List of mathematics categories
This list contains categories related to mathematics.
Mathematics categories
- Category:0 (number)
- Category:1 (number)
- 10-polytopes
- 3-manifolds
- 4-manifolds
- 5-polytopes
- 6-polytopes
- 7-polytopes
- 8-polytopes
- 9-polytopes
- Abelian group theory
- Abelian varieties
- Abstract algebra
- Additive categories
- Additive number theory
- Adjoint functors
- Affine geometry
- Algebra
- Algebra stubs
- Algebraic K-theory
- Algebraic analysis
- Algebraic combinatorics
- Algebraic curves
- Algebraic geometry
- Algebraic graph theory
- Algebraic groups
- Algebraic homogeneous spaces
- Algebraic logic
- Algebraic number theory
- Algebraic numbers
- Algebraic structures
- Algebraic surfaces
- Algebraic topology
- Algebraic varieties
- Algebras
- Algorithmic information theory
- Analysis of variance
- Analytic geometry
- Analytic number theory
- Ancient Greek mathematical works
- Application-specific graphs
- Applied mathematics
- Applied mathematics stubs
- Applied probability
- Approximation theory
- Approximations
- Arbelos
- Archimedean solids
- Area
- Arithmetic
- Arithmetic functions
- Arithmetic problems of plane geometry
- Arithmetic problems of solid geometry
- Asymptotic analysis
- Automated theorem proving
- Automorphic forms
- Axiom of choice
- Axioms of modal logic
- Axioms of set theory
- Babylonian mathematics
- Banach algebras
- Banach spaces
- Base-dependent integer sequences
- Basic concepts in infinite set theory
- Basic concepts in set theory
- Bayesian statistics
- Bifurcation theory
- Bilinear forms
- Bilinear operators
- Binary operations
- Binary polyhedral groups
- Biographies and autobiographies of mathematicians
- Biorthogonal wavelets
- Birational geometry
- Boolean algebra
- Boundary conditions
- Braid groups
- C*-algebras
- Calculus
- Calculus of variations
- Capacity-approaching codes
- Cardinal numbers
- Catalan solids
- Categorical data
- Categorical logic
- Category theory
- Category theory stubs
- Category-theoretic categories
- Chaos theory
- Chaotic maps
- Characteristic classes
- Characterization of probability distributions
- Chinese mathematics
- Chiral polyhedra
- Circle packing
- Circles
- Circuit complexity
- Class field theory
- Classes of prime numbers
- Classical geometry
- Clifford algebras
- Closed categories
- Closure operators
- Coalgebras
- Coding theory
- Cohomology theories
- Combinatorial algorithms
- Combinatorial game theory
- Combinatorial group theory
- Combinatorial optimization
- Combinatorics
- Combinatorics on words
- Combinatorics stubs
- Combinatory logic
- Commutative algebra
- Compactification
- Compactness (mathematics)
- Compactness theorems
- Comparison of assessments
- Complex analysis
- Complex manifolds
- Complex numbers
- Complex surfaces
- Complexity classes
- Computational complexity theory
- Computational geometry
- Computational group theory
- Computational hardness assumptions
- Computational number theory
- Computational problems in graph theory
- Computational resources
- Computational statistics
- Computational statistics journals
- Computational topology
- Computer algebra
- Computer arithmetic algorithms
- Configurations
- Conformal geometry
- Conformal mapping
- Conic sections
- Conjectures
- Conjectures about prime numbers
- Connection (mathematics)
- Constructible universe
- Constructivism (mathematics)
- Continued fractions
- Continuous distributions
- Continuous mappings
- Continuous wavelets
- Continuum theory
- Convergence tests
- Convex analysis
- Convex geometry
- Coordinate systems
- Coordinate systems in differential geometry
- Covariance and correlation
- Covering lemmas
- Coxeter groups
- Curvature (mathematics)
- Curves
- Cyclotomic fields
- Dagger categories
- Decision theory paradoxes
- Definitions of mathematical integration
- Deltahedra
- Descriptive complexity
- Descriptive set theory
- Design theory
- Determinacy
- Determinants
- Diagram algebras
- Diffeomorphisms
- Differential algebra
- Differential calculus
- Differential equations
- Differential forms
- Differential geometry
- Differential geometry of surfaces
- Differential operators
- Differential structures
- Differential systems
- Differential topology
- Differentiation rules
- Digital topology
- Dimension
- Dimension theory
- Diophantine approximation
- Diophantine equations
- Diophantine geometry
- Directed graphs
- Discrete distributions
- Discrete geometry
- Discrete groups
- Discrete mathematics
- Disproved conjectures
- Divergent series
- Division (mathematics)
- Divisor function
- Domain decomposition methods
- Domain theory
- Duality theories
- Dynamic programming
- Dynamical systems
- Effective descriptive set theory
- Egyptian fractions
- Egyptian mathematics
- Elementary algebra
- Elementary arithmetic
- Elementary geometry
- Elementary mathematics
- Elementary number theory
- Elementary special functions
- Elliptic curves
- Elliptic functions
- Elliptic partial differential equations
- Empirical process
- Enumerative combinatorics
- Equations of fluid dynamics
- Ergodic theory
- Estimation for specific distributions
- Euclidean geometry
- Euclidean plane geometry
- Euclidean solid geometry
- Euclidean symmetries
- Experimental mathematics
- Exponentials
- Extensions and generalizations of graphs
- F-divergences
- FFT algorithms
- Factorial and binomial topics
- Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cambridge
- Fiber bundles
- Fibonacci numbers
- Field extensions
- Field theory
- Fields of mathematics
- Figurate numbers
- Finite differences
- Finite fields
- Finite geometry
- Finite groups
- Finite model theory
- Finite reflection groups
- Finite rings
- Finsler geometry
- First order methods
- Fixed points
- Foliations
- Forcing
- Formal systems
- Formal theories of arithmetic
- Formally real field
- Fourier analysis
- Fourier series
- Fractal curves
- Fractals
- Fractional calculus
- Fractions (mathematics)
- Fredholm theory
- Free algebraic structures
- Free probability theory
- French mathematical seminars
- Functional analysis
- Functional calculus
- Functional equations
- Functional subgroups
- Functions and mappings
- Functors
- Fundamental theorems
- Galois theory
- Games (probability)
- Gamma and related functions
- General topology
- Generalizations of the derivative
- Generalized functions
- Generalized hyperbolic distributions
- Generalized manifolds
- Generating functions
- Geometric algebra
- Geometric algorithms
- Geometric flow
- Geometric graph theory
- Geometric graphs
- Geometric group theory
- Geometric shapes
- Geometric topology
- Geometry
- Geometry of divisors
- Geometry of numbers
- Geometry stubs
- Glossaries of mathematics
- Golden ratio
- Graph algorithms
- Graph coloring
- Graph connectivity
- Graph enumeration
- Graph families
- Graph invariants
- Graph operations
- Graph products
- Graph theory
- Graph theory objects
- Graphical concepts in set theory
- Graphical models
- Graphical projections
- Graphs
- Greek mathematics
- Group actions
- Group automorphisms
- Group theory
- Hardy spaces
- Harmonic analysis
- Harmonic functions
- Hierarchy of functions
- Higher category theory
- Hilbert space
- Hilbert's problems
- Historical treatment of quaternions
- History of logic
- History of mathematics
- Hodge theory
- Homeomorphisms
- Homogeneous polynomials
- Homogeneous spaces
- Homological algebra
- Homology theory
- Homotopy theory
- Honeycombs (geometry)
- Hopf algebras
- Hyperbolic geometry
- Hyperbolic partial differential equations
- Hypercomplex numbers
- Hypergeometric functions
- Hypergraphs
- Hypothesis testing
- Ideals
- Incidence geometry
- Independence results
- Indian mathematics
- Individual graphs
- Inequalities
- Infinite graphs
- Infinite group theory
- Infinity
- Inner model theory
- Integer factorization algorithms
- Integer sequences
- Integers
- Integrable systems
- Integral calculus
- Integral equations
- Integral geometry
- Integral transforms
- Integrals
- Integration on manifolds
- International Mathematical Olympiad
- Interpolation
- Intersection classes of graphs
- Intersection theory
- Invariant subspaces
- Invariant theory
- Inverse functions
- Inverse problems
- Inversive geometry
- Irrational numbers
- Islamic mathematics
- Isometric operators
- Isomorphism theorems
- Japanese mathematics
- Johnson solids
- K-theory
- Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra
- Knot theory
- Lambda calculus
- Large cardinals
- Large integers
- Large numbers
- Latin squares
- Lattice points
- Lattice theory
- Laymen and statistics
- Least squares
- Lemmas
- Lie algebras
- Lie groupoids
- Lie groups
- Limit sets
- Limits
- Limits
- Linear algebra
- Linear operators
- Linear operators in calculus
- Linear programming
- Lipschitz maps
- Lists of mathematicians
- Lists of things named after mathematicians
- Localization (mathematics)
- Logarithms
- Logic books
- Logical calculi
- Logical connectives
- Long-memory processes
- Lorentzian manifolds
- Low-dimensional topology
- Magic squares
- Manifolds
- Map projections
- Maps of manifolds
- Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Markov models
- Markov networks
- Martingale theory
- Matching
- Mathematical analysis
- Mathematical analysis stubs
- Mathematical axioms
- Mathematical chairs
- Mathematical concepts
- Mathematical congresses
- Mathematical constants
- Mathematical databases
- Mathematical disambiguation
- Mathematical examples
- Mathematical games
- Mathematical identities
- Mathematical institutes
- Mathematical institutes and societies
- Mathematical logic
- Mathematical logic hierarchies
- Mathematical logic organizations
- Mathematical logic stubs
- Mathematical modeling
- Mathematical notation
- Mathematical objects
- Mathematical optimization
- Mathematical physics
- Mathematical principles
- Mathematical problems
- Mathematical proofs
- Mathematical relations
- Mathematical science occupations
- Mathematical series
- Mathematical societies
- Mathematical structures
- Mathematical symbols
- Mathematical tables
- Mathematical terminology
- Mathematical theorems
- Mathematical tools
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and culture
- Mathematics awards
- Mathematics books
- Mathematics competition stubs
- Mathematics competitions
- Mathematics conferences
- Mathematics education
- Mathematics education reform
- Mathematics education television series
- Mathematics fiction books
- Mathematics journals
- Mathematics literature
- Mathematics literature stubs
- Mathematics manuscripts
- Mathematics of computing
- Mathematics of rigidity
- Mathematics organizations
- Mathematics papers
- Mathematics paradoxes
- Mathematics stubs
- Mathematics templates
- Mathematics timelines
- Mathematics websites
- Mathematics-related lists
- Matrices
- Matrix decompositions
- Matrix normal forms
- Matrix theory
- Matroid theory
- Means
- Measure theory
- Measures (measure theory)
- Measures (set theory)
- Medieval European mathematics
- Mental calculation
- Metatheorems
- Metric geometry
- Millennium Prize Problems
- Minimal surfaces
- Misuse of statistics
- Model theory
- Modular arithmetic
- Modular forms
- Module theory
- Moduli theory
- Monoidal categories
- Monte Carlo methods
- Moonshine theory
- Morphisms
- Morphisms of schemes
- Morse theory
- Multi-dimensional geometry
- Multilinear algebra
- Multiple comparisons
- Multiplication
- Multiplicative functions
- Multivariable calculus
- Multivariate continuous distributions
- Multivariate discrete distributions
- Multivariate interpolation
- Multivariate statistics
- Network flow
- Nilpotent groups
- Non-associative algebra
- Non-associative algebras
- Non-Euclidean geometry
- Non-Newtonian calculus
- Non-classical logic
- Non-parametric Bayesian methods
- Non-parametric statistics
- Non-standard analysis
- Non-standard positional numeral systems
- Non-uniform random numbers
- Noncommutative geometry
- Nonconvex polyhedra
- Nonlinear functional analysis
- Nonlinear systems
- Nonparametric regression
- Normal forms (logic)
- Normality tests
- Normed spaces
- Norms (mathematics)
- Number stubs
- Number theoretic algorithms
- Number theory
- Number theory stubs
- Numbers
- Numeral systems
- Numerals
- Numerical analysis
- Numerical differential equations
- Numerical integration (quadrature)
- Numerical linear algebra
- Objects (category theory)
- Octonions
- Operator algebras
- Operator theory
- Optimization algorithms and methods
- Order theory
- Ordered algebraic structures
- Ordered groups
- Ordinal numbers
- Ordinary differential equations
- Orthogonal polynomials
- Orthogonal wavelets
- P-groups
- Pandigital numbers
- Parabolic partial differential equations
- Paradoxes of naive set theory
- Parametric families of graphs
- Parametric statistics
- Partial differential equations
- Partial fractions
- Particle statistics
- Perfect graphs
- Permutation groups
- Permutations
- Perturbation theory
- Philosophy of mathematics
- Pi
- Pi algorithms
- Platonic solids
- Point processes
- Poisson processes
- Poker probability
- Polish mathematics
- Polychora
- Polyforms
- Polygons
- Polyhedra
- Polyhedral combinatorics
- Polyhedral compounds
- Polyhedral stellation
- Polyhedron stubs
- Polynomials
- Polytopes
- Positional numeral systems
- Potential theory
- Predicate logic
- Primality tests
- Prime numbers
- Prismatoid polyhedra
- Probabilistic complexity classes
- Probabilistic complexity theory
- Probabilistic inequalities
- Probability
- Probability and statistics
- Probability assessment
- Probability distributions
- Probability interpretations
- Probability stubs
- Probability theorems
- Probability theory
- Probability theory paradoxes
- Projective geometry
- Projective polyhedra
- Proof theory
- Properties of Lie algebras
- Properties of groups
- Properties of topological spaces
- Propositional calculus
- Pseudoprimes
- Pyramids and bipyramids
- Q-analogs
- Quadratic forms
- Quadratic residue
- Quadrics
- Quadrilaterals
- Quantification
- Quantum Monte Carlo
- Quantum complexity theory
- Quantum groups
- Quasirandomness
- Quasiregular polyhedra
- Quaternions
- Ramsey theory
- Random dynamical systems
- Random graphs
- Random matrices
- Rational functions
- Rational numbers
- Real algebraic geometry
- Real analysis
- Real closed field
- Real numbers
- Recreational mathematics
- Recurrence relations
- Reflection groups
- Regression analysis
- Regression variable selection
- Regular graphs
- Regular polyhedra
- Representable functors
- Representation theory
- Representation theory of Lie algebras
- Representation theory of Lie groups
- Representation theory of algebraic groups
- Representation theory of finite groups
- Representation theory of groups
- Riemann surfaces
- Riemannian geometry
- Ring theory
- Roman mathematics
- Root-finding algorithms
- Rotation in three dimensions
- Rules of inference
- Runge–Kutta methods
- Sampling (statistics)
- Sampling techniques
- Scheme theory
- Schools of mathematics
- Self-dual polyhedra
- Semigroup theory
- Separation axioms
- Sequences and series
- Sequential methods
- Series of mathematics books
- Set families
- Set theory
- Set theory stubs
- Set-theoretic universes
- Sets of real numbers
- Several complex variables
- Sextic curves
- Sheaf theory
- Sieve theory
- Simplicial sets
- Singular integrals
- Singular value decomposition
- Singularity theory
- Smooth functions
- Sobolev spaces
- Solitons
- Solvable groups
- Space-filling polyhedra
- Sparse matrices
- Special functions
- Special hypergeometric functions
- Spectral sequences
- Spectral theory
- Spherical trigonometry
- Spirals
- Spiric sections
- Splines
- Sporadic groups
- Stability theory
- Statistical algorithms
- Statistical awards
- Statistical dependence
- Statistical deviation and dispersion
- Statistical distance measures
- Statistical inequalities
- Statistical laws
- Statistical methods
- Statistical paradoxes
- Statistical randomness
- Statistical tests
- Statistical theorems
- Statistical theory
- Statistics
- Statistics books
- Statistics education
- Statistics journals
- Stochastic algorithms
- Stochastic control
- Stochastic differential equations
- Stochastic models
- Stochastic optimization
- Stochastic processes
- Structural complexity theory
- Structures on manifolds
- Subgroup properties
- Subgroup series
- Subharmonic functions
- Substructural logic
- Summability methods
- Summary statistics
- Sumsets
- Super linear algebra
- Surfaces
- Surgery theory
- Symbolic dynamics
- Symmetric functions
- Symplectic geometry
- Symplectic topology
- Systems of formal logic
- Systems of probability distributions
- Systems of set theory
- Systolic geometry
- Tails of probability distributions
- Tauberian theorems
- Tensors
- Tensors in general relativity
- Ternary operations
- Tessellation
- Theorems
- Theorems in geometry
- Theory of probability distributions
- Theta functions
- Threefolds
- Time series models
- Time–frequency analysis
- Topological algebra
- Topological dynamics
- Topological games
- Topological graph theory
- Topological groups
- Topological methods of algebraic geometry
- Topological spaces
- Topological vector spaces
- Topology
- Topology of Lie groups
- Topology of function spaces
- Topology of homogeneous spaces
- Topology stubs
- Topos theory
- Toric sections
- Toroidal polyhedra
- Traditional mathematics
- Transcendental numbers
- Transforms
- Trees (graph theory)
- Trees (set theory)
- Triangle geometry
- Triangles
- Triangles of numbers
- Trigonometry
- Types of functions
- Types of probability distributions
- Uncertainty of numbers
- Uniform polyhedra
- Uniform spaces
- Unitary operators
- Unitary representation theory
- Units of angle
- Universal algebra
- Unsolved problems in mathematics
- Urelements
- Validity (statistics)
- Vector bundles
- Vector calculus
- Vectors
- Von Neumann algebras
- Wavelets
- Wellfoundedness
- Zeta and L-functions
- Zonohedra
Mathematicians categories
- 10th-century mathematicians
- 11th-century mathematicians
- 12th-century mathematicians
- 13th-century mathematicians
- 14th-century mathematicians
- 15th-century mathematicians
- 16th-century mathematicians
- 17th-century mathematicians
- 18th-century mathematicians
- 19th-century mathematicians
- 20th-century mathematicians
- 21st-century mathematicians
- 5th-century mathematicians
- 6th-century mathematicians
- 7th-century mathematicians
- 8th-century mathematicians
- 9th-century mathematicians
- Abel Prize laureates
- Abel laureates
- Adams Prize recipients
- African mathematicians
- Albanian mathematicians
- Algebraic geometers
- Algebraists
- American mathematician stubs
- American mathematicians
- Ancient Greek mathematicians
- Ancient Indian mathematicians
- Ancient mathematicians
- Arab mathematicians
- Argentine mathematicians
- Armenian mathematicians
- Asian mathematician stubs
- Australian mathematicians
- Austrian mathematicians
- Azerbaijani mathematicians
- Basque mathematicians
- Belarusian mathematicians
- Belgian mathematicians
- Bengali mathematicians
- Bosnia and Herzegovina mathematicians
- Brazilian mathematicians
- British mathematicians
- Bulgarian mathematicians
- Cambridge mathematicians
- Cameroonian mathematicians
- Canadian mathematicians
- Category theorists
- Chaos theorists
- Chilean mathematicians
- Chinese mathematicians
- Colombian mathematicians
- Combinatorial game theorists
- Croatian mathematicians
- Cuban mathematicians
- Czech mathematicians
- Danish mathematicians
- David Crighton medalists
- Differential geometers
- Dutch mathematicians
- Egyptian mathematicians
- English mathematicians
- Estonian mathematicians
- European mathematician stubs
- Fields Medalists
- Finnish mathematicians
- French mathematician stubs
- French mathematicians
- Functional analysts
- Geometers
- Georgian mathematicians
- German mathematician stubs
- German mathematicians
- Graph theorists
- Greek mathematicians
- Group theorists
- Historians of mathematics
- Hong Kong mathematicians
- Hungarian mathematicians
- Icelandic mathematicians
- Indian mathematicians
- Iranian mathematicians
- Iraqi mathematicians
- Irish mathematicians
- Israeli mathematicians
- Italian mathematician stubs
- Italian mathematicians
- Japanese mathematicians
- Lattice theorists
- Latvian mathematicians
- Lithuanian mathematicians
- Maldivian mathematicians
- Mathematical analysts
- Mathematical logicians
- Mathematician stubs
- Mathematicians
- Mathematicians by century
- Mathematicians by field
- Mathematicians by nationality
- Mathematicians from Melbourne
- Mathematicians who committed suicide
- Mathematics educators
- Measure theorists
- Medieval mathematicians
- Mexican mathematicians
- Model theorists
- Moldovan mathematicians
- Moroccan mathematicians
- New Zealand mathematicians
- Nigerian mathematicians
- Norwegian mathematicians
- Number theorists
- Numerical analysts
- Operator theorists
- Pakistani mathematicians
- Palestinian mathematicians
- PDE theorists
- Persian mathematicians
- Polish mathematician stubs
- Polish mathematicians
- Portuguese mathematicians
- Probability theorists
- Romanian mathematicians
- Russian mathematician stubs
- Russian mathematicians
- Scottish mathematicians
- Serbian mathematicians
- Set theorists
- Sicilian mathematicians
- Slovak mathematicians
- Slovenian mathematicians
- South African mathematicians
- Soviet mathematicians
- Spanish mathematicians
- Sri Lankan mathematicians
- Sudanese mathematicians
- Swedish mathematicians
- Swiss mathematicians
- Syrian mathematicians
- Taiwanese mathematicians
- Tanzanian mathematicians
- Topologists
- Turkish mathematicians
- Ukrainian mathematicians
- Uruguayan mathematicians
- Vietnamese mathematicians
- Welsh mathematicians
- Wolf Prize in Mathematics laureates
- Women mathematicians
Mathematics-related categories
- Actuarial associations
- Actuarial science
- Actuaries
- Alan Turing
- Algorithms
- American actuaries
- American cryptographers
- American logicians
- American statisticians
- Analysis of algorithms
- Angle
- Applicative computing systems
- Archimedes
- Aristotle
- Article proofs
- Articles containing proofs
- Artificial life
- Astronomical dynamical systems
- Australian cryptographers
- Australian logicians
- Australian statisticians
- Austrian cryptographers
- Austrian logicians
- Automata
- Automata theory
- Aviation statistics
- Ballistics experts
- Baseball statistics
- Basketball statistics
- Bayesian networks
- Belgian logicians
- Belgian statisticians
- Bermuda Triangle
- Betting systems
- Bioinformatics
- Biological theorems
- Biostatisticians
- Biostatistics
- Biostatistics journals
- Blaise Pascal
- Brahmagupta
- Braids
- Brazilian logicians
- Brazilian statisticians
- British actuaries
- British cryptographers
- British logicians
- British statisticians
- Bubbles
- Buddhist logic
- Buildings and structures by shape
- Bulgarian logicians
- Bulgarian statisticians
- Calculators
- Canadian actuaries
- Canadian statisticians
- Celestial coordinate system
- Cellular automata
- Cellular automata in popular culture
- Chaos
- Character encoding
- Charts
- Cheminformatics
- Chinese logicians
- Cipher-machine cryptographers
- Coin flipping
- Comparisons of mathematical software
- Computable analysis
- Computational models
- Computational physics
- Computational problems
- Computational science
- Computer algebra systems
- Computer arithmetic
- Computer hardware tuning
- Computer optimization
- Computer science
- Computing
- Conservation laws
- Constants
- Control devices
- Control engineering
- Control theory
- Counting instruments
- Critical phenomena
- Cross-sectional analysis
- Cryptographers
- Cryptographers by nationality
- Cryptography
- Cryptography books
- Cryptography contests
- Cryptography in fiction
- Cryptography journals
- Cryptography stubs
- Cyberneticists
- Cybernetics
- Czech logicians
- Danish statisticians
- Data analysis
- Data analysis software
- Data clustering algorithms
- Data compression
- Data differencing
- Data mining
- Decision theory
- Demographers
- Demography
- Denotational semantics
- Descriptive complexity
- Detection theory
- Dice
- Digital geometry
- Digital signal processing
- Digital systems
- Digital technology
- Dimensional analysis
- Dimensional instruments
- Dimensionless numbers
- Documentary television series
- Domes
- Donald Knuth
- Dot patterns
- Dutch cryptographers
- Dutch logicians
- Dutch statisticians
- Econometric models
- Econometrics
- Econometrics journals
- Econometrics stubs
- Economic data
- Economics
- Economics curves
- Economics theorems
- Egyptian cryptographers
- Electrodynamics
- Encyclopedias of mathematics
- English logicians
- English statisticians
- Entropy
- Entropy and information
- Equations
- Error
- Error detection and correction
- Estimation theory
- Ethics and statistics
- Ethnomathematicians
- Euclid
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Exactly solvable models
- Experimental design
- Facilities and organizations of science
- Fellows of the American Statistical Association
- Fictional dimensions
- Fictional mathematicians
- Fields of application of statistics
- Filter theory
- Finger-counting
- Finite element method
- Forensic statistics
- Formal languages
- Formal methods
- Formal specification languages
- Frames of reference
- Free Bayesian statistics software
- French cryptographers
- French statisticians
- Fundamental constants
- Fuzzy logic
- GCHQ cryptographers
- Game theorists
- Game theory
- Genetic algorithms
- Geographic coordinate systems
- Geometric symbol templates
- Geometry educators
- Geostatistics
- German logicians
- German statisticians
- Gottfried Leibniz
- Graph data structures
- Graph rewriting
- Graphs (images)
- Greek logicians
- Hamiltonian mechanics
- Helices
- Hungarian statisticians
- Icelandic logicians
- Images of curves
- Images of fractals
- Images of geometric stars
- Images of polyhedra
- Images of surfaces
- Index numbers
- Indian logicians
- Indian statisticians
- Information theorists
- Information theory
- Institute for Advanced Study
- Inter-rater reliability
- Interactive evolutionary computation
- Interactive geometry software
- Irish logicians
- Irish statisticians
- Isaac Newton
- Israel Prize in exact science recipients
- Israeli cryptographers
- Italian cryptographers
- Jansenism
- Japanese logicians
- Japanese statisticians
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Kerala school
- Knot stubs
- Knots
- Laymen and statistics
- Length
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lewis Carroll
- Lists of ambiguous numbers
- Logic
- Logic and statistics
- Logic conferences
- Logic in computer science
- Logic literature
- Logic puzzles
- Logicians
- Logicians by nationality
- Lucasian Professors of Mathematics
- Luck
- M. C. Escher
- Machine learning
- Machines
- Mathematical and quantitative methods (economics)
- Mathematical biology
- Mathematical chemistry
- Mathematical chess problems
- Mathematical cognition researchers
- Mathematical ecologists
- Mathematical economics
- Mathematical finance
- Mathematical formatting templates
- Mathematical function templates
- Mathematical markup languages
- Mathematical optimization software
- Mathematical physicists
- Mathematical quantization
- Mathematical software
- Mathematician templates
- Mathematics awards templates
- Mathematics images
- Mathematics of music
- Mathematics source templates
- Mathematics stub templates
- Mathematics templates
- Mathematics writers
- Mechanical calculators
- Mechanical puzzles
- Mechanics
- Members of HM Government Statistical Service
- Members of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Members of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Mental calculators
- Meta-analysis
- Modal logic
- Model checkers
- Modern cryptographers
- Molecular geometry
- Molecular topology
- Monte Carlo software
- National statistical services
- Network performance
- Network theory
- Network topology
- Networks
- Neural networks
- New Zealand statisticians
- Niels Henrik Abel
- Noise
- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
- Norwegian actuaries
- Norwegian demographers
- Norwegian statisticians
- Number-related lists
- Numerical software
- Numerology
- Nyaya
- Operations research
- Optimization software
- Orders of magnitude (area)
- Orientation (geometry)
- Oscillation
- Pakistani statisticians
- Paradoxes
- Parity (mathematics)
- Paul Erdős
- People associated with the finite element method
- Perspective projection
- Pharmaceutical statistics
- Philosophers of mathematics
- Physics theorems
- Pi software
- Placeholder names
- Polish cryptographers
- Polish logicians
- Polish statisticians
- Polyhedra templates
- Population statistics
- Potential
- Power laws
- Pre-computer cryptographers
- Precession
- Presidents of statistical organizations
- Presidents of the Associação Brasileira de Estatística
- Presidents of the Royal Statistical Society
- Presidents of the Statistical Society of Canada
- Process calculi
- Programming language theory stubs
- Pseudorandom number generators
- Psychometrics
- Public-key cryptographers
- Putnam Fellows
- Pythagorean philosophy
- Pythagorean symbols
- Pythagoreans
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum mechanical entropy
- Quantum mechanics
- Queueing theorists
- Queueing theory
- Quotas
- Randomness
- Recreational cryptographers
- Recursion
- Relational algebra
- Relativity
- Researchers in geometric algorithms
- Risk
- Robust statistics
- Rotational symmetry
- Rubik's Cube
- Russian cryptographers
- Russian logicians
- Russian statisticians
- Scaling symmetries
- Scottish statisticians
- Search engine optimization
- Second Wranglers
- Self-organization
- Senior Wranglers
- Serialism
- Set theoretic programming languages
- Signal processing stubs
- Social statistics
- Sorting algorithms
- Spanning tree
- Spatial data analysis
- Specific models
- Spinors
- Sports records and statistics
- Square One Television
- Statistical approximations
- Statistical charts and diagrams
- Statistical classification
- Statistical data agreements
- Statistical data coding
- Statistical data sets
- Statistical data types
- Statistical dependence
- Statistical inference
- Statistical mechanics
- Statistical mechanics theorems
- Statistical models
- Statistical natural language processing
- Statistical organizations
- Statistical outliers
- Statistical principles
- Statistical programming languages
- Statistical ratios
- Statistical software
- Statistical terminology
- Statistician stubs
- Statisticians
- Statisticians by nationality
- Statistics stubs
- Statistics-related lists
- Stellation diagrams
- String similarity measures
- Structural analysis
- Sudoku
- Supersymmetry
- Supertasks
- Survival analysis
- Swedish information theorists
- Swedish statisticians
- Swiss statisticians
- Symmetry
- TeX
- Technical drawing
- Telephone numbers
- Theorem proving software systems
- Theoretical biology
- Theoretical computer science
- Theoretical physics
- Theories of deduction
- Theory of computation
- Thermodynamics
- Thomas Carlyle
- Tiling puzzles
- Time
- Time series analysis
- Traditional logic
- Trees (data structures)
- Troff
- Turing machine
- Type theory
- Uncertainty propagation software
- Unified Modeling Language
- Units of area
- Variables
- Variational formalism of general relativity
- Volume
- Vortices
- Warp drive theory
- Wave mechanics
- Waves
- Winners of the Guy Medal
- Winners of the Shewhart Medal
- Winners of the Wilks Memorial Award
- Z notation
- Zero (linguistics)
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