List of longest Croatian words

List of longest Croatian words contains some of the longest words in Croatian language. This list does not include words for large numbers.

Longest word in Croatian language is prijestolonasljednikovica which means wife of a throne successor.


This list contains words in Croatian language with at least 10 letters. Some of words in this list come from Latin and Greek language.

Rank Word Letters Explanation
1 prijestolonasljednikovičičinima 30 belonging to (small) wife of a throne successor[1][2]
2 antisamoupravnosocijalistički 29
3 ezofagogastroduodenoskopija 27 endoscopic method used in suspected the existence of ulcer disease
4 najneindustrijaliziranija 25
5 prijestolonasljednikovica 24 wife of throne successor
6 encefaliarteriografija 23 diagnostical method
7 encefalocisternografija 23 X-ray research of cistern area of the brain using the contrast agents
8 elektronistagmografija 22 recording spontaneous flicker of eye movement
9 elektroencefalografija 22 recording electrical activity of the brain
10 heliognatopalatoshiza 21 congenital cleft lip, jaw and palate
11 elektrokardiografija 20
12 deprofesionalizirati 20 separated from the professional control
13 lapalohisterektomija 20 operation of the uterus through an incision in the abdomen
14 otorinolaringologija 20 branch of medicine
15 prijestolonasljednica 20 throne successor (women)
16 encefalomeningokela 19
17 najnezainteresiraniji 19 the person who is the most uninterested in something
18 nekarakterističnost 19 not like something
19 automehatroničarka 18
20 dermatofibrosarkom 18 skin tumor with clinical and histological features dermatofiboma and fibrosarcoma
21 medijastinoskopija 18 endoscopic procedure of examination and biopsy of the lymph nodes in the mediastinum
22 elektrostimulacija 18 electrostimulation
23 najzainteresaniji 17 the person who is the most interested for something
24 neprepoznatljivost 17
25 prenezaposlenost 16 too big unemployment of people
26 makrovaskulatura 16 the collective name for the vessels and arteries with a diameter greater than 0.1 mm
27 epifenomenalizam 16 understanding of the importance of mental secondary product of physiological processes
28 brodogradilište 15 industry which built boats
29 kinematografija 15 all movies of one country
30 fundamentalizam 15
31 elektroprivreda 15 industry dealing with the supply of electricity
32 farmakodinamika 15 part of farmacology
33 pluskvamperfekt 15
34 kontinentalnost 15 characteristic of land without affecting the sea
36 prezaposlenost 14 too big employment of people
37 febronijanizam 14 Catholic Church-political doctrine
38 postapokalizam 14 radnja nakon nekog uništenja ili rata
39 galeomiomahija 14 fight between mice and cats
40 hidroelektrana 14 facility which produces electricity from water
41 elektrotehnika 14 electrical engineering
42 imperijalizam 13 imperialism
43 zoogeografija 13 branch of geography or of zoology that studies and describes the distribution of animals on Earth
44 strojarstvo 11 engineering
45 arhitektura 11 science and art of construction of buildings and structures
46 informatika 11 computer science
47 tehnologija 11 collection of processes and functioning of different technical creations
48 maritimnost 11 characteristic of the land with the impact of the sea
49 asocijacija 11
50 autooznaka 10 plates on the car


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