List of landscape architects
A landscape architect is someone who practices landscape architecture. Regulations of the profession vary by country and state. The terminology has evolved to include those once known as landscape gardeners, landscape designers, architects, surveyors or civil engineers, particularly those from the 19th century who practised before the term "landscape architect" was coined. Landscape architecture was also differentiated as a profession in the United States earlier than in other parts of the world so this ambiguity has persisted to the present day; in much of Europe, for example, landscape architecture is not a distinct profession but there are many significant historical and contemporary examples of "landscape architectural design" projects. Though their influence on landscape architecture may be great, this list precludes gardeners, botanists, writers, theoreticians, ecologists, artists, and others who did not practice landscape design at a site scale and were not trained as a historical 'landscape gardener' or contemporary 'landscape architect.'
- Insite Landscape Architects[1]
19th, 20th & 21st century
- Edward La Trobe Bateman
- Percy Everett
- Walter Burley Griffin
- William Guilfoyle
- Clement Hodgkinson
- Harry Howard
- Joseph Maiden
- Andrew Pfeiffer
- Richard Schomburgk
- Edna Walling
- Richard Weller
15th - 16th century
17th - 18th century
- Charles Bridgeman
- Capability Brown
- Henry Hoare
- William Kent
- George London
- André Le Nôtre
- Humphry Repton
- Stephen Switzer
- John Vanbrugh
- Henry Wise
19th century
- Édouard André
- Joachim Carvallo
- Jean-Claude Nicolas Forestier
- Jacques Gréber
- Baron Haussmann
- Gertrude Jekyll
- Joseph Forsyth Johnson
- Georg Kuphaldt
- George Loddiges
- John Claudius Loudon
- William Andrews Nesfield
- Joseph Paxton
- Prince Hermann von Pückler-Muskau
- William Robinson
- Henry Winthrop Sargent
- Carl Gustav Swensson
20th- 21st century
- Harold Ainsworth Peto
- Inside Outside (Petra Blaisse)
- Fernando Caruncho
- Gerard Ciołek
- Brian Clouston
- Sylvia Crowe
- Ernst Cramer
- Silvia Decorde
- Sunay Erdem
- Ian Hamilton Finlay
- John St. Bodfan Gruffydd
- Ralph Hancock
- Robert Holden
- Geoffrey Jellicoe
- Charles Jencks
- Ralph Hancock
- Robert Holden
- Geoffrey Jellicoe
- Charles Jencks
- Karen Kiest
- Peter Latz
- Ricardo Librero
- Gudmund Nyeland Brandt
- Francisco Páez de la Cadena
- Russel Page
- Pietro Porcinai
- Nicolau M. Rubio i Tuduri (architect)
- Vita Sackville-West
- Jorge Subirana
- Raymond Stanford Balls FLI 1928-1980
- Andrew Wilson
- West 8
- Javier Winthuysen
- Liz Lake Associates
14th century
- Musō Soseki (夢窓疎石,1275-1351)
15th 16th century
- Zenami (善阿弥,1386-1482)
- Sohami (相阿弥,?-1525)
17th century
- Masakazu Kobori (小堀政,1579-1647)
19th century
- Munenori Tsuji (辻宗範,1758-1840)
- Donketsu Katsumoto (勝元鈍穴,1810-1889)
20th century
- Yasuhira Nagaoka (長岡安平,1842-1925)
- Keijiro Ozawa (小沢圭次郎,1842-1932)
- Yoshichika Kodaira (小平義近,1845-1912)
- Kinshiro Honda (本多錦吉郎,1851-1921)
- Hayato Fukuba (福羽逸人,1856-1921)
- Jihei Ogawa (小川治兵衛,1860-1933)
- Yukio Ichikawa (市川之雄,1866-?)
- Seiroku Honda (本多静六,1866-1952)
- Hiroshi Hara (原煕,1868-1934)
- Koutoku Hongo (本郷高徳,1877-1945)
- Takeo Shiota (塩田武雄,1881-1943)
- Kichinobu Orishimo (折下吉延,1881-1966)
- Matsunosuke Tatsui (龍居松之助,1884-1961)
- Heiichi Shibara (椎原兵市,1884-1966)
- Kiyoshi Inoshita (井下清,1884-1973)
- Masashi Ichikawa (市川政司,1888-1961)
- Uzaburo Nakajima (中島卯三郎,1888-1971)
- Morito Noma (野間守人,1889-1945)
- Keiji Uehara (上原敬二,1889-1981)
- Reijo Ohya (大屋霊城,1890-1934)
- Kazuo Mori (森一雄,1890-1968)
- Juhki Iida (飯田十基,1890-1977)
- Tsuyoshi Tamura (田村剛,1890-1979)
- Masanobu Imoto (井本政信,1891-1957)
- Susumu Hoshi (星進,)
- Kenkishi Ohta (太田謙吉,1891-1963)
- Takuma Tono (戸野琢磨,1891-1985)
- Tutomu Kano (狩野力,1892-1934)
- Yaezo Hashimoto (橋本八重三,)
- Kenichi Nagami (永見健一,1892-1952)
- Eiji Tate (舘粲児,1893-?)
- Shinji Yokoyama (横山信二,1893-1938)
- Shizuo Sakata (坂田静夫,)
- Katsuo Saito (斉藤勝雄,1893-1987)
- Kannosuke Mori (森歓之助,1894-1960)
- Shunichi Mizutani (水谷駿一,1894-1970)
- Tokutaro Kitamura (北村徳太郎,1895-1964)
- Yoshinori Tasaka (田阪美徳,1895-1969)
- Nagao Sakurai (桜井長雄,1896-?)
- Mirei Shigemori (重森三玲,1896-1975)
- Eitaro Sekiguchi (関口鍈太郎,1896-1981)
- Taiami Tanaka (田中泰阿弥,1898-1978)
- Sentaro Iwaki (岩城亘太郎,1898-1988)
- Tori Higashi (東梅里,1898-1996)
- Katsuzo Hirayama (平山勝蔵,1899-1990)
- Iwao Yoshimura (吉村巌,1900-1970)
- Koushiro Ishigami (石神甲子郎,1900-1979)
- Enshu Sano (佐野越守,)
- Tansai Sano (佐野旦斎,)
- Shunkishi Kodera (小寺駿吉,1901-1975)
- Taketo Ikebe (池辺武人,1901-1993)
- Akira Sato (佐藤昌,1903-2003)
- Isamu Noguchi (イサム・ノグチ,1904-1988)
- Tatsuo Moriwaki (森脇竜雄,1904-1973)
- Rokuro Taji (田治六郎,1904-1978)
- Yoshimatsu goto (後藤由松,1905-)
- Osamu Mori (森蘊,1905-1988)
- Seihei Kato (加藤誠平,1906-1969)
- Masami Eyama (江山正美,1906-1978)
- Saichi Kojima (小島佐一,1906-1978)
- Kanji Hiruta (蛭田貫二,)
- Kaneo Yoshimura (吉村金男,)
- Saburo Kimura (木村三郎,1907-1996)
- Ryo Iijima (飯島亮,1908-1990)
- Fumiaki Okazaki (岡崎文彬,1908-1995)
- Mitsuo Yokoyama (横山光雄,1909-2010)
- Shuhji Hisatsune (久恒秀治,1911-1982)
- Kenzo Ogata (小形研三,1912-1988)
- Nobumasa Kitamura (北村信正,1914-)
- Ken Nakajima (中島健,1914-2000)
- Kinsaku Nakane (中根金作,1917-1995)
- Sinzo Nitta (新田伸三,1920-1997)
- Takuyuki Inouye (井上卓之,1921-1995)
- Yoshikuni Araki (荒木芳邦,1921-1997)
- Tadashi Kubo (久保貞,1922-1990)
- Kanto Shigemori (重森完途,1923-1992)
- Kunie Ito (伊藤邦衛,1924-)
- Kazuya Mitsuhashi (三橋一也,1925-)
- Junichiro Maeno (前野淳一郎,1926-)
- Kouki Fukaya (深谷光軌,1926-1997)
- Tohemon Sano (佐野藤右衛門,1928-)
- Satoshi Shiota (塩田敏志,1928-)
- Kenichiro Ikebara (池原謙一郎,1928-2002)
- Kimio Kondo (近藤公夫,1929-)
- Koichi Kawana (川名孝一,1930-1990)
- Kohzou Tawara (俵浩三,1930-1990)
- Sadatoshi Tabata (田畑貞寿,1931-)
- Mirai Hiraoka (平岡宏歸,1933-)
- Tsunekata Naito (内藤恒方,1934-)
- Masamichi Suzuki (鈴木昌道,1935-)
- Atsumi Kawase (川瀬篤美,1937-)
- Yasushi Ueno (上野泰,1938-)
- Ikuo Mita (三田育雄,1939-)
- Moto Yoshimura (吉村元男,1939-)
- Takeo Uesugi (上杉武夫,1940-)
- Ryoko Ueyama (上山良子,)
- Masamitsu Kido (木戸雅光,)
- Hoichi Kurisu (栗栖宝一,)
- Ryuzo Hirano (平野侃三,)
- Akira Misawa (三沢彰,1942-1994)
- Kamel Mahadin
- Shlomo Aronson
- Kongjian Yu (俞孔坚,)
- Yufan Zhu (朱育帆,)
North America
18th century
19th century
- Horace Cleveland
- Andrew Jackson Downing
- Charles Eliot
- Beatrix Farrand
- Horatio Greenough
- Jens Jensen
- Warren H. Manning
- Frederick Law Olmsted
- Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
- John Charles Olmsted
- Samuel Parsons
- Ellen Biddle Shipman
- Ossian Cole Simonds
- Fletcher Steele
- Calvert Vaux
- George Edward Kessler
- Theodore Wirth
- Frederick Nussbaumer
- Jacob Wiedemann
20th - 21st century
- Raymond Jungles
- Charles Morris Anderson
- Thomas Balsley
- Cheryl Barton
- Pamela Burton
- William B. Callaway
- Marjorie Sewell Cautley
- Thomas Dolliver Church
- Gilmore David Clarke
- Lewis J. Clarke
- Marian Cruger Coffin
- James Corner
- James Frederick Dawson
- Ruth Dean
- Garrett Eckbo
- M. Paul Friedberg
- Annette Hoyt Flanders
- Kathryn Gustafson
- Richard Haag
- Lawrence Halprin
- Martha Brookes Hutcheson
- J.B. Jackson
- Mary Rutherfurd Jay
- Grant Jones
- Dan Kiley
- Walter Hood
- Ian McHarg
- Robert Murase
- Laurie Olin
- Janet Meakin Poor
- Joe A. Porter
- James C. Rose
- Hideo Sasaki
- Martha Schwartz
- Edward Durell Stone, Jr.
- Michael Van Valkenburgh
- Thomas Chalmers Vint
- Peter Walker
- Lloyd Wright
- Jeffrey L. Bruce
South and Central America
19th century
20th century
A - J | K - Z |
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See also
- Landscape or garden designers
- List of professional gardeners
- LABash
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