List of Sinhalese monarchs

King of the Sinhala Kingdom

Royal Standard of the King of Kandy in 1815

Vijaya the first Sinhalese King
First monarch Vijaya
Last monarch Sri Vikrama Rajasinha
Formation 543 BC
Abolition 1815
Residence Tambapanni, Anuradhapura, Pulatthinagara,[1] Polonnaruwa, Dambadeniya, Gampola, Kotte, Kandy

The Sinhalese monarchy was established in 543 BC with Prince Vijaya founding the Kingdom of Tambapanni and ended with Sri Vikrama Rajasinha of Kandy in 1815. This a list of all those who have reigned, in each of the successive Sinhala Kingdoms.[2] The list is based on the traditional list of Sinhalese monarchs as recorded in the chronicles of the island such as the Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa, Chulavamsa and the Rajaveliya. This list is not a list of ethnically Sinhalese monarchs, it contains all Sinhalese and foreign rulers who have ruled chronologically and in succession under the Sinhalese monarchy.

     Those highlighted in blue are foreign monarchs, of the Sinhalese Monarchy


This list should be used with the following factors kept in mind. Firstly, the dates provided for the earliest monarchs are difficult to objectively verify; those particularly difficult to know have been denoted with a (?) mark. Also, the island of Sri Lanka has been invaded by many foreign powers over its 2500-year history, mainly from South India, and some seized the throne and made the island part of their empires. Most notable are the Cholas in 985 and British in 1815. The Portuguese and the Dutch, however, did not seize the Kandyan throne but only occupied territory within the island.

Note on Chronology

It should be borne in mind that there is controversy about the base date of the Buddhist Era, with 543 BC and 483 BC being advanced as the date of the parinibbana of the Buddha. As Wilhelm Geiger pointed out, the Dipawamsa and Mahawansa are the primary sources for ancient South Asian chronology; they date the consecration (abhisheka) of Ashoka to 218 years after the parinibbana. Chandragupta Maurya ascended the throne 56 years prior to this, or 162 years after the parinibbana. The approximate date of Chandragupta's ascension is within two years of 321 BC (from Megasthenes). Hence the approximate date of the parinibbana is between 485 and 481 BC—which accords well with the Mahayana dating of 483 BC.[3]

According to Geiger, the difference between the two reckonings seems to have occurred at sometime between the reigns of Udaya III (946–954 or 1007–1015) and Pârakkama Pandya (c. 1046–1048), when there was considerable unrest in the country.[3] However, mention is made of an embassy sent to China by Cha-cha Mo-ho-nan in 428. The name may correspond to 'Raja (King) Mahanama', who (by the traditional chronology) reigned about this time.[4]

Furthermore, the traveller-monk Xuanzang, who attempted to visit Sri Lanka about 642, was told by Sri Lankan monks (possibly at Kanchipuram) that there was trouble in the kingdom, so he desisted;[5] this accords with the period of struggle for the throne between Aggabodhi III Sirisanghabo, Jettha Tissa III and Dathopa Tissa I Hatthadpath in 632–643.

Recent indological research has indicated that the Parinibbana of the Buddha may be even later than previously supposed. A majority of the scholars at a symposium held in 1988 in Göttingen regarding the problem were inclined towards a date of 440–360 BCE. However, their calculations were based on the chronology of Tibetan Buddhism, preferred over that of the Dipavamsa/Mahavamasa; the modified chronology, to work, needs to identify the Indian ruler Kalasoka, son of Susunaga, with the Emperor Ashoka, son of Bindusara.[6] It should be noted that the Sri Lankan chronicles are based on even earlier works and that the Buddhist canon was first put into writing in Sri Lanka. The chronology of the following list is based on the traditional Therevada/Sri Lankan system, which is based on 543 BC—60 years earlier than the Mahayana calendar. Dates after c. 1048 are synchronous.

Kingdom of Tambapanni (543–505 BC)

Main article: Kingdom of Tambapanni

House of Vijaya (543–505 BC)

Main article: House of Vijaya
543 BC â€“ 505 BC
son of Sinhabahu, and Sinhasivali
two children
505 BC
Founded Kingdom
Marriage to Kuveni

Kingdom of Upatissa Nuwara (505–377 BC)

House of Vijaya (505–377 BC)

Main article: House of Vijaya
Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
(regent) (interregnum of one year)
--505 BC504 BC*Chief Minister under Vijaya
Panduvasdeva--504 BC474 BC*Nephew of Vijaya
Abhaya--474 BC454 BC*Son of Panduvasdeva
(regent) (interregnum of seventeen years)
--454 BC437 BC*Second son of Panduvasudeva
*younger brother of Abhaya
Pandukabhaya474 BC367 BC437 BC377 BC*Grandson of Panduvasudeva
*Nephew of Abhaya and Tissa

Kingdom of Anuradhapura (377 BC – 1017 AD)

House of Vijaya (377–237 BC)

Main article: House of Vijaya
Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Pandukabhaya474 BC367 BC377 BC367 BC*Grandson of Panduvasudeva
*Nephew of Abhaya and Tissa
Mutasiva--367 BC307 BC*Son of Pandukabhaya
Devanampiya Tissa-267 BC307 BC267 BC*Son of Mutasiva
Uttiya--267 BC257 BC*Son of Mutasiva
Mahasiva--257 BC247 BC*Son of Mutasiva
Suratissa-237 BC247 BC237 BC*Son of Pandukabhaya

Sena and Guttika (237–215 BC)

Sena and Guttika
237 BC â€“ 215 BC
- - - Defeated Suratissa in battle.

House of Vijaya (215–205 BC)

215 BC â€“205 BC
Son of Mutasiva
- 205 BC
Son of Mutasiva

Elara (205–161 BC)

205 BC â€“ 161 BC
235 BC
Chola Empire
- 161 BC
Defeated Asela in battle

House of Vijaya (161–103 BC)

Main article: House of Vijaya
Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Dutthagamani Abhaya the great
(aka Dutta Gamini or Dutugemunu)
--161 BC137 BC*Defeated Elara
*Eldest son of Kavan Tissa
*Originally the ruler of Ruhuna
Saddha Tissa--137 BC119 BC*Brother of Dutugemunu
--119 BC119 BC*Second son of Saddha Tissa
Lanja Tissa--119 BC109 BC*Older brother of Thullattana
*Oldest son of Saddha Tissa
Khallata Naga
--109 BC104 BC*Brother of Lanja Tissa
*Third son of Saddha Tissa
Vattagamani Abhaya
(aka Valagambahu I)
--104 BC103 BC*Fourth son of Saddha Tissa

The Five Dravidans (103–89 BC)

Main article: The Five Dravidians
Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Pulahatta--103 BC100 BC*Tamil Chief
Bahiya--100 BC98 BC*Chief Minister of Pulahatha
Panya Mara--98 BC91 BC*Prime Minister of Bahiya
Pilaya Mara--91 BC90 BC*Chief Minister of Panayamara
Dathika--90 BC88 BC*Chief Minister of Pilayamara

House of Vijaya (89 BC – 66 AD)

Main article: House of Vijaya
Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Vattagamani Abhaya
(aka Valagambahu I)
--89 BC76 BC*Fourth son of Saddha Tissa
Mahakuli Mahatissa
(Maha Cula Maha Tissa)
--76 BC62 BC*Son of Khallatanaga
*Nephew and adopted son of Valagambahu I
Chora Naga
--62 BC50 BC*Son of Valagambahu I
*Cousin of Mahakuli Mahatissa
Kuda Tissa--50 BC47 BC*Son of Mahakuli Mahatissa
Siva I--47 BC47 BC
Vatuka--47 BC47 BC
Darubhatika Tissa--47 BC47 BC
Niliya--47 BC47 BC
Anula--47 BC42 BC*Widow of Chora Naga and Kuda Tissa
Kutakanna Tissa--42 BC20 BC*Brother of Kuda Tissa
*Second son of Mahakuli Mahatissa
Bhatikabhaya Abhaya--20 BC9 AD*Son of Kuttakanna Tissa
Mahadathika Mahanaga--921*Brother of Bhatika Abhaya
Amandagamani Abhaya--2130*Son of Mahadathika Mahanaga
Kanirajanu Tissa--3033*Brother of Amandagamani Abhaya
Chulabhaya--3335*Son of Amandagamani Abhaya
Sivali--3535*Sister of Chulabhaya
--3844*Nephew of Queen Sivali
Chandamukha--4452*Son of Ilanaga
Yassalalaka--5260*Younger brother of Candhamuka Siva
(aka Subha)
--6066*The hall porter of King Yasalaka Tissa

House of Lambakanna I (66–436)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Vasabha--66110*A member of the Lambakanna clan
Vankanasika Tissa--110113*Son of Vasabha
Gajabahu I--113135*Son of Vankanasika Tissa
Mahallaka Naga--135141*Father-in-Law of Gajabahu I
Bhatika Tissa--141165*Son of Mahallaka Naga
Kanittha Tissa--165193*Younger brother of Bhatika Tissa
Cula Naga
(aka Khujjanaga)
--193195*Son of Kanitta Tissa
Kuda Naga
(aka Kunchanaga)
--195196*Brother of Cula Naga
Siri Naga I--196215*Brother-in-Law of Kuda Naga
Voharika Tissa
(aka Vira Tissa & Voharikathissa)
--215237*Son of Siri Naga I
Abhaya Naga--237245*Brother of Voharaka Tissa
Siri Naga II--245247*Son of Voharaka Tissa
Vijaya Kumara--247248*Son of Siri Naga II
Sangha Tissa I--248252*A Lambakanna
Siri Sangha Bodhi I
(aka Siri Sangabo)
--252254*A Lambakanna
Gothabhaya--254267*Minister of State
*A Lambakanna
Jettha Tissa I
(aka Detuthis I)
--267277*Eldest son of Gothabhaya
Mahasena--277304*Brother of Jettha Tissa
*Younger son of Gothabhaya
Sirimeghavanna--304332*Son of Mahasena
Jettha Tissa II--332341*Brother of Sirimeghavanna
Buddhadasa--341370*Son of Jettha Tissa II
Upatissa I--370412*Eldest son of Buddhadasa
Mahanama--412434*Brother of Upatissa I
Soththisena--434434*Mahanama’s son born to a Tamil mother
Chattagahaka Jantu
(aka Chhattagahaka)
--434435*Husband of Sangha
*Daughter of Mahanama by his Sinhala Queen
Mittasena--435436*A noted plunderer

The Six Dravidians (436–463)

Main article: The Six Dravidians
Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Pandu--436441*Pandyan Invader
Parindu--441441*Son of Pandu
Khudda Parinda--441447*Younger brother of Pandu
Tiritara--447447*Fourth Tamil ruler
Dathiya--447450*Fifth Tamil ruler
Pithiya--450452*Sixth Tamil ruler

House of Moriya (463–691)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Dhatusena--463479*Son of Sangha, the daughter of Mahanama
*Liberated Anuradhapura from 27 years of Pandyan Rule
Kashyapa I
(the Usurper),(of Sigiriya)
--479497*Son of King Dhatusena by a Pallava woman
Moggallana I--497515*Son of Dhatusena
*Brother of Kasyapa
Kumara Dhatusena--515524*Son of Mogallana
Kittisena--524524*Son of Kumara Dhatusena
Siva II--524525*Uncle of Kirti Sena
Upatissa II--525526*Son-in-Law of Kumara Dhatusena
Silakala Ambosamanera--526539*A prince of Lambakanna stock
Dathappabhuti--539540*Second son of Silakala
Moggallana II--540560*Eldest brother of Dathapatissa
Kittisiri Meghavanna--560561*Son of Mogallana II
Maha Naga--561564*Minister of War under King Dathapatissa
Aggabodhi I--564598*Brother of Mahanaga
*Nephew and Sub-King of Mahanaga
Aggabodhi II--598608*Nephew and son-in-law of Aggabodhi I
Sangha Tissa II--608608*Brother and Sword-bearer of Aggabodhi II
Moggallana III--608614*Commander-in-Chief during the reign of Aggabodhi II
Silameghavanna--614623*King Mogallana’s Sword-bearer
Aggabodhi III--623623*Son of Silimeghavanna
Jettha Tissa III--623624*Son of King Sangha Tissa
Aggabodhi III
--624640*Son of Silimeghavanna
Dathopa Tissa I
--640652*General of Jettha Tissa (Dathasiva)
Kassapa II--652661*Brother of Agbo II
*Sub-King of Dathopa Tissa
Dappula I--661664*Son in law of Silimeghavanna
Dathopa Tissa II-673664673*Nephew of Dathopa Tissa I (Hattha Datha)
Aggabodhi IV--673689*Younger brother of Dathopa Tissa
Unhanagara Hatthadatha--691691*A chief of Royal blood who was placed on the throne by a wealthy Tamil Officer

House of Lambakanna II (691–1017)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Manavanna--691726*Son of Kassapa I
*Descendant of Silamegahavanna
Aggabodhi V--726732*Son of Manavamma
Kassapa III--732738*Brother of Aggabodhi V
Mahinda I--738741*Younger brother of Kassapa III
Aggabodhi VI--741781*Son of Kassapa III
Aggabodhi VII
(From Polonnaruwa)
--781787*Son of Mahinda
Mahinda II
--787807*Son of Aggabodhi VI
Dappula II--807812*Son of Mahinda II
*The sub-king of Mahinda II
Mahinda III--812816*Son of Dappula II
Aggabodhi VIII--816827*Brother of Mahinda III
Dappula III--827843*Younger brother of Aggabodhi VIII
Aggabodhi IX--843846*Son of Dappula III
Sena I--846866*Younger brother of Aggabodhi IX
Sena II--866901*Nephew of Sena I
*Son of Kassapa
Udaya I--901912*Brother of sub-king of Sena II
Kassapa IV--912929*Son of Sena II
*Sub-king of Udaya I
Kassapa V--929939*Son of Kassapa IV
Dappula IV--939940*Son of Kassapa V
Dappula V--940952*Brother of Dappula IV
Udaya II--952955*Nephew of Sena II
*Sub-king of Dappula V
Sena III--955964*Brother of Udaya II
Udaya III--964972*Sub-king of Sena III (a great friend of the king)
Sena IV--972975*Son of Kassapa V
*Sub-king of Udaya III
Mahinda IV--975991*Brother of Sena IV
*Nephew of Udaya III
*Sub-king of Sena
Sena V--9911001*Son of Mahinda IV
Mahinda V
(Fled and ruled in Ruhuna)
(Deported c. 1017)
-102910011017*Younger brother of Sena V

Chola occupied Anuradhapura (1017–1070)

Chola Dynasty (1017–1070)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Rajendra Chola I-104410171044*Son of Raja Raja Chola I
*Made the occupied areas a province of the Chola empire
Rajadhiraja Chola-105410181054*Son of Rajendra
Rajendra Chola II-106310511063*Son of Rajendra
Virarajendra Chola-107010631070*Son of Rajendra
Athirajendra Chola-107010671070*Son of Virarajendra Chola

Kingdom of Polonnaruwa (1056–1236)

House of Vijayabahu (1056–1187)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Vijayabahu I--10561111*Member of the Sinhala Royal Family
Jayabahu I
(Polonnaruwa and Ruhuna)
--11101111*Brother of Vijayabahu I
*Prime Minister of Vijayabahu I
Vikramabahu I-113211111132*Son of Vijayabahu I
Gajabahu II--11311153*Son of Vikramabahu I
Parakramabahu I 'the Great'1123118611531186*Grandson of Vijayabahu I
Vijayabahu II--11861187*Parakramabahu I’s nephew
Mahinda VI--11871187*A Kalinga

House of Kalinga (1187–1197)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Nissanka Malla1157 or 1158119611871196*Son-in-law or nephew to Parakrama Bahu I
Vira Bahu I--11961196*Son of Nissanka Malla
Vikramabahu II--11961196*Younger brother of Nissanka Malla
Chodaganga--11961197*Nephew of Nissanka Malla

House of Vijayabahu, Restored (1197–1200)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Lilavati--11971200*Widow of Parakramabahu I

House of Kalinga, Restored (1200–1209)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Sahassa Malla--12001202*Younger brother of Nissanka Malla
Kalyanavati--12021208*Queen of Nissanka Malla
Dharmasoka--12081209*Deposed Kalyanavati and installed by Ayasmantha
Anikanga--12091209*Father of Dharmasoka

House of Vijayabahu, Restored (1209–1210)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
(1st Restoration)
--12091210*Widow of Parakramabahu I

Lokissara (1210–1211)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Lokissara--12101211Leader of a Tamil army.

House of Vijayabahu, Restored (1211–1212)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
(2nd Restoration)
--12111212*Widow of Parakramabahu I

Pandyan Dynasty (1212–1215)

Main article: Pandyan Dynasty
Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Parakrama Pandya--12121215*Pandyan King

House of Kalinga (India) (1215–1236)

Main article: Kalinga (India)

After Kalinga Magha invaded, with the intent of ruling the whole island, the Kingdom of Polonnaruwa was sacked. This caused massive Sinhalese migration to the south and west of the island. Unable to capture the whole island Kalinga Magha establishes the Jaffna kingdom becoming its first monarch. The Jaffna kingdom is situated in modern northern Sri Lanka while the Kingdom of Dambadeniya was established by Vijayabahu III on the rest of the island in around 1220.[7]

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Kalinga Magha--12151236*A prince of Kalinga

Kingdom of Dambadeniya (1220–1345)

House of Siri Sanga Bo (1220–1345)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Vijayabahu III--12201224*A patriotic Prince of Sinhala Royal blood
Parakkamabahu II--12341269*Eldest son of Vijaya Bahu III
Vijayabahu IV-October 12701267/8October 1270*Eldest son of Panditha Parakrama Bahu II
Bhuvanaikabahu I
(from Yapahuwa)
--12711283*Brother of Vijaya Bahu IV
Parakkamabahu III
(from Polonnaruwa)
--13021310*Nephew of Buvaneka Bahu I
*Son of Vijaya Bahu IV
Bhuvanaikabahu II
(from Kurunagala)
--13101325/6*Son of Buvaneka Bahu I
*Cousin of Parakrama Bahu III
Parakkamabahu IV
(from Kurunagala)
--1325/61325/6*Son of Buvanekka Bahu II
Bhuvanaikabahu III
(from Kurunagala)
--1325/61325/6*Known as Vanni Buvaneka Bahu
Vijayabahu V
(from Kurunagala)
--1325/61344/5*Second son of Chandra Banu of Jaffnapatnam

Kingdom of Gampola (1345–1412)

Main article: Kingdom of Gampola

House of Siri Sanga Bo (1345–1412)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Bhuvanaikabahu IV--1344/51353/4*Son of Vijaya Bahu V
Parakkamabahu V
(from Dedigama)
1311-1344/51359*Son of Vijaya Bahu V
*Brother of Buvaneka Bahu IV
Vikramabahu III--13571374*Son of Buvaneka Bahu IV
Bhuvanaikabahu V--1372/31391/2*Nissanka Alakeswara’s son by the sister of Vikrama Bahu III
Vira Bahu II--1391/21397*Brother in law of King Buvaneka Bahu V
Son of Vira Bahu II--13971397*Son of Vira Bahu II
Son of Vira Bahu II--13971397*Son of Vira Bahu II
Vira Alakesvara
(aka Vijaya Bahu VI)
Parakrama Bahu Epa--14091412*Grandson of Senalankahikara Senevirat
minister of Bhuvanaikabâhu IV.

Kingdom of Kotte (1412–1597)

Main article: Kingdom of Kotte

House of Siri Sanga Bo (1412–1597)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Parakramabahu VI--14121467*Son of Vijaya Bahu VI and his Queen Sunetra Devi
*Or the third son of Chandra Banu of Yapa Patuna (Jaffnapatnam)
Jayabahu II
(Vira Parakrama Bahu VII)
--14671472*Son of Parakrama Bahu II’s natural daughter, Ulakudaya Devi
Bhuvanekabahu VI
(aka Sapumal Kumara)
--14721480*Son of Parakrama Bahu VI
Parakramabahu VII--14801484
Parakramabahu VIII--14841518*Ambulagala Kumara
*Son of Parakrama Bahu VI
Dharma Parakramabahu IX
(from Kelaniya)
--15091528*Son of Vira Parakrama Bahu VIII
Vijayabahu VII-152115091521*Brother of Dharma Parakrama Bahu IX
*Rajah of Menik Kadavara
Bhuvanekabahu VII-155115211551*Eldest son of Vijaya Bahu
(aka Dom Joaõ Dharmapala)
-May 27, 15971551May 27, 1597*Grandson and heir of Bhuvanekabãhu VII

Kingdom of Sitawaka (1521–1593)

Main article: Kingdom of Sitawaka

House of Siri Sanga Bo (1521–1593)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Mayadunne1501158115211581*Brother of Bhuvaneka Bahu VII
*Son of Vijaya Bahu VII
Rajasinha I
(aka Tikiri Banda)
1544159315811593*Son of Mayadunne

Kingdom of Kandy (1590–1815)

House of Dinajara (1590–1739)

Portrait Name Birth Death King From King Until Relationship with Predecessor(s)
Vimaladharmasuriya I
(aka Don João da Austria)
-160415901604*Son of Vijayasundara Bandara
Senarat-163516041635*Cousin of Vimala Dharma Suriya I
Rajasinghe II16086 December 16871635November 25, 1687*Son of Senarat and Dona Catherina
Vimaladharmasurya II-June 4, 17071687June 4, 1707*Son of King Rajasinghe II
Vira Narendra Sinha
(aka Sri Vira Parakrama Narendra Singha)
169013 May 1739June 4, 170713 May 1739*Son of Vimala Dharma Suriya II

House of Kandy Nayakar (1739–1815)

Main article: Nayaks of Kandy
Sri Vijaya Rajasinha
13 May 1739 â€“
11 August 1747
Madurai, Madurai Nayak dynasty
son of Pitti Nayakkar
1 Madurai Spouse 11 August 1747
Brother-in-law of Vira Narendra Sinha
Kirti Sri Rajasinha
11 August 1747 â€“
2 January 1782
Madurai, Madurai Nayak dynasty
son of Narenappa Nayakkar
6 Madurai Spouses
Yakada Doli
2 sons, 6 daughters
2 January 1782
Brother-in-law of Sri Vijaya Rajasinha
Sri Rajadhi Rajasinha
2 January 1782 â€“
26 July 1798
son of Narenappa Nayakkar
Queen Upendramma 26 July 1798
Brother of Kirti Sri Rajasinha
Sri Vikrama Rajasinha
(aka Rajasinha IV; Kannasamy)
26 July 1798 â€“
5 March 1815
son of Sri Venkata Perumal and Subbamma Nayaka
4 spouses
3 children
30 January 1832
Vellore Fort, Company rule in India
Nephew of Sri Rajadhi Rajasinha

End of monarchy

In 1796 the British first entered the island and gained control of the coastal areas from the Dutch. After the Kandyan Wars and the signing of the Kandyan Convention in 1815 the island recognized the British monarch as Sovereign, ending over 2000 years of Sri Lankan indigenous monarchy.


Kingdom of Kandy Kingdom of Sitawaka Kingdom of Kotte Kingdom of Gampola Kingdom of Dambadeniya Kingdom of Polonnaruwa Chola occupation of Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kingdom Kingdom of Upatissa Nuwara Kingdom of Tambapanni Nayaks of Kandy House of Siri Sanga Bo House of Vijaya House of Vijaya House of Vijaya House of Vijaya


  1. ↑ "Anurādhapura". Retrieved 27 February 2013.
  2. ↑ "The Mahavamsa: Original Version Chapters 1 – 37". Retrieved 27 February 2013.
  3. 1 2 Geiger (Tr), Wilhelm (1912). The Mahawamsa or Great Chronicle of Ceylon. Oxford: Oxford University Press (for the Pali Text Society). p. 300.
  4. ↑ S G M Weerasinghe, A history of the cultural relations between Sri Lanka and China: an aspect of the Silk Route, Colombo: Central Cultural Fund, 1995, ISBN 955-613-055-1, p.40
  5. ↑ Stephen Spencer Gosch, Peter N. Stearns, Premodern Travel in World History, Routledge, 2008; ISBN 0-415-22940-5, p.93
  6. ↑ Cousins, L. S. "The Dating of the Historical Buddha: A Review Article". indology. Retrieved 27 February 2013.
  7. ↑ Codrington, Humphry William. "The Dambadeniya And Gampola Kings". Retrieved 27 February 2013.

Further Reading

Primary sources

Secondary sources

  • Blaze, L. E (1995). History of Ceylon. Asian Educational Services. ISBN 978-81-206-1074-3. 
  • de Silva, K. M. (2005). A History of Sri Lanka. Colombo: Vijitha Yapa. p. 782. ISBN 955-8095-92-3. 
  • Mittal, J. P. (2006). "Other dynasties". History of Ancient India: From 4250 BC to 637 AD. Volume 2 of History of Ancient India: A New Version. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors. ISBN 81-269-0616-2. 
  • Nicholas, C. W.; Paranavitana, S. (1961). A Concise History of Ceylon. Colombo University Press. 
  • Siriweera, W. I. (2004). History of Sri Lanka. Dayawansa Jayakodi & Company. ISBN 978-955-551-257-2. 
  • Wijesooriya, S. (2006). A Concise Sinhala Mahavamsa. Participatory Development Forum. ISBN 978-955-9140-31-3. 

External links

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