List of replaced loanwords in Turkish
Contemporary Turkish includes Ottoman Turkish loanwords—mostly of Arabic and French, but also Persian, Greek, and Italian origin—which were replaced with their Turkish counterparts suggested by the Turkish Language Association (Turkish: Türk Dil Kurumu, TDK) as a part of the cultural reforms—in the broader framework of Atatürk's Reforms—following the foundation of Republic of Turkey.
The TDK, established by Atatürk in 1932 in order to conduct research on the Turkish language, also undertook the initiative to replace Arabic and Persian loanwords with their Turkish counterparts. The Association succeeded in removing several hundred Arabic words from the language. While most of the words introduced into the language in this process were newly derived from existing Turkish verbal roots, TDK also suggested using old Turkish words which had not been used in the language for centuries.
There are generational differences in vocabulary preference. While those born before the 1940s tend to use the old Arabic origin words (even the obsolete ones), younger generations commonly use the newer expressions. Some new words have not been widely adopted, in part because they failed to convey the intrinsic meanings of their old equivalents. Many new words have taken up somewhat different meanings, and cannot necessarily be used interchangeably with their old counterpart.
Many of the loanwords (especially the Arabic, Persian and French ones) are still widely used today.
Connotations and implications of word choice
Historically, Arabic was the language of the mosque and Persian was the language of education. Its deliberate usage (eschewing the usage of a "western" word) often implies romanticism or a religious subtext, respectively. Similarly, the use of European words may be favored to impart a perceived "modern" character. The use of "pure Turkic" words may be employed as an expression of nationalism or as a linguistic "simplification".
Origin of the words in Turkish vocabulary

The 2005 edition of Güncel Türkçe Sözlük, the official dictionary of the Turkish language published by Turkish Language Association, contains 104,481 words, of which about 86% are Turkish and 14% are of foreign origin.[1] Among the most significant foreign contributors to Turkish vocabulary are Arabic, French, Persian, Italian, English, and Greek.[2]
Word derivations
Most of the new Turkish words are derived from other words with thematic suffixes. For example:
Bat- is the root of the verb batmak, which means to sink or to set. The derived word batı means west. Another example would be aylık, which means salary as well as monthly. This is derived from the word ay, which means month.
Here are some other examples of derivations:
- gün means day -> günce means agenda, güncel means current, gündem means current events and news, güncellemek means to update, günay means date, güney means south, güneş means sun, günlük means diary, gündüz means day time (opposite of night) or morning,
- kes- is the root of the verb to cut -> kesi means incision, kesici means cutter, kesin means accurate, kesinlikle means definitely, kesinleşmek means to become definite, kesinsizlik means the state of indefinity, keskenmek means to pretend to hit with a hand motion, kesmece is a saying that means the agreement of cutting a fruit before buying it, keser means adze, kesiklik means sudden feeling of tiredness, lethargy, kesilmek means to act like something, kesir means fraction, kesirli means fractional, kesit means cross section, keski means chisel, keskin means sharp, keskinlik means acuity and sharpness, kesim means segment, kesimlik means animal (or tree) fit or ready to be slaughtered/cut, kesinti means interruption, kesintili means on and off, kesintisiz means uninterrupted and seamless, kesme means an object cut in the form of a geometrical shape, kestirme means short-cut, kesik means interrupted, kestirmek means to forecast and to nap, kestirim means guess, kesen means a line that intersects a geometrical entity, kesenek means deduction, kesişmek means to intersect, kesişim means intersection,
- sap- is the root of the verb to deviate -> sapık means pervert, sapak means turn (as in roads, traffic),
- duy- is the root of the verb to hear, to feel -> duyu means sensory, duyarlı means sensitive, duyarlılık means sensitivity, duygu means feeling, duyarga(ç) means sensor, duyargan means allergen, duyarca means allergy, duyum means hearsay, duyumsamazlık means apathy,
- yet- is the root of the verb to suffice -> yeter means sufficient, yetki means authority, yetenek means talent,
- başka means other -> başkalaşım means metamorphosis,
- tek means single -> tekel means monopoly, tekdüze means monotonous,
- ev means home -> evlilik means marriage, evcil means domestic,
- seç- is the root of the verb to choose -> seçenek means choice, seçkin means elite, seçim means election,
- düş- is the root of the verb to fall -> düşük means miscarriage,
- sür- is the root of the verb to last, to put forward -> süreğen means chronic, sürüm means version,
- yaz- is the root of the verb to write -> yazar means writer, yazgı means fate, yazılım means software, yazanak means report, yazıt means inscription, yazman means secretary, yazıcı means printer, yazın means literature, yazım means orthography, yazışma means correspondence, yazdırım means dictation,
- ver- is the root of the verb to give -> veri means data, vergi means tax, verim means efficiency,
- öz means self, real -> özel means special, özen means attention, özgü means peculiar, özgül means specific, özge means other, özne means subject, özgün means original, özgür means free, özümleme means assimilation, öznel means subjective. The verb özle- (meaning to miss, to long for) is also derived from this word, and özlem is a noun that means longing.
Some of the Turkish words are also compound words, such as:
- Başvuru means application. It is derived from baş (meaning head) and vuru (meaning hitting), so the literal English translation of this compound word would be head-hitting
- Ayak means foot, and kap means peel, and the compound verb ayakkabı means shoe.
- Ana means main, and yasa means law, and the compound verb anayasa means constitution
- Öz means self, and veri means giving, and the compound word özveri means altruism, self-sacrifice.
- Büyük means big, and elçi means messenger, and the compound word büyükelçi means ambassador.
- Kesim means cutting, ev means house, and kesimevi means slaughterhouse.
For more information, see the related article: Turkish vocabulary.
Lists of replaced loanwords
Loanwords of Arabic origin
The list gives the Ottoman Turkish word, the modern spelling of the word in Turkish (as suggested by TDK), the modern Turkish equivalent, and its meaning in English.
* Old words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.
** New words that are not as frequently used as the old words.
Ottoman Turkish word and its transliteration | Modern spelling of the Ottoman Turkish word | Modern Turkish equivalent | Meaning in English | Remarks |
عجله acele * | acele | ivedi ** | urgent(ly) | The Turkish word is derived from the verb ivmek, which means to hurry |
عضله ʻaḍale * | adele | kas | muscle | From the verb kasmak which means "to tend". The modern word has practically replaced the old one. |
عفو ايتمك ʻafu itmek* | affetmek | bağışlamak | to forgive | In Turkish, etmek is an auxiliary verb which verbalizes a noun corresponds to the verb "to do" in English. In this case af is the Arabic loan word. Affetmek is still in popular use. |
عائله ʻaile * | aile | ocak ** | family | |
عقد ʻaqd *, مقاوله mukâvele | akit, mukavele | sözleşme, anlaşma, bağıt | contract | |
عقل ʻaql * | akıl | us ** | wisdom | While the Turkish word is almost never used, its derivatives (such as uslu, meaning demure, well-behaved) are more widely employed. |
علاقه ʻalaqe* | alaka(lı) | ilgi(li) | relevant, related to | |
عامل ʻâmil | amil | etken | factor | |
عملية ʻamaliyyah | ameliye | işlem | operation, process | |
عامه amme | amme | kamu | public, community | |
عنعنه a'nane | anane | gelenek, görenek | tradition | |
عساكر asakir * | asker | sü ** | soldier | While the Turkish word is never used, its derivatives (such as subay, meaning army officer) are more commonly used. |
عصر asr * | asır | yüzyıl | century | The compound Turkish word literally means hundred-year |
بارز bâriz * | bariz | kesin, belli | obvious, accurate | |
بسيط basîṭ * | basit | kolay | easy, simple | the old word is used for the meaning of simple, while the new word for easy |
بعض bazı * | bazı | kimi | some (pronoun) | |
أبيض abyâz * | beyaz | ak | white | The Arabic word and the Turkish word are used in somewhat different contexts. |
جمعة camiʻah * | camîa | topluluk | community | |
جبراً cebren | cebren | zorla | forcefully | |
جلسة calsah * | celse | oturum | (law) hearing, session | |
ceninisakıt | ceninisakıt | düşük | miscarriage | See the section "word derivations" above to see how this word is derived. |
جنوب cenûb | cenup | güney | south | |
جرحة cerahah | cerahat | irin | pus | |
جواب cevâb * | cevap | yanıt | answer. | Cevap is still in popular use |
جهاز cihaz * | cihaz | aygıt | apparatus | |
جوارى civarı * | civarı | dolayları | approximately, around | |
جمله cümle * | cümle | tümce ** | sentence. | Cümle is still in popular use. |
دفعه defʻa *, کره kere * | defa, kere | kez | times (repetition) | An example is: I did this three times. Both defa and kere are still in popular use. |
dâ'ir * | dair | ilişkin | pertinent (to) | |
دفينه define * | define | gömü | treasure | The Turkish word is derived from the verb göm-, which means to bury. |
دليل delil * | delil | kanıt | evidence | |
دور devr * | devir | çağ | era | |
دوره devre * | devre | dönem | semester | The old word is used in many other meanings, and not used any more in the meaning of "semester". |
ابعاد ebʻâd * | ebat | boyut | dimension, size. | ebʻâd is the plural of بعد (buʻd, buut). |
ابدى ebedî * | ebedî | sonsuz | forever | The Turkish word literally means without-end. |
اجداد ecdâd | ecdat | ata | ancestry | The Turkish word literally means father. |
اجل ecel * | ecel | ölüm | (predestined time of) death | |
اجنبى acnebi* | ecnebi | el, yad | stranger, foreigner | |
ادبيات edebiyyat * | edebiyat | yazın | literature | |
اهميات ehemmiyyet | ehemmiyet | önem | importance | |
البسه elbise * | elbise | giysi | cloth | The Arabic word is in fact the plural of libas |
أمر emr * | emir | buyruk ** | order, command | |
امنيه amniyyah * | emniyet | güvenlik | security | The Turkish word is derived from the word güven, meaning trust. |
اثر eser * | eser | yapıt | production (music, film) | The Turkish word is derived from the verb root yap-, meaning to do. |
اسير esîr * | esir | tutsak | hostage | The Turkish word is derived from the root of the verb tut-, meaning to hold. |
اطراف etraf * | etraf | ortalık | surroundings, surrounding area | The Arabic word is the plural of the word taraf, which means side (see below in this list). |
اوراق evrâk * | evrak | belge | paper document | In Arabic, evrāk is the plural of vārāk; in modern Turkish, evrak is used as often a singular, although it should be used as a plural of varak. |
اول evvel * | evvel | önce | before | The Turkish word is derived from the word ön, meaning front. The original Arabic word (awwal) literally means first. |
فعال faʻâl * | faal | etkin | active | The Turkish word is derived from the auxiliary word et-, meaning to do. |
فائد faiz * | faiz | ürem **, getiri | interest (monetary) | While the word ürem is never used, the latter word is common in daily language rather with the meaning of yield. |
فقير، فقره fakir, fukara * | fakir | yoksul | poor | The Turkish word is derived from the word yok. This word is a negation word, which can mean there is not, do (does) not have, do (does) not exist. |
فايدة fâydah * | fayda | yarar | benefit, utility | |
فن fenn *, علم ʻilm * | fen, ilim | bilim | science | The Turkish word is derived from the verb root bil-, meaning to know. |
فيضان feyezan | feyezan | taşkın | flood, overflow | |
فرقة furqah | fırkat | ayrılık | disparity | The Turkish word is derived from the word ayrı, meaning separate, different. |
فكر fikr * | fikir | görüş | opinion | The Turkish word is derived from the verb root gör-, meaning to see. |
فعل fiʻl * | fiil | eylem | verb | The Turkish word is derived from the verb eyle-, which is derived from the auxiliary verb et-, meaning to do. |
غرب garb | garp | batı | west | Please see the beginning of this article for the derivation of this word. |
غير gayr | gayri | olmayan, başka, dışı | non-, other | In Arabic, "gayr-i" is a prefix which means non- as in "he is a non-Muslim"; "he is not a Muslim". The term gayrimüslim (non-Muslim) remains the politically correct term in Turkey, used frequently in newspapers etc. |
غذاء gıda * | gıda | besin | food | |
حادثه hadise * | hadise | olay | event, happening, fact, occurrence | The Turkish word is derived from the verb ol-, meaning to be, to become. |
حافظه hâfıza * | hafıza | bellek | memory | The new word is commonly used in electronics, like computer memory, i.e. önbellek for cache |
خفيف hafif * | hafif | yeğni ** | light (in weight) | The Turkish word is rarely used |
حفريات hafriyyât | hafriyat | kazı | excavation | The Turkish word is derived from the verb root kaz-, meaning to dig. |
حق haqq * | hak | pay | portion | The old word hak has many other meanings in Turkish. |
حقيقت haqîqat * | hakikat | gerçek | reality | |
حاكم hâkim * | hâkim | yargıç | judge | |
حال hâl *, وضعيت vazʻiyet * | hâl, vaziyet | durum | situation | |
خليطه halîta | halita | alaşım | alloy | |
حامله haʻmile * | hamile | gebe | pregnant | |
خراب harâb * | harap | yıkık | ruin | |
حرارت harâret * | hararet | ısı ¹, sıcaklık ² | heat¹, temperature² | The old word can be used in both meanings in Turkish language. |
حركة harekkat * | hareket | devinim ** | movement, motion | |
حرف harf * | harf | ses, imce ** | letter | The new word also means "sound". |
حسره hasra * | hasret | özlem | longing | |
حساس hassas * | hassas | duyarlı | sensitive | |
حشره haşara * | haşere | böcek | insect | |
خطا hatâ *, قصور kusûr * | hata, kusur | yanlış | mistake | |
خاطره hâtıra * | hatıra | anı | memoir | |
حيات hayât *, عمر ömr * | hayat, ömür | yaşam, dirim** | life | |
حيثيت haysiyyet * | haysiyet | saygınlık | respectability | |
حزم hazm * | hazım | sindirim | digestion | |
هديه hediyye * | hediye | armağan | gift | |
هيئت hey'et * | heyet | kurul | board (company) | |
حدت hiddet * | hiddet | kızgınlık, öfke | anger | |
حكاية hikâye * | hikâye | öykü | story | |
خلاف hilâf | hilaf | karşıt | opposite | |
حس his * | his | duygu | feeling | |
خواجه hôca * | hoca | öğretmen | teacher | |
حقوق hukuk * | hukuk | tüze ** | (judiciary) law | The Turkish word is not commonly used; however, its derivatives (such as tüzük, meaning regulations, statute) are more widespread |
خصوص husûs * | husus | konu | subject | |
حضور huzûr * | huzur | dirlik ** | comfort | |
حجرة hucre * | hücre | göze ** | cell | The new word is seldom used. There is a word göze meaning spring, fountainhead, regularly used especially in rural areas, commonly also in East of the Turkey, and not a one derived by TDK. |
هجوم hücûm * | hücum | saldırı | attack | |
حرمت hürmet * | hürmet | saygı | respect | |
اصرار ısrar * | ısrar | üsteleme | insisting | |
ابتدائی ibtidâ'î | iptidai | ilkel | primary; primitive | |
اجتماع ictima | içtima | toplantı | meeting, gathering | |
içtima | içtima | kavuşum | new moon (astronomy) | |
اجتماعى ictimai | içtimai | toplumsal | communal | |
ادرار idrar * | idrar | sidik | urine | The original meaning of the Arabic word is the action of yielding milk. The Turkish word is derived from an old Turkic verb siymek, meaning to urinate. |
افتخار iftihâr * | iftihar | övünme | pride | |
احتراس ihtiras * | ihtiras | tutku | passion | The Turkish word tutku is derived from the verb root tut- which means to hold |
احتواء ihtiva | ihtiva etmek | içermek | to comprise | |
إحتياج ihtiyâc * | ihtiyaç | gereksinme or gereksinim | need | iĥtiyâj is the actual Arabic plural form of ĥajet, meaning need |
اختيار ihtiyâr * | ihtiyar | yaşlı | old (age) | The Turkish word literally means with age. |
احتياط ihtiyât | ihtiyat | yedek | backup, spare | |
اقتباس iktibas | iktibas | alıntı | copying (in literature; referencing) | |
علاوه ilave * | ilave | ek | addition | |
الهام ilhâm * | ilham | esin | inspiration | |
عمار ʻimâr * | imar | bayındırlık | construction, development | |
امكان imkân * | imkân | olanak | opportunity, possibility | |
املاء imlâ * | imla | yazım | orthography | |
امتحان imtihân | imtihan | sınav, yazılı | examination | |
امتياز imtiyâz * | imtiyaz | ayrıcalık | franchise | |
انحسار inhisâr | inhisar | tekel | monopoly | |
انسان insân * | insan | kul ** | human | The new word is used almost only in religious context. |
انطباع intiba | intiba | izlenim | impression | |
انتحال intihal | intihal | aşırma | plagirism | |
ارتفاع irtifâʻ * | irtifa | yükseklik | altitude | The old word is only used in aviation, as in "the altitude of the plane". |
ارثی irsî * | ırsi | kalıtsal, kalıtımsal | hereditary | |
اسم ism * | isim | ad | name | |
إستحصال istiḥṣāl | istihsal | üretim | production | |
إستقلال istiqlal * | istiklal | bağımsızlık | independence, freedom | |
استراحة istirâhat * | istirahat | dinlenme | rest | |
إستثقال istisḳāl | istiskal | aşağılama | abasement | |
استثناء istisnâ' * | istisna | aykırı | exception | |
اشتغال iştigâl | iştigal | uğraş / uğraşı | occupation | |
اشتراك iştirâk * | iştirak | ortaklık | association | |
ايضاح izâh * | izah | açıklama | clarification | |
ازدواج izdivâc | izdivaç | evlilik | marriage | |
قابليه kâbiliyet * | kabiliyet | yetenek / yeti | talent, ability | |
قادر kader * | kader | yazgı | fate | |
قفة qaffa * | kafa | baş | head | |
كافي kâfi * | kâfi | yeter | enough | |
كائنات kâ'inât * | kâinat | evren | universe | |
قلب kalb * | kalp | yürek | heart | |
قانون kânûn * | kanun | yasa | law | |
قانون اساسى kanunuesasi | kanunuesasi | anayasa | constitution (law) | |
قافيه kâfiye * | kafiye | uyak | rhyme | |
كانون اول kânûn-ı evvel | aralık | December | ||
كانون ثانی kânûn-ı sânî | ocak | January | ||
كلمه kelime * | kelime | sözcük | word | |
قرمز ghermez * | kırmızı | al ** | red | The Arabic and the Turkish words are used in somewhat different contexts. |
قسم kısm * | kısım | bölüm | part | |
كتاب ketab * | kitap | betik ** | book | The Turkish word is derived from an old Turkic verb bitimek, meaning to write. However, the old Turkic verb is ultimately a loanword from Chinese word pi-ti, meaning brush, writing apparatus. The new word is used in computing in the meaning of script. |
كفر kufr * | küfür | sövme ** | curse | |
قوة kuvvet * | kuvvet | güç or erk | power, force | In physics, the old word is used for force and the new word is used for power. |
كرة küre * | küre | yuvar ** | sphere | |
لطيفه lâtîfe | latife | şaka | joke | The new word is actually also of Arabic origin (from the word şaḳā (شقاء)), meaning pity, being unfortunate |
لسان lisân * | lisan | dil | language | Dil means both tongue in the physical sense and language, while "lisan" does only tongue in the language sense. |
لغات lûġat | lügat | sözlük | dictionary | |
لزوملو lüzûmlu * | lüzumlu | gerekli | necessary | |
معاش maʻâş * | maaş | aylık | salary | |
معباد maʻbed * | mabet | tapınak | temple | |
مادة maddî * | maddî | özdeksel ** | material, materialistic | The Turkish word is exclusively used in the context of philosophy. |
مفصل mafsal | mafsal | eklem | ligament | The old word is used for "hinge" (non-anatomical). |
مغدور mağdûr * | mağdur | kıygın ** | wronged, injured | The new word is almost never used. |
مغلوبيات maʻlubiyyat * | mağlubiyet | yenilgi | defeat | |
محفوظ mahfuz | mahfuz | saklı | hidden | |
مخلوق mahlûk * | mahluk | yaratık | creature | Sometimes the plural of the old word ("mahlukat") is used by its singular meaning. |
محصول mahsûl * | mahsul | ürün | product | The old word is used for the noun "produce". |
مخصوص mahsûs * | mahsus | özgü | peculiar | |
مقصد maksad *, غايه gaye *, هدف hedef * | maksat, gaye, hedef | amaç or erek | goal | |
معقول maʻkûl * | makul | uygun, elverişli | reasonable | |
معنة maʻnah * | mâna | anlam | meaning | |
معنوي manevî * | manevî | tinsel ** | moral, spiritual | The Turkish word is exclusively used in the context of philosophy. |
مانع mâniʻ * | mani | engel | obstacle | |
مصرف masraf * | masraf | gider, harcama | cost | |
mavi * | mavi | gökçe ** | blue | The Turkish word is derived from the word gök, meaning sky. Although the Turkish word is rarely used in the context of color, it is a common female name, meaning pleasant, beautiful. |
مجاز mecaz *, استعارة istiare | mecaz | iğretileme, eğretileme | metaphor | |
مجبور mecbûr * | mecbur | zorunlu | obligation, obligatory | Both the new and the old words can be used as either a noun or an adjective. |
مجهول mechûl * | meçhul | bilinmeyen | unknown | |
مدني madanni * | medeni | uygar | civil | |
مدنيات madanniyyat * | medeniyet | uygarlık | civilization | |
مفهوم mefhûm * | mefhum | kavram | concept | |
مکروه mekrûh * | mekruh | iğrenç | disgusting | The old word also has the religious meaning: Disliked, used by all Muslims. Its Arabic meaning is hated |
meleke | meleke | alışkanlık | habit | |
melez * | melez | kırma | hybrid | |
مملکت memleket * | memleket | ülke | country | The old word is used for "one's native region" |
مراسم merâsim * | merasim | tören | ceremony | |
مرثيه mersiye | mersiye | ağıt | elegy | |
مسافه mesafe * | mesafe | uzaklık | distance | |
mesame | mesame | gözenek | pore | |
مثانة mesane * | mesane | sidik kesesi | urinary bladder | |
مثلا meselâ * | mesela | örneğin | for example | |
mesele * | mesele | sorun | problem | |
مسعود mesʻûd * | mesut | mutlu, sevinçli | happy | |
مسئوليات maʻsûliyyat * | mesuliyet | sorumluluk | responsibility | |
مشهور meşhûr * | meşhur | ünlü | famous | |
مشروبات meşrûbât * | meşrubat | içecek | beverage | |
موقع mevkiʻ مكان mekân * | mevki, mekân | yer, konum | location | |
ميدان meydân *, ساحه sâha | meydan, saha | alan ** | open area, plaza | While the new word is used mainly in mathematics (as in the "area" of a triangle), it is seldom used with the same meaning of the old words except in compound words like havaalanı (airport), not hava meydanı (older version). |
ميل meyl * | meyil | eğim, eğilim | inclination | |
مزار mezar * | mezar | gömüt ** | cemetery | The Turkish word is derived from the verb göm-, which means to bury. |
منطقة mıntıka | mıntıka | bölge | region | |
mısra * | mısra | dize | verse | |
مراث mirâs * | miras | kalıt ** | inheritance | The new word is almost never used, but its derivatives are in use, such as kalıtımsal (hereditary). |
مسافر misâfir * | misafir | konuk | guest | |
مثال misâl * | misal | örnek | example | The Turkish word comes from the verb örmek, meaning to knit, to interweave. |
مسکين miskîn * | miskin | uyuşuk, mıymıntı | lazy | |
معامله muʻâmele * | muamele | davranış | treatment, behavior | |
معما muʻammâ | muamma | bilmece | puzzle, trivia | |
معاصر muʻâsır | muasır | çağdaş, güncel | contemporary | |
معاون muʻâvin * | muavin | yardımcı | helper | |
معجزه muʻcize * | mucize | tansık ** | miracle | The new word is almost never used. |
مغذي mugaddii | mugaddi | besleyici | nourisher | |
مغالطه mugalata | mugalata | yanıltmaca | deceptive statement | |
مغني، مغنيه muganni, muganniye | muganni,muganniye | şarkıcı | singer | |
مغايرة mugayeret | mugayeret | aykırılık | irregularity | |
مغاير mugayir | mugayir | aykırı | irregular | The old word has only remained as a legal term meaning adverse. |
mugber | muğber | küskün, gücenmiş, dargın | the state of one not talking to another | |
muglak * | muğlak | çapraşık | ambiguous | |
مخابره muhabere | muhabere | iletişim, iletişme | communication | |
مهاجرة muhaceret | muhaceret | göç | emigration | |
مهاجم muhacim | muhacim | saldıran, saldırıcı | attacker, offender | |
مهاجر muhacir | muhacir | göçmen | immigrant | |
محدب muhaddep | muhaddep | dış bükey | convex | |
محافظة muhafaza * | muhafaza | koruma | conservation | |
muhafazakar * | muhafazakar | tutucu | conservative | |
محافظ muhafız | muhafız | koruyucu | protector | |
محاكمه muhakeme * | muhakeme | yargılama, uslamlama | judgment, argumentation | |
مدة muddat * | müddet | süre | duration | |
محقق muhakkak* | muhakkak | kesin(likle) | certain(ly) | |
محقق muhakkik | muhakkik | soruşturmacı | investigator | |
محال muhal | muhal | olanaksız | impossible | |
مخالفة muhallaffat * | muhalefet | karşıtlık | opposition | The Arabic word is especially common in the context of politics |
مخمن muhammen | muhammen | oranlanan, ön görülen | pre-determined | |
مخمس muhammes | muhammes | beşgen | pentagon | |
muhammin | muhammin | ön gören | one that pre-determines | |
محاربه muhârebe, حرب harb | muharebe, harp | savaş | war | |
محارب muharip | muharip | savaşçı | warrior | |
محرر muharrer | muharrer | yazılı, yazılmış | written | |
محرك muharrik | muharrik | kışkırtıcı, ayartıcı | provoker | |
muharriş | muharriş | tırmalayan, irkilten | aggravator | |
muhassamat | muhasamat | çarpışma | collusion | |
محاصره muhasara | muhasara | kuşatma | siege | |
محاسبه muhasebe * | muhasebe | saymanlık | accounting, bookkeeping | |
محاسبجي muhasebeci * | muhasebeci | sayman | accountant, bookkeeper | |
muhassır | muhasır | kuşatan | one that envelops | |
muhassala | muhassala | bileşke | resultant | |
muhassas | muhassas | ayrılmış | reserved | |
muhat | muhat | kuşatılmış | one that's enveloped, sieged | |
muhavvil | muhavvil | dönüştüren | converter | |
muhavvile | muhavvile | dönüştürücü | transformer | |
محتمل muhtemel * | muhtemel | olası | possible | |
محتويات muhteviyyât | muhteviyat | içindekiler | ingredients | |
مقدس mukaddes | mukaddes | kutsal | sacred | |
منتظم muntazam * | muntazam | düzgün, düzenli | tidy | |
مربع murabbaʻ | murabba | kare | square | The word kare is actually a loanword itself (from French carré) |
murafaa | murafaa | duruşma | court hearing | |
معتدل muʻtedil | mutedil | ılım(lı) | moderate(ly) | |
موفقيت muvaffakıyyet | muvaffakiyet | başarı | success | |
مبالغه mübalâga | mübalağa | abartma | exaggeration | |
مجادله mücâdele * | mücadele | çaba, uğraş | endeavor | |
مجرد mücerrit | mücerrit | soyut | abstract | |
مدافعه müdâfaʻa | müdafaa | koruma | sustain, protect, defend | |
مداخله müdâhale * | müdahale | karışma | intervention | |
مدت müddet * | müddet | süre | duration | |
مدركه mudrike | müdrike | anlık | intellect (in psychology) | |
mudrir | müdrir | idrar söktürücü | diuretic | |
muebbet * | müebbet | yaşam boyu, sonsuz | lifelong, forever | In today's Turkish, the Arabic word is exclusively used in the meaning of lifelong prisonment |
mueccel | müeccel | ertelenmiş | delayed | |
مؤدب mueddep | müeddep | uslu | well behaved, demure | |
مؤلفات muelleffat | müellefat | (yazılı) yapıt | (written) piece | |
مؤلف، محرر muellif, muharrir | müellif, muharrir | yazar | writer | |
مؤمن muemmen | müemmen | sağlanmış | secured | |
مؤنث muennes | müennes | dişil | feminine | |
مؤسسه mu'essese | müessese | kurum | foundation | |
muessif | müessif | üzücü | saddenning | |
مؤثر muessir | müessir | dokunaklı | touching | |
مؤسس muessis | müessis | kurucu | founder | |
mueyyide | müeyyide | yaptırım | sanction | |
مفكره mufekkrireh | müfekkire | düşünce gücü | thought capacity | |
muferrih | müferrih | iç açıcı | relaxing, refreshing | |
مفرد mufrett | müfret | tekil | singular | |
مفلس muflis | müflis | batkın | one that's gone bankrupt | |
مهم mühim * | mühim | önemli | important | |
مؤمن mü'min | mümin | inanan, inançlı | believer | |
مناسبت münâsebet * | münasebet | ilişki | relation | |
مراجعت mürâcaʻat | müracaat | başvuru | application | |
مركب mürekkeb | mürekkep | birleşmiş, birleşik | composed of | The word mürekkep is still used in Turkish in another meaning: ink. |
مرتب murrettip | mürettip | dizgici | type setter | |
مسابقه müsâbaka | müsabaka | karşılaşma | match, competition | |
مسامحه müsâmaha | müsamaha | hoşgörü | tolerance | |
مساوى musavi | müsavi | eşit | equal | |
مستهجن müstehcen * | müstehcen | uygunsuz | inappropriate, obscene | |
مستملك mustamlak | müstemleke | sömürge | colony (exploitee) | |
مسوده müsvedde * | müsvedde | taslak | draft | |
مشابه، مماثل muşabbih, mumassil | müşabih, mümasil | benzer | similar | |
مشبهات muşşabbahat | müşabehet | benzerlik | similarity | |
مشخص müşahhas | müşahhas | somut | concrete (in concept) (opposite of abstract) | |
مشكل müşkül | müşkül | çetin ** | difficult | |
muşkul-pesend | müşkülpesent | titiz | fussy | |
مشرك muşrik | müşrik | çoktanrıcı | polytheist | |
مشتق müştak | müştak | türev | derivative | |
muştehi | müştehi | istekli | willing (person) | |
مشتكي muşteki | müşteki | yakınan, sızlanan | one who complains, whiner | |
مشتملات muştemilat | müştemilat | eklenti | attachment, appandage | |
مشترك muşterek * | müşterek | ortak | partner | |
muştereken | müştereken | ortaklaşa | jointly | |
مشتري muşteri * | müşteri | alıcı, alımcı | customer | |
mut'a | müt'a | geçici kazanç | temporary earning | |
مطالعه mütâlâʻa | mütalâa | düşünce | thought | |
متارکه mütâreke | mütareke | antlaşma | armistice | |
متعدد muteaddit | müteaddit | birçok | a lot, many | |
متفن muteaffin | müteaffin | kokuşuk | malodorous | |
متعهد muteahhid * | müteahhit | üstenci | contractor | |
muteahhidlik | müteahhitlik | üstencilik | contractor (as a profession) | |
muteakiben | müteakiben | arkadan | following | |
متعاقب muteakib | müteakip | sonra, ardından | after, thereafter | |
متعاليه mutealiye | mütealiye | deneyüstücülük | transcendentalism | |
متعلق muteallik | müteallik | ilişkin, ilgili | related (to) | |
متعمم muteammim | müteammim | yaygınlaşmış, genelleşmiş | something that has widespread | |
متعارفه mutearife | mütearife | belit ** | axiom | The French word aksiyom is more common |
متبقي mutebaki | mütebaki | kalan | remaining | |
mutebasbıs | mütebasbıs | yaltakçı | slimy | |
متبدل mutebeddil | mütebeddil | değişen, kararsız | one that changes, undecided | |
متبسم mutebessim | mütebessim | gülümseyen, güleç | one that smiles | |
متجنس mutecanis | mütecanis | bağdaşık | homogenous | |
mutecasir | mütecasir | yeltenen | one who dares | |
متجاوز mutecaviz | mütecaviz | saldırgan | attacker | |
متدين mutedeyyin | mütedeyyin | dindar | religious | |
متأثر muteessir | müteessir | üzüntülü | sad (person) | |
متفكر mutefekkir | mütefekkir | düşünür | thinker, intellectual | |
متفرق müteferrik | müteferrik | dağınık | untidy | |
متحمل mutehammil | mütehammil | dayanıklı | durable | |
متحرك muteharrik | müteharrik | devingen, oynar | mobile | |
متخصص mütehassıs | mütehassıs | uzman | expert | |
متشبث muteşşebbis | müteşebbis | girişimci | entrepreneur | |
متوازي mütevâzî * | mütevazi | alçakgönüllü | humble | |
متوفى muteveffa | müteveffa | ölü, ölmüş | dead | |
متفق muttefik * | müttefik | bağlaşık ** | ally | |
مزايده muzayyadeh | müzayede | açık arttırma | auction | |
مزمن müzmin | müzmin | süreğen | chronic | The new word is seldom used. |
نادر، اندر nadir *, ender * | nadir, ender | seyrek | rare(ly) | |
نغمه nağme | nağme | ezgi | melody | |
nafile * | nafile | boşuna | futile | |
نصيحت nasîhat * | nasihat | öğüt | advice, counsel | |
نظير nâzır | nazır | bakan | minister | |
نفس nefes * | nefes | soluk | breath | |
نسيج nesiç | nesiç | doku | tissue | |
نسل nesl * | nesil | kuşak | generation | |
نتيجه netîce * | netice | sonuç | result | |
نزيف nezif | nezif | kanama | hemorrhage | |
نصف nısf | nısıf | yarı(m) | half | |
نهايت nihâyet * | nihayet | son(unda) | final(ly) | |
نكاح nikâh * | nikâh | düğün | wedding | In modern Turkish, nikâh is generally used for the wedding ceremony, while düğün is used for the wedding reception or party. |
نسبت nisbet * | nispet | oran | ratio | |
نطق nutk * | nutuk | söylev | speech | |
رغما ragmen * | rağmen | karşın | despite, in spite of | |
رفاه rafāh * | refah | gönenç | prosperity | |
رأی re'y | rey | oy | vote | |
رئيس re'îs | reis | başkan | president | |
روح ruh * | ruh | tin ** | spirit | The Turkish word is almost never used, except in the context of philosophy |
رطوبه rutûbet * | rutubet | yaşlık, ıslaklık | moisture | |
رؤيا rü'ya * | rüya | düş | dream | |
سادهّ, سائد sade, sa'aid * | sade | yalın | plain | The Turkish word is rarely used. |
صفحة safha * | safha | evre, aşama | stage, phase | |
صفراء safra * | safra | öd | bile | |
ساحل sahil * | sahil | kıyı | coast | |
صاحب sahip * | sahip | iye ** | owner | The Turkish word is seldom used; however, it is commonly used in the context of grammar when describing the possessive suffix (iyelik eki) |
sahte * | sahte | düzmece | fake | |
samimî * | samimi | içten | sincere | the Turkish word literally means from inside |
سطح sath | satıh | yüzey | surface | |
سياره sayyâre | seyyare | araba, taşıt | car | Interestingly, "araba" is the outdated expression for "car" in Arabic. The current word in Arabic for car is "Seyyara" but in Turkish seyyar, means "transportable" or given to travel. |
سبب sebeb * | sebep | neden | reason | |
سفاره safarat | sefaret | büyükelçilik | embassy | |
سلامت selâmet | selamet | esenlik | health, soundness | |
سما semâ | sema | gök | sky | |
سنه sene * | sene | yıl | year | |
seviye * | seviye | düzey | level | |
صحت sıhhat | sıhhat | sağlık | health | |
سحر sihr * | sihir | büyü | magic | |
صحبت sohbet * | sohbet | söyleşi | chat | The new word is used in somewhat different contexts. |
سؤال su'âl | sual | soru | question | |
صلح sulh | sulh | barış | peace | |
صنع sunî | suni | yapay | artificial | The Turkish word is derived from the verb yapmak, which means to do. |
سکوت sükût | sükût | sessizlik | silence | The Turkish word literally means soundlessness. |
sürʻat * | sürat | hız | velocity, speed | In physics, the old word is used for speed (scalar) and the new word is used for velocity (vectoral). The new word is actually a loanword from Persian خيز (khiz), meaning "move!" |
شاهد şâhid * | şahit | tanık | witness | The Turkish word is derived from the verb tanımak, which means to recognize. |
شاعر şair * | şair | ozan | poet | |
شرق şark | şark | doğu | east | The Turkish word is derived from the verb doğmak, which means to be born. |
شرط şart * | şart | koşul | condition | |
şatafat(lı) | şatafat(lı) | gösteriş(li) | spectacular (noun and adjective) | |
شمال şimâl | şimal | kuzey | north | |
şuʻûr * | şuur | bilinç | conscience | The Turkish word is derived from the verb bilmek, which means to know. |
şübheli * | şüpheli | sanık | suspect; someone charged with an offense | |
تعلق taalluk | taalluk | ilinti | connection, relation | |
طبقه tabaqqa * | tabaka | katman | layer | |
طبيعت ṭabîʻat * | tabiat | doğa | nature | The Turkish word is derived from the verb doğmak, meaning to be born. |
طبيعى ṭabîʻî * | tabii | doğal | natural | The Arabic word is mostly used with the meaning certainly, of course. The new word doesn't have this meaning. |
تعبير، افاده taʻbîr, ifâde* | tabir, ifade | deyiş** | narration | |
ṭâbiyet* | tâbiyet | uyruk** | nationality | |
تحليل tahlil * | tahlil | inceleme | (laboratory) test (as in medicine) | |
تخمين tahmin * | tahmin | kestirim ** | guess, prediction | |
تعقيب taʻkib* | takip | izlem ** | follow-up | The Turkish word is derivede from the verb izlemek, meaning to watch. |
طلب ṭaleb * | talep | istek | request, demand, wish | |
طلبه ṭalebe | talebe | öğrenci | student (plural of طالب ṭâlib, "seeker" [of knowledge]) | |
تعمير taʻmîr *, تعديلات taʻdîlât * | tamir, tadilat | onarım | repair, renovation | |
طرف taraf * | taraf | yan | side | |
taraftar * | taraftar | yandaş | supporter, proponent | While the Turkish word is also very common, only the Arabic word is used in the context of fan or supporter of a sports club. |
تاريخ tarih * | tarih | günay ** | date (in time) | The Arabic word tarih also means history. The Turkish word günay (literally meaning, day-month) is rarely used. |
تسلط tasallut | tasallut | sarkıntılık | (sexual) harassment | |
تصور tasavvur | tasavvur | canlandırma, tasarı | imagine | |
تصديق tasdîk * | tasdik | onay | approve | |
تصحيح tashîh | tashih | düzeltme | correction | |
تصوير tasvîr * | tasvir | betimleme | description | |
طياره tayyâre | tayyare | uçak | airplane | |
توصيه tavsiye * | tavsiye | salık | advice | |
تعادل teʻâdül | teadül | denklik | equivalence | |
تعامل teʻâmül | teamül | tepkime, davranış | reaction, behavior | |
تبسم tebessüm | tebessüm | gülümseme | smile | |
تبديل tebdîl | tebdil | değişiklik | change | |
تبريك tebrîk * | tebrik | kutlama | congratulate | The new word also has the meaning "celebration". |
تجلى tecellî | tecelli | belirme | emerge, appear | |
تجسم tecessüm | tecessüm | görünme | appearance, manifestation | |
تجربة tecrübe * | tecrübe | deneyim | experience | |
تجهيزات techîzât * | teçhizat | donanım | equipment | |
تداوى tedavi * | tedavi | sağaltım ** | therapy | |
تدبير tedbîr * | tedbir | önlem | precaution | |
تأثر te'essür | teessür | üzüntü | agony | |
teferruat | teferruat | ayrıntı | detail | |
تكامل tekâmül | tekamül | evrim, başkalaşım | maturation, metamorphosis, evolution | |
تقاعد tekaʻüd | tekaüt | emeklilik | retirement | |
تكفل tekeffül | tekeffül | yükümlenme | standing surety | |
تكليف teklîf * | teklif | öneri | proposal | |
تكرار tekrar * | tekrar | yine | again | |
تلاش telâş * | telaş | tasa, kaygı | worry | |
تناسب tenâsüb | tenasüp | uyum | congruity | |
تنبيه tenbîh * | tembih | uyarı | warning | |
tercîh etmek * | tercih etmek | yeğlemek | to prefer | |
ترجمه tercüme * | tercüme | çeviri | translation | |
تردد terreddut * | tereddüt | duraksama | hesitancy | |
ترتيب tertip * | tertip | düzen | order, tidiness | |
تأثير tesir * | tesir | etki | effect | |
تسلى teselli * | teselli | avunma | console | |
تشخيص teşhis * | teşhis | tanı | diagnosis | The Turkish word tanı is the root of the verb tanımak, which literally means to recognize |
تشكيل teshkil | teşkil etmek | oluşturmak | to constitute | |
تشرين اول teşrîn-i evvel | ekim | October | ||
تشرين ثانی teşrîn-i sânî | kasım | November | ||
تشويق teşvik * | teşvik | özendirme, kışkırtma | (providing) incentive, provocation | |
usûl * | usul | yöntem | method | |
عنصر unsur * | unsur | öğe | constituent, element | |
عنوان unvan * | ünvan | san | (professional) title | |
اسلوب uslup * | üslup | biçem ** | style | |
وعد vaʻd * | vaat | söz | promise (noun) | |
واقعه vakʻâ * | vaka | olay | event | |
وقور vakûr | vakur | ağır başlı | dignified | The Turkish expression literally means heavy headed. |
وصف vasf * | vasıf | nitelik | feature, quality | |
واسطه vasıta | vasıta | araç | vehicle | |
وسيع vâsi | vâsi | engin | vast | |
وطن vatan * | vatan | yurt | homeland | |
vatandaş * | vatandaş | yurttaş ** | citizen | The Turkish word used to be more common up to thirty years ago. |
vaz geçmek * | vazgeçmek | caymak | to change one's mind; to give up (on something/someone) | Here, vaz is the Persian loan word, and geçmek is a Turkish auxiliary verb. |
وظيفه vazîfe * | vazife | görev | task, mission | |
و ve * | ve | ile | and | Although the Turkish word is also very common, it cannot always replace the Arabic word. For example, in a sentence like, I came and I ate, the Turkish word ile cannot be used in this context. |
وهم vehm | vehim | kuruntu | apprehension, fancy | |
ولاية vilâyet* | vilayet | il | province | |
تفسير tefsîr * | tefsir | yorum | interpretation, analysis, comment | |
ضبط dzabt * | zabıt | tutanak | minute of proceeding, trial | |
ضمير zamîr * | zamir | adıl ** | pronoun | |
زاويه zaviye | zaviye | açı | angle |
Loanwords of French origin
The French words started to infiltrate the Turkish language in the 1800s, when the administrative reforms (Tanzimat) started taking place in the Ottoman Empire. The extent of French influence was so much that the number of French loanwords was close to 5,000.
Most of the French loanwords are still widely used in today's Turkish.
* Words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.
Loanword | Turkish equivalent | Meaning in English | Original French spelling |
ajanda * | andaç | agenda | agenda |
akselerasyon | ivme | acceleration | accélération |
aksesuar * | süs | accessory (decorative) | accessoire |
aktif * | etkin | active | actif |
alternatif * | seçenek | alternative (noun) | alternatif |
analiz * | çözümleme | analysis | analyse |
asimilasyon, anabolizma * | özümleme | assimilation, anabolism | assimilation, anabolisme |
astronomi * | gökbilim | astronomy | astronomie |
avantaj * | üstünlük | advantage | avantage |
done | veri | data | donnée |
detay * | ayrıntı | detail | détail |
direkt * | doğrudan | directly | direct |
dikte * | yazdırım | dictation | dictée |
doktrin | öğreti | doctrine | doctrine |
doküman * | belge | document | document |
domestik * | evcil | domestic | domestique |
dominant | baskın | dominant | dominant |
egzersiz * | alıştırma | exercise | exercice |
endemik * | salgın | endemic | endémique |
enerji * | erke | energy | énergie |
enflamasyon * | yangı | inflammation | inflammation |
enformatik | bilişim | information technology | informatique |
enteresan * | ilginç | interesting | intéressant |
eritrosit | alyuvar | red blood cell | érythrocyte |
eksper * | bilirkişi | expert | expert |
faks * | belgeç, belgegeçer | fax | fax |
faktör * | etken | factor | facteur |
fenomen * | olgu | phenomenon | phénomène |
filoloji * | dilbilim | philology | philologie |
filtre * | süzgeç | filter | filtre |
fizyoloji * | işlevbilim | physiology | physiologie |
fonksiyon * | işlev | function | fonction |
fotokopi * | tıpkıbasım | photocopy | photocopie |
garanti * | güvence | insurance, assurance | garantie |
global * | küresel | global | global |
gramer | dil bilgisi | grammar | grammaire |
grup * | öbek | group | groupe |
halüsinasyon * | sanrı | hallucination | hallucination |
histoloji | doku bilimi | histology | histologie |
homojen * | bağdaşık | homogenous | homogène |
illüzyon * | yanılsama | illusion | illusion |
istatistik * | sayımlama | statistics | statistiques |
izolasyon * | yalıtım | isolation | isolation |
kalite * | nitelik | quality | qualité |
kampüs * | yerleşke | campus | campus |
kapasite * | sığa, kapsam | capacity | capacité |
karakter * | kişilik | character, personality | caractère |
kategori * | ulam | category | catégorie |
kompleks * | karmaşık | complex | complexe |
komünikasyon | iletişim | communication | communication |
konsantrasyon * | derişim | concentration | concentration |
konsolidasyon * | süreletme | consolidation (economics) | consolidation |
kontrol * | denetim | control | contrôle |
korelasyon | bağıntı | correlation | corrélation |
kramp * | kasınç | (muscle) cramp | crampe |
kriter * | ölçüt | criteria | critères |
kronik * | süreğen | chronic(ally) | chronique |
kuaför * | güzellik salonu/berber | beauty/hair salon, barber | coiffeur |
lenf * | ak kan | lymph | lymphe |
liste * | dizelge | list | liste |
lokosit | akyuvar | white blood cell | leucocyte |
medya * | basın-yayın | media | média |
mekanizma * | düzenek | mechanism | mécanisme |
meridyen * | boylam | longitude | méridien |
mesaj, posta * | ileti | message | message |
metamorfoz * | başkalaşım | metamorphosis | métamorphose |
metot * | yöntem | method | méthode |
monoton * | tekdüze | monotonous | monotone |
mobilya * | ? | furniture | mobilier |
moral * | özgüç | moral | morale |
mutasyon * | değişinim | mutation | mutation |
normal * | olağan | normal | normal |
objektif * | nesnel | objective | objectif |
organizasyon * | düzenleme | organization | organisation |
orijinal * | özgün | original | original |
otorite * | yetke | authority | autorité |
over | yumurtalık | ovary | ovaire |
paradoks * | çelişki | paradox | paradoxe |
paralel * | enlem | latitude | parallèle |
parazit * | asalak | parasite | parasite |
pasif * | edilgen | passive | passif |
performans * | başarım | performance | performance |
plaj * | kumsal | beach | plage |
plato * | yayla | plateau | plateau |
popüler, favori * | gözde | popular, favorite | populaire, favori |
prensip * | ilke | principal | principe |
prezentasyon | sunum | presentation | présentation |
primer | birincil | primary | primaire |
problem * | sorun | problem | problème |
prodüktör | yapımcı | producer | producteur |
program * | izlence | program | programme |
proje * | tasarı | project | projet |
prosedür * | işlem, işleyiş | procedure | procédure |
proses | süreç | process | procès |
provokasyon | kışkırtma | provocation | provocation |
radyoaktif * | ışın etkin | radioactive | radioactif |
randıman * | verim | efficiency | rendement |
rapor * | yazanak | report | rapport |
rejisör | yönetmen | director | régisseur |
resesif | çekinik | recessive | récessif |
restoran * | aşevi | restaurant | restaurant |
rezistans | direnç | resistance | résistance |
sekunder, sekonder | ikincil | secondary | secondaire |
sekreter * | yazman | secretary | secrétaire |
sembol * | simge | symbol | symbole |
semptom * | belirti | symptom | symptôme |
sendrom * | belirti | syndrome | syndrome |
sentez * | bireşim | synthesis | synthèse |
sistem * | dizge | system | système |
simülasyon * | öğrence | simulation | simulation |
solüsyon | çözelti | solution | solution |
spesifik | özellikli | specific | spécifique |
spesiyal | özel | special | spécial |
standart * | ölçün | standard | standard |
statik * | duruk | static | statique |
statü * | durum | status | statut |
subjektif * | öznel | subjective | subjectif |
teori * | kuram | theory | théorie |
tretuvar | kaldırım | pavement / sidewalk | trottoir |
tümör * | ur | tumor | tumeur |
versiyon * | sürüm | version | version |
viraj * | dönemeç | turn (as in traffic) | virage |
ultrason * | yansılanım (the act of echoing) | ultrasound | ultrason |
Loanwords of Persian origin
The list gives the Ottoman Turkish word, the modern spelling of the word in Turkish (as suggested by TDK), the modern Turkish equivalent, and its meaning in English.
Most of the original Persian words are still widely used in modern Turkish. In fact, there are over 1,500 Persian words in Turkish. However, for many of the Persian words (unlike Arabic words), there is no TDK-prescribed equivalent. TDK did not put as much effort into replacing Persian words as it did for Arabic words, largely because the Persian words were better assimilated into the language. Arabic language and culture is general perceived by Turks to be more "foreign" than Persian language and culture, which had a native presence in Anatolia since the time of the Achaemenids, and was patronised for millennia afterwards by other dynasties with a presence in Anatolia such as the Sasanians, Seleucids, Seljuks, Sultanate of Rum, and lastly, the Ottomans, amongst others.
* New words that are not as frequently used as the old words.
Ottoman Turkish word | Modern spelling of the Ottoman Turkish word | Modern Turkish equivalent | Meaning in English | Remarks |
برابر | beraber | birlikte | together | |
بوسه | buse | öpücük | kiss | |
جنگ | cenk | savaş | war | |
چابك | çabuk | ivedi * | quick(ly) | The Turkish word is derived from the verb ivmek, which means to hurry |
چاره | çare | çözüm | solution | |
چهره | çehre | yüz | face | |
چنبر | çember | yuvarlak | circle | |
çeşit | tür | kind, variety | Çeşit is still in popular use. | |
چهار یک | çeyrek | dörtte bir | quarter | Both the Persian and the Turkish expressions literally mean one in four |
درد | dert | ağrı | pain | Dert changed meaning and is now used as "problem" |
دیگر | diğer | öbür, öteki | other | |
دشمن | düşman | yağı * | enemy | The Turkish word is almost never used. |
انديشه | endişe | kaygı | worry (noun) | |
گزيده | güzide | seçkin | élite | Please see the beginning of this article for the derivation of "seçkin" |
خسته | hasta | sayrı* | patient, sick | The Turkish word is never used. The original Persian word actually means tired |
همیشه | hemîşe | her zaman | always | The Persian word is no longer in use. |
هنوز | henüz | daha | yet | Both words are still in popular use. |
kurnaz | açıkgözlü | cunning | The Turkish word literally means open-eyed. Both words are used. | |
مهتاب | mehtap | ay ışığı | moonlight | |
پاپوش | pabuç | ayakkabı | shoe | Both the Persian and the Turkish words literally mean foot coverer |
سرخوش | sarhoş | esrik * | drunk | The Persian word (serhoş) literally means head-sweet. The Turkish word is derived from the verb root es-, meaning to blow, to fan (wind). The Turkish word is no longer used. |
سر | ser | baş | head | |
serbest | erkin * | free, footloose | The Turkish word is almost never used. | |
سرسری | serseri | başıboş | bum, runabout | The Turkish word is rarely used. |
سياه | siyah | kara | black | The Persian and the Turkish word are used in somewhat different contexts. |
بهار | sonbahar | güz | fall (season) | The Persian word behar means spring. The Turkish compound word sonbahar (which literally means last-spring) means fall. The compound word ilkbahar'(first-spring')means spring. But often just the word "bahar" is used. |
شهر | şehir | kent | city | The word kent is actually of Sogdian origin. Sogdian is an Iranian language that is now extinct. |
taze | yeni | new | taze and yeni are used in different ways. While taze means rather fresh, yeni means new. | |
تنبل | tembel | haylaz | lazy | |
ویران | viran | yıkık | ruin | |
یاور | yaver | yardımcı | helper | The Persian word is hardly ever used. |
yeknesak | tekdüze | monotonous | ||
یکپاره | yekpare | bütün | whole | |
زهر | zehir | ağı * | poison, toxin | The Turkish word is rarely used. |
zengin | varsıl *, varlıklı | rich | The Turkish word is rarely used. | |
زور | zor | çetin * | difficult | Both words are used but çetin means very difficult or unfeasible. |
Loanwords of other origin
* Words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.
Loanword | Turkish equivalent | Meaning in English | Origin language | Original spelling | Remarks |
akut | iveğen | acute(ly) | German | akut | |
angarya * | yüklenti | drudgery, forced labor | Greek | αγγαρεία | The Turkish word is still unused. |
endoskopi * | iç görüm ("inside seeing") | endoscopy | English | The Turkish word is less common. | |
fetüs * | dölüt | fetus | Latin | fetus | The Turkish word is used occasionally. |
genetik * | kalıtım (bilimi) ("the science of heredity") | genetics | German | Genetik | Both the loanword and the Turkish word are used. |
hegemonya * | boyunduruk | hegemony | Greek | ηγεμονία | The Turkish word is more commonly used. |
İnternet * | Genel Ağ | Internet | English | The Turkish word is still unused. | |
konsonant | ünsüz | consonant | German[3] | Konsonant | The loanword is now unused. |
kundura * | ayakkabı | shoe | Italian | condura | The Turkish word is more commonly used. |
otoban * | otoyol | highway | German | Autobahn | |
vokal * | ünlü | vowel | German[4] | Vokal | The loanword is now unused. |
pezevenk * | dümbük | procurer | Armenian | բոզավագ | The Turkish word is less common. |
See also
- ↑ "Güncel Türkçe Sözlük" (in Turkish). Turkish Language Association. 2005. Retrieved 2007-03-21.
- ↑ "Türkçe Sözlük (2005)’teki Sözlerin Kökenlerine Ait Sayısal Döküm (Numerical list on the origin of words in Türkçe Sözlük (2005))" (in Turkish). Turkish Language Association. 2005. Retrieved 2007-03-21.
- ↑ TDK Online Dictionary - konsonant
- ↑ TDK Online Dictionary - vokal
- Yazım Kılavuzu, the official spelling guide of the Turkish language on TDK website