List of literary magazines
Main article: Literary magazine
This is a list of literary magazines and journals: periodicals devoted to book reviews, creative nonfiction, essays, poems, short fiction, and similar literary endeavors.
- Because the majority are from the United States, country of origin is only listed for those outside the U.S. Please list in parentheses the first year of publication, after name of literary magazine.
- Only those magazines that are exclusively published online are identified as such.
Currently published
List of no longer published journals is below, with beginning and ending dates.
- 20x20 magazine (defunct? United Kingdom)
- 3:AM Magazine (online)
- 32 Poems
- Acta Victoriana (1878-current, Canada)
- Able Muse (online and print)
- Adam Sanat (Turkey)
- The Alaska Quarterly Review
- Alligator Juniper
- American Literary Review (1990–current)
- The American Poetry Review
- American Review, formerly New American Review (1967-1977)
- The American River Review (1984–current)
- The American Scholar
- American Short Fiction
- Ancient Paths
- Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine (2002–current, Australia)
- Angel Exhaust (defunct?)
- The Antigonish Review (1970-current, Canada)
- The Antioch Review (1941–current)
- Apalachee Review
- Appalachian Heritage (1973-current)
- Areté (1999–current, United Kingdom)
- The Aroostook Review
- Ascent (online)
- Asia Literary Review
- Asimov's Science Fiction (1977–current)
- The Atlantic (1857–current)
- Australian Book Review (1961–current, Australia)
- Baltimore Review
- Bayou
- The Bear Deluxe
- Beat Scene (United Kingdom)
- The Believer
- Bellevue Literary Review
- Bellingham Review
- Berkeley Fiction Review
- Black Clock
- Black Denim Lit
- Black Warrior Review (1974–current)
- Blueprintreview (online)
- Bodega Magazine
- B O D Y
- Bokvennen litterært magasin (Norway)
- Bomb
- Book Links
- Bookforum
- Booklist
- Boston Review (1975–current)
- Boulevard
- The Briar Cliff Review
- Brick (1977–current, Canada)
- The Brooklyn Rail
- Bungakukai (1890s–current, Japan)
- Bungei (1933–current, Japan)
- Callaloo
- The Capilano Review
- Cenobio
- Cha: An Asian Literary Journal
- Chapman
- Chariton Review
- The Chattahoochee Review
- Chelsea
- Chicago Review (1946–current)
- Chiron Review
- Clarion
- The Coffin Factory
- Colorado Review
- Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art
- The Commonline Journal
- Concho River Review
- Confrontation
- Conjunctions
- Contrary Magazine
- The Cortland Review
- Crazyhorse
- Creative Nonfiction
- Cricket (1973–current)
- CutBank
- DDT (defunct)
- December (1958-current)
- Denver Quarterly (1966–current)
- Descant (Defunct)
- Desh (Bengali, India)
- Dialog (Poland)
- The Drouth (United Kingdom)
- Dunes Review
- Dusie (online, Switzerland)
- Eclectica Magazine (online)
- Edinburgh Review
- Emerson Review
- Epoch
- Esprit (France)
- Evergreen Review (online)
- Existere (Canada)
- Fantastyka (Poland)
- Fence
- Fiction
- Fiction Fix
- Fiction Weekly (online)
- The Fiddlehead (Canada)
- Fifth Wednesday Journal (2007–current)
- Fireweed (Canada, defunct?)
- The First Line (1999–current)
- The Florida Review (1972–current)
- Flyway
- Folio (1985–current)
- Fourteen Hills (1994–current)
- Fugue
- Gangway (Australia)
- Gargoyle Magazine (1976–present)
- Geist (Canada)
- Georgetown Review
- Georgia Review
- The Gettysburg Review
- GHLL (The Green Hills Literary Lantern) (online)
- Gigantic
- Glass Mountain
- Glimmer Train (1990–current)
- Grain (Canada)
- Granta (United Kingdom)
- Greensboro Review
- Griffith Review (Australia)
- Grub Street
- GUD Magazine
- Guernica Magazine (online)
- Gulf Coast
- Gulf Stream Magazine (1989–current)
- Gunzo (1946–current, Japan)
- Hambone (1974–current)
- Harper's Magazine (1850–current)
- Harpur Palate
- Hart House Review (1992-current, Canada)
- The Harvard Advocate
- Harvard Review (1986–current)
- Hayden's Ferry Review
- HEAT (1996–2011, Australia)
- Hiram Poetry Review
- Hobart (online, 2001–current; print 2003–current)
- Hollands Maandblad (1959–current, Netherlands)
- The Horn Book Magazine (1924-current)
- The Hudson Review (1947–current)
- Ibdaa (1983-current, Egypt)
- Image (1995–current)
- Indiana Review
- L'Infini (1983–current, France)
- Inkwell (1995–current)
- Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (1976-current, Germany)
- Interzone
- The Iowa Review
- Island magazine (1979–current, Australia)
- Iton 77 (Israel)
- Jabberwock Review (1980–current)
- Jacket Magazine (online, 1997–current)
- James Dickey Review (1984–current)
- Kaurab (India)
- The Kenyon Review (1939–current)
- Kirkus Reviews
- The Knickerbocker (1833–1865)
- Lake Effect (1996–current)
- The Lakeview Review (online)
- Lapham's Quarterly (2007—current)
- Library Journal Book Review
- The Lifted Brow (Australia)
- Light (1992–current)
- Literal Latte (online)
- Literary Review (United Kingdom)
- The Literary Review (United States)
- Literary Review of Canada
- Literatura na Świecie (Poland)
- Locus (1968–current)
- Loggernaut (online)
- The London Magazine (United Kingdom)
- London Review of Books (United Kingdom)
- Louisiana Literature (1984–current)
- Maayan (Israel)
- Macabre Cadaver (online)
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
- The Malahat Review (1967-current, Canada)
- El Malpensante (Colombia, 1996–current)
- Manoa (1989–current)
- Margie
- The Massachusetts Review (1959–current)
- The Masters Review (2009–current)
- Meanjin (1940–current, Australia)
- Memewar (Canada)
- Michigan Quarterly Review (1962–current)
- Mid-American Review (1981–current)
- The Minnesota Review (1960–current)
- The Missouri Review (1978–current)
- Monkeybicycle (2002–current)
- Moondance (online)
- Muschelhaufen (Germany, defunct)
- Muse India (online)
- n+1 (2004–current)
- Narrative Magazine (online and anthology)
- Nat. Brut (online and anthology)
- Natural Bridge (1999–current)
- New American Writing (1986–current)
- The New Criterion (1982–current)
- New Delta Review
- New England Review
- New Letters (1970–current)
- The New Quarterly (1981–current, Canada)
- New South
- New York Quarterly (1933–current)
- The New York Review of Books
- The New York Times Book Review
- The New Yorker (1925–current)
- News from the Republic of Letters
- The Newtowner: An Arts and Literary Magazine
- NOON (2000–current)
- North American Review
- North Dakota Quarterly
- Nouvelle Revue Française (France)
- Novy Mir (Russia)
- Nowe Książki (Poland)
- Nyugat (Hungary, defunct?)
- Odra (Poland)
- Okno (1923-1924; 2007-current, Russia)
- Oktyabr (1924-current; Russia)
- One cool word (Canada)
- One Story (2002–current)
- One Throne Magazine (Canada, online)
- Opium Magazine (online, 2001–current)
- Orion
- Overland (1954–current, Australia)
- Owen Wister Review (1978–current)
- Oxford American (1992–current)
- The Oxonian Review (United Kingdom, 2001–current)
- P. N. Review (United Kingdom)
- The Paris Review
- Parnassus (1965–current)
- Parting Gifts
- Pearl
- PEN America
- Perigee: Publication for the Arts (online)
- Permafrost
- Pessoa (online, Brazil, 2010-current)
- Phoebe (1971–current)
- Pinball (2012–current)
- The Pinch
- Playboy (1953–current)
- Pleiades
- Ploughshares
- Poesia
- Poetry (1912–current)
- Poetry International (1997–current)
- Poetry Ireland Review (Ireland)
- Poetry Kanto (Japan, 1968–current)
- Poetry Review (United Kingdom)
- Post Road
- Potomac Review
- Prairie Fire (Canada)
- Prairie Schooner (1926–current)
- PRISM international (Canada)
- A Public Space (2006–current)
- Puzha Magazine (Malayalam Online, India)
- Quadrant (1956–current, Australia)
- Quarterly Literary Review Singapore (Singapore)
- Quarterly West
- Raritan Quarterly Review
- Rattle
- The Reader (United Kingdom)
- Red Leaves / 紅葉 (Australia)
- Red Lightbulbs (online)
- Reed Magazine (1898-current)
- River Styx Magazine
- Roanoke Review (1967–current)
- Room (Canada, 1975–current, formerly Room of One's Own)
- St. Petersburg Review
- Salmagundi
- Santa Clara Review (1867-current, formerly "The Owl")
- Saranac Review
- School Library Journal
- School Magazine (Australia)
- The Seattle Review
- Sensitive Skin Magazine
- The Sewanee Review
- Shenandoah
- Shinchō (Japan)
- Smartish Pace
- SNReview (online)
- Sonora Review
- The South Carolina Review
- South Dakota Review
- Southerly (1932–current, Australia)
- Southern Humanities Review
- Southern Indiana Review
- The Southern Review
- Southwest Review
- StepAway Magazine (United Kingdom)
- The Stinging Fly (Ireland)
- StoryQuarterly
- storySouth
- Straylight Magazine
- Structo (2008–current, United Kingdom)
- Subtropics
- The Sun Magazine
- Swedish Book Review (Sweden)
- Sycamore Review
- Taddle Creek (1997–current, Canada)
- Talking River Review (1996–current)
- Tampa Review (1964–current)
- Tar River Poetry (1960–current)
- Tarpaulin Sky (online 2002–current; print 2007-current)
- Textsound (online, 2008–current)
- Thaunkanhe (1951–current, Nepal)
- Third Coast (1995–current)
- The Threepenny Review (1980–current)
- Timber Creek Review (1992–current)
- The Times Literary Supplement
- The Bombay Review (2014 - current)
- Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern (1998–current)
- Tin House (1998–current)
- Tinpahar (2012–current)
- Triple Canopy (online, 2008–current)
- TriQuarterly (1958–current)
- Tulane Review (1996–current)
- Varlık (Turkey)
- Vinduet (Norway)
- Virginia Quarterly Review (1926–current)
- Voiceworks (1985–current, Australia)
- WALL Literary Journal (2000–current)
- War, Literature & the Arts (1989–current)
- Washington Square Review (1994–current)
- Weber Studies (1984–current)
- Weird Tales (1923–current)
- West Branch (1977–current)
- Westerly (1956–current, Australia)
- Wet Ink (Australia)
- Wheelhouse Magazine (2007–current)
- The White Review (2011–present)
- Wilderness House Literary Review (online)
- Willow Springs (1977–present)
- Witness (1987–current)
- The Wolf (2002–current)
- Word Riot (online)
- World Literature Today (1977–current)
- Wormwood (United Kingdom)
- The Write Place At the Write Time (2008–current)
- Writers' Forum (1974–current)
- Xavier Review (1980–current)
- The Yale Review (1819–current)
- Yemassee (1993–present)
- Znamya (Russia)
- Zoetrope: All-Story (1997–current)
- ZYX (1990–current)
- Zyzzyva (1985–current)
Journals which are no longer published
- Adam Sanat (Turkey, 1985–2005)
- The American Mercury (United States, 1924–1981)
- Antaeus (Morocco and United States, 1970–1994)
- Anything That Moves (United States, 1990–2002)
- Araragi (Japan, 1908–1997)
- Ars Interpres (Sweden, 2003-2012)
- Athenaeum (United Kingdom, 1828–1921)
- Bananas (United Kingdom, 1975–1979)
- The Beau (United Kingdom, 1981–1984)
- The Bibelot (United States, 1895–1914)
- Blast (United Kingdom, 1914–1915)
- The Bookman (United States, 1895–1933)
- The Bookman (United Kingdom, 1891–1934)
- Bordercrossing Berlin (defunct)
- Botteghe Oscure (Italy, 1948–1960)
- Chelsea (United States, 1958–2007)
- The Christian Spectator (United States, 1819–1843)
- CLUTCH (United States, 1991–1998)
- Contempo (United States, 1931–1934)
- The Criterion (United Kingdom, 1922–1939)
- The Dial (United States, 1840–1929)
- The Dome (United Kingdom, 1897–1900)
- The Dublin Magazine (Ireland, 1923–1958)
- Edinburgh Review (United Kingdom, 1822–1929)
- The Egoist (United Kingdom, 1914–1919)
- Encounter (United Kingdom, 1953–1991)
- The English Intelligencer (United Kingdom, 1966–1968)
- The Glebe (United States, 1913–1914)
- Grand Street (United States, 1981–2004)
- The Harvard Monthly (United States, 1885-1917)
- Horizon (United Kingdom, 1940–1949)
- Ireland Today (Ireland, 1936–1938)
- The Lace Curtain (United Kingdom, 1969–1978)
- The Little Review (United States, 1914–1929)
- The Messenger (United States, 1917–1928)
- Modern Review (United Kingdom, 1991–1995)
- Moody Street Irregulars (United States, 1978–1992)
- The Nebraska Review (United States, 1972–2003)
- Nemonymous (United Kingdom, 2001–2010?)
- The New Englander (United States, 1843–1884)
- New World Writing (United States, 1951–1964)
- New Yorkshire Writing (United Kingdom, 1977–1979)
- Nineteenth Century (and After) (United Kingdom, 1877–1972)
- Nocturnal Submissions (Australia, 1991–1999)
- Old Crow Review (United States, 1990–2005)
- Ole' Magazine (United States, circa 1966?)
- Optimism Monthly (Czech Republic, 1995–2009)
- Others: A Magazine of the New Verse (United States, 1915–1919)
- Partisan Review (United States, 1934–2003)
- Pen Pusher (United Kingdom, 2005-2011)
- Pertinent (Australia, defunct?)
- The Port Folio (United States, 1800–1814)
- Puck (United States, 1990s?)
- Quarterly Review of Literature (United States, 1943–1999)
- The Quiet Feather (United Kingdom, 2003–2007)
- Ramparts (United States, 1962–1975)
- Revue de Paris (France, 1829–????)
- San Francisco Review of Books (United States, 1975–1997)
- The Savoy (United Kingdom, 1896)
- Scripsi (Australia, 1981–1994)
- Shadowed Realms (online, 2004–2006)
- The Smart Set (United States, 1900–1930)
- Story (Austria and U.S., 1931–2000)
- Tel Quel (France, 1960–1982)
- The Transatlantic Review (France/UK, 1924)
- Transatlantic Review (US/UK, 1959–1977)
- Transition (France, 1927–1938)
- Vedem (Czech Republic, 1942–1944)
- X (United Kingdom, 1959–1962)
- Yale Review (United States, 1885–1892)
- The Yellow Book (United Kingdom, 1894–1897)
See also
- Council of Literary Magazines and Presses
- List of art magazines
- List of political magazines
- Science fiction magazine
- Fantasy fiction magazine
- Horror fiction magazine
- Peter Brooker and Andrew Thacker, "The Oxford critical and cultural history of modernist magazines, Volume One: Britain and Ireland 1880–1955" (Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-921115-9)
- "Literary Magazines Australia". Australia Council for the Arts. Retrieved 2011-08-27.
External links
- NewPages – List of online and print literary magazines.
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