List of projects published in Radio-Electronics magazine

This is a list of electronics projects published in Radio-Electronics magazine under the "Build This" heading.


Title Description Author Issue Publication date
Pay-TV decoder Adaptor connects to the video-detector output inside your TV to descramble over-the-air pay-TV signals. Ray Pichulo 52/1 January 1981
Computer/TV interface Adaptor lets you modify your TV set for use as a video monitor. David E. Carter 52/1 January 1981
Unicorn-1 robot Modifying the arms to provide a twist-of-the-wrist function plus adding LED motor-direction indicators. James A. Gupton, Jr. 52/1 January 1981
Pay-TV decoder Part 2—Construction details for an adaptor that connects to the video-detector output outside your TV to descramble over-the-air pay-TV signals. Ray Pichulo 52/2 February 1981
Unicorn-1 robot Part 7—Construction details for an interface board that will permit motor control via remote control or an on-board computer. James A. Gupton, Jr. 52/2 February 1981
DMM accessory for ultra-low ohms Add-on accessory for your DMM extends resistance measurements down to .0001 ohms. J. T. Cataldo 52/2 February 1981
PROM programmer Program your own PROM's on your workbench with this inexpensive device. T. E. LeVere 52/2 February 1981
Audio signal restoration unit Hear your records and tapes as you've never heard them before. Joseph M. Gorin 52/3 March 1981
Do-nothing box Does "nothing" like you've never seen it done yet. Noel Nyman 52/3 March 1981
Unicorn-1 robot The first step on the road to radio control. James A. Gupton, Jr. 52/3 March 1981
Computer-Selectric interface An easy way to use an IBM Selectric terminal/printer for output from your computer. E. G. Brooner 52/4 April 1981
Unicorn-1 robot Finishing up the conversion to radio control. James A. Gupton, Jr. 52/4 April 1981
Audio-signal restoration unit Build this and "expand" your listening pleasure. Joseph M. Gorin 52/4 April 1981
Unicorn-1 robot—adding computer control A look at the hardware and programming requirements needed to add computer control. James A. Gupton, Jr. 52/5 May 1981
LED VU meter for your hi-fi Here's an all-electronic digital VU meter that you can add to your hi-fi system. Bradley Albing 52/5 May 1981
Computer-to-Selectric interface Part 2—An inexpensive way to use an IBM Selectric typewriter as a hard copy printer for your computer. E. G. Brooner 52/5 May 1981
$60 modem Give your computer a telephone interface. There's a lot waiting for it at the other end of the line. Robert Ward 52/6 June 1981
Lumitron-4 light sequencer A four-channel light controller that will put many commercial disco installations to shame. David L. Holmes 52/6 June 1981
Unicorn-1 robot Give your robot the senses of sight and touch. James A. Gupton, Jr. 52/6 June 1981
Negative ion generator Negatively-charged oxygen is claimed to provide many benefits. Here's your chance to find out for yourself. Ronald E. Pyle 52/7 July 1981
$60 modem The second part of this article winds up the construction phase of the project and introduces the software. Robert Ward 52/7 July 1981
Lumitron-4 light sequencer Final construction and checkout and a fascinating light display. David L. Holmes 52/7 July 1981
Satellite TV antenna The 8-Ball—a satellite TV antenna you can build for under $750. H. D. McCullough 52/8 August 1981
Synthesized RF generator The Programma-2 covers a range of 300 kHz to 30 MHz and costs about $3100 less than its commercial counterparts. Gary McClellan 52/8 August 1981
Electronic musical horn Don't blow your horn in traffic—play it! Fred Blechman, David McDonald 52/8 August 1981
$60 modem Part 3—The conclusion of this article presents the software your computer will need to use the modem. Robert Ward 52/8 August 1981
UHF prescaler Extend the range of your frequency counter up to 650 MHz. Bill Owen 52/8 August 1981
Hi-fi analog reverb system Attach this to your hi-fi system and expand your listening room into a concert hall. Carl Sawtell 52/9 September 1981
Musical horn for your car Part 2. Toot your own tune with this easy to build and install musical horn. PROM's allow you to program whatever tunes you like. Fred Blechman, David McDonald 52/9 September 1981
Satellite TV antenna Part 2. Before you receive TV signals from satellites, you need an antenna. Here's an inexpensive design using commonly available materials. H. D. McCullough 52/9 September 1981
Synthesized RF generator Part 2. Construction details for a 300 kHz to 30 MHz RF generator for your workbench. Gary McClellan 52/9 September 1981
Hi-fi analog reverb system Part 2. Finishing up this audio-enhancement device that adds ambience to your listening room. Carl Sawtell 52/10 October 1981
Satellite TV antenna Part 3. How to install and aim the 8-Ball spherical TVRO antenna. H. D. McCullough 52/10 October 1981
Low frequency filter Eliminate the ffects of annoying low-frequency record "noise" with this simple circuit. Joseph M. Gorin 52/11 November 1981
Expanded scale voltmeter Here's a way for you to add super accuracy to your analog voltmeter. T. J. Byers 52/11 November 1981
Synthesized RF generator Part 3. How to complete, calibrate and use the Programma-2. Gary McClellan 52/11 November 1981
Hi-fi decoder for discs CBS's new noise-reduction system for phonograph records. Build yours today and take advantage of the new, noiseless CX-encoded discs. Joel Cohen 52/12 December 1981
4 simple toys Easy to build and yet entertaining to a youngster. They all make delightful presents for the holiday season. Dan and Diane Talbot 52/12 December 1981
Hi-fi mini-speaker Small, efficient, and great sounding. Based on a patented principle that works. George Pappanikolaou 52/12 December 1981
LIMIK Harmless insect-like gadget that is a sure-fire attention grabber. Merritt Kappel 52/12 December 1981


Title Description Author Issue Publication date
Video sync stabilizer Accessory gadget for videocassete recorders displays rock-steady pictures from pre-recorded video tapes. Gene Roseth 53/1 January 1982
Hi-fi CX decoder for records Part 2: CBS's new noise-reduction system for phonograph records. Build yours today and take advantage of the new noiseless discs. Joel Cohen 53/1 January 1982
PROM programmer Self-contained 2716 programmer stores your programs in reusable EPROM's quickly and efficiently. Robert N. Beaber 53/2 February 1982
Digital thermometer Easy-to-build thermometer for your home has a unique clear plastic enclosure. Michael Rigsby 53/2 February 1982
SAFE subwoofer Based on the patented SAFE principle, this add-on speaker system provides extended bass response. George Pappanikolaou 53/2 February 1982
Telephone in-use monitor A simple device to tell you when a multi-phone system is in use. Christopher M. Dunn 53/3 March 1982
UHF-TV antenna preamp How to get 25 dB of gain on UHF channels. Ray Pichulo 53/3 March 1982
Video titler Add titles to your home video movies with this microprocessor-based character and graphics generator. NTSC video output connects directly to your VCR. Michel Champagne 53/4 April 1982
Super siren Multi-mode siren is a great add-on to your burglar-alarm system. William D. Kraengel, Jr. 53/4 April 1982
6 unique projects for your car Six projects for April 1. Joseph Gartman, Martin Bradley Weinstein 53/4 April 1982
Satellite TV receiver A high quality receiver for under $500. Add an antenna and an LNA for a complete satellite earth station. David Becker 53/5 May 1982
Automatic power switcher An easy-to-build elegant solution to having to throw multiple power switches. Gary McClellan 53/5 May 1982
UHF-TV preamp Part 2: Improve UHF reception with this 2-stage amplifier. Ray Pichulo 53/5 May 1982
Video titler Part 2: Add titles to your home video movies with this alphanumeric character and graphics generator. Michel Champagne 53/5 May 1982
Stereo image expander Turn your listening room into a "sonic stage" with this easy-to-use imager. Joel Cohen 53/6 June 1982
Pocket calculator Use it to check and maintain the accuracy of your test instruments. Gary McClellan 53/6 June 1982
Satellite TV receiver Part 2: Complete construction plans for this under-$500 device. David Becker 53/6 June 1982
Gated IF amplifier Locks in on weak UHF sync pulses for a rock-steady picture. Stephan B. Miller 53/6 June 1982
Speech synthesizer Add a voice to your projects with just 5 IC's. Steven Cheairs 53/7 July 1982
Satellite TV receiver Part 3—Testing and alignment procedures concludes this 3-part construction article. David Becker 53/7 July 1982
Energy miser Bring down the high cost of heating. Roland Gibson 53/8 August 1982
Heart-rate monitor Know the state of your health and fitness. This project displays your heart rate in beats-per-minute by simply attaching an opto-electronic sensor to your finger. Robert Grossblatt 53/9 September 1982
Picture phone Part 2—Adapter sends video pictures over the telephone line to a remote location. Josef Bernard 53/9 September 1982
Stereo image expander Part 2—Hi-fi adapter adds an extra dimension to your recorded music. Joel Cohen 53/9 September 1982
Picture phone Part 3: Winding up the theory and beginning construction. Josef Bernard 53/10 October 1982
Frequency multiplier for your counter Add-on for your counter multiplies the signal frequency by either 10 or 100. This easy-to-build device increases the low-frequency range and accuracy of your counter. Gary McClellan 53/11 November 1982
Picture phone Final construction details as well as calibration, set-up, and use for this adapter that sends video signals over your telephone line. Josef Bernard 53/11 November 1982
Heart-rate monitor Final construction details for a device that measures your heart rate and displays it on a digital display in beats-per-minute. Robert Grossblatt 53/11 November 1982
Guitar and bass tuner Easy-to-build musical "pitch pipe" that enables you to tune your guitar and bass instruments quickly. James I. Jarnagin 53/11 November 1982
Automatic commercial editor Make commercial-free tapes of your favorite old black-and-white movies. Gary McClellan 53/12 December 1982


Title Description Author Issue Publication date
Programma III digital IC tester A versatile device that puts IC's through their paces and indicates how they function. Gary McClellan 54/1 January 1983
Low-band converter There are lots of interesting things going on on the frequencies below the AM broadcast-band. Build this converter and find out for yourself what they are. Stan Gibilisco 54/1 January 1983
Atari videogame controller Unique controller replaces your Atari joysticks and uses position-sensitive mercury switch for a new dimension in game playing. David J. Sweeney 54/2 February 1983
Automatic commercial editor Part 2—Add-on device for your VCR automatically eliminates commercials from your favorite black-and-white movies. Gary McClellan 54/2 February 1983
Digital IC tester Part 2—A versatile tester that puts IC's through their paces and indicates how they function. Gary McClellan 54/2 February 1983
Digital IC tester Part 3. A versatile device that puts IC's through their paces and indicates how they function. Gary McClellan 54/3 March 1983
Two compact DVM's Two inexpensive DVM circuits for your workbench. Clement S. Pepper 54/3 March 1983
Add a video input to your TV Modify your television set to accept a baseband video signal for better picture quality when using a computer or VCR. John Soluk 54/4 April 1983
Build your own custom cases Give your projects a profession look with custom-built cases. Robert Grossblatt 54/4 April 1983
VLF-HF active antennas Part 3. These short-length antennas are easy to build and offer surprisingly good performance. R. W. Burhans 54/4 April 1983
Spot-a-matic An illuminating project. Robert Grossblatt 54/4 April 1983
Talking alarm clock Only a few IC's are needed to build a clock that really tells time. Lee Glinski 54/5 May 1983
Car burglar alarm An inexpensive form of insurance that can avert an automobile break-in. Edward W. Loxterkamp 54/5 May 1983
VLF-HF passive antenna tuner Another approach to optimizing reception at very-low frequencies. R. W. Burhans 54/5 May 1983
Audio frequency-response meter Quickly and accurately find the frequency response of your amplifiers, tape recorders, and other audio equipment with this useful device. Ray Fish 54/6 June 1983
Expand your Timex/Sinclair operating system Upgrade your computer with 8K of battery-backed-up CMOS RAM. Paul W. W. Hunter 54/7 July 1983
Talking alarm clock Part 2. With this fun project you'll never have to tell time again. Lee Glinski 54/7 July 1983
Digital voltmeter for your car's dashboard This easy-to-build project helps keep an eye on your car's electrical system. Fred L. Young Sr., Fred L. Young Jr. 54/7 July 1983
Timex/Sinclair memory expansion Part 2. Finishing up construction, and a number of useful machine-language utilities you can store in your add-on RAM. Paul W. W. Hunter 54/8 August 1983
Digital temperature gauge This valuable accessory for your car can also be used anywhere you need a remote temperature display. Fred L. Young Sr., Fred L. Young Jr. 54/8 August 1983
Mini player-piano A music box that can "remember" up to four tunes. Robert Grossblatt 54/9 September 1983
Powerline transient suppressor Keep your computer and its contents safe with this simple yet effective device. Herb Friedman 54/9 September 1983
Digital pressure gauge for your car A handy instrument that can warn you of problems before they become critical. Fred L. Young Sr., Fred L. Young Jr. 54/9 September 1983
Mini player-piano Part 2. Winding up the theory and beginning construction. Robert Grossblatt 54/10 October 1983
Hi-fi sound converter for your TV Get sound quality you never dreamed possible with this easy-to-build, easy-to-install project. Gary McClellan 54/11 November 1983
Voice-operated switch for your tape recorder Get "hands-off" operation for your tape recorder with this simple yet effective device. James P. Reed 54/11 November 1983
Mini player-piano Part 3. How to use this fascinating conversation piece. Robert Grossblatt 54/11 November 1983
Typewriter-to-computer interface Now you can get letter-quality printing on a budget by using your IBM typewriter as a printer—with a 30K buffer! Bill Green 54/12 December 1983
Interference traps for SWL's If you're bothered by interference from local broadcast-band stations, here's something you can do something about it. R. W. Burhans 54/12 December 1983
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