List of lakes in Oneida County, Wisconsin
There are 428 named lakes in Oneida County, Wisconsin, along with 701 with no names. Together they make up 68,447 acres of surface area. Willow Flowage, at 6,306 acres, is the largest. Oneida County is the county with the second largest number of lakes in Wisconsin, after neighboring Vilas County.[1]
Named lakes are listed below. Alternate names are indicated in parentheses.[1]
- Aidenn Lake
- Aldridge Lake (Range Line)
- Alice Lake
- Alice Lake
- Alligator Lake
- Alva Lake
- Angelo Lake
- Arbutus Lake (Starvation)
- Arneson Lake
- Atkins Lake (Mud)
- Baggs Lake
- Baker Lake
- Bass Lake
- Bass Lake
- Bass Lake
- Bass Lake
- Bass Lake
- Bass Lake
- Baycat Lake (Alice)
- Bear Lake
- Bearskin Lake
- Beaver Lake
- Beaver Lake
- Beaver Lake
- Bellmore Lake
- Berry Lake
- Bertram Lake
- Big Carr Lake
- Big Fork Lake
- Big Lake
- Big Stone Lake
- Birch Lake
- Bird Lake
- Blue Lake (Rusk)
- Bluegill Lake
- Bobcat Lake
- Bobs Lake
- Bog Lake
- Boggy Lake
- Bolger Lake
- Boom Lake
- Booth Lake
- Bootjack Lake
- Bowles Lake
- Box Lake
- Briard Lake
- Bridge Lake
- Brown Lake
- Buck Lake
- Buck Lake
- Buckskin Lake
- Buffalo Lake
- Bullhead Lake
- Bullhead Lake
- Burnham Lake
- Burnham Lake
- Burrows Lake
- Camp Twenty-One Lake
- Campine Lake
- Carrol Lake
- Chain Lake
- Cherry Lake
- Clawson Lake
- Clear Lake
- Clear Lake
- Clear Lake
- Clear Lake
- Clear Lake (Near)
- Clear Lake
- Clearwater Lake
- Columbus Lake
- Cook Lake
- Coon Lake
- Corky Lake
- Corner Lake
- Cranberry Lake
- Cranberry Lake
- Cranberry Lake
- Creek Lake
- Crescent Lake
- Crescent Lake
- Crooked Lake
- Crystal Lake
- Cuenin Lake
- Cunard Lake
- Currie Lake
- Curtis Lake
- D L Lake (Jarvis)
- Dam Lake
- David Lake
- Davis Lake
- De Marce Lake
- Deer Lake
- Deer Lake
- Del Stengl Lake (Jennie Raisen)
- Denton Lake
- Diamond Lake
- Dick and Don Lake (Cook)
- Dog Lake
- Dog Lake
- Dollar Lake
- Dollar Lake
- Dorothy Lake
- Douglas Lake
- Doyle Lake
- Dugout Lake
- Eagle Lake
- Eagle Lake
- Echo Lake
- Elm Lake
- Elna Lake
- Emden Lake
- Emma Lake
- Faust Lake (Foss)
- Fawn Lake (Newman)
- Fetke Lake
- Fifth Lake (North Pelican)
- Finger Lake
- Fish Lake
- Flag Lake
- Flannery Lake
- Foster Lake
- Fourmile Lake
- Fourth Lake (North Pelican)
- Fox Lake
- Franklin Lake
- Fredrick Flowage
- Frick Lake
- Fuller Lake
- Garland Lake
- Garth Lake
- Gary Lake
- George Lake
- Gillette Lake
- Gilmore Lake
- Ginty Lake
- Gobler Lake
- Goodyear Lake
- Goodyear Springs
- Great Bass Lake
- Green Bass Lake
- Green Bass Lake
- Gross Lake
- Gust Lake (Duck)
- Hancock Lake
- Hanson Lake
- Hasbrook Lake
- Haven Lake (Mud)
- Havener Lake
- Hawk Lake
- Heal Lake
- Heiress Lake
- Hat Rapids Flowage
- Hemlock Lake (Bass, Hatchery)
- Hess Lake
- High Lake
- Hilderbrand Lake
- Hill Lake
- Hixon Lake
- Hodag Lake
- Hodstradt Lake
- Hoist Lake
- Hook Lake
- Horsehead Lake (Leta)
- Horsehead Lake, East
- Horsehead Lake, West
- Hughitt Lake
- Hutchinson Lake
- Indian Lake
- Indian Lake
- Inkpot Lake
- Inkpot Lake
- Inkwell Lake
- Island Lake
- Island Lake
- James Lake (Bass, Green Bass)
- Jennie Webber Lake
- Jenny Barnes Lake
- Jerome Lake
- John Lake
- Johnson Lake
- Josie Lake
- Julia Lake
- Julia Lake
- Junnie Lake
- Jyme Lake
- Kate Pier Lake
- Kathan Lake
- Katherine Lake
- Kaubashine Lake, Lower
- Kaubashine Lake, Upper
- Kawaguesaga Lake (Kewasokogan)
- Killarney Lake
- Kitty Springs
- Lamer Springs
- Landberg Lake
- Langley Lake
- Lassig Lake
- Laurel Lake (Medicine)
- Lee Lake
- Leith Lake
- Liege Lake
- Lily Bass Lake (Rat)
- Lily Lake
- Lily Lake
- Little Bass Lake
- Little Bass Lake
- Little Bearskin Lake
- Little Bertram Lake
- Little Carr Lake
- Little Fork Lake
- Little Gypsy Lake
- Little Moccasin Lake
- Little Muskie Lake
- Little Pickerel Lake
- Little Rice Lake
- Little Spider Lake
- Little Stone Lake
- Little Tomahawk Lake
- Wind Pudding Lake (Loew)
- Lone Stone Lake
- Long Lake
- Long Lake
- Long Lake
- Long Lake
- Long Lake
- Long Lake
- Long Lake
- Loon Lake
- Lorraine Lake
- Lost Lake
- Lost Lake
- Lost Lake
- Lost Lake
- Lucille Lake
- Lumen Lake
- Lynn Lake
- Madeline Lake (Mud)
- Malby Lake
- Manson Lake
- Maple Lake
- Margaret Lake (Lost)
- Marie Lake
- Marion Lake
- Mars Lake (Sequilla)
- Maud Lake
- Mazy Lake
- McCabe Lake
- McCormick Lake
- McGrath Lake
- McNaughton Lake
- McNutt Lake
- Medicine Lake
- Mercer Lake
- Meta Lake
- Meyer Lake
- Mid Lake (Nawaii)
- Midget Lake
- Mildred Lake
- Mill Lake
- Miller Lake
- Miller Lake
- Minnow Lake
- Minnow Lake
- Minnow Lake
- Minocqua Lake
- Mirror Lake
- Mitchell Lake, East
- Mitchell Lake, West
- Moccasin Lake
- Moen Lake (Moens)
- Mosquito Lake
- Mud Lake
- Mud Lake
- Mud Lake
- Mud Lake
- Mud Lake
- Mudhen Lake
- Muskellunge Lake
- Muskellunge Lake
- Muskie Lake
- Myrtle Lake
- Myrtle Lake (Bass)
- Neptune Lake (Ogemaga, Bug)
- Netties Lake
- Newbold Lake
- Newbold Springs
- Ninemile Lake, Lower
- Nokomis Lake, North (Swamp)
- Nokomis Lake
- Nose Lake
- Oatmeal Lake
- Oday Lake
- Ole Lake
- One Stone Lake
- Oneida Lake
- Oscar-Jenny Lake
- Papkee Lake
- Paradise Lake (Clear)
- Patricia Lake
- Patterson Lake
- Pelican Lake
- Perch Lake
- Perch Lake
- Perch Lake
- Perch Lake
- Perry Lake
- Pickerel Lake
- Pickerel Lake
- Pickerel Lake
- Pier Lake
- Pier Lake
- Pine Lake
- Pine Lake
- Pine Lake, South
- Planting Ground Lake
- Pontoon Lake
- Porcupine Lake
- Post Lake, Upper
- Prairie Lake
- Pritch Lake
- Prune Lake
- Rainbow Flowage
- Range Line Lake
- Rhinelander Flowage
- Rice Lake
- Rice River Flowage (Nokomis)
- Roby Lake
- Rocky Run Flowage
- Rocky Run Springs
- Roe Lake
- Round Lake
- Round Lake
- Round Lake
- Roy Fredrich Lake
- Rudy Lake
- Ruth Lake
- Samway Lake
- Sand Lake
- Sand Lake
- Schlecht Lake
- Scotchman Lake
- Scott Springs
- Second Lake
- Seed Lake
- Sevenmile Lake
- Seventeen Lake (Raymond)
- Shadow Lake
- Shallow Lake
- Shepard Lake
- Shingle Mill Lake
- Shishebogama Lake
- Silver Lake
- Silver Lake
- Silver Lake
- Silverbass Lake
- Simons Lake
- Sixteen Lake
- Skunk Lake
- Smith Lake
- Snake Lake
- Snowden Lake (Stone)
- Soo Lake
- South Blue Lake
- Spider Lake
- Spider Lake, West
- Spirit Lake
- Spring Lake (Mosquito)
- Spruce Lake
- Spruce Lake
- Spur Lake
- Spur Lake
- Squash Lake
- Squash Lake
- Squaw Lake
- Squirrel Lake
- Stag Lake
- Starks Flowage
- Starks Spring
- Stella Lake
- Stone Lake
- Stone Lake
- Stone Lake
- Sugar Camp Lake
- Sunday Lake
- Sunset Lake (Mud)
- Sureshot Lake
- Swamp Lake
- Swamp Lake
- Swamsauger Lake (Swampsauger)
- Swartz Lake
- Sweeney Lake
- Tamarack Lake
- Tank Lake
- Tenderfoot Lake
- Third Lake
- Thompson Lake
- Three Little Lakes
- Thunder Lake
- Thunder Lake
- Tim Lynn Lake
- Timber Lake
- Timber Lake
- Tom Doyle Lake
- Tomahawk Lake
- Torpy Lake (Adrian)
- Townline Lake
- Townline Lake
- Turtle Lake
- Twin Lake, East
- Twin Lake, North
- Twin Lake, North
- Twin Lake, South
- Twin Lake, South
- Twin Lake, West
- Two Lakes, North
- Two Lakes, South
- Two Sisters Lake (Black)
- Tyler Lake
- Velvet Lake
- Venus Lake (Kechewaishke)
- Vicks Lake
- Virgin Lake
- Virgin Lake
- Walters Lake
- Washburn Lake
- West Lake
- Whitefish Lake
- Whitey Lake
- Wickham Lake
- Wildwood Lake
- Willow Flowage
- Willow Lake
- Windowpane Lake (Bass)
- Wolf Lake
- Wood Curt Lake
- Woodboro Springs
- Woodboro Springs
- Woodboro Springs
- Woodcock Lake
- Yawkey Lake
- Zottle Lake
See also
- 1 2 Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Lakes. 2009.
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