List of new districts of Turkey

According to Law act no 6360, new districts are to be established in Turkey by the local elections in 2014. [1] [2] Some of the new districts will replace the present central districts of provinces and a few will be new establishments. The following list shows the new districts.

Province Location Abolished district New district
Aydın ProvinceAydın Central DistrictAydınEfeler
Balıkesir Province a part of Balıkesir Central DistrictBalıkesir Karesi
Balıkesir Province a part of Balıkesir Central DistrictBalıkesirAltıeylül
Denizli Province most of Denizli Central DistrictDenizliMerkezefendi
Denizli Province Akköy district and a part of Denizli Central DistrictAkköyPamukkale
Hatay Province a part of Hatay Central District (none) Defne
Hatay Provincea part of Dörtyol District (none) Payas[Note 1]
Malatya ProvinceMalatya Central DistrictMalatya [Note 2]
Manisa Provincea part of Manisa Central DistrictManisaŞehzadeler
Manisa Province a part of Manisa Central DistrictManisaYunusemre
Kahramanmaraş Province a part of Kahramanmaraş Central DistrictKahramanmaraşDulkadiroğlu
Kahramanmaraş Province a part of Kahramanmaraş Central DistrictKahramanmaraşOnikişubat
Mardin ProvinceMardin Central DistrictMardinArtuklu
Muğla ProvinceMuğla Central District MuğlaMenteşe
Muğla Province a part of Fethiye District (none) Seydikemer
Ordu ProvinceOrdu Central DistrictOrduAltınordu
Tekirdağ ProvinceTekirdağ Central DistrictTekirdağSüleymanpaşa
Tekirdağ Province a part of Çerkezköy District (none)Kapaklı [Note 1]
Tekirdağ Provincea part of Çorlu District (none) Ergene
Trabzon ProvinceTrabzon Central DistrictTrabzonOrtahisar
Şanlıurfa Provincea part of Şanlıurfa Central DistrictŞanlıurfaEyyübiye
Şanlıurfa Provincea part of Şanlıurfa Central DistrictŞanlıurfaHaliliye
Şanlıurfa Provincea part of Şanlıurfa Central DistrictŞanlıurfaKaraköprü[Note 1]
Van Province a part of Van Central DistrictVanTuşpa
Van Provincea part of Van Central DistrictVanİpekyolu


  1. 1 2 3 Now a Subdistrict
  2. Malatya Central District is split into two existing neighbouring districts.


  1. Official gazette (Turkish) 6.12.2012
  2. Official gazette (Turkish) 22.3.2013
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