List of places in Canada: A
This is a list of cities and towns in Canada that begin with the letter A.
Name | Province | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation (ft) | Population (est.) |
Abbey | Saskatchewan | 50.73 | -108.75 | 2234 | 219 |
Abbotsford | British Columbia | 49.05 | -122.3 | 124 | 26961 |
Abee | Alberta | 54.23 | -113.02 | 2171 | 131 |
Aberdeen | Saskatchewan | 52.32 | -106.28 | 1725 | 587 |
Abraham's Cove | Newfoundland and Labrador | 48.52 | -58.9 | 0 | 379 |
Acadia Valley | Alberta | 51.15 | -110.2 | 2381 | 47 |
Acme | Alberta | 51.5 | -113.5 | 2972 | 755 |
Actinolite | Ontario | 44.55 | -77.33 | 518 | 376 |
Acton | Ontario | 43.63 | -80.08 | 1145 | 13597 |
Acton Vale | Quebec | 45.63 | -72.57 | 295 | 7301 |
Adams Landing | Alberta | 58.38 | -115.12 | 803 | 99 |
Adeytown | Newfoundland and Labrador | 48.08 | -53.92 | 3 | 504 |
Admiral | Saskatchewan | 49.72 | -108.02 | 2755 | 73 |
Admirals Beach | Newfoundland and Labrador | 47.02 | -53.62 | 108 | 279 |
Advocate Harbour | Nova Scotia | 45.3 | -64.78 | 62 | 121 |
Agassiz | British Columbia | 49.23 | -121.77 | 49 | 4452 |
Agincourt | Ontario | 43.78 | -79.27 | 547 | 326141 |
Aguanish | Quebec | 50.22 | -62.03 | 0 | 23 |
Ahousat | British Columbia | 49.28 | -126.05 | 0 | 510 |
Airdrie | Alberta | 51.27 | -114.02 | 3533 | 15459 |
Aiyansh | British Columbia | 55.25 | -129.08 | 374 | 738 |
Ajax | Ontario | 43.85 | -79.02 | 295 | 69281 |
Aklavik | Northwest Territories | 68.22 | -135 | 3 | 382 |
Alameda | Saskatchewan | 49.27 | -102.83 | 1899 | 370 |
Alba Station | Nova Scotia | 45.93 | -61.07 | 16 | 302 |
Albanel | Quebec | 48.87 | -72.42 | 423 | 1499 |
Albany | Ontario | 52.25 | -81.62 | 3 | 239 |
Albert Canyon | British Columbia | 51.13 | -117.87 | 3126 | 5 |
Alberton | Prince Edward Island | 46.8 | -64.07 | 9 | 1814 |
Albertville | Saskatchewan | 53.42 | -105.53 | 1601 | 244 |
Albreda | British Columbia | 52.63 | -119.15 | 3710 | 23 |
Albright | Alberta | 55.27 | -119.5 | 2408 | 671 |
Alderson | Alberta | 50.28 | -111.35 | 2496 | 58 |
Aldouane | New Brunswick | 46.27 | -65.05 | 137 | 1088 |
Alert Bay | British Columbia | 50.58 | -126.92 | 3 | 1278 |
Alexander | Manitoba | 49.82 | -100.3 | 1417 | 263 |
Alexander Bay Station | Newfoundland and Labrador | 48.68 | -54.12 | 449 | 875 |
Alexandria | British Columbia | 52.63 | -122.45 | 2047 | 61 |
Alexandria | Ontario | 45.3 | -74.63 | 298 | 4766 |
Alexis Creek | British Columbia | 52.08 | -123.28 | 2454 | 49 |
Alexo | Alberta | 52.47 | -115.78 | 4009 | 56 |
Aleza Lake | British Columbia | 54.12 | -122.07 | 2007 | 33 |
Alfred | Ontario | 45.55 | -74.87 | 177 | 2539 |
Algonquin Park | Ontario | 45.55 | -78.6 | 1446 | 5 |
Alida | Saskatchewan | 49.38 | -101.87 | 1850 | 229 |
Alix | Alberta | 52.4 | -113.18 | 2618 | 1111 |
Alkali Lake | British Columbia | 51.77 | -122.3 | 2562 | 116 |
Allan | Saskatchewan | 51.9 | -106.07 | 1758 | 836 |
Allanwater Bridge | Ontario | 50.23 | -90.2 | 1358 | 5 |
Allenford | Ontario | 44.53 | -81.17 | 767 | 1442 |
Alliance | Alberta | 52.43 | -111.78 | 2309 | 309 |
Alliford Bay | British Columbia | 53.2 | -131.98 | 551 | 22 |
Allison Harbour | British Columbia | 51.03 | -127.52 | 127 | 3 |
Alliston | Ontario | 44.15 | -79.87 | 672 | 6864 |
Alma | New Brunswick | 45.6 | -64.95 | 0 | 189 |
Alma | Quebec | 46.52 | -72.75 | 354 | 24395 |
Almonte | Ontario | 45.22 | -76.2 | 419 | 6537 |
Alonsa | Manitoba | 50.8 | -98.98 | 885 | 61 |
Alpen | Alberta | 54.43 | -112.92 | 2273 | 120 |
Alsask | Saskatchewan | 51.37 | -109.98 | 2286 | 261 |
Alta Lake | British Columbia | 50.12 | -122.98 | 2099 | 3111 |
Alticane | Saskatchewan | 52.9 | -102.48 | 1226 | 14 |
Altona | Manitoba | 49.1 | -97.57 | 810 | 3780 |
Alvena | Saskatchewan | 52.52 | -106.02 | 1643 | 154 |
Amaranth | Manitoba | 50.6 | -98.73 | 875 | 474 |
Amazon | Saskatchewan | 51.55 | -105.47 | 1768 | 42 |
Amber Valley | Alberta | 54.73 | -112.93 | 1955 | 103 |
Amesbury | Alberta | 55.08 | -112.50 | 1886 | 97 |
Amherst | Nova Scotia | 45.83 | -64.2 | 108 | 10271 |
Amherstburg | Ontario | 42.1 | -83.1 | 593 | 18309 |
Amos | Quebec | 48.57 | -78.12 | 984 | 3314 |
Amqui | Quebec | 48.47 | -67.43 | 538 | 4700 |
Amulet | Saskatchewan | 49.62 | -104.75 | 2378 | 33 |
Amyot | Ontario | 48.48 | -84.95 | 1397 | 14 |
Anahim Lake | British Columbia | 52.55 | -125.3 | 3664 | 185 |
Andrew | Alberta | 53.89 | -128.95 | 2030 | 661 |
Angliers | Quebec | 47.55 | -79.23 | 879 | 91 |
Angus | Ontario | 44.32 | -79.89 | 626 | 4550 |
Anjou | Quebec | 45.6 | -73.53 | 101 | 314045 |
Annapolis | Nova Scotia | 44.73 | -65.52 | 65 | 1700 |
Annaville | Quebec | 46.22 | -72.43 | 147 | 2655 |
Anson | Ontario | 44.3 | -77.6 | 396 | 3831 |
Ansonville | Ontario | 48.75 | -80.69 | 898 | 675 |
Antigonish | Nova Scotia | 45.62 | -61.97 | 114 | 5495 |
Apex | Nunavut | 63.72 | -68.45 | 0 | 858 |
Apple River | Nova Scotia | 45.47 | -67.78 | 88 | 168 |
Apsley | Ontario | 44.75 | -78.08 | 1020 | 330 |
Arborfield | Saskatchewan | 53.12 | -103.65 | 1187 | 484 |
Arborg | Manitoba | 50.9 | -97.22 | 757 | 1204 |
Archive | Saskatchewan | 50.28 | -105.62 | 1971 | 108 |
Arcola | Saskatchewan | 49.63 | -102.48 | 1984 | 572 |
Arctic Bay | Nunavut | 73.03 | -85.17 | 0 | 62 |
Arctic Red River | Northwest Territories | 67.43 | -133.75 | 196 | 20 |
Ardbeg | Ontario | 45.63 | -80.08 | 807 | 92 |
Ardmore | Alberta | 54.33 | -110.48 | 1807 | 70 |
Ardrossan | Alberta | 53.55 | -113.13 | 2345 | 4596 |
Arelee | Saskatchewan | 52.25 | -107.5 | 1784 | 79 |
Arena | Saskatchewan | 49.12 | -109.27 | 3018 | 14 |
Argenta | British Columbia | 50.18 | -116.93 | 1866 | 105 |
Argentia | Newfoundland and Labrador | 47.3 | -54 | 0 | 1682 |
Argyle | Nova Scotia | 43.8 | -65.85 | 59 | 504 |
Arichat | Nova Scotia | 45.52 | -61.02 | 9 | 2310 |
Armadale | Prince Edward Island | 46.42 | -62.43 | 88 | 546 |
Armagh | Quebec | 46.75 | -70.58 | 1082 | 1061 |
Armit | Saskatchewan | 52.83 | -101.85 | 1026 | 14 |
Armley | Saskatchewan | 53.12 | -104.03 | 1197 | 89 |
Armstrong | British Columbia | 50.45 | -119.18 | 1177 | 5551 |
Armstrong Station | Ontario | 50.3 | -89.03 | 1174 | 100 |
Arnprior | Ontario | 45.43 | -76.37 | 314 | 8935 |
Arntfield | Quebec | 48.2 | -79.25 | 974 | 441 |
Aroland | Ontario | 50.23 | -86.95 | 1010 | 298 |
Aroostook | New Brunswick | 46.8 | -67.72 | 400 | 1855 |
Arrandale | British Columbia | 54.97 | -130 | 1824 | 261 |
Arrow River | Manitoba | 50.13 | -100.77 | 1610 | 111 |
Arrowhead | British Columbia | 50.7 | -117.92 | 2119 | 3 |
Arthabaska | Quebec | 46.03 | -71.92 | 541 | 17245 |
Arthur | Ontario | 43.83 | -80.53 | 1499 | 3452 |
Arviat | Nunavut | 61.12 | -94.05 | 0 | 329 |
Arvida | Quebec | 48.43 | -71.18 | 308 | 19136 |
Asbestos | Quebec | 45.78 | -71.93 | 698 | 8064 |
Ashcroft | British Columbia | 50.72 | -121.27 | 1935 | 2140 |
Ashern | Manitoba | 51.18 | -98.33 | 889 | 177 |
Ashmont | Alberta | 54.13 | -111.57 | 2073 | 168 |
Ashville | Manitoba | 51.17 | -100.28 | 1043 | 130 |
Askow | Alberta | 49.93 | -111.7 | 2299 | 102 |
Aspen Grove | British Columbia | 49.89 | -120.63 | 3441 | 33 |
Asquith | Saskatchewan | 52.12 | -107.22 | 1715 | 805 |
Assiniboia | Saskatchewan | 49.62 | -105.98 | 2444 | 2667 |
Aston-Jonction | Quebec | 46.17 | -72.23 | 288 | 1479 |
Athabasca | Alberta | 54.72 | -113.27 | 1876 | 2300 |
Atherley | British Columbia | 44.6 | -79.37 | 738 | 9892 |
Athol | Nova Scotia | 45.68 | -64.22 | 29 | 392 |
Atkameg | Alberta | 55.92 | -115.65 | 2162 | 338 |
Atikokan | Ontario | 48.75 | -91.62 | 1400 | 1073 |
Atlee | Alberta | 50.85 | -110.95 | 2559 | 28 |
Atlin | British Columbia | 59.58 | -133.72 | 2273 | 17 |
Atmore | Alberta | 54.82 | -112.55 | 2011 | 99 |
Atnarko | British Columbia | 52.38 | -125.82 | 685 | 5 |
Attachie | British Columbia | 56.22 | -121.43 | 1446 | 14 |
Attawapiskat | Ontario | 52.92 | -82.43 | 16 | 1255 |
Auden | Ontario | 50.25 | -87.9 | 1026 | 5 |
Aurora | Ontario | 44 | -79.47 | 905 | 63432 |
Austin | Manitoba | 49.95 | -98.93 | 1010 | 257 |
Authier | Quebec | 48.71 | -78.87 | 1017 | 251 |
Authier-Nord | Quebec | 48.83 | -78.87 | 961 | 163 |
Avenir | Alberta | 55.04 | -112.28 | 1952 | 61 |
Aviron Bay | Newfoundland and Labrador | 47.58 | -56.82 | 954 | 3 |
Avola | British Columbia | 51.78 | -119.32 | 2936 | 42 |
Avonlea | Saskatchewan | 50.02 | -105.07 | 1965 | 455 |
Avonport | Nova Scotia | 45.1 | -64.25 | 177 | 1785 |
Ayers Cliff | Quebec | 45.17 | -72.03 | 567 | 2177 |
Ayersville | Quebec | 45.63 | -74.37 | 187 | 7437 |
Aylesbury | Saskatchewan | 50.93 | -105.7 | 1899 | 103 |
Aylesford | Nova Scotia | 45.03 | -64.83 | 98 | 2030 |
Aylmer | Ontario | 42.78 | -80.98 | 751 | 9559 |
Aylsham | Saskatchewan | 53.2 | -103.8 | 1171 | 200 |
Ayr | Ontario | 43.28 | -80.45 | 990 | 4173 |
Ayton | Ontario | 44.05 | -80.93 | 1062 | 1253 |
Preceded by List of places in Canada: Z |
List of places in Canada | Succeeded by List of places in Canada: B |
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