List of programs broadcast by the DuMont Television Network
This is a List of programs broadcast by the DuMont Television Network, which operated in the United States from 1946 to 1956. All regularly scheduled programs which were aired on the DuMont network are listed below, regardless of whether they originated at DuMont. Some DuMont network series were actually broadcast from Baltimore's WAAM-TV, Chicago's WGN-TV, Cincinnati's WCPO-TV, or Philadelphia's WFIL. These stations were not DuMont-owned stations but were affiliated with the network. Programs which aired on the DuMont network but originated from affiliate stations are noted in this list.
Some DuMont programs were produced by other networks but aired on DuMont. For example, Play the Game (1946) was produced by ABC, but aired on DuMont since ABC had no network until 1948. The Admiral Broadway Revue (1949) aired on both NBC and DuMont at the same time, as did Man Against Crime (1953). Pick the Winner (1952) aired on both CBS and DuMont. Some programs, such as Flash Gordon (1954) aired both in syndication and on DuMont. These exceptions are noted in the list.
Programs produced at DuMont facilities but which aired on other networks, such as CBS's The Honeymooners (1955), are not included in this list. Also not included in this list are the numerous local programs seen on individual DuMont stations, Paramount television series, and programs created by successor companies (DuMont Broadcasting Company, Metropolitan Broadcasting, Metromedia, and Fox Broadcasting Company). See those articles for programs produced or aired by those companies.
A timeline of DuMont network programs appears at the end of this list. For a list of surviving DuMont programs, see List of surviving DuMont Television Network broadcasts.
Contents: | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z — See also |
- A.N.T.A. Album of 1955 - closed-circuit fundraising appeal sponsored by American National Theater and Academy (ANTA) and CARE, seen in 31 theaters nationwide on 28 March 1955
- Adlai Stevenson Speech From Salt Lake City – telecast of a speech by presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson, hosted by U.S. Representative from Utah Walter K. Granger (14 October 1952)[1]
- The Admiral Broadway Revue (simulcast on DuMont and NBC, January–June 1949)
- Adventure Playhouse (April–May 1950)
- The Adventures of Ellery Queen (1950–1951)
- The Adventures of Oky Doky (1948–1949)
- The Al Morgan Show (originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, 1949–1951)
- The Alan Dale Show (1948)
- All About Baby (originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, 1953-1955)
- Amanda (November 1, 1948 - 1949) - daytime musical series, aired 12noon to 12:15pm ET, starring Amanda Randolph
- Amateur Boxing Fight Club (1949–1950)
- And Everything Nice (1949–1950)
- The Armed Forces Hour (1949–1951)
- Army-McCarthy Hearings (aired gavel-to-gavel by ABC and DuMont, April 22 to June 17, 1954)
- Art Ford's Greenwich Village Party (1958) see Jazz Party
- The Arthur Murray Party (1950–1951 and 1952–1953)
- At Home With Billie Burke (June 1951 - spring 1952)
- Author Meets the Critics (1952–1954)
- Battle of the Ages (Jan-July 1952)
- Better Living TV Theater (1954)
- The Big Idea (1952–1953)
- The Big Issue (see Keep Posted)
- Big Town (1952-1954) - aka City Assignment
- The Bigelow Theatre (1950–1951) aka The Bigelow-Sanford Theatre and Hollywood Half Hour (in syndication)
- Bingo at Home (1956–58) - hosted by Monty Hall on WABD
- Birthplace of Television and the DuMont Story (see Passaic: Birthplace of Television and the DuMont Story)
- Blind Date (1953) - aka Your Big Moment
- Bowling Headliners (1949–1950)
- Boxing From Eastern Parkway (1952–1954)
- Boxing From Jamaica Arena (1948–1949)
- Boxing From St. Nicholas Arena (1954-August 6, 1956) - the last DuMont series to go off the air
- Boxing From Sunnyside Gardens (1949–1950)
- Broadway to Hollywood (1949–1954) - aka Headline Clues
- Café de Paris (1949)
- Camera Headlines (1948–1949)
- Captain Video and His Video Rangers (1949–1955)
- The Cases of Eddie Drake (filmed by CBS, aired on DuMont, 1952)
- Cash and Carry (1946–1947)
- Cavalcade of Bands (1950–1951)
- Cavalcade of Stars (1949–1951)
- Champagne and Orchids (1948–1949)
- Chance of a Lifetime (1953–1955)
- Charade Quiz (1947–1949)
- Charlie Wild, Private Detective (1952)
- Chez Paree Revue (1950) hosted by Russ Reed
- Chicago Symphony (see Concert Tonight)
- Chicagoland Mystery Players (aka Chicagoland Players, originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, 1947–1950)
- A Christmas Carol - special aired December 25, 1947 with John Carradine, David Carradine, and Eva Marie Saint [2]
- Cinema Varieties (Sept-Nov 1949)
- City Assignment (1952-1954) - reruns of CBS series Big Town (1952-1956) aired on DuMont under this title
- Coaxial Cable Opening (January 11, 1949) - special, aired 8:30pm to 11pm EST on all four TV networks of opening of East-Midwest cable, with first hour broadcast by WDTV in Pittsburgh
- Colonel Humphrey Flack (aka The Fabulous Fraud, 1953–1954)
- Concert Tonight (originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, 1953–1955)
- Cosmopolitan Theatre (Oct-Dec 1951)
- Counterpoint (see Rebound)
- Country Style (July-Nov 1950)
- Court of Current Issues (1948–1951)
- Crawford Mystery Theatre (syndicated/DuMont, 1951–1952; see also Public Prosecutor)
- Cross Question (see They Stand Accused)
- Cut (see Spin the Picture)
- Dark of Night (1952–1953)
- The Delora Bueno Show (see Flight to Rhythm)
- Dinner Date (Jan-July 1950; see also The Vincent Lopez Show)
- Dollar a Second (1953–1954)
- Don McNeill's Breakfast Club (simulcast by DuMont TV and ABC Radio, May 12, 1948 kinescope at Breakfast Club entry)
- Doorway to Fame (1947–1949)
- The Dotty Mack Show (aka Girl Alone; originated from WCPO-TV in Cincinnati, 1953)
- Down You Go (1951–1955)
- Drama at Eight (July 1953)
- The Drew Pearson Show (1952–1953)
- DuMont Evening News (1954–1955; see also Camera Headlines and I.N.S. Telenews)
- DuMont Royal Theater (aka Royal Playhouse, 1951–1952)
- The DuMont Story (see Passaic: Birthplace of Television and the DuMont Story)
- Durkee Story Theatre (see Your Story Theatre)
- Easy Aces (Dec 1949-June 1950)
- Elder Michaux (Oct 1948–Jan 1949)
- Eloise Salutes the Stars[3] (1950-1951) - weekly series Tuesdays at 7:30pm ET on 8-station network, including WABD (per Billboard issue of September 29, 1951) hosted by Eloise McElhone, host of Quick on the Draw
- The Ernie Kovacs Show (Apr 1954-Apr 1955) - late-night talk show
- Ethel Barrymore Theatre (Sept-Dec 1956) - last series produced by the network, aired on WABD
- The Family Genius (Sept 1949)
- Famous Fights From Madison Square Garden (Sept-Dec 1952)
- Famous Jury Trials (1949–1952)
- Faraway Hill (Oct-Dec 1946)
- Fashions on Parade (1948–1949)
- Feature Theatre (movies shown March to June 1949 and August 1949 to August 1950)
- The Fisher Family (see This Is the Life)
- Fishing and Hunting Club (aka Sports for All, 1949–1950)
- Flash Gordon (1954–1955)
- Flight to Rhythm (aka The Delora Bueno Show, Mar-Sept 1949)
- Follow That Man (see Man Against Crime)
- Football News (see Pro Football Highlights)
- Football Sidelines (Oct-Dec 1952)
- Football This Week (Oct-Dec 1951)
- Front Page Detective (1951–1952)
- Front Row Center (1949–1950)
- Frontier Theatre (May-Sept 1950)
- The Gallery of Madame Liu-Tsong (Aug-Nov 1951)
- Gamble on Love (July-Aug 1954)
- General Foods 25th Anniversary Show: A Salute to Rodgers and Hammerstein (two-hour special aired 28 March 1954 on all four TV networks, hosted by Groucho Marx, Mary Martin, Jack Benny, and Ed Sullivan)
- Georgetown University Forum (1951–1953)
- Gold Medal Movies
- The Goldbergs (Apr-Oct 1954)
- The Growing Paynes (1948–1949)
- Gruen Playhouse (aka Gruen Guild Playhouse, Jan-Aug 1952)
- Guess What? (Jul-Aug 1952)
- Guide Right (1952–1954)
- Hands of Murder (aka Hands of Mystery and Hands of Destiny, 1949–1951)
- Happy's Party (originated from WDTV in Pittsburgh, 1952-1953)
- Have a Heart (May–June 1955)
- The Hazel Scott Show (1950)
- Headline Clues (see Broadway to Hollywood)
- Highway to the Stars (Aug-Oct 1947)
- Hold That Camera (Aug-Dec 1950)
- Hollywood Half Hour (see The Bigelow Theatre)
- Hollywood Off Beat (see Steve Randall)
- Hollywood Preview (Sept 1955-June 1956) - hosted by Conrad Nagel
- Hotel Broadway (Jan-Mar 1949)
- I.N.S. Telenews (1948–1949, see also Camera Headlines)
- The Igor Cassini Show (Oct 1953-Feb 1954)
- The Ilona Massey Show (Nov 1954-Jan 1955)
- Inside Detective (see Rocky King, Inside Detective)
- Inside Photoplay (aka Photoplay Time and Through Wendy's Window, see The Wendy Barrie Show)
- International Playhouse (May-Nov 1951)
- It's Alec Templeton Time (June-Aug 1955)
- It's a Business (March–May 1952)
- It's a Small World (June–July 1953) - travel show
- The Jack Eigen Show (1947-1951) - Thursdays 7:45 to 8pm ET
- Jacqueline Susann's Open Door (1951)
- Jazz Party (1958)
- Jimmy Hughes, Rookie Cop (May–July 1953)
- The Joan Edwards Show (1950)
- Johnny Jupiter (1953)
- Johnny Olson's Rumpus Room (1949–1952)
- The Johns Hopkins Science Review (originated from WAAM-TV in Baltimore, 1950–1954)
- Joseph Schildkraut Presents (1953–1954)
- The Kathi Norris Show (see TV Shopper)
- Keep Posted (aka The Big Issue, 1951–1954)
- Key to the Ages (Feb-May 1955; originated from WAAM-TV in Baltimore)
- Key to the Missing (1948–1949)
- Kids and Company (1951–1952)
- King Cole's Birthday Party (aka Birthday Party, 1948–1949)
- Know Your New York (1947-1948)
- Ladies Before Gentlemen (Feb-May 1951)
- Ladies' Date (1952–1953)
- The Laytons (Aug-Oct 1948)
- Let's Play the Game (see Play the Game)
- Life Begins at Eighty (1952–1955)
- Life Is Worth Living (1952–1955)
- Light's Diamond Jubilee - two-hour special sponsored by General Electric aired 24 October 1954 on all four TV networks, directed by King Vidor, William Wellman, Roy Rowland, Christian Nyby, Norman Taurog, Alan Handley, and Bud Yorkin, and produced by David O. Selznick
- Look Upon a Star (aired 1947 on two DuMont stations, WABD and WTTG, and General Electric station WRGB)
- Love Story (April–June 1954)
- The Magic Cottage (1949–1952)
- Major Dell Conway of the Flying Tigers (1951–1952)
- Man Against Crime (simulcast on NBC and DuMont, 1953–1954)
- Manhattan Spotlight (1949–1951)
- Marge and Jeff (1953–1954)
- Marquee Theater (see The Bigelow Theater)
- Mary Kay and Johnny (1947–1948)
- Meet the Boss (June 1952–May 1953)
- Meet Your Congress (1953–1954)
- Melody Street (1953–1954)
- Miss U.S. Television Grand Finals (special aired by DuMont on September 30, 1950)
- Monday Night Fights from St. Nicholas Arena (1954–1956)
- Monodrama Theater (May 1952-December 7, 1953) - late-night program, possibly local on WABD only
- The Morey Amsterdam Show (1949–1950)
- Morgan Beatty and the News (see DuMont Evening News)
- The Most Important People (aka Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, 1950–1951)
- Music From Chicago (originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, April–June 1951)
- The Music Show (originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, 1953–1954)
- Mystery Is My Business (see The Adventures of Ellery Queen)
- Mystery Theater (aka DuMont Mystery Theater, 1949–1950)
- NBA on DuMont (1953-54)
- The Needle Shop (1948-49) - 15-minute show at 2:30pm ET on WABD
- New York Times Youth Forum (1952–1953)
- News Gal (1951, syndicated to ABC 1957)
- Newsweek Views the News (aka Newsweek Analysis, 1948–1950)
- NFL on DuMont (various shows, 1951-1955)
- Night Editor (Mar-Sept 1954)
- Nine Thirty Curtain (1953–1954)
- Not for Publication (1951–1952)
- Off the Record (October 1948) - Tuesdays at 7pm ET, 30 minutes, only lasted two episodes
- Okay, Mother (aka Mothers, Inc. when local on WABD, 1949–1951 on network)
- Old American Barn Dance (July-Sept 1953)
- On Your Way (1953–1954)
- Once Upon a Tune (March–May 1951)
- One Man's Experience (aka One Man's Story, 1952–1953)
- One Minute Please (1954–1955)
- One Woman's Experience (aka One Woman's Story, 1952–1953)
- The O'Neills (Sept 1949-Jan 1950)
- Open Door (see Jacqueline Susann's Open Door)
- Opera Cameos (1953–1955)
- Operation Information (July-Sept 1952)
- Operation Success (1948–1949)
- The Original Amateur Hour (January 18, 1948–September 25, 1949)
- Our Secret Weapon: The Truth (1950–1951)
- Pantomime Quiz (1953–1954)
- Passaic: Birthplace of Television and the DuMont Story (15-minute special broadcast November 14, 1951)
- The Paul Dixon Show (1952–1955)
- Pentagon aka Pentagon Washington (1951–1952, only the final November 24, 1952 episode exists)
- Personal Appearance Theatre (see Joseph Schildkraut Presents)
- The Pet Shop (1951–1953)
- Photographic Horizons (Jan-Mar 1949)
- Photoplay Time (see The Wendy Barrie Show)
- Pick the Winner (political program simulcast on CBS and DuMont, Aug-Nov 1952)
- The Plainclothesman (1949–1954)
- Play the Game (produced by ABC, aired on DuMont, Sept-Dec 1946)
- Playroom (Jan-May 1948) - daytime children's program
- The Power of Women (July-Nov 1952)
- Pro Football Highlights aka Football News (ABC 1950-51, DuMont Oct 1951-Dec 1952 and Oct 1952-Dec 1953)
- Pro Wrestling From Chicago (see Wrestling From Marigold)
- Program Playhouse (June-Sept 1949)
- Public Prosecutor (1951–1952; see also Crawford Mystery Theatre)
- Pulse of the City (1953–1954)
- Quick on the Draw (Jan-Dec 1952)
- Rebound (Nov 1952-Jan 1953) - series produced by Bing Crosby, was on ABC (Feb-May 1952), known as Counterpoint in syndication (1955-1956)
- Report Card for Parents (Dec 1952-Feb 1953)
- Rhythm Rodeo (1950–1951)
- Rocky King, Inside Detective (aka Inside Detective, 1950–1954)
- The Roy Doty Show (May-Oct 1953) - children's show on Sunday mornings, hosted by cartoonist Roy Doty
- Royal Playhouse (see DuMont Royal Theater)
- Rumpus Room (see Johnny Olson's Rumpus Room)
- Russ Hodges' Scoreboard (see Scoreboard)
- Saturday Night at the Garden (1950–1951)
- The School House (Jan-Apr 1949)
- Scoreboard (aka Russ Hodges' Scoreboard, 14 April 1948-22 April 1949, 15 minutes)
- Screen Mystery (Apr-Oct 1950)
- The Secret Files of Captain Video - Saturday morning spinoff of Captain Video (Sept 1953–May 1954)
- Serving Through Science (1946–1947)
- Shadow of the Cloak (1951–1952)
- Small Fry Club (1947–1951)
- Spin the Picture (1949–1950)
- Sports for All (see Fishing and Hunting Club)
- Sports Showcase - one episode at Museum of Broadcast Communications, unclear if network or local series
- Stage Entrance (1951–1952) - hosted by columnist Earl Wilson
- Stage a Number (1952–1953)
- The Stan Shaw Show (1948-49) - daytime show 11am to 12noon ET
- Star Time (Sept. 1950 to March 1951)
- Starlit Time (April 1950 to November 1950)
- Stars on Parade (1953–1954)
- Steve Randall (aka Hollywood Off Beat) starring Melvyn Douglas on DuMont (7 Nov. 1952 to 30 Jan. 1953) then CBS (16 June-11 August 1953)
- Stop the Play (one episode at Paley Center for Media, unclear if network or local series)
- Story Theater (see Your Story Theater)
- The Stranger (1954–1955)
- The Strawhatters (1953–1954)
- Studio 57 (aka Heinz Studio 57, 1954–1955)
- Summer in the Park (see The Strawhatters)
- Summer Night Theater (July 1953)
- The Susan Raye Show (1950)
- Swing Into Sports (local DuMont series on WABD; one episode, August 29, 1948, at Paley Center for Media)
- Take the Break - daytime disc jockey program debuted 2 July 1951 ran to 1953, shown on WABD and WAAM, not known if shown on other DuMont stations
- Talent Jackpot (July-Aug 1949)
- The Talent Shop (1951–1952)
- Talk Fast, Mister (December 18, 1944 on WABD) - one-hour drama filmed by RKO Radio Pictures at their RKO-Pathe studio in NYC, first TV show filmed by a Hollywood studio[4]
- The Ted Steele Show (1949, previously on NBC)
- Teen Time Tunes (Mar-July 1949)
- Television Fashions (see Fashions on Parade)
- They Stand Accused (originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, 1949–1954)
- They're Off (July-Aug 1949)
- This Is the Life (Sept 1952–fall 1953)- also known as The Fisher Family, later on both DuMont and ABC
- This Is Music (originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, 1951–1952)
- Through Wendy's Window (see The Wendy Barrie Show)
- Time for Reflection (1950–1951)
- Time Will Tell (Aug-Oct 1954)
- Tom Corbett, Space Cadet (1953–1954)
- Top 12 Business Leaders (30-minute special aired May 28, 1951 from the 21 Club in NYC) - at the UCLA Film and Television Archive
- Trash or Treasure (1952–1953) aka Treasure Hunt
- TV Department Store (January 1949- ) - daytime show aired at 11:30 am ET
- TV Shopper (aka Your TV Shopper and The Kathi Norris Show, Nov 1948–Dec 1950) - daytime show, aired at 10:30am ET
- Twenty Questions (1951–1954)
- The Twinkle in Your Eye (c. 1950) - DuMont network pilot show on expectant mothers
- The Vincent Lopez Show (1949–1951; see also Dinner Date)
- A Visit With the Armed Forces (1950–1951)
- The Walter Compton News (June 1947-1948, see also Camera Headlines and DuMont Evening News)
- Washington Exclusive (June 1953 to Nov. 1953)
- Washington Report (May to August 1951)
- The Week in Religion (1952–1954)
- The Wendy Barrie Show (aka Inside Photoplay, Photoplay Time, and Through Wendy's Window, Jan-July 1949)
- Western Movie (1946–1947)
- What's It Worth? (see Trash or Treasure)
- What's the Story? (1951-September 23, 1955) - last non-sports series on DuMont
- What's Your Bid? (May–July 1953)
- Where Was I? (1952–1953)
- Who's Who With Wendy Barrie (see The Wendy Barrie Show)
- Window on the World (Jan-Apr 1949)
- Windy City Jamboree (originated from WGN-TV in Chicago, March–June 1950)
- Wisdom of the Ages (1952–1953)
- With This Ring (Jan-Mar 1951)
- A Woman to Remember (Feb-July 1949)
- Wrestling From Columbia Park Arena (1948) - hosted by Dennis James
- Wrestling From Jamaica Arena (1948) - hosted by Dennis James
- Wrestling From Marigold (1949-1955) - NWA wrestling from Marigold Arena in Chicago, continued on WGN-TV until 1957
- Wrestling From Sunnyside Gardens (1949)
- You Asked for It (1950–1951)
- Your Big Moment (see Blind Date)
- Your Story Theatre (aka Story Theatre and Durkee Story Theatre) - DuMont, Nov 1950-May 1951, then NBC Jun-Sept 1951
- Your School Reporter (1948-1952) - produced by Hal Cooper
- Your Television Babysitter (1948-1952) - produced by Hal Cooper (see The Magic Cottage)
- Your Television Shopper (see TV Shopper)
- Youth Forum (see New York Times Youth Forum)
- Youth on the March (originated from WFIL in Philadelphia, 1952–1953)
Timeline of programs

External links
- DuMont Television Network Historical Web site -Programs
- List of DuMont Television Network programs at IMDB
- List of DuMont Television shows at CTVA
- America’s First Sitcom and Other Forgotten Comedies on DuMont, the Lost Network