List of goddesses
This is a list of deities regarded as female or mostly feminine in gender.
Ainu mythology
Anglo-Saxon mythology
Arabian mythology
Australian Aboriginal mythology
Aztec mythology
Baltic mythology
Basque mythology
Canaanite mythology
Celtic mythology
Cahuilla mythology
- Menily
Muisca mythology
Chinese mythology
Dahomey mythology
Egyptian Mythology
- Amunet
- Anuket
- Bastet
- Hathor
- Isis
- Maat
- Menhit
- Neith
- Nephthys
- Nut
- Pakhet
- Sekhmet
- Seshat
- Taweret
- Tefnut
Etruscan mythology
Finnish mythology
Greek Mythology
- Achelois
- Aphrodite
- Artemis
- Athena
- Demeter
- Electryone
- Eos
- Gaia
- Hecate
- Hera
- Hestia
- Iris
- Nemesis
- Nike
- Nyx
- Persephone
- Phoebe
- Rhea
- Theia
Hindu mythology
Hittite mythology
Igbo mythology
Incan mythology
- Ka-Ata-Killa
- Mama Quilla
- Pachamama, dragon earth goddess historically, virgin Mary variant modern day
Inuit mythology
- Arnakuagsak
- Arnapkapfaaluk
- Malina
- Nerrivik
- Nujalik
- Pinga
- Sedan (deity)
Japanese mythology
Latvian mythology
Lithuanian mythology
Māori mythology
Mayan mythology
- Ixcacao
- Maya moon goddess
Mesopotamia mythology
Minoan mythology
Monotheistic religions
See also: Gender of God
- Holy Spirit is feminine for some Christians [1]
- Shekinah
Native American mythology
- Pah
Norse mythology
Paleo-Balkan mythology
Polynesian mythology
Roman mythology
Sami mythology
Turkish mythology
Wiccan mythology
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