rio Purus, Acre
Manitsawa Tupi Upper Xingu, MG
Marakana NA Mountains south of Rio Uraricoera, Roraima
Marawa Aruak Lower Jutai, AM
Matanawi Matanawi Lower Marmelos, AM
Mayoruna Pano Rio Javari, AM
Mialat Tupi Upper Leitao, RO
Miranha Witoto Rio Tefe, Rio Caicara, AM
Monde or Sanamaika Tupi Right of Pimenta Bueno, RO
Naravute Carib Middle Culuene, MG
Natu NA Sergipe
Ofaye Ofaie MGdS
Oti Oti Campos Novos, São Paulo
Oyanpik or Wayampi Tupi Oiapoque, Amapa
Palmelas Carib Right of Rio Guapore, RO
Parawa [Hon, Maro-Djapa] Katukina Left of Upper Jurua, AM
Pase Aruak Lower Rio Ica, AM
Pataxo-Hahahai Pataxo Jequitinhonha, Bahia
Pauxi Carib Right of Middle Cumina, Para
Pauxiana Carib Between Rio Mocajai and Rio Catrimani, Roraima
Poyanawa Pano Upper Rio Moa, Acre
Purukoto Carib Maraca Island, Rio Uraricoera, Roraima
Rama Rama Tupi Rio Anari & Rio Machadinho, RO
Sakuya Pano Extreme NW Acre
Sanamaika Tupi Left of Pimenta Bueno, RO
Takuatep Tupi Rio Tamuripa, RO
Tora Chapacura Lower Marmelos, AM
Tsuva Carib Middle Culuene, MG
Turiwára Tupi Maranhao
Txakamekra Je Rio das Flores, Maranhao
Urumi Tupi Right of Rio Jiparana, RO
Wainuma Aruak Middle Japura, Amazonas - Colombia border
Warekena Aruak Rio Icana and Rio Xie, NW AM
Wayoro NA Upper Rio Branco, RO
Xipaya Tupi Rio Iriri & Rio Curua, Para
Yuberi Aruak Lower Tapaua & Middle Purus, AM
Yuma NA Upper Ipixuna & Tabocal, AM
Yuri Yuri Between Ica, Japura & Solimoes

*Ribeiro grouped several nations in to one in certain cases. For example, the Arara are actually 4 different tribes, which may or may not be linguistically and ethnically related. In such cases, the names of the known individual nations are given in Square Brackets.
In some cases, the tribes which were classified as extinct, later re-emerged and exerted their identity. Examples are Krenak and Apiacá
In cetrain other cases, tribes which became extinct in Brasil existed as a living nation else where, such as the Oyanpik


  2. "Formation of the Matsés people and contact history > Matsés". Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  3. "The land of the Amazons". Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  4. 1 2 Aĭkhenvalʹd, A.I.U.; Aikhenvald, A.Y. (2012). Languages of the Amazon. OUP Oxford. p. 86. ISBN 9780199593569. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  5. "Arikapú". Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  6. Olson, J.S. (1991). The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Greenwood Press. p. 170. ISBN 9780313263873. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  7. Olson, J.S. (1991). The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Greenwood Press. p. 69. ISBN 9780313263873. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  9. Olson, J.S. (1991). The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Greenwood Press. p. 78. ISBN 9780313263873. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  10. "Usina de Letras". Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  11. "Subgroups, migrations and contact > Kayapó". Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  12. 1 2 Hopper, J.H.; Dole, G.E. (1967). Indians of Brazil in the Twentieth Century. Institute for Cross-Cultural Research. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  13. Aĭkhenvalʹd, A.I.U. (2002). Language Contact in Amazonia. Oxford University Press. p. 282. ISBN 9780199257850. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  14. Olson, J.S. (1991). The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Greenwood Press. p. 206. ISBN 9780313263873. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  17. Ribeiro, D. (1967). Indigenous cultures and languages of Brazil. In J. H. Hopper (Ed.), Indians of Brazil in the Twentieth Century (pp. 77–166). Washington D.C.: Institute for cross-cultural research.
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