List of places named for Benjamin Franklin

There are many places named for Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. There are a total of 151 places and institutions listed here: 1 state, 32 counties, 50 municipalities (that is, towns and cities), 3 geologic features, 6 colleges and universities, 23 high schools, 8 middle schools, 14 elementary schools (that is 51 schools in all), 2 businesses, 3 transportation ways, and 9 other things. Among these are:



24 Counties and Parishes in the United States are named for Benjamin Franklin.


Geologic features

Snow on Franklin Mountains in El Paso


Colleges and universities

Old Main, Franklin & Marshall College, c. 1910

Elementary, middle, and high schools

High schools

Middle schools

Franklin Middle School, (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Elementary schools

Benjamin Franklin Parkway, from the top of the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.




Franklin Field, the football stadium at the University of Pennsylvania

See also

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