Title[n 1] | References |
03.1941 Third | 1941 | private member's | Fine Gael | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Judges: process for impeachment; make more rigorous by requiring two-thirds majority resolution of each House; extend protection from Supreme Court and High Court to lower-court judges | [3] |
03.1958 Third | 1958 | Government | Fianna Fáil | 61.19590617 Referendum (defeated on 17 June 1959) | Elections to the Dáil: Replace single transferable vote (STV) system with single-member plurality voting ("first past the post", FPTP). Also proposed an independent boundary commission for constituencies. The main proposal similar to the 1968 fourth-amendment bill. | [4] |
03.1968 Third | 1968 | Government | Fianna Fáil | 61.19681016.1 Referendum (defeated on 16 October 1968) | Elections to the Dáil: Specified a degree of malapportionment in favour of rural constituencies over urban constituencies. | [5] |
04.1968 Fourth | 1968 | Government | Fianna Fáil | 61.19681016.2 Referendum (defeated on 16 October 1968) | Elections to the Dáil: Replace STV with FPTP for Dáil elections. Similar to main proposal of the 1958 bill. | [6] |
04.1972 Fourth[n 2] | 1972 | private member's | Labour | 13 First stage (defeated) | Elections: Lower voting age from 21 to 18. Accomplished by the government-sponsored Fourth Amendment of the Constitution Act, 1972. | [8] |
06 Sixth | 1978 | private member's | Labour | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Rights of children: To facilitate adoptions whose legality had been questioned, and to abolish illegitimacy. The government-sponsored Sixth Amendment passed in 1979 addressed the adoption issue; the Status of Children Act, 1987 addressed illegitimacy.[9] | [10] |
08.1980 Eighth | 1980 | private member's | Socialist Labour Party | 13 First stage (defeated) | Divorce: Permit by deleting Article 41.3.2 and 41.3.3. Divorce was eventually permitted by the 15th amendment in 1996. | [11] |
08.1982 Eighth (Divorce) | 1982 | private member's | Workers' Party | 11 First stage (lapsed) | Divorce: Relax ban. This was eventually lifted by the 15th amendment in 1996. | [12] |
08.1983 Eighth (Divorce) | 1983 | private member's | Workers' Party | 13 First stage (defeated) | Divorce: Relax ban. This was eventually lifted by the 15th amendment in 1996. | [13] |
10.1984 Tenth (Divorce) | 1984 | private member's | Workers' Party | 13 First stage (defeated) | Divorce: Relax ban. This was eventually lifted by the 15th amendment in 1996. | [14] |
10.1985 Tenth | 1985 | private member's | Fine Gael (Michael O'Leary) | 13 First stage (defeated) | Divorce: Relax ban. O'Leary was a government backbencher. His move prompted the government to introduce its own bill. | [15][16] |
10.1985 Tenth (No. 2) | 1985 | private member's | Labour | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Divorce: Relax ban. Labour's coalition partner Fine Gael opposed the bill; a government-sponsored divorce amendment was rejected at referendum later in 1986. | [17] |
10 Tenth | 1986 | Government | Fine Gael–Labour | 61.19860626 Referendum (defeated on 26 June 1986) | Divorce: Relax ban. This was eventually lifted by the 15th amendment in 1996. | [18] |
11 Eleventh | 1990 | private member's | Workers' Party | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Amend Articles 2 and 3 to weaken the irredentist claim to Northern Ireland. The Nineteenth Amendment in 1999 amended the articles in a similar manner as part of the Northern Ireland peace process. | [19] |
11 Eleventh (No. 2)[n 3] | 1991 | private member's | Workers' Party | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | | [20] |
11 Eleventh (No. 2)[n 3] | 1991 | private member's | Fine Gael | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Elections: enable Irish emigrants to elect three members of the Seanad. | [21] |
11 Eleventh (No. 3) | 1991 | private member's | Fine Gael | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Rights of women; replace the reference in Article 40.1 to women's "life within the home" with a statement of equal rights. | [22] |
11 Eleventh (No. 4) | 1991 | private member's | Fine Gael | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Bail laws | [23] |
12 Twelfth | 1992 | Government | Fianna Fáil–Progressive Democrats | 61.19921125 Referendum (defeated on 25 November 1992) | Abortion: Partially reverse the Attorney General v. X decision by removing risk of suicide as grounds for an abortion. | [24] |
15 Fifteenth | 1995 | private member's | Fianna Fáil | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Restrict right to bail. Accomplished by the government-sponsored Sixteenth Amendment in 1996. | [25] |
17 Seventeenth | 1997 | private member's | Progressive Democrats | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Election of President: Allow nominating petitions | [26] |
18 Eighteenth | 1997 | private member's | Fine Gael | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Election of President: Allow nominating petitions by 20,000 voters | [27] |
20 Twentieth | 1999 | private member's | Democratic Left | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Lower the age of eligibility for TDs from 21 to 18. | [28] |
21.1999.1 Twenty-first | 1999 | private member's | Greens | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Neutrality: Requiring a referendum before the state could join to join a military alliance | [29] |
21.1999.2 Twenty-first (No. 2) | 1999 | private member's | Greens | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Allowing constitutional amendments by initiative | [30] |
21.1999.3 Twenty-first (No. 3) | 1999 | private member's | Labour | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Rights: Guarantee economic, social and cultural rights | [31] |
21.1999.4 Twenty-first (No. 4) | 1999 | private member's | Labour | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Rights: Prohibits "unfair discrimination" and permits positive discrimination. | [32] |
21.1999.5 Twenty-first (No. 5) | 1999 | private member's | Labour | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Rights of children, in particular the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child | [33] |
22 Twenty-second | 2001 | Government | Fianna Fáil–Progressive Democrats | 31 Committee stage (lapsed) | Judges: process for impeachment | [34] |
24.2001 Twenty-fourth | 2001 | Government | Fianna Fáil–Progressive Democrats | 61.20010607 Referendum (defeated on 7 June 2001.) | European Union: Ratify the Treaty of Nice. The Twenty-sixth Amendment in 2002 passed referendum and accomplished this. | [35] |
24.2002 Twenty-fourth | 2002 | private member's | Labour | 12 First stage (withdrawn) | Neutrality: amend Article 29 to allow the state to participate in UN operations but not to join any military alliance. Withdrawn when the Twenty-sixth Amendment included an opt-out from the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy. | [36] |
25.2001 Twenty-fifth | 2001 | private member's | Sinn Féin | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Neutrality: forbid the state from joining any military alliance | [37] |
25.2002 Twenty-fifth (Protection of Human Life in Pregnancy) | 2001 | Government | Fianna Fáil–Progressive Democrats | 61.20020306 Referendum (defeated on 6 March 2002) | Abortion: Partially reverse the Attorney General v. X decision by removing risk of suicide as grounds for an abortion, and specify the legal grounds for abortion. | [38] |
27.2003.1 Twenty-seventh | 2003 | private member's | Sinn Féin | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Neutrality: affirms neutrality, forbids the state from joining any military alliance; war may only be declared by the Dáil. | [39] |
27.2003.2 Twenty-seventh (No. 2) | 2003 | private member's | Sinn Féin | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Rights: Guarantee the right to housing | [40] |
28.2005 Twenty-eighth | 2005 | Government | Fianna Fáil–Progressive Democrats | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | European Union: Ratify the proposed Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. The amendment was lapsed when the Treaty was abandoned after it was rejected by France and the Netherlands at referendums. | [41] |
28.2006.1 Twenty-eighth | 2006 | private member's | Labour | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Preserve cultural heritage and commit to sustainable development | [42] |
28.2006.2 Twenty-eighth (No. 2) | 2006 | private member's | Greens | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Elections: Votes for emigrants in all election. | [43] |
28.2006.3 Twenty eighth (No. 3) | 2006 | private member's | Greens | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Presidency: ease ballot access by reducing the qualifying number of Oireachtas members and allowing nominating petitions; reduce the term from seven to five years; mandate annual address to the Oireachtas; mandate meetings of the Council of State | [44] |
28.2007 Twenty-eighth | 2007 | Government | Fianna Fáil–Progressive Democrats | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Rights of children, insertion of a new article. The 2012 31st amendment covers similar ground. | [45] |
28.2008 Twenty-eighth | 2008 | Government | Fianna Fáil–Greens–Progressive Democrats | 61.20080612 Referendum (defeated on 12 June 2008) | European Union: Ratify the Treaty of Lisbon. The Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 2009 passed referendum and accomplished this. | [46] |
29.2008 Twenty-ninth | 2008 | private member's | Sinn Féin | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Rights relating to trade unions | [47] |
29.2009 Twenty-ninth | 2009 | private member's | Fine Gael | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Judges: Ease the restriction on reducing judges' pay. The Twenty-Ninth Amendment of 2011 effected this. | [48] |
29.2011.1 Twenty-ninth | 2011 | private member's | Greens | 21 Second stage (lapsed) | Defines "economic treason". | [49] |
29.2011.2 Twenty-ninth (No.2) | 2011 | private member's | Fianna Fáil | 22 Second stage (defeated) | Allow only individual voters to make political donations. | [50] |
30.2011 Thirtieth (Houses of the Oireachtas Inquiries) | 2011 | Government | Fine Gael–Labour | 61.20111027 Referendum (defeated on 27 October 2011) | Oireachtas: overturn the 2002 John Carthy verdict limiting the power of Oireachtas inquiries. | [51][52][53] |
31.2011 Thirty-first (The President) | 2011 | private member's | Technical group (Catherine Murphy) | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Presidency: ease ballot access by reducing the qualifying number of Oireachtas members and allowing nominating petitions; remove illogical reference to "proportional representation"; reduce the term from seven to five years | [54][55] |
32.2013 Thirty-second (Abolition of Seanad Éireann) | 2013 | Government | Fine Gael–Labour | 61.20131004 Referendum (defeated on 4 October 2013) | Oireachtas: Abolish Seanad Éireann, the upper house of the Irish parliament. | [56][57] |
34.2013.1 Thirty-fourth (Judicial Appointments) | 2013 | private member's | Technical group (Shane Ross) | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Judges: establish a non-political body to nominate judges, subject to Oireachtas ratification | [58][59] |
34.2013.2 Thirty-fourth (Neutrality) | 2013 | private member's | Sinn Féin | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Neutrality: declaration of neutrality and forbidding the state from joining any military alliance | [60][61] |
34.2014.1 Thirty-fourth (No. 3) | 2014 | private member's | Sinn Féin | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Rights: Guarantee right to water, and mandating that Irish water supply remain in public ownership | [62][63] |
34.2014.2 Thirty-fourth (Right to Personal Autonomy and Bodily Integrity) | 2014 | private member's | Technical group (Clare Daly) | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Abortion: repeal the "Pro Life" Amendment, and guarantee rights to personal autonomy and bodily integrity | [64][65][66] |
34.2014.3 Thirty-fourth (Members of the Houses of the Oireachtas) | 2014 | private member's | Technical group (Peter Mathews) | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Oireachtas: loosen the party whip system | [67][68] |
34.2014.4 Thirty-fourth (Peace and Neutrality) | 2014 | private member's | Technical group (Mick Wallace) | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Neutrality: Adhere to Section V of the Hague Convention of 1907 | [69][70] |
34.2014.5 Thirty-fourth | 2014 | private member's | Technical group (Socialist Party) | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Abortion: repeal the Eighth Amendment | [71][72] |
34.2014.6 Thirty-fourth (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) | 2014 | private member's | Technical group (Thomas Pringle) | 23 Second stage (defeated) | Rights: Guarantee economic, social and cultural rights | [73][74] |
35.2015 Thirty-fifth (Age of Eligibility for Election to the Office of President) | 2015 | Government | Fine Gael–Labour | 61.20150522 Referendum (defeated on 22 May 2015) | Presidency: reduce age of candidacy from 35 to 21 | [75][76][77] |