List of freshwater ecoregions of Latin America and the Caribbean

This is a list of freshwater ecoregions in Latin America and the Caribbean, as identified by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The WWF divides the Earth's land surface into ecoregions, defined as "large area[s] of land or water containing a distinct assemblage of natural communities and species". Ecoregions are grouped into complexes and bioregions, defined as, "a complex of ecoregions that share a similar biogeographic history, and thus often have strong affinities at higher taxonomic levels (e.g. genera, families)." The Earth's land surface is divided into eight ecozones. Latin America corresponds, roughly, to the Neotropic ecozone, although northern Mexico lies within of the Nearctic.

Each ecoregion is also classified into major habitat types, or biomes.

Many consider this classification to be quite decisive, and some propose these as stable borders for bioregional democracy initiatives.

By complex

Baja California Complex

Colorado River Complex

Sinaloan Coastal Complex

Rio Bravo Complex

Lerma/Santiago Complex

Rio Panuco Complex

Balsas Complex

Pacific Central Complex

Atlantic Central Complex

Isthmus Atlantic Complex

Isthmus Pacific Complex

Bahama Archipelago Complex

Western Insular Caribbean Complex

Eastern Insular Caribbean Complex

Choco Complex

South American Caribbean Complex

High Andean Complex

Inter-Andean Dry Valleys Complex

North Andean Montane Complex

Puyango-Tumbes Complex

Atacama/Sechura Complex

Pacific Coastal Desert Complex

Lake Titicaca/Poopo Complex

Galápagos Complex

Mediterranean Chile Complex

Juan Fernández Islands Complex

Southern Chile Complex

Subantarctic Complex

Venezuelan Coast/Trinidad Complex

Llanos Complex

Guiana/Orinoco Complex

Amazon Complex

Northeast Atlantic Complex

Mata-Atlantica Complex

São Francisco Complex

Upper Parana Complex

Beni Complex

Paraguay-Parana Complex

Southern Atlantic Complex

Chaco Complex

Pampas Complex

Patagonia Complex

By major habitat type

Large rivers

Large river deltas

Montane rivers and streams

Wet-Region rivers and streams

Xeric-Region rivers and streams

Xeric-Region endorheic (closed) basins

Flooded grasslands and savannas

Cold streams, bogs, swamps, and mires

Large lakes


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