List of extinct plants
The following is a list of extinct plants only.
- This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.
Prehistoric extinctions
Further information: Paleobotany
![]() Sphenophyllum miravallis |
Extinct taxa by geologic period
- Annularia
- Sigillaria
- Lepidodendron
- Calamites
- Sphenophyllum
- Cordaites
- Glossopteris
- Sphenophyllum
- Araucarioxylon[1]
- Caytoniales (extinct at the end of the Cretaceous)
- Cladophlebis
- Zamites
- Brachyphyllum
- Pleuromeia
- Pannaulika
- Sphenophyllum
- Araucaria mirabilis[2]
- Araucarites sanctaecrucis[2]
- Baiera
- Coniopteris
- Cycadeoidea
- Czekanowskia
- Eboracia
- Equisetum thermale (La Matilde Formation, Argentina)[3]
- Gleichenites
- Neocalamites
- Nilssonia
- Pararaucaria patagonica[2]
- Pterophyilum
- Schmeissneria
- Archaeamphora (Northeastern China)
- Archaeanthus
- Archaefructus
- Ephedrites
- Liaoningocladus
- Orontium mackii (Maastrictian?, McRea Formation, North America)[4]
- Palaeoaldrovanda (Czech Republic)
- Pagiophyllum
- Pityocladus
- Podozamites
- Sagaria (Southern Italy)
- Sphenobaiera
- Williamsonia
- Williamsoniella
- Acer alaskense (Chickaloon Formation, Alaska) [5]
- Banksieaeidites (Australia) (species through the Miocene)
- Cornus piggae (Almont/Biecegal Creek, North America)[6]
- Pinus peregrinus (Golden Valley Formation)[7]
- Ginkgo cranei (Sentinel Butte Formation)[8]
- Metasequoia foxii (Paskapoo Formation, Alberta)[9]
- Montrichardia aquatica (Cerrejón Formation, Colombia)[10]
- Petrocardium (Cerrejón Formation, Colombia)[10]
- Acer castorrivularis (Montana, North America)[5]
- Acer clarnoense (John Day Formation, North America)[5]
- Acer douglasense (West Foreland Formation, Alaska, North America)[5]
- Acer hillsi (Klondike Mountain Formation, Washington, North America)[5]
- Acer republicense (Klondike Mountain Formation, Washington, North America)[5]
- Acer rousei (Allenby Formation, McAbee Site, British Columbia, North America)[5]
- Acer stewarti (Allenby Formation, British Columbia, North America)[5]
- Acer stonebergae (Okanagan Highlands, North America)[5]
- Acer taurocursum (Bull Run flora, North America)[5]
- Acer toradense (Okanagan Highlands, North America)[5]
- Acer washingtonense (Klondike Mountain Formation, Washington, North America)[5]
- Actinidia oregonensis (Central Oregon, USA)[11]
- Azolla primaeva (British Columbia, Canada)[12]
- Abies milleri (British Columbia, Canada; Washington, USA)[13]
- Banksia archaeocarpa (Australia)
- Chamaecyparis eureka (Axel Heiberg Island, Canada)[14]
- Corylopsis readae (Klondike Mountain Formation, Washington, North America)[15]
- Cornus clarnensis (Central Oregon, USA)[11]
- Coryloides (Central Oregon, USA)[11]
- Corylus johnsonii (Washington, USA)[16]
- Dillhoffia (British Columbia, Canada; Washington, USA)[17]
- Diploporus (Paleocene-Eocene; Sentinel Butte Formation, Clarno Formation)[11]
- Eucommia eocenica (Claiborne Formation, southeastern North America)[18]
- Eucommia montana (Western North America)[18]
- Eucommia jeffersonensis (John Day Formation, Oregon, North America)[18]
- Eucommia rolandii (North America)[18]
- Fothergilla malloryi (Klondike Mountain Formation, Washington, North America)[15]
- Ginkgo dissecta (Ypresian, Okanagan Highlands)[19]
- Kardiasperma (Central Oregon, USA)[11]
- Langeria magnifica (Okanagan highlands, north America)[20]
- Nelumbo aureavallis (North Dakota, North America)[7]
- Neviusia dunthornei (Allenby Formation, North America)[21]
- Orontium wolfei (Okanagan Highlands)[4]
- Paleopanax (Central Oregon, USA)[11]
- Peltandra primaeva (North Dakota, USA)[7]
- Pinus driftwoodensis (Driftwood Canyon Provincial Park, British Columbia)[22]
- Rhizomnium dentatum (Baltic amber, Europe)[23]
- Rhus malloryi (Washington, USA)[20]
- Rhus rooseae (Central Oregon, USA)[11]
- Sassafras hesperia (Okanogan Highlands)[20]
- Saxonipollis ("East Germany")
- Stonebergia (British Columbia, Canada) [24]
- Taxus masonii (Central Oregon, USA)[11]
- Tilia johnsoni (Washington, USA)[20]
- Torreya clarnensis (Central Oregon, USA)[11]
- Trochodendron drachuckii (Okanogan Highlands)[25]
- Trochodendron nastae (Washington, USA)[26]
- Acer ashwilli (John Day Formation, Oregon)[5]
- Acer chaneyi (Oligocene to Miocene)[5]
- Acer dettermani (Late Eocene - Early Oligocene; Meshik Volcanics, Alaska)[5]
- Acer ivanofense (Late Eocene - Early Oligocene; Meshick Volcanics, Alaska)[5]
- Acer kenaicum (Oligocene; Kenai Group, Alaska)[5]
- Banksia novae-zelandiae (South Island, New Zealand) (Straddles the Oligocene-Miocene boundary)
- Acer browni (western North America)[5]
- Acer latahense (western North America)[5]
- Acer smileyi (Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene; western North America)[5]
- Acer traini (western North America)[5]
- Carya washingtonensis (Washington State, North America)[27]
- Droserapites (Taiwan)
- Droserapollis (Taiwan)
- Hymenaea allendis (Late Oligocene - early Eocene; Mexican Amber)[28]
- Hymenaea mexicana (Late Oligocene - early Eocene; Mexican Amber)[28]
- Hymenaea protera (Dominican amber)
- Osmunda wehrii (Yakima Canyon Flora, North America)[29]
- Palaeoraphe (Dominican Republic)[30]
- Roystonea palaea (Dominican amber)[30]
- Sequoiadendron chaneyi (Western North America)[31]
- Wessiea yakimaensis (Yakima Canyon Flora, North America)[26]
- Acer palaeorufinerve (Miocene - Pliocene; East Asia and possibly Alaska?)[5]
- Pinus matthewsii[32]
- Banksia kingii (Western Tasmania)
- Banksia strahanensis (Western Tasmania)
- Picea critchfieldi (North America)
Modern extinctions

Saint Helena Olive (Nesiota elliptica)
- Acalypha rubrinervis (1870, Saint Helena)
- Usambara Annone – Anonidium usambarense (1910, Tanzania) Remove - this was a misidentified specimen see Thomas Couvreur
- Aspalathus complicata (1940s, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Aspalathus cordicarpa (1950s, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Aspalathus variegata (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Barleria natalensis (1900, South Africa) [33]
- Brachystelma schoenlandianum (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Byttneria ivorensis (1896, Côte d'Ivoire)
- Cephalophyllum parvulum (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Ceropegia antennifera (1910, South Africa) [33]
- Ceropegia bowkeri (1900, South Africa) [33]
- Coffea lemblinii (1907, Côte d'Ivoire)
- Conophytum semivestitum (1900, South Africa) [33]
- Crassula subulata (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Cyclopia filiformis (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Disa forcipata (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Dryopteris ascensionis (1889, Ascension Island)
- Erica alexandri subsp. acockii (1940, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Erica foliacea subsp. fulgens (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Erica pyramidalis var. pyramidalis (1910, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Eugenia pusilla (1920, South Africa) [33]
- Helichrysum outeniquense (1950, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Saint Helena Heliotrope – Heliotropium pannifolium (1808, Saint Helena)
- Isolepis bulbifera (1950, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Lampranthus vanzijliae (1920, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Leucadendron grandiflorum (1805, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Leucadendron spirale (1930, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Liparia graminifolia (1830, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Macledium pretoriense (1925, South Africa) [33]
- Macrostylis villosa subsp. minor (1980, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Nemesia micrantha (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Saint Helena Olive – Nesiota elliptica (2003, Saint Helena)
- Oldenlandia adscenionis (1889, Ascension Island)
- Orchidea eupolyanthis (1910, Cameroon)
- Osteospermum hirsutum (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Pausinystalia brachythyrsum (1898, Cameroon)
- Polhillia ignota (1950s, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Psoralea cataracta (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Psoralea gueinzii (1930, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Silphium — Ferula ? (c. 50, Cyrene)
- Sporobolus durus (1886, Ascension Island)
- Thamnea depressa (1900, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Saint Helena Ebony – Trochetiopsis melanoxylon (1771, Saint Helena)
- Vernonella africana (1900, South Africa) [33]
- Willdenowia affinis (1920, South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Xysmalobium baurii (1900, South Africa) [33]
- Roan Mountain False Goat's-beard - Astilbe crenatiloba (1885, Roan Mountain, Tennessee)
- Galapagos Amaranth – Blutaparon rigidum (1999, Galápagos Ecuador)
- Rio de Janeiro Myrtle – Campomanesia lundiana (1825, Brazil)
- Casearia quinduensis (1997, Colombia)
- Rio de Janeiro Sapota – Chrysophyllum januariense (1997, Brazil)
- Havana Fragrant Tree – Cnidoscolus fragrans (1840, Cuba)
- Santa Cruz Bryophyte – Flabellidium spinosum (1911, Bolivia)
- Cuban Ruta Tree – Galipea ossana (1825, Cuba)
- Cuban Guettarda Tree – Guettarda retusa (1975, Cuba)
- Licania caldasiana (1997, Colombia)
- Mason River Myrtle – Myrcia skeldingii (1972, Jamaica)
- Appalachian Yellow Asphodel - Narthecium montanum (Henderson County, North Carolina)[34]
- Hastings County Neomacounia – Neomacounia nitida (1864, Canada)
- Bigleaf Scurfpea - Orbexilum macrophyllum (1899, Polk County, North Carolina)
- Falls-of-the-Ohio scurfpea - Orbexilum stipulatum (1881, Jefferson County, Kentucky)
- Rio de Janeiro Pouteria – Pouteria stenophylla (1997, Brazil)
- Cajamarca Pradosia – Pradosia argentea (1820, Peru)
- Rio de Janeiro Pradosia – Pradosia glaziovii (1997, Brazil)
- Colombian Pradosia – Pradosia mutisii (1925, Colombia)
- Jamaican Psidium – Psidium dumetorum (1976, Jamaica)
- Juan Fernandez Santalum – Santalum fernandezianum (1908, Chile)
- Thismia americana – Thismia americana (1916, Chicago, IL, USA)
- Adiantum lianxianense (Guangdong, China)
- Sri Lanka Legume Tree – Crudia zeylanica (1990, Sri Lanka)
- Kerala Legume Tree – Cynometra beddomei (1870, India)
- Sumatra Dipterocarpus – Dipterocarpus cinereus (1996, Sumatra, Indonesia)
- Arunchal Hopea Tree – Hopea shingkeng (1996, India)
- Nilgiri Holly – Ilex gardneriana (1859, India)
- Karnataka Sapota – Madhuca insignis (1900, India)
- Hainan Ormosia – Ormosia howii (1997, Southern China)
- Hainan Otophora – Otophora unilocularis (1935, Hainan, China)
- Pluchea glutinosa (19th Century, Yemen)
- Psiadia schweinfurthii (19th Century, Yemen)
- Sarawak Shorea – Shorea cuspidata (1996, Malaysia)
- Meghalaya Sterculia – Sterculia khasiana (1877, India)
- Valerianella affinis (19th century, Yemen)
- Courtallum Wendlandia – Wendlandia angustifolia (1997, India)
- Woolly-stalked Begonia - Begonia eiromischa (20th century, Penang, Malaysia)
- Ruzhildalani "Ruzhil" (1995, India)
- Italian Bryophyte – Radula visiniaca (1938, Italy)
- Cry Pansy – Viola cryana (1933, France)
See also: List of extinct flora of Australia
- Hawaii Chaff Flower – Achyranthes atollensis (1964, Hawaiian Is.)
- Argyroxiphium virescens (1996, Hawaiian Is.)
- Casearia tinifolia (1976, Mauritius)
- Clermontia multiflora (1871, Hawaiian Is.)
- New Calodonia Sapinda – Cupaniopsis crassivalvis (1869, New Caledonia)
- Haleakala Cyanea Tree – Cyanea arborea (1928, Hawaiian Is.)
- Cyanea comata (late 19th century, Hawaiian Is.)
- Cyanea cylindrocalyx (1909, Hawaiian Is.)
- Cyanea dolichopoda (1990, Hawaiian Is.)
- Giffard's Cyanea Tree – Cyanea giffardii (1917, Hawaiian Is.)
- Mark's Cyanea Tree – Cyanea marksii (1900, Hawaiian Is.)
- Pohaku Cyanea Tree – Cyanea pohaku (1910, Hawaiian Is.)
- Kohala Cyanea Tree – Cyanea pycnocarpa (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
- Oak-leaved Cyanea Tree – Cyanea quercifolia (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
- Dracaena umbraculifera (Mauritius)
- Taravai Aster Tree – Fitchia mangarevensis (1997, Taravai, French Polynesia)
- Moorea Laurel – Hernandia drakeana (1997, French Polynesia)
- Kawaihae Hibiscadelphus – Hibiscadelphus bombycinus (1868, Hawaiian Is.)
- Puhielelu Hibiscadelphus – Hibiscadelphus crucibracteatus (1981, Hawaiian Is.)
- Auwahi Hibiscadelphus – Hibiscadelphus wilderianus (1910, Hawaiian Is.)
- Oahu Kokia – Kokia lanceolata (1888, Hawaiian Is.)
- Cross-bearing Pelea – Melicope cruciata (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
- Maui Ruta Tree – Melicope haleakalae (1919, Hawaiian Is.)
- Obovate Melicope – Melicope obovata (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
- Nuku Hiva Neisosperma – Neisosperma brownii (1997, French Polynesia)
- Fatu Hiva Ochrosia – Ochrosia fatuhivensis (1997, French Polynesia)
- Nuku Hiva Ochrosia – Ochrosia nukuhivensis (1997, French Polynesia)
- Tahiti Ochrosia – Ochrosia tahitensis (1997, French Polynesia)
- Hawaii Ruta Tree – Pelea obovata (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
- Koé Stenocarpus – Stenocarpus dumbeensis (1905, New Caledonia)
- Norfolk Island Streblorrhiza – Streblorrhiza speciosa (1997, Norfolk Island)
- Fijian Weinmannia – Weinmannia spiraeoides (1840, Fiji)
- Skottsberg's Wikstroemia – Wikstroemia skottsbergiana (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
- Hakeakala Wikstroemia – Wikstoemia villosa (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
- Prony Bay Xanthostemon – Xanthostemon sebertii (1869, New Caledonia)
Plants extinct in the wild
Encephalartos woodii ![]() Cosmos atrosanguineus ![]() Sophora toromiro |
- St. Helena Roundleaf Gumwood – (Commidendrum rotundifolium) (Saint Helena)
- Encephalartos brevifoliolatus (South Africa) [33]
- Encephalartos nubimontanus (South Africa) [33]
- Encephalartos relictus (Swaziland)
- Encephalartos woodii (South Africa)[33]
- Erica bolusiae Salter var. cyathiformis (South Africa: Cape Flora)[33]
- Erica turgida (South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Erica verticillata (South Africa: Cape Flora) [33]
- Pleiospilos simulans (South Africa) [33]
- Lotus berthelotii (Canary Islands)
- St. Helena Redwood – (Trochetiopsis erythroxylon) (Saint Helena)
- Cosmos atrosanguineus (Mexico)
- Csapodya splendens (syn. Deppea splendens) (Mexico)
- Root-spine Palm – (Cryosophila williamsii) (Honduras)
- Cuban Erythroxylum – (Erythroxylum echinodendron) (Cuba)
- Franklin Tree – (Franklinia alatamaha) (Georgia, U.S.)
- Laelia gouldiana (Mexico)
- Biznaguita – (Mammillaria glochidiata) (Mexico)
- Biznaguita – (Mammillaria guillauminiana) (Mexico)
- Rio de Janeiro Terminalia – (Terminalia acuminata) (Brazil)
- Bastard gumwood (Commidendrum rotundifolium) (St. Helena)
- India Monocarpic Palm – (Corypha taliera) - (Bengal)
- Pallasana Spurge – (Euphorbia mayurnathanii) (India)
- Yunnan Malva – (Firmiana major) (Yunnan, China)
- Kalimantan Mango – (Mangifera casturi) (Kalimantan, Indonesia)
- Sarawak Mango – (Mangifera rubropetala) (Kalimantan & Sumatra)
- Kanehira Azalea – (Rhododendron kanehirai) (Taiwan)
- Tulipa sprengeri)
- Szaferi Birch – (Betula szaferi) (Poland)
- Lysimachia minoricensis (Spain)
- Cyanea pinnatifida (Hawaiian Is.)
- Royal Cyanea Tree – (Cyanea superba) (Hawaiian Is.)
- Punaluu Cyanea – (Cyanea truncata) (Hawaiian Is.)
- Fuzzyflower Cyrtandra – (Cyrtandra waiolani) (Hawaiian Is.)
- Hemiandra rutilans (Australia)
- Cooke's Kokia – (Kokia cookei) (Hawaiian Is)
- Toromiro – (Sophora toromiro) (Easter Island, Chile)
Extinct plant cultivars
- Ansault - pear cultivar
- Semper Augustus - a tulip from the days of tulip mania
- Taliaferro - apple cultivar
- Viceroy - tulip traded during tulip mania
Plants previously thought extinct and subsequently rediscovered
See Lazarus species
- Badula ovalifolia – from Mauritius. Known in 1830's; collected in 1970 and 1997 but misidentified (Page and D'Argent 1997, IUCN report)/confirmed identity in 2008 (Florens et al., Kew Bulletin)
- Café marron (Ramosmania rodriguesii) - rediscovered on Rodrigues in 1979
- Jellyfish tree (Medusagyne oppositifolia) - rediscovered in Seychelles in the 1970s
- Sichuan Thuja – (Thuja sutchuenensis) – rediscovered 1999 (Sichuan, China)
- Gibraltar Campion (Silene tomentosa) - rediscovered on Gibraltar in 1994
- Astragalus nitidiflorus (1909, Spain) - rediscovered 2004 (Cartagena, Spain)
Extinct algae
- Bennett's Seaweed - Vanvoorstia bennettiana - a red alga. (1886, Australia)
See also
- List of extinct animals
- A list of Presumed Extinct Plant species in South Africa (likely to be extinct but not yet adequately confirmed) can be found at
- ↑ F. H. Knowlton (1889), "New species of fossil wood (Araucarioxylon arizonicum) from Arizona and New Mexico", Proceedings of the United States National Museum
- 1 2 3 Mary Gordon Calder (1953). "A coniferous petrified forest in Patagonia" (PDF). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology (The British Museum) 2 (2): 97–138.
- ↑ Channing, A.; Zamuner, A.; Edwards, D.; Guido, D. (2011). "Equisetum thermale sp. nov. (Equisetales) from the Jurassic San Agustin hot spring deposit, Patagonia: Anatomy, paleoecology, and inferred paleoecophysiology.". American Journal of Botany 98 (4): 680–697. doi:10.3732/ajb.1000211. PMID 21613167.
- 1 2 Bogner, J.; Johnson, K. R.; Kvacek, Z.; Upchurch, G. R. (2007). "New fossil leaves of Araceae from the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene of western North America" (PDF). Zitteliana A (47): 133–147. ISSN 1612-412X.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Wolfe, J.A.; Tanai, T. (1987). "Systematics, Phylogeny, and Distribution of Acer (maples) in the Cenozoic of Western North America". Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy 22 (1): 1–246.
- ↑ Manchester, S.R.; Xiang, X-P.; Xiang, Q-Y (2010). "Fruits of Cornelian Cherries (Cornaceae: Cornus Subg. Cornus) in the Paleocene and Eocene of the Northern Hemisphere" (PDF). International Journal of Plant Sciences 171 (8): 882–891. doi:10.1086/655771.
- 1 2 3 Hickey, Leo (1977). Stratigraphy and Paleobotany of the Golden Valley Formation (Early Tertiary) of Western North Dakota. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. ISBN 0-8137-1150-9.
- ↑ Zhou, Z.; Quan, C.; Liu, Y-S (2012). "Tertiary Ginkgo ovulate organs with associated leaves from North Dakota, U.S.A., and their evolutionary significance". International Journal of Plant Sciences 173 (1): 67–80. doi:10.1086/662651.
- ↑ Stockey, R. A.; Rothwell, G. W.; Falder, A. B. (2001). "Diversity among Taxodioid Conifers: Metasequoia foxii sp. nov. from the Paleocene of Central Alberta, Canada". International Journal of Plant Sciences 162 (1): 221–234. doi:10.1086/317914.
- 1 2 Herrera, F.A.; Jaramillo, C.A.; Dilcher, D.L.; Wing, S.L.; Gómez-N, C. (2007). "Fossil Araceae from a Paleocene neotropical rainforest in Colombia". American Journal of Botany 95: 1569–1583. doi:10.3732/ajb.0800172. PMID 21628164.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Manchester, S.R. (1994). "Fruits and Seeds of the Middle Eocene Nut Beds Flora, Clarno Formation, Oregon". Palaeontographica Americana 58: 30–31.
- ↑ Arnold, C. A. (1955). "A Tertiary Azolla from British Columbia" (PDF). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 12 (4): 37–45.
- ↑ Schorn, Howard; Wehr, Wesley (1986). "Abies milleri, sp. nov., from the Middle Eocene Klondike Mountain Formation, Republic, Ferry County, Washington". Burke Museum Contributions in Anthropology and Natural History (1): 1–7.
- ↑ Kotyk, M.E.A.; Basinger, J.F.; McIlver, E.E. (2003). "Early Tertiary Chamaecyparis Spach from Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic". Canadian Journal of Botany 81: 113–130. doi:10.1139/B03-007.
- 1 2 Radtke, M.G.; Pigg, K.B.; Wehr, W.C. (2005). "Fossil Corylopsis and Fothergilla Leaves (Hamamelidaceae) from the Lower Eocene Flora of Republic, Washington, U.S.A., and Their Evolutionary and Biogeographic Significance". International Journal of Plant Sciences 166 (2): 347–356. doi:10.1086/427483.
- ↑ Pigg, K.B.; Manchester S.R.; Wehr W.C. (2003). "Corylus, Carpinus, and Palaeocarpinus (Betulaceae) from the Middle Eocene Klondike Mountain and Allenby Formations of Northwestern North America". International Journal of Plant Sciences 164 (5): 807–822. doi:10.1086/376816.
- ↑ Manchester, S.; Pigg, K. (2008). "The Eocene mystery flower of McAbee, British Columbia". Botany 86: 1034–1038. doi:10.1139/B08-044.
- 1 2 3 4 Call, V.B.; Dilcher, D.L. (1997). "The fossil record of Eucommia (Eucommiaceae) in North America" (PDF). American Journal of Botany 84 (6): 798–814. doi:10.2307/2445816. PMID 21708632.
- ↑ Mustoe, G.E. (2002). "Eocene Ginkgo leaf fossils from the Pacific Northwest". Canadian Journal of Botany 80: 1078–1087. doi:10.1139/b02-097.
- 1 2 3 4 Wolfe, J.A.; Wehr, W.C. (1987). "Middle Eocene dicotyledonous plants from Republic, northeastern Washington". United states Geological Survey Bulletin 1597: 1–25.
- ↑ DeVore, M.L.; Moore, S.M.; Pigg, K.B.; Wehr, W.C. (2004). "Fossil Neviusia leaves (Rosaceae: Kerrieae) from the Lower Middle Eocene of Southern British Columbia". Rhodora 12 (927): 197–209. JSTOR 23314752.
- ↑ Stockey, R.S. (1983). "Pinus driftwoodensis sp.n. from the early Tertiary of British Columbia". Botanical gazette 144 (1): 148–156. doi:10.1086/337355. JSTOR 2474678.
- ↑ Heinrichs, J; Hedenäs, L; Schäfer-Verwimp, A; Feldberg, K; Schmidt, AR (2014). "An in situ preserved moss community in Eocene Baltic amber". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 210: 113–118. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2014.08.005.
- ↑ Wolfe, J.A.; Wehr, W.C. (1988). "Rosaceous Chamaebatiaria-like foliage from the Paleogene of western North America". Aliso 12 (1): 177–200.
- ↑ Pigg, K.B.; Dillhoff, R.M.; DeVore, M.L.; Wehr, W.C. (2007). "New diversity among the Trochodendraceae from the Early/Middle Eocene Okanogan Highlands of British Columbia, Canada, and Northeastern Washington State, United States". International Journal of Plant Sciences 168 (4): 521–532. doi:10.1086/512104.
- 1 2 Pigg, K.B.; Wehr, W.C.; Ickert-Bond, S.M. (2001). "Trochodendron and Nordenskioldia (Trochodendraceae) from the Middle Eocene of Washington State, U.S.A.". International Journal of Plant Sciences 162 (5): 1187–1198. doi:10.1086/321927.
- ↑ Manchester, S.R. (1987). "The fossil history of the Juglandaceae". Monographs in Systematic Botany 21: 1–137.
- 1 2 Calvillo-Canadell, L.; Cevallos-Ferriz, S.R.S.; Rico-Arce, L. (2010). "Miocene Hymenaea flowers preserved in amber from Simojovel de Allende, Chiapas, Mexico". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 160 (3-4): 126–134. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2010.02.007.
- ↑ Miller, C.N. jr. (1982). "Osmunda wehrii, a New Species Based on Petrified Rhizomes from the Miocene of Washington". American Journal of Botany 69 (1): 116–121. doi:10.2307/2442836. JSTOR 2442836.
- 1 2 Poinar, G. (2002). "Fossil palm flowers in Dominican and Baltic amber". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 139 (4): 361–367. doi:10.1046/j.1095-8339.2002.00052.x.
- ↑ Axelrod, D. (1980). "Contributions to the Neogene paleobotany of central California". University of California publications in geological sciences 121: 1–212.
- ↑ McKown, A.D.; Stockey, R.A.; Schweger, C.E. (2002). "A New Species of Pinus Subgenus Pinus Subsection Contortae From Pliocene Sediments of Ch'ijee's Bluff, Yukon Territory, Canada" (PDF). International Journal of Plant Sciences 163 (4): 687–697. doi:10.1086/340425.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Red List of South African Plants
- ↑ Newsletter of the Southern Appalachia Botanical Society
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