List of invited speakers at cryptology conferences
This is a list of invited speakers at selected cryptography conferences.
- Cynthia Dwork "Differential Privacy: Ten Years of Making Noise"
- Yael Tauman Kalai "Cryptographic Assumptions: A Position Paper"
- Yevgeniy Dodis "Non-Malleable Codes"
- Shai Halevi "The state of cryptographic multilinear maps"
- Edward Felten "Cryptography, Security, and Public Safety: A Policy Perspective"
- Tal Rabin "A Privacy Research Roadmap for a National Privacy Research Strategy"
- Kristin Lauter "Practical Applications of Homomorphic Encryption"
- Vincent Rijmen "Threshold Implementations"
- Phillip Rogaway (IACR Distinguished Lecture) "The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work"
- Masayuki Abe "Structure-Preserving Cryptography"
- Gilles Barthe "Computer-Aided Cryptography: Status and Perspectives"
- Alon Rosen "On the cryptographic hardness of finding a Nash equilibrium"
- Itai Dinur "The power of linear algebra: Breaking block ciphers using linearization"
- Seny Kamara "Encrypted search: Theory, practice and cryptanalysis"
- Palash Sarkar "Another look at normal approximations in cryptanalysis"
- Sanjam Garg "New advances in program obfuscation"
- Antoine Joux "Recent Advances in Algorithms for Computing Discrete Logarithms"
- Sanjam Garg "New Advances in Obfuscation and its Applications"
- John P. Steinberger "Block Ciphers: From Practice back to Theory"
- Leonid Reyzin "Wyner's Wire-Tap Channel, Forty Years Later"
- Panel: Bart Preneel, Adi Shamir, Hugo Krawczyk, Nigel Smart, Paul Kocher "Post-Snowden Cryptography"
- Paul Syverson "Trust Aware Traffic Security"
- Gaëtan Leurent "Generic Attacks against MAC Algorithms"
- Colin Boyd "How cryptography politics influences cryptography research"
- Simon Pope "Security in the wild - challenges and opportunities of helping to protect millions of customers"
- Jason Smith "Partnership for cyber resilience"
- Vitaly Shmatikov "All Your SSL Are Belong To Us"
- Matthew D. Green "From strong mathematics to weak cryptography"
IMA Cryptography and Coding
- Sihem Mesnager "Bent functions and their connections to coding theory and cryptography"
- Alexander May "Recent advances in decoding binary linear codes and their implication for cryptography"
- Allison Bishop "Steps towards a unified coding theory for distributed algorithms"
- Daniel Wichs "Tamper detection and non-malleable codes"
- Mihir Bellare (IACR Distinguished Lecture) "Caught Between Theory, Practice and Peer Review"
- Yael Kalai "How to Delegate Computations: The Power of No-Signalling Proofs"
- Jeff Hoffstein "A mathematical history of NTRU and some related cryptosystems"
- Adi Shamir "The Security and Privacy of Bitcoin"
- Kenneth G. Paterson "Big bias hunting in Amazonia: Large-scale computation and exploitation of RC4 biases"
- Helaine Leggat "The legal infrastructure around information security in Asia"
- Adi Shamir "Post-Snowden Cryptography"
- Shai Halevi "Multilinear Maps and Obfuscation"
- André Weimerskirch "V2V Communication Security: a privacy-preserving design for 300 million vehicles"
- Silvio Micali "Collusion and Privacy in Mechanism Design"
- Russell Impagliazzo "General Versus Specific Hardness Assumptions in Cryptography"
- Thomas Johansson "Low weight polynomials and crypto"
- Thomas Ristenpart "New Encryption Primitives for Uncertain Times"
- Antoine Joux "Discrete logarithms: Recent progress (and open problems)"
- Sanjam Garg "Program Obfuscation via Multilinear Maps"
- Hoeteck Wee "Functional Encryption and its Impact on Cryptography"
- Dario Catalano "Homomorphic Signatures and Message Authentication Codes"
- Nigel Smart "Practical Multi-Party Computation"
- Alfred Menezes "Scott Vanstone and the Early Years of Elliptic Curve Cryptography"
- Pierrick Gaudry "NFS: similarities and differences between integer factorization and discrete logarithm"
- Tatsuaki Okamoto "Oblivious Functional Search"
- Giuseppe Ateniese "Cloud Storage in the Bitcoin Era"
- Antoine Joux "Recent advances on the discrete logarithm problem in finite fields"
- Philippe Gaborit "New results for rank-based cryptography"
- Maria Naya-Plasencia "On Lightweight Block Ciphers and Their Security"
- Willi Meier "Stream Ciphers, a Perspective"
- Phillip Rogaway "Advances in Authenticated Encryption"
- Cindy Cohn "Crypto Wars Part 2 Have Begun"
- Adam Langley "Why the web still runs on RC4" (joint talk with CHES)
- Eli Biham (IACR Distinguished Lecture) "How to Make a Difference: 25 Years of Differential Cryptanalysis"
- Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen and Gilles Van Assche (joint presentation) "Keccak"
- George Danezis "Engineering Privacy-Friendly Computations"
- Lars R. Knudsen "Block ciphers - past and present"
- Brent Waters "Functional Encryption: Origins and Recent Developments"
- Yehuda Lindell "Techniques for Efficient Secure Computation Based on Yao's Protocol"
- Nadia Heninger "Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices"
- John Kelsey "SHA3 and the Future of Hashing"
- Craig Gentry "Encrypted Messages from the Heights of Cryptomania"
- Tal Malkin "Secure Computation for Big Data"
- Benny Applebaum "Cryptographic Hardness of Random Local Functions -- Survey"
- Serge Vaudenay "Towards Secure Distance Bounding"
- Daniel Bernstein "Failures of secret-key cryptography"
- Adam Langley "Why the web still runs on RC4" (joint talk with CRYPTO)
- John Kelsey "The Future of SHA-3"
- Tatsuaki Okamoto "Functional Encryption on the Decisional Linear Assumption"
- Kaisa Nyberg "Linear Cryptanalysis and Its Extensions"
- Kenny Paterson "Cryptographic Aspects of TLS"
- Martin Schläffer "New trends in the cryptanalysis of hash functions"
- Paul Ashley "Trends in Advanced Threat Protection"
- Xavier Boyen "Excessive Cryptography: Lattice Perspectives"
- Bradley Schatz "Current and future challenges in digital forensics"
- Yuliang Zheng "Public Key Cryptography for Mobile Cloud"
- Paulo S. L. M. Barreto "The realm of the pairings"
- Anne Canteaut "Similarities between encryption and decryption: how far can we go?"
- Antoine Joux "Revisiting discrete logarithms in small/medium characteristic finite fields"
- Douglas R. Stinson "Key distribution in wireless sensor networks"
- Hugh C. Williams "The Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing"
- Pierrick Gaudry "Computing discrete logarithms in finite fields of small characteristic"
- Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez "Implementing pairing-based protocols"
- Xu Maozhi
- Jonathan Zittrain "The End of Crypto"
- Ernie Brickell "Recent Advances and Existing Research Questions in Platform Security"
- Antoine Joux "A Tutorial on High Performance Computing applied to Cryptanalysis"
- Alfred Menezes "Another Look at Provable Security"
- Dan Boneh (IACR Distinguished Lecture) "Pairing-based Cryptography: Past, Present, and Future"
- Chuanming Zong "Some Mathematical Mysteries in Lattices"
- David Pointcheval "Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange"
- Jens Groth "Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge"
- Sergey Yekhanin "Locally Decodable Codes"
- Steven Murdoch "Banking security: attacks and defences"
- Christof Tarnovsky "(In)security of commonly found smart cards"
- Kaisa Nyberg ""Provable" security against differential and linear cryptanalysis"
- Mitsuru Matsui "The history of linear cryptanalysis"
- Mihir Bellare "A Cryptographic Treatment of the Wiretap Channel"
- Jorge Munilla "Operating Principles of RFID Systems and Attacks Related to the Location"
- Orr Dunkelman "From Multiple Encryption to Knapsacks - Efficient Dissection of Composite Problems"
- Nigel Smart "Using the Cloud to Determine Key Strengths"
- Vinod Vaikuntanathan "How to Compute on Encrypted Data"
- Manoj M. Prabhakaran "A Theory of Cryptographic Complexity"
- Victor Miller "Elliptic Curves and Cryptography: a 27 year perspective"
- Gregor Leander "Past and Future of Lightweight Cryptography"
- Zvika Brakerski "Fully Homomorphic Encryption: The Swiss-Army Knife of Cryptography"
- Willi Meier "Stream Ciphers, a Perspective"
- Craig Gentry "Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Current State of the Art"
- Marc Fischlin "Black-Box Reductions and Separations in Cryptography"
- Vincent Rijmen "Extracts from the SHA-3 competition"
- Ian Goldberg "Privacy Enhancing Technologies for the Internet"
- Jean-Luc Beuchat "Hardware Architectures for the Cryptographic Tate Pairing"
- Jung-Hee Cheon "Discrete Logarithm in Pairing Groups"
- Dennis Hofheinz "Structure-preserving cryptography"
- Hovav Shacham "Alternative Structure for Bilinear Groups"
- Ron Rivest (IACR Distinguished Lecture) "Illegitimi Non Carborundum"
- Roger Dingledine "Tor and Circumvention: Lessons Learned"
- Phong Nguyen "Lattice Reduction Algorithms: Theory and Practice"
- Ronald Cramer "The Arithmetic Codex: Theory and Applications"
- Joan Daemen "15 years of Rijndael"
- Úlfar Erlingsson "Secure Cloud Computing Services"
- Vinod Vaikuntanathan "New Developments in Leakage-Resilient Cryptography"
- Luca Trevisan "Dense Model Theorems and Their Applications"
- Rafael Pass "Concurrent Security and Non-Malleability"
- Ernie Brickell "Technologies to Improve Platform Security"
- Tetsuya Tominaga "Standardization Works for Security regarding the Electromagnetic Environment"
- Ivan Damgård "The past, present and future of hash functions – a rehash of some old and new results"
- Willy Meier "Fast correlation attacks: Methods and countermeasures"
- Christof Paar: The Yin and Yang Sides of Embedded Security
- Ross J. Anderson: Cryptology: where is the new frontier?
- Eric Rescorla: Stone Knives and Bear Skins: Why does the Internet run on pre-historic cryptography?
- Bart Preneel "The NIST SHA-3 Competition: A Perspective on the Final Year"
- Tatsuaki Okamoto "Some Key Techniques on Pairing Vector Spaces"
- Jens Groth "Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs"
- Claude Carlet "On Known and New Differentially Uniform Functions"
- Nick Ellsmore "The Cyber-Security Landscape, 2011-2015, and the Need to Innovate"
- Alfred Menezes "Another Look at Tightness"
- Kristin Lauter "Cryptographic Techniques for Securing the Cloud"
IMA Cryptography and Coding
- Ivan Damgård "Using unconditionally secure authentication in multiparty computation with dishonest majority"
- Paddy Farrell "Non-Statistical Soft-in, Soft-out Decoding with the Euclidean Metric"
- Jonathan Jedwab "Emerging methods in the analysis of aperiodic autocorrelations"
- David Naccache "Can a Program Reverse-Engineer Itself?"
- Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, and Charles Rackoff "Zero Knowledge -- 25 Years"
- Ivan Damgård and David Naccache "Is Theoretical Cryptography Any Good in Practice?" (Joint with CHES)
- Moti Yung (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Cryptography between Wonderland and Underland"
- Jan Camenisch "Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography: From Theory Into Practice"
- Yuval Ishai "Secure Computation and Its Diverse Applications"
- Bart Preneel "Cryptographic Hash Functions and the SHA-3 Competition"
- Hugo Krawczyk "Cryptography, from Theory to Practice: A Personal Perspective"
- Ivan Damgård and David Naccache "Is Theoretical Cryptography Any Good in Practice?" (Joint with CRYPTO)
- Hovav Shacham "Cars and Voting Machines: Embedded Systems in the Field"
- Jacques Stern "Mathematics, Cryptography, Security"
- Daniele Micciancio "Duality in Lattice Based Cryptography"
- Xiaoyun Wang "The Survey of Cryptanalysis on Hash Functions"
- Thomas Shrimpton "A Provable-Security Perspective on the Development of Hash Functions"
- Neal Koblitz "Getting a Few Things Right and Many Things Wrong"
- Bart Preneel "Cryptographic Hash Functions: Theory and Practice"
- David Grawrock "Trusting your computing device"
- Amit Sahai "Rethinking Encryption"
- Orr Dunkelman "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the SHA-3 Competition"
- Eike Kiltz "A brief history of OAEP and its roller-coaster ride"
- Stephan Overbeek "Precious"
- Craig Gentry "How the cloud can process data without seeing it"
- Alexandra Boldyreva "Search on Encrypted Data in the Symmetric-Key Setting"
- Keith Martin "The Rise and Fall and Rise of Combinatorial Key Predistribution"
- Jens Groth "Pairing-Based Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs"
- Joseph H. Silverman "A Survey of Local and Global Pairings on Elliptic Curves and Abelian Varieties"
- Gene Tsudik "Some Security Topics with Possible Applications for Pairing-Based Cryptography"
- Gideon Kühn "Two Locally Designed Ciphers: Protex and Keeloq"
- Mitsuru Matsui "Linear Cryptanalysis: History and recent topics"
- Kenny Paterson "SSH: A Case Study of Cryptography in Theory and Practice"
- Ed Felton "Alice and Bob go to Washington: A Cryptographic Theory of Politics and Policy"
- Ueli Maurer "Abstraction in Cryptography"
- Shafi Goldwasser "Cryptography without (Hardly any) Secrets?"
- Phil Rogaway "Practice-Oriented Provable-Security and the Social Construction of Cryptography"
- Tatsuaki Okamoto (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "A New Approach on Bilinear Pairings and Its Applications"
- Chris Peikert "Some Recent Progress in Lattice-Based Cryptography"
- Cynthia Dwork "The Differential Privacy Frontier"
- Anna Lysyanskaya "From Signatures to Anonymous Credentials and Anonymous Delegation"
- Amit Sahai "A New Paradigm for Secure Protocols"
- Shay Gueron "Intel's New AES Instructions for Enhanced Performance and Security"
- Matt Robshaw "Looking back at the eSTREAM Project "
- Srini Devadas "Physical Unclonable Functions and Secure Processors"
- Christof Paar "Crypto Engineering: Some History and Some Case Studies"
- Randy Torrance "The State-of-the-Art in IC Reverse Engineering"
IMA Cryptography and Coding
- Ronald Cramer "Torsion-Limits for Towers of Algebraic Function Fields and Special Codes in Secure Computation and Complexity"
- Frank R. Kschischang "Subspace Codes"
- Alexander Pott "(Almost) perfect nonlinear functions in cryptography and geometry"
- Daniel J. Bernstein "Breaking ECC2K-130"
- Marc Girault "Cryptography and Elliptic Curves : a 25 year love (?) Story"
- Thomas Johansson "Coding Theory as a Tool in Cryptography"
- Victor S. Miller
- Amit Sahai
- Tanja Lange "Efficient Implementation of Pairings"
- Adi Shamir "How to Solve it: New Techniques in Algebraic Cryptanalysis"
- Ron Rivest "The MD6 Hash Function"
- Gilles Brassard (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Vingt-cinq ans apres, with apologies to Alexandre Dumas"
- Andy Clark "From Gamekeeping to Poaching - Information Forensics and Associated Challenges"
- Clifford Cocks "The Growth and Development of Public Key Cryptography"
- John Cannon "Computer Algebra and Cryptography"
- Andy Yao "Some Perspectives on Complexity-Based Cryptography"
- Lars Knudsen "Hash functions and SHA-3"
- Victor Shoup "The Role of Discrete Logarithms in Designing Secure CryptoSystems"
- David Naccache "Cryptographic Test Correction"
- Jean-Jacques Quisquater "How to Secretly Extract Hidden Secret Keys: A State of the Attacks"
- Ernie Brickell "A Vision for Platform Security"
- Adi Shamir "RSA - Past, Present, Future"
- Josef Pieprzyk "Multi-Party Computations via Graph Coloring"
- Palash Sarkar "Modes of Operations for Wide-Block Encryption"
- Tanja Lange "Post-Quantum Cryptography"
- Joseph Silverman: "Lifting and the Elliptic Curve DLP"
- Jacques Patarin: "The 'coefficients H' Technique"
- Xavier Boyen "The Uber-Assumption Family: A Unified Complexity Framework for Bilinear Groups"
- Florian Hess "Pairing Lattices"
- Nigel Smart "Pairings In Trusted Computing"
- Ross J. Anderson "Information Security Economics -- and Beyond"
- Paul Kocher "Leaking Secrets: Exploring the Chasm Between Strong Algorithms and Strong Systems"
- Victor S. Miller "Elliptic Curves and Cryptography: Invention and Impact"
- Jacques Stern (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Cryptography from A to Z"
- Rafail Ostrovsky "Single Server PIR and its applications"
- Jean-Charles Faugere "Groebner bases. Applications in cryptology"
- Ran Canetti "Obtaining Universally Composable Security: Towards the Bare Bones of Trust"
- Tatsuaki Okamoto "Authenticated Key Exchange and Key Encapsulation in the Standard Model"
IMA Cryptography and Coding
- Whitfield Diffie "Directions in Signals Intelligence"
- Jonathan Katz "Efficient Cryptographic Protocols Based on the Hardness of Learning Parity with Noise"
- Patrick Solé "Galois Rings and Pseudo-random Sequences"
- Dan Boneh "Bilinear Groups of Composite Order"
- Steven Galbraith "Hyperelliptic Pairings"
- Alfred Menezes "Supersingular Elliptic Curves in Cryptography"
- Takakazu Satoh "On Pairing Inversion Problems"
- Michael Scott "Implementing Cryptographic Pairings"
- Oded Regev "Lattice-Based Cryptography"
- David A. Wagner "Cryptographic Protocols for Electronic Voting"
- David Naccache "Alien vs. Quine, the Vanishing Circuit and Other Tales from the Industry's Crypt"
- Kevin McCurley "Language Modeling and Encryption on Packet Switched Networks"
- Adi Shamir "Random Graphs in Cryptography"
- Ivan Damgård (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "The Past, Present and Future of Multiparty Computation"
- Eli Biham "How to Make a Difference: Early History of Differential Cryptanalysis"
- James Massey "Whither Cryptography?"
- Alfred Menezes "Another Look at ``Provable Security. II"
- Dan Boneh "Bilinear Maps in Cryptography"
- Ralph Merkle (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "The Development of Public Key Cryptography: a Personal View; and Thoughts on Nanotechnology"
- Joe Kilian "Confusion, Quagmire and Irrelevancy: An Optimist's View of the Future of Cryptographic Research"
- René Schoof "Counting points on elliptic curves: past, present and future"
- Bart Preneel "Hash Functions: Past, Present, and Future"
- Xuejia Lai "Attacks and Protection of Hash Functions"
IMA Cryptography and Coding
- Tuvi Etzion "Correction of two-dimensional cluster errors"
- Ueli Maurer "Abstract models of computation in cryptography"
- Alfred Menezes "Pairing-based cryptography at high security levels"
- Amin Shokrollahi "Improved decoding of interleaved AG codes"
- Victor Shoup "A survey on chosen ciphertext security in public-key encryption" (exact title unknown)
- Susan Landau "Security, Liberty, and Electronic Communications"
- Whitfield Diffie (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Information Security at 100: Looking Back -- Looking Forward"
- Ivan Damgård "Paradigms for Multiparty Computation"
- Adi Shamir "Stream Ciphers: Dead or Alive?"
- Ho-Ick Suk "Information Security in Korea IT839 Strategy"
- Adi Shamir "New Cryptographic Primitives Based on Multiword T-functions"
- David A. Wagner "Towards a unifying view of block cipher cryptanalysis"
- Moni Naor "Cryptographic Assumptions and Challenges"
- Hugo Krawczyk "The Cryptography of the IPSec and IKE Protocols"
- Arkadiusz Orlowski and Kris Gaj "Facts and Myths of Enigma: Breaking Stereotypes"
- Jacques Stern "Why Provable Security Matters?"
- Don Coppersmith (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Solving low degree polynomials"
- Adi Shamir "Cryptography: State of the Science"
- Hong-Sen Yan "The Secret and Beauty of Ancient Chinese Locks"
- James L. Massey "Interplay between Coding and Cryptography"
- David Chaum (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Privacy Technology: A survey of security without identification"
- Andrew Yao "New Directions in Quantum Cryptographic Protocols"
- Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen "AES and the wide trail design strategy"
- Stephen Kent "Rethinking PKI: What's Trust Got to do with It?"
- Moti Yung "Crypto-integrity"
- Tsutomu Matsumoto "Gummy and Conductive Silicone Rubber Fingers"
- Mark Sherwin "Quantum information processing in semiconductors: an experimentalist's view"
- Daniel Weitzner "Privacy, Authentication & Identity: A recent history of cryptographic struggles for freedom"
- Andrew Odlyzko (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Economics and Cryptography"
- Silvio Micali "Zero Knowledge Has Come of Age"
- Arjen Lenstra "Unbelievable Security (Matching AES Security Using Public Key Systems)"
- Bart Preneel "NESSIE: A European Approach to Evaluate Cryptographic Algorithms"
- Martin Abadi "Taming the Adversary"
- Don Coppersmith "The Development of DES"
- Mike Walker "On the Security of 3GPP Networks"
- Tony Sale "Colossus and the German Lorenz Cipher"
- Tom Berson (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Cryptography Everywhere"
- Ueli Maurer "Information-Theoretic Cryptography"
- Martin Hellman "The Evolution of Public-Key Cryptography"
- Michael O. Rabin (IACR Distinguished Lecturer) "Authentication"
- Steve Bellovin "Cryptography and the Internet"
- Burton S. Kaliski Jr. "ECC/DLP and Fractoring-Based Cryptography: A Tale of Two Families"
- Gilles Brassard "Quantum Information Processing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
- Oded Goldreich "On the Foundations of Modern Cryptography"
- Ernst Bovelander
- Gerhard Frey
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