List of long biographical articles on Rees's Cyclopaedia

This is a list of the longer biographical articles from Rees's Cyclopædia, 4 columns or more (3000 words appx.) The longest is that of Captain Cook (43.9 columns).

There are 3789 biographies half a column (350 words) or more long, and an unknown number of briefer ones. Sir James Edward Smith wrote the Botanical articles, and Charles Burney the ones on Music. Many of the biographical articles are sourced to biographical reference books. In most cases Christian names were Anglicised – John for Johannes, for example.

Vol 1 A-Amarathides

Addison, Joseph17thEnglishWriter8.0
Alaric I 4thUnknownKing4.0
Alembert, John D'18thFranceMathematician4.7
Alexander the GreatAncientMacedoniaEmperor23.4
Alfred the Great9thEnglishKing6.2
Alva, Don Fernando16thSpainGeneral6.5

Vol 2 Amarantus–Arteriotomy

Ambrose, Saint4thSpainBishop5.4
Antoninus, Marcus9thItalianEmperor4.0

Vol 3 Artery–Battersea

Athanasius, Saint 4thEgyptBishop3.9
Atterbury, Francis 17thEnglandBishop5.1
Augustus, Octavian Caesar Ancient/1stRomeEmperor11.0
Aurelian 3rdRomeEmperor5.0
Bacon, Francis 16thEnglandPhilosopher/Chancellor8.4

Vol 4 Battery–Bookbinding

Baxter, Richard 17thEnglandNon-Conformist Divine4.1
Bayle, Peter 17thFrancePhilosopher6.1
Beckett, Thomas 13thEnglishPrelate8.0
Belisarius 6thRomeEmperor5.1
Berkeley, George 18thIrishBishop5.5
Blackburne, Francis 18thEnglandClergyman5.8
Blake, Robert 17thEnglandAdmiral4.3
Boerhaave, Hermann. 17thHollandChemist4.1

Vol 5 Book-keeping–Calvart

Boileau-Despraeux, Nicholas 17thFrancePoet4.8
Boscovich, Ruggero Guiseppi 18thItalyMathematician6.8
Boyle, Robert 13thEnglandPhilosopher9.7
Bracciolini, Poggio 15thItalyWriter5.2
Brahe, Tycho 16thDenmarkAstronomer4.9
Brindley, James 18thEnglandInventor5.0
Brissot, Jaques 18thFranceRevolutionary4.3
Brown, John 18thEnglandClergyman4.1
Buchanan, George 16thScotlandPoet4.1
Buffon, George Louis 18thFranceNaturalist6.0
Burke, Edmund, 18thIrelandScholar4.6
Burnet, Gilbert 17thEnglandPrelate6.2
Caesar, Caius Julius AncientRomeDictator10.6

Vol 6 Calvary–Castra

Calvin, John 16thFranceReligious reformer11.6
Camden, John 16thEnglandHistorian5.3
Campbell, Colin18thScottishClan leader11.4
Camper, Peter 18thHollandPhysician4.4
Caracalla, Marcus A. A. 2ndRomeEmperor4.8
Cardan, Girolamo 16thItalyPhilosopher4.5
Cartes,Des, Rene 17thFrancePhilosopher8.6Rees's idiosyncratic spelling of Descartes.

Vol 7 Castramentation–Chronology

Catherine II 18thRussiaRuler28.0Tooke
Cato AncientItalyGeneral12.2
Charlelemagne 8thFrenchEmperor9.0
Charles I 17thEnglandKing6.6
Charles II 17thEnglandKing9.0
Charles V 16thFranceHoly Roman Emperor11.0
Charles XII 17thSwedenKing7.8

Vol 8 Chronometer–Colliseum

Churchill, John 17thEnglandStatesman4.0
Cicero AncientItalyGovernment Official20.6
Clarke, Samuel 17thEnglandScholar6.0
Clement VII 16thItalyPope8.0
Cleopatra III AncientEgyptQueen4.7

Vol 9 Collision–Corne

Columbus, Christopher 15thItalyExplorer5.8
Constantine I 4thByzantiumEmperor5.7
Cook, James 18thEnglandDiscoverer43.9
Corelli, Arcangelo 17thItalyMusician5.8 Burney

Vol 10 Cornea–Czyrcassy

Cortes, Ferdinand 16thSpainNaval Commander11.3
Cranmer, Thomas 16thEnglandArchbishop/Martyr4.0
Cromwell, Oliver 17thEnglandStatesman7.9
Cyrus AncientPersiaKing4.9

Vol 11 D–Dissimilitude

Daniel AncientJerusalemProphet5.1
David AncientPalestineKing18.0
Demosthenes AncientGreeceOrator4.5
Muris, John De 14thFranceMusician6.5Burney; Rees's idiosyncratic spelling of De Muris
Dioclesian 3rdRomeEmperor9.8

Vol 12 Dissimulation–Eloane

Doddridge, Philip 18thEnglandMinister7.0
Dombey, Joseph 18thFranceBotanist5.6Smith
Domitian lstRomeEmperor5.2
Dryden, John 17thEnglandPoet5.2
Elizabeth I 17thEnglandQueen4.7

Vol 13 Elocution–Extremities

Emlyn l7thEnglandNon-Conformist divine5.0
Erasmus l5thHollandDivine4.2

Vol 14 Extrinsic–Food (part)

Farinelli, (Carlo Broschi).18thItalyOpera singer7.2Burney
Fenelon, Francis 17thFranceArchbishop10.0 ‘

Vol 15 Food(part)–Generation (part)

Fox, Charles 18thFnglandStatesman14.2
Franco, Magister. 10thFranceWriter of Musical Tracts4.5Burney
Franklin, Benjamin 18thAmericaInventorDiplomat 5.9
Frederic III 18thPrussiaKing7.3
Galilei, Galileo 17thItalyAstronomer11.3
Gardiner, Stephen, 16thEnglandBishop7.2
Geddes, Alexander. 18thScotlandTranslator4.3

Vol 16 Generation (part)–Gretna

George I 17thEnglandKing4.6
Gregory I 6thItalyPope5.8

Vol 17 Gretry–Hebe

Gretry, Andre 18thBelgiumOpera Composer7.2Burney
Guido, Aretino 16thItalyMusician4.8Burney
Haller, Albert 18thSwitzerlandPhysician5.4
Handel, George 18thGermanComposer11.7Burney
Hasselquist, Frederick 18thSwedenBotanist4.0Smith

Vol 18 Hibiscus–Increment

Hippocrates AncientGreecePhysician6.6
Hogarth, William 18thEnglandEngraver14.5
Hunter, William 18thScotlandPhysician4.5
Hunter, John 18thScotlandAnatomist5.2

Vol 19 Increments–Kilmes

Jerome of Prague 15thBohemiaMartyr4.9
John the Baptist 1stPalestineProphet7.2
Johnson, Samuel 18thEnglandWriter4.0
Jomelli, Niccolò 18thIitalyComposer4.6Burney
Jones, Sir W. 18thEnglandOrientalist15.3
Josquin des Prey 16thHollandComposer4.5Burney

Vol 20 Kiln–Light

Kippis, Andrew 18thEnglandNonconformist Divine7.5
Knox,, John 16thScotlandDivine5.0
Latimer, Hugh 15thEnglandMartyr5.0
Laud, William 17thEnglandArchbishop5.1
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent. 18thFranceChemist5.6
Leo X 15thItalyPope4.6
Lewis XIV 18thFranceKing4.5Rees's idiosyncratic spelling of Louis.
Lewis XVI 18thFranceKing9.8Rees's idiosyncratic spelling of Louis.

Vol 21 Lighthouse–Machinery (part)

Linnaeus, Charles Von 18thSwedenNaturalist20.0Smith
Locke, John 17th EnglandPhilosopher7.1
Luther, Martin 16thGermanReformer21.5

Vol 22 Machinery(part)–Mattheson

Mahomet I.6thArabiaReligious Founder12.4
Martini, Fr. Giambatista 18thItalyMusician4.7Burney
Mary 16thScotlandQueen6.0
Maskelyne, Nevil 18thEnglandAstronomer6.0

Vol 23 Matthew–Monsoon

Medici, Lorenzo 15thItalyDiplomat5.6
Melancthon 16thGermanyTheological Reformer4.4
Metastasio 17thItalyOpera librettist17.8Burney
Milton, John 17thEnglandPoet15.0
Monk, George 17thEnglandGeneral4.1

Vol 24 Monster–Newton-in-the-Willows

Moore, Lt.-Gen. John 18thEnglandGeneral27.0
More, Thomas 17thEnglandStatesman5.3
Morley, Thomas 18thEnglandMusician4.4Burney
Moses AncientEgyptJewish Leader and Prophet5.1
Mutis, Joseph 18thSpainPhysician4.3
Nelson, Horatio 18thEnglandAdmiral26.4
Nero lstRomeEmperor4.3
Newton, Isaac 17thEnglandMathematician8.3

Vol 25 Newtonian Philosophy–Ozunusze

Origen 2ndEgyptChurch Father4.3

Vol 26 P–Perturbation

Paley, William 18thEnglandNatural Philosopher6.3
Pallas, Dr Peter Simon 18thPrussiaNaturalist6.6Smith
Paul, Saint 1stRomeApostle11.0
Peter, Simon 1stPalestineApostle5.2
Peter I 17thRussiaEmperor6.2
Petrarcha, Francesco 14thItalyPoet5.2

Vol 27 Pertussis–Poetics

Pitt, William, the elder 18thEnglandStatesman6.2
Pitt, William, the younger 18thEnglandStatesman12.2
Pius VI 18thItalyPope8.2

Vol 28 Poetry–Punjoor

Pombal, Sebastião José 18thPortugalStatesman4.5
Pompey AncientItalyGovt Official4.0
Pope, Alexander 18thEnglandPoet4.8
Price, John 18thEnglandWriter5.6
Priestley, Joseph 18thEnglandNatural Philosopher7.5
Ptolemy, Claudius AncientEgyptAstronomer5.0

Vol 29 Punishment–Repton

Purcell, Henry 17thEnglandMusician11.4Burney
Pythagoras AncientGreecePhilosopher4.7
Quantz, John Joachim 18thGerman Musician5.3Burney
Ragotski, Francis 18thHungaryPrince11.0
Ralegh [sic], Sir Walter 16thEnglandAdventurer7.7
Raphael Sazio, Da Urbino 16thItalyPainter7.4
Ray, John 17thEnglandBotanist11.9Smith

Vol 30 Republic–Rzemien

Reynolds, Sir Joshua 18thEnglandPainter9.9
Robinson, Robert 18thEnglandChurch Official 6.0
Romney, George 18thEnglandPainter4.2
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 18thSwitzerlandWriter8.1
Reubens, Sir Peter 17thBelgiumPainter5.4
Rupert, Prince 17thGermany Prince4.2
Rush, Benjamin 18thAmericaPhysician6.3
Russell, Lord William 17thEnglandPatriot4.0

Vol 31 S–Scotium

Selden, John 17thEnglandScholar4.2

Vol 32 Scotland–Sindy

Shakespeare, William 16thEnglandDramatist20.5
Sibthorp, John 18thEnglandbotanist6.3Smith

Vol 33 Sines–Starboard

Sixtus IV 15thItalyPope5.4
Sloane, Hans 18thScotlandNatural Historian5.6
Socrates AncientGreecePhilosopher7.7
Stanhope, George 18thEnglandDivine8.1

Vol 34 Starch–Szydlow

Swift, Jonathan 18thEnglandWriter7.0

Vol 35 T–Toleration

Titian 16thItalyPainter4.7

Vol 36 Tolerium–Vermelho

Tournefort, Joseph Piton de. 17thFranceBotanist5.1Smith
Vaillant, Sebastian 18thFranceBotanist4.5Smith
Vandyck, Sir Anthony 17thBelgiumPainter4.0
Vinci, Leonardo Da 15thItalyGenius7.0
Usher, James 16thIrelandArchbishop8.5

Vol 37 Vermes–Waterloo

Walpole, Robert 17thEnglandPolitician4.0
Washington, George 18thAmericaPresident4.0

Vol 38 Water–Wzetin

Watson, Richard 18thEnglandBishop and writer18.0
Werner, Abraham 18thGermanyMineralogist4.6
Wesley, John 18thEnglandReligious Leader4.1
Whitbread, Samuel 18thEnglandBrewer8.0
Wood, Anthony 17thEnglandAntiquary4.6

Vol 39 X–Zytomiers with Addenda

Zwingle, Ulric 16thSwitzerlandReligious Reader5.2
Park, Mungo 18thScotlandTraveller8.2
Romilly, Sir Samuel 18thEnglandPhilanthropist5.1
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